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The physical properties of workover fluids are important in the success of workover operations, in particular, emulsion stability and viscosity. In this work these properties have been investigated using a direct emulsion of oil in water. Three emulsifiers were analyzed and their effects on emulsion stability have been measured both in terms of surface tension decrease and their hydrophilic-lypophilic behavior. An extensive investigation on viscosity was carried out under laboratory conditions and the results reported as isokoms in ternary diagrams. The experimental results were analyzed in terms of an Arrhenius-type equation. It is concluded that small changes in composition lead to large changes in the viscous properties of the workover fluid.  相似文献   


The production processes for petroleum gases employ a broad range of simulation packages to reduce capital, time, and cost associated with actual recovery and pipeline transportation. Viscosity model is an important component of these packages. In this work, we have presented an empirical model for predicting the viscosity of petroleum gases, developed from the three-parameter Yaws equation. New constants were derived for various petroleum gases, as well as for gaseous carbon dioxide. Results obtained with the new model were compared with the viscosity predictions from the Yaws model, and the Miadonye and Clyburn correlation. For four petroleum gases and carbon dioxide at temperatures of 110 K to 1,500 K, the model gave an excellent viscosity prediction with overall average absolute deviations of 0.34% and 0.98%, respectively. The model is simple to incorporate into design and simulation packages, and more accurate than any correlation currently used in petroleum industry for predicting the viscosities of petroleum gases.  相似文献   

The production processes for petroleum gases employ a broad range of simulation packages to reduce capital, time, and cost associated with actual recovery and pipeline transportation. Viscosity model is an important component of these packages. In this work, we have presented an empirical model for predicting the viscosity of petroleum gases, developed from the three-parameter Yaws equation. New constants were derived for various petroleum gases, as well as for gaseous carbon dioxide. Results obtained with the new model were compared with the viscosity predictions from the Yaws model, and the Miadonye and Clyburn correlation. For four petroleum gases and carbon dioxide at temperatures of 110 K to 1,500 K, the model gave an excellent viscosity prediction with overall average absolute deviations of 0.34% and 0.98%, respectively. The model is simple to incorporate into design and simulation packages, and more accurate than any correlation currently used in petroleum industry for predicting the viscosities of petroleum gases.  相似文献   

预测钻井完井液对油气层损害的数学模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
考虑钻开储层时粘土水化膨胀、微粒沉积与释放、微粒运移堵塞等对井壁周围储层渗透率的影响 ,建立了一套与钻井液完井液有关的储层损害程度数学模型 ,包括 :渗透率与孔隙度联立方程 ;连续性方程 ;微粒运移方程 ;粘土水化膨胀速率方程 ;侵入液微粒沉积速率方程 ;岩石微粒释放速率方程 ;微粒运移喉道堵塞模式。运用有限差分近似方法求解模型参数和测量可测参数 ,并将此过程编成计算机程序 ,可计算出钻开储层时钻井液对储层的损害程度。室内模拟试验表明 ,建立的模型是有效的。  相似文献   

Viscosities are important parameters for design and operation of crude pipelines. The heating temperature is the major factor affecting viscosities of waxy crude below the wax appearance temperature. Below the abnormal point, waxy crude exhibits non-Newtonian flow behavior with the viscosity dependent on the shear rate. Both of these make determination of the non-Newtonian viscosities of waxy crude a very time-consuming job. On the basis of the model for predicting non-Newtonian viscosity of waxy crudes as a function of temperature and precipitated wax, an approach to predict non-Newtonian viscosity of waxy crude heated to various temperatures has been developed only based on a few measurements. The accuracy of prediction by this approach has been verified by 468 viscosity data from the Daqing crude heated at various temperatures. The totally average relative deviation between the measured and predicted viscosity is 9.42%.  相似文献   

分形理论在储集层横向预测和油气层判断中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
复杂的地质现象具有内部自相似特点,因此,可以用分形理论来进行定量预测。介绍了利用地震数据求取面积、关联、振幅3种维数的方法和原理,并通过建立的理论模型和计算3种维数,可以进行储集层预测和油气判断的工作。通过实例分析,表明分形分维技术能够较准确地反映地震波形特征和油气藏本身的变化,是一种比较好的进行储集层预测等工作的方法。  相似文献   

建立了考虑流体粘度在径向上变化的多重组合油藏井分析模型,应用拉氏变换对数学模型求解,得到一个拉氏空间的多元线性方程组,采用解线性方程组的LU分解法及数值反演技术,求得了井底压力的实空间解,并给出了用于试井分析的典型曲线。应用本模型可对聚合物驱或三元复合驱等流体性质变化的油藏试井资料进行分析。  相似文献   

状态方程与粘度模型匹配预测原油粘度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于改进的Dean-Stiel粘度模型,提出了将状态方程与之结合进行原油粘度预测的方法,采用Patel-Teja状态方程预测结果最好,平均相对误差为6.27%。  相似文献   

压裂是油气增产的主要措施之一,常规水基压裂对环境和水资源带来前所未有的威胁,低伤害和环境友好型无水压裂液将成为今后压裂技术研究与应用的热点。介绍了烃基无水压裂液的组成、技术优势和存在的问题。通过文献调研发现,以二烷基磷酸酯及其盐作为胶凝剂、三价金属离子作交联剂、醋酸钠和碳酸钠作破胶剂制备的烃基无水压裂液技术,能满足130℃以内油气储层压裂施工需求,可解决页岩油气等非常规油气藏在压裂改造中遇到的水资源消耗大、返排废液难处理、储层伤害大等技术难题。烃基无水压裂液在实现油气田绿色高效开发过程中,具有广阔的技术优势和应用前景,但是,施工安全和价格仍然是制约无水压裂液规模化现场应用的最大障碍。   相似文献   

高凝高粘原油井筒粘度计算模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大港油田高凝高粘原油在不同含水、不同温度下的粘度测试结果表明,在不同含水条件下,随温度的升高,高凝高粘原油的粘度都有不同程度的降低,表现出了很明显的粘温特性;在同一温度下,原油的粘度随着含水率的变化是一个先增加后减小的过程,峰值含水区间为20%~40%;对实测原油粘度数据进行回归得到粘度计算经验模型。根据幂律流体流动规律分别建立了有杆抽油井上冲程和下冲程过程中井筒和杆管环形管道内流体流动的速度场模型和相对应的流体粘度计算模型。计算结果显示,所建立的井筒粘度计算模型与实测结果误差较小,大大优于常规油井井筒粘度计算模型,能够满足工程需要。  相似文献   


A simple model is developed for the estimation of viscosity of hydrocarbon liquids considering that drag on molecular motion due to thermal energy is balanced by intermolecular attractions. The model equation is validated with National Institute of Standards and Technology data on hydrocarbon liquids (C3-C10 and C12) considering the effect of molecular shape on drag force. The molecular shape is correlated well with molecular weight of hydrocarbon liquids. The accuracy of the proposed model equation is compared with the correlation. The result showed that the proposed model is more accurate. The proposed model equation predicts the viscosity over a wide range of temperature for C3-C25 with overall absolute average deviation of 5.13%.  相似文献   

马氏漏斗黏度和表观黏度在钻井流体性能表征上均有其重要作用,但对于它们的相互关系目前尚未有明确的结论.为此,基于漏斗黏度测定原理,探讨钻井流体在漏斗中流出的全过程,建立马氏漏斗黏度和表观黏度之间的关系式,采用室内配制钻井流体的测定结果,证实所建关系式的可靠性.结果表明,钻井流体的漏斗黏度反映了随漏斗剪切速率变化的表观黏度;当已知钻井流体的马氏漏斗黏度时,可用漏斗黏度与表观黏度的关系式估算其表观黏度,计算结果可靠,为钻井流体表观黏度和漏斗黏度的应用提供了方便.  相似文献   

油水混合粘度受温度、剪切速率、含水率3种因素协同影响,很难用常规方程准确计算.提出了采用人工神经网络进行油水乳状液粘度预测的新方法.建立了三层结构BP神经网络模型,输入层有3个神经元,分别代表温度、剪切速率、含水率,输出层有一个神经元,代表油水混合物粘度,隐层神经元数目为30个.在实验室配置一定比例的油水乳状液,通过流...  相似文献   

深井油基钻井液在应用中一个重要的技术难题是如何对高温高压条件下不同井深处的油基钻井液流变参数和钻井液密度进行准确的预测,从而采取相应的技术措施,使之具有良好的携岩能力,并使钻井液密度始终保持在适宜范围。在前人工作基础上,通过对试验数据进行多元回归数学处理,分别建立了预测高温高压下油基钻井液表观粘度和密度的数学模型,并提出了相应的快速预测方法。室内试验结果表明,表观粘度的预测值与实测值的吻合情况良好,相对误差可控制在±10%以内。对钻井液密度预测值的验证有待于今后进行。  相似文献   

本文提出一种用于计算高压天然气粘度的数学模型。使用本模型时,先求解天然气密度,再计算天然气粘度,在广泛的温度(37.8~171℃)、压力(0.69~55MPa)范围内,用本模型进行考核计算;模型计算值与实测值可很好地相符。  相似文献   

变粘酸用转向稠化剂VCA的研制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赵梦云  赵忠扬  赵青 《油田化学》2005,22(2):133-135,129
由长链脂肪酸衍生物合成了分子量~480、易溶于水和酸的阳离子表面活性剂VCA,实验考察了VCA作为自变粘盐酸液稠化剂的性能。VCA为50%水溶液,呈棕红色,粘度~10 mPa.s,在22%盐酸中当温度<40℃时可稳定存在7天以上。在25℃模拟酸岩反应中,含VCA的22%盐酸液逐步被Ca(OH)2中和,当酸浓度降至17%以下时,在Ca2 作用下VCA球形胶束变为蠕虫状胶束并形成网状结构,酸液变为粘弹性凝胶,20和40 g/L VCA酸液粘度最高达~450和接近900 mPa.s(乏酸浓度3%时),酸岩反应完成、pH值升至4以上时凝胶完全破解。VCA酸液耐温性良好,浓度由22%被中和至16%的含40 g/L VCA的盐酸液,在90℃、170 s-1粘温性测定中,初始粘度~82 mPa.s(~25℃),最高粘度~95 mPa.s(90℃),1小时后粘度≥19 mPa.s(90℃)。含20 g/L VCA的22%盐酸液与大理石在90℃、常压、静态反应100 min,大理石剩余质量>50%,表明该酸液缓速性良好。含40 g/L VCA的22%盐酸液在相同条件下与大理石完全反应后,乏酸液粘度<5.0 mPa.s,无沉淀,与水完全混溶。图3参5。  相似文献   


Predicting crude oil viscosity is a challenge faced by reservoir engineers in production planning. Some early researchers have propounded some theories based on crude oil properties and have encountered various problems leading to errors in forecasted values. This article discusses work carried out with a model using an artificial neural network (ANN) for predicting crude oil viscosity of Nigerian crude oil. The model was started through adoption of a classical regression technique empirical method for dead oil viscosity as a function of American Institute for Petroleum (API) and reduced temperature. The Peng–Robinson equation of state and other thermodynamic properties are introduced, coupled with the Standing model for calculating bubble point pressure (Pb). The developed model was evaluated using existing measured real-life data collected from 10 oil fields within the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Both the predicted and measured viscosities were plotted against each corresponding reservoir pressure to establish the model's level of reliability. The superimposition of the pressure-viscosity relationship shows that at each point, the viscosity model captures the physical behavior of viscosity variations with pressure. In each case, the ANN does not require a data relationship to predict the crude oil viscosity but rather relies on the field data obtained for training. For this reason, it is recommended that the ANN approach should be applied in oil fields for reduction in error, computational time, and cost of overproduction and underproduction.  相似文献   

钻井泥浆对储层损害的理论预测模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

高含水油-水混合液往往不能形成稳定的乳状液,而是原油将其中一部分水乳化,形成了油包水(W/O)乳状液液滴和游离水的掺混体系.传统的乳状液黏度模型并不适用于这种非稳定乳化的油-水混合体系.采用搅拌测黏法测定并研究了搅拌转速、含水率及温度对油-水混合液表观黏度的影响.结果表明:油-水混合液的表观黏度随着搅拌速率的增大、含水...  相似文献   

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