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向油藏内注入烟道气是一种很有前途的三次采油方法,由于稠油油田大多采用热采开发方式,在取得所需蒸汽的同时,必然会伴生有大量的烟道气产生.所以,如何在稠油油田开发过程中合理应用注烟道气技术是一个十分值得关注的问题.常规的方法存在着投资大、工艺复杂、设备庞杂等缺点,限制了注烟道气开发的推广使用.为此,提出了"蒸汽--烟道气混注"技术,其原理是采用蒸汽喷射泵以注汽锅炉产生的高压水蒸汽为动力,为伴随注汽锅炉产生的烟道气提供能量,使其在喷射泵内与水蒸汽发生混合,并将混合后的物质注入油井.依据工程热力学原理,对水蒸汽喷射泵用于稠油吞吐井注烟道气进行了可行性研究,研究结果对于进一步发展稠油蒸汽吞吐技术和实现稠油开采方式转换提供了新的方向.  相似文献   


Among all enhanced oil recovery (EOR) scenarios, gas injection seems to be promising for implementation in naturally fractured reservoirs. The use of CO2 has received considerable interest as a method of EOR but a major drawback is its availability and increasing cost. Therefore, an alternative gas like CH4 or N2 must be considered to meet the economic considerations. To investigate the efficiency of oil recovery by CO2, N2, and CH4 injection in fractured carbonate rock, a series of experiments was designed. Both miscible and immiscible schemes for gas injection were carried out on a low-permeable outcrop carbonate rock that was surrounded by fracture, established with a novel experimental method. The experiments aimed to investigate the potential of oil recovery by secondary and tertiary gas injection under high-temperature conditions. The matrix block was saturated using a recombined mixture of Iranian live oil, and by pumping water into the annular space, the space between rubber sleeve and outer jacket, high overburden pressure was exerted to obtain the desired homogeneous saturation. Using a back-pressure regulator, the pressure was kept above the bubble point pressure. The inlet was attached to a constant pressure pump injecting gas or water above the bubble point pressure, and the overburden pressure was removed gradually and the inlet fluid inflated the rubber sleeve. The amount of produced water from the annular space was recorded to estimate the distance between the rubber sleeve and sand face. This distance creates the fracture surrounding the core. Gas was injected into the fracture at pressures above the bubble point of the oil. Oil recovery as a function of time was monitored during the experiments. Results from both secondary and tertiary gas injection experiments indicate that CO2 injection at elevated pressure and temperature is more efficient than N2 and CH4 injection.  相似文献   

为了促进规范的微生物驱油物理模拟试验方法的形成,在分析国内外内源微生物物理模拟驱油试验的基础上,采用克拉玛依试验区块的矿场原油、地层水和注入水,模拟试验区块的地层条件(油层温度、孔隙度、渗透率、剩余油饱和度等),进行了内源微生物驱油物理模拟试验,讨论了注气方式、岩心材料两方面因素对试验结果的影响,对不同注气方式、不同岩心材料条件下的驱油效率进行了检测,分析了注气方式和岩心材料对提高原油采收率的影响。结果表明:不同的注气方式对采收率提高幅度具有一定影响,与采用状态方程计算空气量的注气方式相比,常压下计量空气量的注气方式采收率提高幅度稍大;不同岩心材料下的采收率提高幅度不同,其中河道砂填砂模型与人造胶结岩心采收率提高幅度相差不大,石英砂填砂模型采收率提高幅度最大,人造烧结岩心采收率提高幅度最小。通过内源微生物驱油试验,认识了两种注气方式及不同岩心对提高采收率的影响,为进一步深入研究内源微生物采油技术奠定了一定的基础。   相似文献   

1. Introduction Injection recovery of oilfields is a method which supplies energy, keeps the stratum pressure, improves the oil-recovery speed and rate through injecting water from injection well to the strata. The main method is to build injection statio…  相似文献   

某矿注水站综合耗电占矿总耗电的23%,为降低运行能耗,通过对注水站能耗状况进行调查统计,分析了影响单耗和泵效等的因素,采用减级、涂膜和单双泵布局调整等措施,减级改造降压后,泵管压差下降了0.9 MPa,平均注水单耗由5.98 kWh/m3下降到5.77 kWh/m3,下降了0.21 kWh/m3;涂膜后注水泵单耗由6....  相似文献   

潜油电泵系统在较高含气井中工作时,经常发生气锁,严重影响泵的性能和寿命.为了使进入潜油电泵的井液达到要求的气液比,目前是使用油气分离器,但是其分离效果较差,使用范围受到限制.介绍了一种新型高含气井用潜油电泵气体处理器.设计了特殊结构的叶轮、导轮、盖板和轮毂,组成混流通道,将高含气的井液处理为含气量低且流动性能如单相流的井液,使得该气体处理器具有比普通潜油泵更高的携气能力.现场应用表明:该气体处理器可使潜油电泵机组在气液较高的油井中稳定运行,效果显著.  相似文献   

永22地下储气库是我国第一座由含硫气藏改建的碳酸盐岩储层的地下储气库。针对其储层埋藏深、安全要求严、施工难度大的特点,对永22储气库的钻井、注采、措施改造、联作工艺等钻采一体化工艺技术进行了论述。现场应用表明:各工艺满足生产工况条件,施工成功率达到100%,实现了经济、安全、可靠的设计目标,形成了含硫气藏改建地下储气库的钻、注采一体化工艺技术。  相似文献   

台阶式注入流量测试是直接针对煤层及围岩进行的测试方法,能比较准确地获得煤层破裂压力、破裂梯度、最小原地应力、最大注入量,为恒流量注入/压降测试和煤层水力压裂设计提供更准确的参数.  相似文献   

提高采收率的注气实验评价体系   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
注气与常规的水驱及其它驱动方式相比有较大的特殊性,近年来由于各种气源的大量发现,越来越多的油田开发探索注气提高采收率的可行性问题,然而目前还未见到系统评价,配套实验及在开发中的应用方面的文献,根据多年研究的经验和国内外相关的报道,首先对注气相关配套实验及研究目的进行简要介绍,然后对不同种类的油田和注入介质的实验内容进行分析,为现场注气,室内评价实验内容的设置及研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Condensate loss is one of the major challenges in the gas condensate reservoirs. It results in a reduction of gas permeability and gas productivity. Different methods have been proposed to mitigate the condensate dropout and increase gas and condensate productivity. One of these techniques is gas recycling. Moreover, dry gases such as methane, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide are good candidates for this purpose. The authors investigate the effect of gas recycling and gas injection on an Iranian gas condensate reservoir. First, a literature review of the subject matter was carried out, followed by an introduction of the field. Afterward, steps performed for construction of dynamic model were described. Then, specified production scenario for development plan of the field was presented. A sensitivity analysis was carried out to determine the optimum number of additional wells to meet the target rate of the field. Consequently, injection scenarios including gas recycling, methane injection, nitrogen injection, and CO2 injection at different injection rates were studied. Results indicated that nitrogen injection and gas recycling can improve recovery factor and plateau time rather than other cases. At high injection rates, gas recycling showed the highest condensate recovery (47%) among these scenarios.  相似文献   

水力射流泵排水采气工艺技术及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论述了水力射流泵排水采气工艺技术的工艺原理、结构特点、效益以及川渝气田纳30井水力射流泵排水采气工艺的现场应用情况,证明了该技术的有效性和可推广性。随着射流泵产品的不断更新和应用水平的提高,在川渝气田条件合适的井中大量应用该工艺,可有效提高有水气藏的采收率,降低成本和提高经济效益。  相似文献   


The authors' purpose was twofold: (a) to study optimum capillary number for acquiring maximum oil recovery in vertical gas-oil displacement using carbonate and sandstone cores, and (b) to investigate the influence of capillary end effect on optimum capillary number extracted from experimental data. Two sets of forced gravity drainage experiments were performed on carbonate and sandstone cores. The first set of experiments comprised seven vertical nitrogen injection tests using carbonate core, which had been saturated by kerosene in ambient laboratory condition. The second set consisted of six vertical nitrogen injection tests using sandstone core that had been saturated by live oil under reservoir temperature and pressure conditions. In each set of experiments, in constant bond number, one optimum capillary number (optimum flow rate) was recorded in which the maximum oil recovery was achieved. When capillary end effect was negligible, optimum capillary number was compatible with critical capillary number, which was calculated in critical gravity drainage velocity while in considerable end effect, optimum capillary number was higher than the calculated critical capillary number. In addition, the residual oil saturation in carbonate rock showed a declining trend when capillary number increased, whereas the minimum of residual oil saturation in sandstone core has been observed in optimum capillary number.  相似文献   

21世纪国内油气钻井面临着许多新的挑战,油气钻井核心技术的筛选对于科学合理地制定油气钻井科技发展战略具有重要意义。文中从国内陆上石油发展战略目标出发,建立了一套较为完善的油气钻井核心技术评价指标体系。应用系统工程理论的"理想点"法对油气钻井核心技术进行评价,根据优属度的大小确定各技术的优先顺序。  相似文献   

为了完善深水钻井的理论基础,研究了隔水管气举双梯度钻井过程中注气量的计算方法。基于双梯度钻井过程中气液固多相流动特性,建立了对应的多相流动方程;结合一定的定解条件,得到隔水管气举双梯度钻井过程中注气量的计算模型。利用该计算模型,可以设计隔水管气举双梯度钻井过程中的注气量,分析影响注气量的因素和影响规律。分析表明,钻井液密度、钻井液排量、水深以及隔水管顶部井口回压等参数变化时,注气量也大致呈线性变化,而且井口回压对注气量的影响最敏感。研究结果表明,利用多相流动理论研究隔水管气举双梯度钻井过程中注气量的设计方法是可行的,为今后开展双梯度钻井提供了理论依据。   相似文献   

��Ȼ��ע�״�������õ����Ƽ�Ӧ��   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对冬季天然气输气过程中须注入防冻剂,以及气波制冷天然气脱水装置和轻油回收装置的操作要求,在大量试验研究工作的基础上,研制出了一种新型注甲醇雾化喷射泵。该泵具有以下特点:①不需外加动力;②天然气流过该泵的阻力降非常小;③醇雾化度高;④注醇量连续可调;⑤适用压力范围广;⑥结构简单。无任何运动部件。中还介绍了该泵在中国油田上的实际应用情况。  相似文献   


Most gas lift well networks confront the limitations of both gas supply and compressor capacity. Thus, simultaneously allocating a number of the wells the optimum of the gas injection rate and the gas injection depth to reach the maximum oil production, in addition to satisfying the stated constraints, is the most important effort for the design process. This novel approach is a modification of the conventional allocation optimization problem in which no constraint on the gas injection pressure at the surface was considered. In this work, a model using a particle swarm optimization algorithm and penalty function method is presented to solve the new approach of the allocation optimization problem with high speed and desirable accuracy. Then the model is tested on a group of wells.  相似文献   

彭瑞芳 《石化技术》2010,17(3):14-16
针对丙烷泵运行过程中机械密封泄漏量大的问题,分析了机械密封泄漏原因。采用串联式干气密封(机械密封与干气密封串联使用)对该泵机械密封进行了技术改造。改造后不仅解决了丙烷泵机械密封泄漏量大的问题,同时降低了维修成本,为丙烷装置的平稳运行和安全生产提供了保障。  相似文献   

针对气井泡沫排水采气人工加注费用高、劳动强度大的问题,研制了自动投棒装置和自动注剂装置,并进行了气井泡沫排水数字化配套技术研究及应用。自动投棒装置主要由壳体、电磁头、转盘、储棒筒等组成,投棒过程安全可靠;自动注剂装置主要由太阳能电池板、蓄电池、逆变器,柱塞泵、药剂箱及远程控制器等组成,它与数字化远程控制系统配合,通过站控软件发送指令,可实现泡排剂远程控制自动定量加注。86口井的现场应用情况表明,设备性能稳定、自动化程度高,累计增产气量810万m3,年节约生产运行成本210万元。该技术的应用提高了泡沫排水采气效率,为泡沫排水采气的推广应用提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

低渗油藏注气发展潜力与问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国低渗透储量大,动用难度大,动用程度低,注气对这类油藏有独到优势,尤其是目前全世界对环保越来越重视,降低温室气体排放已成为共识,CO2驱开发油藏已越来越多,注气已逐渐形成一种主流的低渗透油藏开发技术。本文分析了国外现执行的低渗透油藏注气项目情况,总结了其渗透率及流体粘度、密度和油藏深度等特点,说明了国外注气的主要对象是低渗透油藏;分析了我国低渗透油藏特点,总结了目前国内外低渗透油藏注气的实施情况,分析讨论了低渗透油藏注气过程中应当考虑的技术问题,根据我国部分油田的实施与研究情况说明了注气在低渗透油藏开发中的巨大潜力,对指导我国低渗透油藏注气开发有直接的指导意义。  相似文献   

A new one-dimensional experimental system for natural gas hydrate (NGH) exploitation is designed, which is used to study the formation and dissociation processes of NGH. NGH is formed in the sand-packing tube, and then hot-brine is injected into the tube to study the thermal dissociation characteristics. The injection parameters that influence gas production rate and energy efficiency are analyzed. The results show that the higher the injection temperature and injection rate are, the higher the gas production rate is. In addition, the most sensitive parameter, which influences the energy efficiency of thermal stimulation is the hot-brine temperature, followed by the hot-brine injection rate and injection time. This study provides an experimental basis for further study on NGH exploitation in the future.  相似文献   

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