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A soft coke-like substance often forms In the liquid product of visbreaking and hydrocracking processes for upgrading vacuum residue of heavy crude oil. This material usually limits the severity, or conversion of the process because it accumulates in downstream equipment. Although the amount of such material produced depends on the crude oil, it has not been possible before to correlate its production rate to chemical characteristics of the vacuum residue in a quantitative manner. In this work we show that the amount of sediment produced per unit weight of vacuum residue feed in laboratory hydrotreating experiments can be correlated with four chemical characteristic of the vacuum residue: the degree of condensed polynuclear aromaticity, the average number of alkyl-groups substituting the polynuclear aromatics, the ratio of heptane insolubles to pentane insoluble-heptane solubles, and the H/C ratio of the latter fraction. The correlation coefficient is 0.95  相似文献   

Heavy oil upgrading is one of the mostimportanttopics in refining.Although there are a number ofnew heavy oil conversion processes available to the refiner,in today s economic climate,the mostimpor-tantfactor considered in choosing the right technology for heavy oil upgrading is to maximize the use ofthe existing processing units to minimize the investment cost.By making best use of the low value by-product and properly combining and renovating existing units,several heavy oil upgrading proces…  相似文献   


A review is presented of the heavy oil upgrading industry in Canada. Up to now it has been based on the processing of bitumen extracted from oil sands mining operations at two sites, to produce a residue-free, low sulphur, synthetic crude. Carbon rejection has been the prime process technology with delayed coking being used by Suncor and FLUID COKING at Syncrude.

Alternative processes for recovering greater amounts of synthetic crude are examined. These include a variety of hydrogen addition processes and combinations which produce pipelineable materials requiring further processing in downstream refineries with expanded capabilities.

The Newgrade Energy Inc. upgrader, now under construction in Regina, will use fixed-bed, catalytic, atmospheric-residue, hydrogen processing. Two additional projects, also based on hydrogenation, will use ebullated bed catalyst systems; the expansion of Syncrude, now underway, is using the LC Fining Process whereas the announced Husky Bi-Provincial upgrader is based on H-Oil.  相似文献   

A review is presented of the heavy oil upgrading industry in Canada. Up to now it has been based on the processing of bitumen extracted from oil sands mining operations at two sites, to produce a residue-free, low sulphur, synthetic crude. Carbon rejection has been the prime process technology with delayed coking being used by Suncor and FLUID COKING at Syncrude.

Alternative processes for recovering greater amounts of synthetic crude are examined. These include a variety of hydrogen addition processes and combinations which produce pipelineable materials requiring further processing in downstream refineries with expanded capabilities.

The Newgrade Energy Inc. upgrader, now under construction in Regina, will use fixed-bed, catalytic, atmospheric-residue, hydrogen processing. Two additional projects, also based on hydrogenation, will use ebullated bed catalyst systems; the expansion of Syncrude, now underway, is using the LC Fining Process whereas the announced Husky Bi-Provincial upgrader is based on H-Oil.  相似文献   

重油催化裂解过程中的丙烯生成规律研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在实验室微型固定床装置上,考察了重油催化裂解过程中的裂解反应规律;通过分析正碳离子的生成与裂解反应特点,探讨了丙烯的生成规律。结果表明,转化率小于80%时的裂解反应,生成的正碳离子可高效裂解为丙烯,对丙烯产率的贡献在90%以上,是丙烯的主要来源;转化率大于80%时的裂解反应,生成的正碳离子裂解为丙烯的能力则大大下降,同时生成大量的干气和焦炭等非理想产品。  相似文献   

产自克拉玛依油田的北疆稠油,其特点是密度、粘度、酸值、重金属含量、残炭和灰分均高,轻质油收率低,小于350℃馏出量17.55%,小于520℃馏出量52.13%.中国石油天然气股份有限公司克拉玛依石化公司直接将北疆稠油送延迟焦化装置加工,在大循环比操作条件下,汽油加柴油的收率达到70%以上,取得了很好的经济效益,在稠油轻质化加工方面进行了有意义的探索.装置在生产初期频繁出现弹丸焦,经过调整操作,抑制了弹丸焦的产生.生产表明,延迟焦化工艺应对环烷酸引起的设备腐蚀有其自身优势.  相似文献   

The direct upgrading process from heavy crude oil to sweet and light oil (IKC process) has been developed for about 10 years in Idemitsu Kosan. Compared with conventional refinery scheme consisting of YR-HDS, VGOHYC and so on, the new refinery scheme combined with IKC process and Topper was always economically feasible with lower cost and smaller energy consumption. In the existing refinery of no middle distillate HDS and residue HDS of HYC plants to supplement IKC process is expected to be one of the efficient methods to cope with the environmental regulations.  相似文献   

文章利用动态实验装置考察了在注蒸汽奈件下催化剂对稠油进行井下改质降黏的可行性。实验结果表明动态条件比静态条件更有利于井下改质反应的发生,加入催化剂后,稠油的H/C比升高,而杂原子和重金属含量大大降低,进一步改善了稠油的品质,显示了该技术在稠油开采方面的潜在应用价值。  相似文献   

稠油井下改质降黏开采中高效催化剂的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了采用油溶性催化剂XAGD-2催化改质胜利稠油过程中稠油黏度、组成和平均相对分子质量的变化.结果表明,由于该催化剂的分子结构中,过渡金属离子置于有机酸骨架上,使其具有油溶性,实现了均相催化,且稳定性良好、催化效率高、使用温度范围广;催化剂的合成方法简单、成本低廉.在反应温度200℃、反应时间24 h的条件下,XAGD-2及甲苯加人量分别为0.3%和0.1%(质量分数)时,可使胜利稠油降黏率达80%以上.稠油经催化改质处理后,其饱和烃、芳香烃质量分数增加,胶质和沥青质质量分数明显下降,从而使稠油的黏度降低,平均相对分子质量减小.胜利油田现场应用结果表明,XAGD-2可有效地改善热采稠油油藏吞吐开发效果,实现井下催化降黏,提高原油产量.  相似文献   

用甲烷作氢源改质重质油的探索   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文以辽河减压渣油为原料,考察甲烷在分散型催化剂存在条件下的各类改质反应。探索甲烷用作改质重质油氢源的可行性。试验表明,甲烷在反应中具备作为氢源的若干特性,可以改质重质油。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地重质原油形成过程中轻组分损失量估算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
饶丹  刘毅 《石油实验地质》1999,21(4):364-368
塔里木盆地广泛分布着多种类型的重质原油,尤其是海相氧化残留油,已达相当规模。本文作者经过研究,用地化指标估算了原油损失的百分比,以便摸清古油藏聚集规模,为盆地油气资源量计算提供可靠的数据,并在结合其形成原因、时期以寻找与它伴生的其它类型的油气藏或有用的矿产方面起到积极作用。  相似文献   

中国重油沥青资源的形成与分布   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
中国重油多具陆相成因特点:硫、微量元素及饱和烃含量均低.严重生物降解等稠变作用对甾萜化合物和多环芳烃均产生影响,并造成原油及族组分较大幅度的稳定碳同位素分馏.重质油藏多为新构造运动产物,与常规油藏有一定共生关系.中国重油沥青资源分布广泛,储量丰富.  相似文献   

三元复合驱油井结垢机理研究   总被引:21,自引:5,他引:16  
介绍了对三元复合体系驱油过程中结垢及结垢机理研究的结果,针对油井现场实际情况,采用X-光电子能谱、化学分析法等多种手段对垢样进行了分析,结果表明,垢主要以非晶态SiO2为主(占70%左右),并在此基础上在室内对除垢方法进行了研究,室内除垢率可达90%。  相似文献   

二连盆地重质稠油藏成因及地化特征   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
二连盆地重质稠油藏的形成和分布受断陷结构、构造发育史、地层水系统、生油岩成熟度及油气运移史等多种因素控制.研究发现,二连盆地存在两种成因稠油:原生稠油和次生生物降解稠油;它们的形成机理和地质地化特征不同.原油的地化分析表明,蒙古林稠油藏为原生重质稠油藏;而吉尔嘎朗图凹陷西南斜坡区重质稠油藏是轻度-中度降解的低熟重质稠油藏,其产层物性与含油饱和度分析发现,它们是“先成藏后稠化”形成的.  相似文献   

海外河油田马圈子油层粘土含量在8%以上.泥质胶结、疏松.油层属于水敏性。通过稳定粘土工艺试验研究,对工艺参数、处理效果、作用机理进行了重新认识,得出了FSJ-91-1稳定剂现场工艺试验参数3%~3.5%的适宜浓度.其作用机理及处理效果与优选的工艺参数有关。采用优选的工艺参数及稳定剂处理水敏性地层.用于早期防砂措施中,可进一步延长检泵周期.提高油井生产对率。仅1993年现场施工40余口井,增油7012t,创经济效益595.62万元,获得明显的整体经济效益。该项工艺目前已在海外河油田做为配套措施采用.  相似文献   

针对不同加工方式下不同化学组成的油品,综述了油品组成、加工工艺和储存条件对油品胶质生成的影响.实际胶质的生成速率与烃族组成具有明显关系,其中烯烃影响最大.油品中的微量含氮化合物、硫及其衍生物、金属离子和不饱和烃相互反应,对胶质生成起到催化氧化作用并导致油品变色.油品中实际胶质含量还受到温度、氧含量、储存时间、光照、水含...  相似文献   

对重油富芳烃组分转化为次生沥青及其氢化改性沥青的热转化行为进行了比较,并对热转化过程中体系化学结构组成特征对中间相形成的影响进行了研究.采用红外光谱及氢核磁共振波谱,对比分析了次生沥青及其氢化改性沥青的化学结构组成特征;借助偏光显微镜、X射线衍射,考察了两体系中间相沥青的形成过程.结果 表明:控制体系短烷基侧链含量可有...  相似文献   

论述了依靠技术进步提升油品质量的重要性和可行性,提出要密切关注油品质量升级进度,抓紧新工艺、新技术开发,以降低油品质量升级的成本。当前的重点是要充分利用已有资产,依靠技术进步,用最少的投资解决最紧迫的问题,以跟上油品质量升级的步伐。进一步的质量升级要以新技术为依托,适时投入才能降低油品质量升级的成本。  相似文献   

加氢改质重质油酮苯脱蜡脱油工艺条件研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄灏  邓永生 《润滑油》2005,20(1):25-29
以中国石化荆门分公司实验室加氢改质轻脱>500℃馏分油为原料,在实验室考察了酮苯脱蜡脱油工艺条件。试验结果表明:溶剂脱蜡的溶剂组成为55%~60%(体积分数)的丁酮含量、一段稀释溶剂比选择3.5~4.5比较适宜;使用脱蜡助剂后,过滤速度、去蜡油收率提高,蜡膏含油量降低,去蜡油凝点变化不大。按照确定的流程,综合各工艺条件,轻脱>500℃馏分油酮苯脱蜡脱油得到的去蜡油主要性能满足HVI石蜡基润滑油基础油指标要求,脱油蜡含油量满足荆门分公司控制指标的要求。  相似文献   

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