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A numerical method is developed for the analysis of general quadrilateral, moderately thick orthotropic plates having arbitrary boundary conditions. The procedure is based on the application of the Rayleigh–Ritz method in conjunction with the Reissner–Mindlin thick plate theory. A set of complete polynomials in terms of natural co‐ordinates comprising of boundary and domain terms, which satisfy the boundary conditions, is deployed as the basic functions to approximate the real displacement field. The generalized displacements and the eigenvalues are determined by imposing the principle of stationary potential energy. Although the procedure has the ability to solve problems involving thick quadrilateral plates, the numerical examples presented are mostly for skew plates. The results herein are compared with their counterparts determined by other investigators. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Unilateral buckling is a contact problem whereby buckling is confined to take place in only one lateral direction. For plate structures, this can occur when a thin steel plate is juxtaposed with a rigid concrete medium and the steel may only buckle locally away from the concrete core. This paper investigates the use of simple and orthogonal polynomials in the Rayleigh–Ritz method for unilateral plate buckling. The orthogonal polynomials used are the classical Chebyshev types 1 and 2, Legrende, Hermite and Laguerre. The study presents a comparison between the efficiency of the polynomial‐based displacement functions with regard to elastic bilateral and unilateral plate buckling, where efficiency is measured as a function of their convergence characteristics. Some buckling solutions for plates with varying boundary conditions and in‐plane shear loads are also provided as an illustration. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Newmark method for the numerical integration of second order equations has been extensively used and studied along the past fifty years for structural dynamics and various fields of mechanical engineering. Easy implementation and nice properties of this method and its derivatives for linear problems are appreciated but the main drawback is the treatment of discontinuities. Zienkiewicz proposed an approach using finite element concept in time, which allows a new look at the Newmark method. The idea of this paper is to propose, thanks to this approach, the use of a time partition of the unity method denoted Time Extended Finite Element Method (TX‐FEM) for improved numerical simulations of time discontinuities. An enriched basis of shape functions in time is used to capture with a good accuracy the non‐polynomial part of the solution. This formulation allows a suitable form of the time‐stepping formulae to study stability and energy conservation. The case of an enrichment with the Heaviside function is developed and can be seen as an alternative approach to time discontinuous Galerkin method (T‐DGM), stability and accuracy properties of which can be derived from those of the TX‐FEM. Then Space and Time X‐FEM (STX‐FEM) are combined to obtain a unified space–time discretization. This combined STX‐FEM appears to be a suitable technique for space–time discontinuous problems like dynamic crack propagation or other applications involving moving discontinuities. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Numerical solution of nonlinear eigenvalue problems (NEPs) is frequently encountered in computational science and engineering. The applicability of most existing methods is limited by the matrix structures, properties of the eigen‐solutions, sizes of the problems, etc. This paper aims to remove those limitations and develop robust and universal NEP solvers for large‐scale engineering applications. The novelty lies in two aspects. First, a rational interpolation approach (RIA) is proposed based on the Keldysh theorem for holomorphic matrix functions. Comparing with the existing contour integral approach, the RIA provides the possibility to select sampling points in more general regions and has advantages in improving the accuracy and reducing the computational cost. Second, a resolvent sampling scheme using the RIA is proposed to construct reliable search spaces for the Rayleigh–Ritz procedure, based on which a robust eigen‐solver, called resolvent sampling based Rayleigh–Ritz method (RSRR), is developed for solving general NEPs. The RSRR can be easily implemented and parallelized. The advantages of the RIA and the performance of the RSRR are demonstrated by a variety of benchmark and application examples. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The finite element method is employed for the calculation in Cartesian co-ordinates of uniform flow on a rectangular region which encounters an embedded oblique shock with known turning angle. A modified form of the code so developed is used to obtain preliminary results concerning finite element performance in the calculation of viscous recirculating flow with embedded weak shocks.  相似文献   

A new adaptive finite element method is proposed for the advection–dispersion equation using an Eulerian–Lagrangian formulation. The method is based on a decomposition of the concentration field into two parts, one advective and one dispersive, in a rigorous manner that does not leave room for ambiguity. The advective component of steep concentration fronts is tracked forward with the aid of moving particles clustered around each front. Away from such fronts the advection problem is handled by an efficient modified method of characteristics called single-step reverse particle tracking. When a front dissipates with time, its forward tracking stops automatically and the corresponding cloud of particles is eliminated. The dispersion problem is solved by an unconventional Lagrangian finite element formulation on a fixed grid which involves only symmetric and diagonal matrices. Preliminary tests against analytical solutions of one- and two-dimensional dispersion in a uniform steady-state velocity field suggest that the proposed adaptive method can handle the entire range of Péclet numbers from 0 to ∞, with Courant numbers well in excess of 1.  相似文献   

A Ritz finite element approach is used here to study the large amplitude free flexural vibrations of beams with immovable ends. The formulation is based on Lagrange's equation of motion with the definition of the time function at an instant corresponding to the point of reversal. The element displacement vector is chosen as a combination of inplane and transverse displacements. The nonlinear stiffness is written as a combination of the bending–membrane interaction and bending stiffness. The solution for nonlinear equations is sought by using an algorithm—the direct iteration technique—suitably modified for eigenvalue problems. Convergence is checked using the displacement norms on eigen-modes, and frequency norms for eigenvalues. The nonlinear frequencies, and modeshapes for transverse and longitudinal displacements, are determined for the simply-supported, clamped–clamped and simply-supported–clamped beams. Results are presented in the form of tables. In almost all the cases the nonlinear frequency values are found to be the lower bound like the earlier Galerkin finite element method.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) finite element formulation for finite strain plasticity in non‐linear solid mechanics. We consider the models of finite strain plasticity defined by the multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient in an elastic and a plastic part ( F = F e F p), with the stresses given by a hyperelastic relation. In contrast with more classical ALE approaches based on plastic models of the hypoelastic type, the ALE formulation presented herein considers the direct interpolation of the motion of the material with respect to the reference mesh together with the motion of the spatial mesh with respect to this same reference mesh. This aspect is shown to be crucial for a simple treatment of the advection of the plastic internal variables and dynamic variables. In fact, this advection is carried out exactly through a particle tracking in the reference mesh, a calculation that can be accomplished very efficiently with the use of the connectivity graph of the fixed reference mesh. A staggered scheme defined by three steps (the smoothing, the advection and the Lagrangian steps) leads to an efficient method for the solution of the resulting equations. We present several representative numerical simulations that illustrate the performance of the newly proposed methods. Both quasi‐static and dynamic conditions are considered in these model examples. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In order to study problems on fluid–structure interaction, we have used a mixed formulation which couples the classical functional of the structure with a new variational formulation by integral equations for the fluid. This formulation has the advantage over the finite element methods of avoiding the discretization of the fluid domain. Furthermore, unlike collocation methods, the explicit calculation of the Hadamard finite part of the singular integrals is avoided. This leads after discretization by boundary finite elements to a small and symmetrical algebraic system. Typical examples are presented that demonstrate the efficiency of this variational formulation by studying the sound transmission through a baffled plane structure and through a flexible panel backed by a rigid cavity. These include the calculation of the transmission loss factor and the determination of which modes dominate the noise transmission. Good agreement is obtained between numerical results and analytical results found in the literature.  相似文献   

A Fourier analysis of the linear and quadratic N + 1 and N + 2 Petrov–Galerkin finite element methods applied to the one-dimensional transient convective-diffusion equation is performed. The results show that a priori optimization of the N + 1 method is not possible because dissipative errors are introduced as dispersive errors are reduced (any optimization is subjective). However, a priori optimization of the N + 2 Petrov–Galerkin method is possible because the reduction of dispersion errors can be accomplished without the addition of artificial dissipation. The Spectrally Weighted Average Phase Error Method (SWAPEM) for the optimization of the N + 2 Petrov–Galerkin method is introduced, in which the N + 2 weighting parameter is chosen at each time step to minimize the integral over wave number of the phase error of Fourier modes, weighted by the frequency content of the global solution at the previous time step (obtained via FFT). The method is dynamic, and general in that the dependence of the weighting parameter on the solution waveform is accounted for. Optimal values predicted by the method are in excellent agreement with those suggested by the numerical experimentation of others. Simulations of the pure convective transport of a Gaussian plume and a triangle wave are discussed to illustrate the effectiveness of the method.  相似文献   

This paper describes a modified extended finite element method (XFEM) approach, which is designed to ease the challenge of an analytical design sensitivity analysis in the framework of structural optimisation. This novel formulation, furthermore labelled YFEM, combines the well‐known XFEM enhancement functions with a local sub‐meshing strategy using standard finite elements. It deviates slightly from the XFEM path only at one significant point but thus allows to use already derived residual vectors as well as stiffness and pseudo load matrices to assemble the desired information on cut elements without tedious and error‐prone re‐work of already performed derivations and implementations. The strategy is applied to sensitivity analysis of interface problems combining areas with different linear elastic material properties. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The interaction effect of an interfacial crack–microcrack modifies considerably the fracture behaviour of S45C/Si3N4 bimaterial. This work aims at studying the interaction effect of a crack located in one of the materials constituting the assembly near the interface, and that between an interfacial crack and a microcrack parallel to the interface by using the finite element method. The effect of transverse and longitudinal interaction distances between the interfacial crack and the microcrack are highlighted. The stress intensity factor of the interacting cracks and the bimaterial mechanical properties influence on the conditions of deviation and propagation of crack by interface and intercrack are examined.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new stabilized finite element method to solve singular diffusion problems described by the modified Helmholtz operator. The Galerkin method is known to produce spurious oscillations for low diffusion and various alternatives were proposed to improve the accuracy of the solution. The mostly used methods are the well‐known Galerkin least squares and Galerkin gradient least squares (GGLS). The GGLS method yields the exact nodal solution in the one‐dimensional case and for a uniform mesh. However, the behavior of the method deteriorates slightly in the multi‐dimensional case and for non‐uniform meshes. In this work we propose a new stabilized finite element method that leads to improved accuracy for multi‐dimensional problems. For the one‐dimensional case, the new method leads to the same results as the GGLS method and hence provides exact nodal solutions to the problem on uniform meshes. The proposed method is a Galerkin discretization used to solve a modified equation that includes a term depending on the gradient of the original partial differential equation. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Exact postbuckling stresses usually vary fairly smoothly. Unfortunately, finite element postbuckling stresses tend to be much less well behaved. The result is that second order postbuckling constants determined by the finite element method may be highly inaccurate. The reason is that in finite element solutions transverse displacements associated with the buckling fields furnish too rapidly varying postbuckling strain contributions, while the postbuckling axial or membrane displacements contribute strain components that are sufficiently smooth, thus creating an internal postbuckling strain and stress mismatch. The present study suggests a modified finite element method that handles the problem, which is a special example of membrane locking, by introducing the postbuckling strains as independent variables. In general, the method provides rather complicated finite element expressions. However, by a suitable choice of interpolating functions, the resulting finite element equations themselves may be found to be the usual ones, and yet provide smooth postbuckling stresses and therefore good values of the postbuckling constants.  相似文献   

A number of coupled particle–element and hybrid particle–element methods have been developed for the simulation of hypervelocity impact problems to avoid certain disadvantages associated with the use of pure continuum‐based or pure particle‐based methods. To date these methods have employed spherical particles. In recent work a hybrid formulation has been extended to the ellipsoidal particle case. A model formulation approach based on Lagrange's equations, with particle entropies serving as generalized coordinates, avoids the angular momentum conservation problems which have been reported with ellipsoidal smooth particle hydrodynamics models. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A two-level finite element method is introduced and its application to the Helmholtz equation is considered. The method retains the desirable features of the Galerkin method enriched with residual-free bubbles, while it is not limited to discretizations using elements with simple geometry. The method can be applied to other equations and to irregular-shaped domains. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study introduces a time‐integration algorithm for solving a non‐linear viscoelastic–viscoplastic (VE–VP) constitutive equation of isotropic polymers. The material parameters in the constitutive models are stress dependent. The algorithm is derived based on an implicit time‐integration method (Computational Inelasticity. Springer: New York, 1998) within a general displacement‐based finite element (FE) analysis and suitable for small deformation gradient problems. Schapery's integral model is used for the VE responses, while the VP component follows the Perzyna model having an overstress function. A recursive‐iterative method (Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng 2004; 59 :25–45) is employed and modified to solve the VE–VP constitutive equation. An iterative procedure with predictor–corrector steps is added to the recursive integration method. A residual vector is defined for the incremental total strain and the magnitude of the incremental VP strain. A consistent tangent stiffness matrix, as previously discussed in Ju (J. Eng. Mech. 1990; 116 :1764–1779) and Simo and Hughes (Computational Inelasticity. Springer: New York, 1998), is also formulated to improve convergence and avoid divergence. Available experimental data on time‐dependent and inelastic responses of high‐density polyethylene are used to verify the current numerical algorithm. The time‐integration scheme is examined in terms of its computational efficiency and accuracy. Numerical FE analyses of microstructural responses of polyethylene reinforced with elastic particle are also presented. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the past, the combined finite–discrete element was mostly based on linear tetrahedral finite elements. Locking problems associated with this element can seriously degrade the accuracy of their simulations. In this work an efficient ten‐noded quadratic element is developed in a format suitable for the combined finite–discrete element method (FEMDEM). The so‐called F‐bar approach is used to relax volumetric locking and an explicit finite element analysis is employed. A thorough validation of the numerical method is presented including five static and four dynamic examples with different loading, boundary conditions, and materials. The advantages of the new higher‐order tetrahedral element are illustrated when brought together with contact detection and contact interaction capability within a new fully 3D FEMDEM formulation. An application comparing stresses generated within two drop experiments involving different unit specimens called Vcross and VRcross is shown. The Vcross and VRcross units of ~3.5 × 104kg show very different stress generation implying different survivability upon collision with a deformable floor. The test case shows the FEMDEM method has the capability to tackle the dynamics of complex‐shaped geometries and massive multi‐body granular systems typical of concrete armour and rock armour layers. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, a mixed spectral element formulation is presented for planar, linear elasticity. The degrees of freedom for the stress are integrated traction components, ie, surface force components. As a result, the tractions between elements are continuous. The formulation is based on minimization of the complementary energy subject to the constraints that the stress field should satisfy equilibrium of forces and moments. The Lagrange multiplier, which enforces equilibrium of forces, is the displacement field and the Lagrange multiplier, which enforces equilibrium of moments, is the rotation. The formulation satisfies equilibrium of forces pointwise if the body forces are piecewise polynomial. Equilibrium of moments is weakly satisfied. Results of the method are given on orthogonal and curvilinear domains, and an example with a point singularity is given.  相似文献   

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