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本文从博客(Blog)的发展历史及现状讲起,从Blog的特点及其一般应用出发,探讨了Blog在图书馆中的应用及管理建设。  相似文献   

本文从博客(Blog)的发展历史及现状讲起,从Blog的特点及其一般应用出发,探讨了Blog在图书馆中的应用及管理建设。  相似文献   

本文结合高校图书馆资产管理现状,分析资产管理工作中存在的问题,并提出有效的管理措施,为建立、健全高校图书馆资产管理制度提出合理化建议。  相似文献   

高校图书馆微信公众号是图书馆传播信息和文化的窗口,明确公众号的定位尤为重要.本文通过定位的理论和高校图书馆微信公众号定位的原则,提出高校图书馆微信公众号定位FOCUS模式,为图书馆微信公众号品牌构建提供了方向性意见,具有一定的理论指导意义.  相似文献   

This case study shows how the reference librarians at Murray State University use Pinterest as an added component in reference services. Statistics were collected in an attempt to monitor the number of items shared with the number of people who actively follow each board. This study will help interested reference librarians gain an understanding of how this social media site can be used to promote online resources, both those owned by the institution and those available freely on the internet. It will also serve as an example of how reference librarians can build a reference library within the confines of social media.  相似文献   

微机原理教学中几个问题的探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
随着计算机科学的发展和教学改革的深入,教师在微机原理课程的教学中遇到了一些新问题。文章对课程的定位和目标、传统与现代的关系、内容与课时的矛盾、理论和实践的协调以及研究性学习等几个问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

主要探讨了新时期公共图书馆服务模式的创新,简要概述了我国公共图书馆服务创新的背景,并对新时期我国公共图书馆服务创新作了系统的研究,以期能为有关工作提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

高校图书馆建筑室内环境色对创造人性化的环境,以及丰富空间的艺术意境起着重要的作用。文章以艺术设计的基本理论为依据,提出将设计的基本元素整合为一个综合体,充分考虑各项需求的平衡,并根据不同的需求特征和文化表达,进行整体统一设计,是创造幽雅、舒适、视觉和谐的空间环境,满足读者物质与精神文化需求的有效途径。  相似文献   

分析电子阅览室系统作为耗散结构系统具有的一般特征,来论证图书馆电子阅览室系统是一类耗散结构系统,利用耗散结构理论来分析电子阅览室系统中存在的问题,提出通过进一步增强系统的开放性,充分引入负熵流,利用系统的非线性相互作用以及涨落现象来促进系统的自组织,最后得出改进电子阅览室管理系统的本质体现在资源利用效率的提高和电子阅览室内部协同性的提高两方面。  相似文献   

综合有关理论研究并结合超高产实例分析,提出稳叶(LAI)控株(型)增穗途径是现阶段实现小麦超高产的较好途径。沿着这一途径在龙口市进行超高产示范连获成功,既创出国内平原区冬小麦单产最高纪录(667m~2产量731.73kg),又在较大面积上使单产600kg的超高产麦田得到重演。初步看出,根据源流库的协调状况大致可把麦田区分为三大类型。一是受限于流的类型,表现形式是潜在源>潜在库>总流量或潜在库>潜在源>总流量;二是受限于源的类型,表现为潜在库>总流量>潜在源;三是受限于库的类型,表现为潜在源>总流量=潜在库。  相似文献   

ELGamal公钥密码系统中涉及大整数的运算。虽然某些计算机语言(比如ruby)能支持任意精度的运算,但由于密码系统对效率的要求很高,不适合用它们来编写实际的系统。文章采用c++语言,应用LIDIA库来实现完整的ELGamal公钥系统的加解密过程。  相似文献   


This article analyzes how the battle between computer security experts and cyberterrorists can be explained through game theory. This article is important because it not only applies game theory to the study of cyberterrorism, which has been rarely done so far, but it also breaks new ground by intersecting the game theoretical model with another theory, social network theory. An important thesis of this analysis is that under the principles of game theory, each player is assumed to be rational; all players wish the outcome to be as positive or rewarding as possible. Another key argument is that game theory is a postmodern theory; against opponents who wage attacks in a postmodern fashion, conventional strategies lead nowhere. The cyberterrorist and the cyber forensics expert not only engage in real-time game play but also use tactics that are not conceivable in conventional conflict.  相似文献   

Satisficing, or being good enough, is the fundamental obligation of rational decision makers. We cannot rationally choose an option, even when we do not know of anything better, unless we know it is good enough. Unfortunately, we are not often in the position of knowing that there could be no better option, and hence that the option must be good enough. A complete search through all logical possibilities is often impractical, particularly in multi-agent contexts, due to excessive computational difficulty, modeling complexity, and uncertainty. It can be equally impractical, if it is even possible, to determine the cost of the additional required search to find an option that is good enough. In a departure from the traditional notion of satisficing as a species of bounded rationality, satisficing is here redefined in terms of a notion of intrinsic rationality. Epistemic utility theory serves as the philosophical foundation of a new praxeological decision-making paradigm of satisficing equilibria that is applicable to both single- and multiple-agent scenarios. All interagent relationships are modeled by an interdependence function that explicitly accommodates both self and group interest, from which multilateral and unilateral selectability and rejectability mass functions can be derived and compared via the praxeic likelihood ratio test.  相似文献   

This article investigates the adoption of new innovations for internal reference desk communication and knowledge management in academic libraries, specifically the use of social software tools. Actual implementations of the free blog software Wordpress from two university libraries are described including charts detailing advantages and disadvantages of the methods. In the context of the diffusion of innovation and organizational lag theories, the analyzed outcomes confirm that while social software tools are being used, relatively few institutions have exploited them for improving in-house processes. Without clearly articulated long-term gains, adoption of administrative innovations will follow the pattern of organizational lag.  相似文献   

With the increasing amount of textual information available in electronic form, more powerful methods for exploring, searching, and organizing the available mass of information are needed to cope with this situation. This paper presents the SOMLIb digital library system, built on neural networks to provide text mining capabilities. At its foundation we use the Self-Organizing Map to provide content-based clustering of documents. By using an extended model, i.e. the Growing Hierarchical Self-Organizing Map, we can further detect subject hierarchies in a document collection, with the neural network adapting its size and structure automatically during its unsupervised training process to reflect the topical hierarchy. By mining the weight vector structure of the trained maps our system is able to select keywords describing the various topical clusters. Text mining has to incorporate more than the mere analysis of content. Structural and genre information are key in organizing and locating information. Using color-coding techniques we can integrate a structural analysis of documents based on Self-Organizing Maps into the subject-based clustering relying on metaphor graphics for intuitive visualization. We demonstrate the capabilities of the SOMLib system using collections of articles from various newspapers and magazines.  相似文献   

就云计算机在手机软件的应用理论研究及实现进行了深入的分析和探讨,具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

基于云理论和信息融合理论的系统性能评估方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代系统结构复杂,其性能评估需要从多个层次综合评判形成合理可信的最终评估结果,评估过程大量存在多源不确定信息。不确定性的存在增加了评估过程中定性与定量综合集成的难度。云理论和信息融合理论在不确定信息和多源信息的处理上各有优点,在功能上具有一定的互补性。两者相结合能够增强对信息的处理能力,挖掘出数据中更有价值的隐含信息。本文创新地将二者结合起来,提出了新的系统性能评估模型和方法,较好地融合了影响系统性能的多源信息,充分利用和集成了信息的模糊性和随机性,完成定性和定量之间的映射。这种方法能有效地处理各多源信息的不确定性,具有科学性,同时最终得到的评价结果是语言评判值,具有直观性。该方法是对信息融合理论和云理论联合使用的探索。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,人们生活水平的提高,情绪在消费中所占的比重不断上升,直至处于决定性地位。Style-Vision的情绪理论将产品情绪内涵和消费者个性进行完全匹配,成为如今研究消费行为的有效工具。但该模型不能将人对物的感性意象定量或半定量地表达出来,并与产品设计特性相关联。笔者运用语义差别法来弥补该理论的不足,构建平板电视的语义地图,为品牌定位和产品定位提供参考。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,电子资源的兴起,促使人们的阅读方式发生改变。纸质文献与电子文件优势互补,图书馆应根据校情合理配置两者的经费比例,让二者协调发展。馆藏结构的变化也使图书馆服务读者的方式发生改变,服务水平得到提高。  相似文献   

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