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采用正交试验方案,应用(Ti,Al)N+TiN涂层硬质合金刀具对GH2132铁基高温合金进行外圆干切削,测量了切削力、切削温度、表面粗糙度和刀具寿命。利用最小二乘法对试验数据进行了多元回归分析,分别建立其经验公式,并分析了切削用量三要素分别对切削力、切削温度、表面粗糙度和刀具寿命的影响规律及其原因。通过试验得出了切削用量三要素分别对其影响的主次顺序。切削力:ap>f>vc,切削温度:vc>ap>f,表面粗糙度:f>vc>ap,刀具寿命:vc>f>ap。 相似文献
AbstractMicro-milling is a fast, cheap and controlled process compared to other micro-fabrication processes such as lithography, laser/electron/ion beam machining, etc. However, scarcity of cutting tools of very small dimensions often results in limited application of micro-milling. In the present study, electro discharge machining (EDM) is used for fabrication of micro-end mill tool. To ensure high dimensional accuracy of the tool, a parametric study is conducted by replicating the a tungsten carbide block to a tungsten carbide (WC) block. The relationships between the drilled cavities on the block and the features on the micro-tool are established. The influence of machining parameters (voltage, capacitance and spindle speed) on the response variables (entrance diameter, hole depth, material removal rate (MRR) and surface roughness) is reported. Capacitance is found more dominant as compared to other selected process parameters. Using optimized parameters from the parametric study, a WC micro-end mill tool of 100?µm diameter is fabricated. Channel of around 110 µm width, 40?µm depth and surface roughness of 70?nm is successfully fabricated on aluminum. The performance of the fabricated tool is compared with a commercial end mill tool by milling micro channels on stainless steel. 相似文献
Sravan Kumar Josyula 《Machining Science and Technology》2018,22(2):225-248
The current research is to focus on developing a liquid nitrogen diffusion system to optimize the usage of liquid nitrogen and maximizing cooling and lubrication capability by effective penetration. An atomized liquid nitrogen spray system was developed to diffuse liquid nitrogen effectively at a low flow rate (10–12 L/h) and as a high velocity (8–50 m/s) droplet jet to the machining zone. Using coated carbide tool with varying tool geometry (rake angle, approach angle, and nose radius), an investigation was performed to study the role of atomized liquid nitrogen spray-assisted machining, on performance of tool and surface quality of the machined workpiece during turning of Al-TiCp composite. To analyze the performance of liquid nitrogen spray-assisted machining, various experiments were conducted. The results obtained from the experiments reveal that the effective use of atomized liquid nitrogen spray machining is a feasible alternative to dry, wet, and cryogenically chilled argon gas. This technique significantly reduces heat generation in machining zone. The study also emphasizes the influence of tool geometry on the machinability of Al-TiCp metal matrix composites. 相似文献
放电等离子烧结纳米复合Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用放电等离子技术(SPS)烧结制备出纳米复合Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷材料。用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和能谱仪等对烧结体的孔隙率、微观组织和断口形貌等进行了观察,并对不同条件下材料的力学性能进行了对比分析。结果表明:直接升温到1250℃保温8min可获得较好的力学性能;在显微结构中,除了黑芯/白环的结构外,还存在着白芯/黑环结构;孔洞和大颗粒硬质相为主要的断裂源,断裂方式以沿晶断裂为主,同时存在着解理断裂和穿晶断裂。 相似文献
超细晶粒Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷刀的磨损性能研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
研究了两种超细晶粒纳米改性Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷刀具——44Ti(C,N)-5TiN(nm)-15WC-16M02C-20Ni(刀具A)和39Ti(C,N)-10TiN(nm)-15WC-16M02C-20Ni(刀具B)在加工正火态中碳钢时的切削性能和磨损机理。研究表明,两种刀具材料的显微组织都由金属相与陶瓷相组成,其中粗大的陶瓷相呈典型的芯/壳结构,陶瓷相晶粒尺寸为400~800nm。切削实验表明,刀具A的切削性能要优于刀具B,刀具A常以后刀面正常磨损的方式失效,刀具B则常以破损崩刃的方式失效。能谱(EDS)分析表明,高速切削时金属陶瓷刀具主要的磨损机制是扩散磨损和氧化磨损。 相似文献
Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷在海水润滑下的摩擦磨损特性研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
在材料端面摩擦磨损试验机上,分别对Ti(C,N)金属陶瓷及表面沉积TiN的Ti(C,N)金属陶瓷2种材料与碳纤增强聚醚醚酮(CFRPEEK)组合在海水润滑下的摩擦磨损特性进行实验研究,探讨接触压力和滑动速度对摩擦因数的影响规律。结果表明:在速度较低时摩擦因数随速度增加下降较快,但速度较高时,摩擦因数趋向稳定,速度影响不大;接触压力对摩擦因数的影响较小。通过对试件磨损表面微观形貌的分析,认为CFRPEEK的磨损机制主要是机械切削和机械犁耕引起的材料塑性变形和脱落,并在摩擦过程中发生向陶瓷表面的转移。Ti(C,N)金属陶瓷较表面沉积TiN的Ti(C,N)金属陶瓷具有较低的摩擦因数。通过与其他材料研究结果的比较,认为Ti(C,N)金属陶瓷与CFRPEEK组成的材料副应用于纯水液压泵或马达中的关键摩擦副具有较好的可行性。 相似文献
模拟了在相同切削条件下Ti(C,N)涂层刀具和未涂层刀具切削温度变化情况.验证了Ti(C,N)涂层材料能降低切削力、减小切削热,保护切削刃,避免产生崩刃的作用;验证了刀具前刀面靠近主切削刃处容易磨损是由于在高速切削加工中,切削温度高,导致粘结、氧化和扩散磨损加剧造成的. 相似文献
利用微波烧结技术制备了Ti(C,N)/Al_2O_3金属陶瓷刀具(TA),并通过高速干式切削淬硬钢40Cr(50±2HRC)研究刀具的切削性能,同时与硬质合金刀具YT15进行对比。采用正交试验和极差分析法,以切削参数为优化对象,以工件金属去除率、表面粗糙度和刀具寿命为优化目标,确定了刀具的最佳切削用量。试验结果表明,切削淬硬钢40Cr时,刀具TA的最优切削参数为v=120m/min、a_p=0.3mm、f=0.1mm/r。TA刀具的切削时间为66min,比YT15提高了175%。工件平均表面粗糙度为1.27μm,比硬质合金刀具降低了15.9%。刀具的切削性能优于硬质合金刀具,并且可以实现以车代磨。 相似文献
《Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces》2013,7(4):160-167
AbstractThe objective of this study is to investigate the enhancement of tool life and wear resistance with a physical vapour deposition (PVD) process applied using aluminium chromium nitride (AlCrN) and titanium nitride (TiN) coating on carbide inserts. Flank wear experiments are carried out on a computer numerically controlled (CNC) machine under wet conditions with both the coated inserts. Effectiveness of the coating on the tool life and its resistance to flank wear are observed at various cutting parameters such as cutting speed and feed rate by following the principle of design of experiments (DOE). It is inferred that AlCrN coated carbide tools perform nearly 70% better than the TiN coated carbide tools under high cutting speed and feed rate. AlCrN coating also enhances the durability of tool for metal cutting and thereby improves tool life even under harsh cutting conditions. A response surface methodology (RSM) is utilised to arrive at the optimum value for the various parameters which are responsible for improving the wear resistance and tool life. 相似文献
与普通的YT14、YT15、YT30、YN10硬质合金对比切削实验研究表明?我国新近研制成功的碳氮化钛基硬质合金NT、TN系列合金不仅具有很高的硬度,耐磨性、又具有很高的抗弯强度和抗冲击韧性,因此具有刀具耐用度高,抗崩刃性能好等优良的切削性能,是一种很有用途的新型刀具材料。 相似文献