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This study reports the 12-mo follow-up from patients with the fear of flying who were treated in a controlled study and randomly assigned (n=49) to virtual reality exposure (VRE) therapy, standard exposure (SE) therapy, or to a wait-list control (WL). VRE and SE were equally superior to WL. At 12 mo posttreatment, data were gathered on 24 of the 30 (80%) patients who were assigned to VRE or SE. Patients maintained their treatment gains, and 92% of VRE participants and 91% of SE participants had flown on a real airplane since the graduation flight. This is the 1st year-long follow-up of patients having been treated with VRE and indicates that short-term treatment can have lasting effects. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

An overall assessment of phobic fear requires not only a verbal self-report of fear but also an assessment of behavioral and physiological responses. Virtual reality can be used to simulate realistic (phobic) situations and therefore should be useful for inducing emotions in a controlled, standardized way. Verbal and physiological fear reactions were examined in 15 highly tunnel-fearful and 15 matched control participants in 3 virtual driving scenarios: an open environment, a partially open tunnel (gallery), and a closed tunnel. Highly tunnel-fearful participants were characterized by elevated fear responses specifically during tunnel drives as reflected in verbal fear ratings, heart rate reactions, and startle responses. Heart rate and fear ratings differentiated highly tunnel-fearful from control participants with an accuracy of 88% and 93%, respectively. Results indicate that virtual environments are valuable tools for the assessment of fear reactions and should be used in future experimental research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 79(5) of Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (see record 2011-21293-002). In the article, the name of author Georg W. Alpers was misspelled as George W. Alpers. In Table 2, in the footnote, line two, the criteria should read “MI≤1.8”. The online versions of this article have been corrected.] Objective: Cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT) is a first-line treatment for panic disorder with agoraphobia (PD/AG). Nevertheless, an understanding of its mechanisms and particularly the role of therapist-guided exposure is lacking. This study was aimed to evaluate whether therapist-guided exposure in situ is associated with more pervasive and long-lasting effects than therapist-prescribed exposure in situ. Method: A multicenter randomized controlled trial, in which 369 PD/AG patients were treated and followed up for 6 months. Patients were randomized to 2 manual-based variants of CBT (T+/T?) or a wait-list control group (WL; n = 68) and were treated twice weekly for 12 sessions. CBT variants were identical in content, structure, and length, except for implementation of exposure in situ: In the T+ variant (n = 163), therapists planned and supervised exposure in situ exercises outside the therapy room; in the T? group (n = 138), therapists planned and discussed patients' in situ exposure exercises but did not accompany them. Primary outcome measures were (a) Hamilton Anxiety Scale, (b) Clinical Global Impression, (c) number of panic attacks, and (d) agoraphobic avoidance (Mobility Inventory). Results: For T+ and T? compared with WL, all outcome measures improved significantly with large effect sizes from baseline to post (range = ?0.5 to ?2.5) and from post to follow-up (range = ?0.02 to ?1.0). T+ improved more than T? on the Clinical Global Impression and Mobility Inventory at post and follow-up and had greater reduction in panic attacks during the follow-up period. Reduction in agoraphobic avoidance accelerated after exposure was introduced. A dose–response relation was found for Time × Frequency of Exposure and reduction in agoraphobic avoidance. Conclusions: Therapist-guided exposure is more effective for agoraphobic avoidance, overall functioning, and panic attacks in the follow-up period than is CBT without therapist-guided exposure. Therapist-guided exposure promotes additional therapeutic improvement—possibly mediated by increased physical engagement in feared situations—beyond the effects of a CBT treatment in which exposure is simply instructed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Fear of flying (FOF) affects an estimated 10–25% of the population. Patients with FOF (N?=?49) were randomly assigned to virtual reality exposure (VRE) therapy, standard exposure (SE) therapy, or a wait-list (WL) control. Treatment consisted of 8 sessions over 6 weeks, with 4 sessions of anxiety management training followed by either exposure to a virtual airplane (VRE) or exposure to an actual airplane at the airport (SE). A posttreatment flight on a commercial airline measured participants' willingness to fly and anxiety during flight immediately after treatment. The results indicated that VRE and SE were both superior to WL, with no differences between VRE and SE. The gains observed in treatment were maintained at a 6-month follow up. By 6 months posttreatment, 93% of VRE participants and 93% of SE participants had flown. VRE therapy and SE therapy for treatment of FOF were unequivocally supported in this controlled study. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A new cognitive therapy (CT) program was compared with an established behavioral treatment. Sixty-two patients meeting Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.; American Psychiatric Association, 1994) criteria for social phobia were randomly assigned to CT, exposure plus applied relaxation (EXP = AR), or wait-list (WAIT). CT and EXP = AR were superior to WAIT on all measures. On measures of social phobia, CT led to greater improvement than did EXP = AR. Percentages of patients who no longer met diagnostic criteria for social phobia at posttreatment-wait were as follows: 84% in CT, 42% in EXP = AR, and 0% in WAIT. At the 1-year follow-up, differences in outcome persisted. In addition, patients in EXP = AR were more likely to have sought additional treatment. Therapist effects were small and nonsignificant. CT appears to be superior to EXP = AR in the treatment of social phobia. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Treatment of phobias is sometimes followed by a return of fear. Animal and human research has shown that changes in external and internal contexts between the time of treatment and follow-up tests often enhance return of fear. The present study examined whether shifts in caffeine (C) state would enhance return of fear. Participants who were highly afraid of spiders (n=43) were treated in 1-session exposure-based therapy and tested for follow-up 1 week later. Participants were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 groups and received either placebo (P) or C at treatment and follow-up sessions: CC, PP, CP, and PC. Results demonstrated state-dependent learning. Participants experiencing incongruent drug states during treatment and follow-up (CP and PC) exhibited greater return of fear than those experiencing congruent drug states (CC and PP). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 76(5) of Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (see record 2008-13625-021). In the article, "Specificity of Treatment Effects: Cognitive Therapy and Relaxation for Generalized Anxiety and Panic Disorders," by Jedidiah Siev and Dianne L. Chambless (Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 2007, Vol. 75, No. 4, pp. 513-522), the individual measures were not listed in the domains labeled "Panic" and "Cognitive" for the ?st and Westling (1995) citation in Table 3. The corrected table is included, with the added text appearing in bold font.] The aim of this study was to address claims that among bona fide treatments no one is more efficacious than another by comparing the relative efficacy of cognitive therapy (CT) and relaxation therapy (RT) in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and panic disorder without agoraphobia (PD). Two fixed-effects meta-analyses were conducted, for GAD and PD separately, to review the treatment outcome literature directly comparing CT with RT in the treatment of those disorders. For GAD, CT and RT were equivalent. For PD, CT, which included interoceptive exposure, outperformed RT on all panic-related measures, as well as on indices of clinically significant change. There is ample evidence that both CT and RT qualify as bona fide treatments for GAD and PD, for which they are efficacious and intended to be so. Therefore, the finding that CT and RT do not differ in the treatment of GAD, but do for PD, is evidence for the specificity of treatment to disorder, even for 2 treatments within a CBT class, and 2 disorders within an anxiety class. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Specificity of treatment effects: Cognitive therapy and relaxation for generalized anxiety and panic disorders" by Jedidiah Siev and Dianne L. Chambless (Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 2007[Aug], Vol 75[4], 513-522). The individual measures were not listed in the domains labeled "Panic" and "Cognitive" for the ?st and Westling (1995) citation in Table 3. The corrected table is included, with the added text appearing in bold font. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2007-11558-001.) The aim of this study was to address claims that among bona fide treatments no one is more efficacious than another by comparing the relative efficacy of cognitive therapy (CT) and relaxation therapy (RT) in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and panic disorder without agoraphobia (PD). Two fixed-effects meta-analyses were conducted, for GAD and PD separately, to review the treatment outcome literature directly comparing CT with RT in the treatment of those disorders. For GAD, CT and RT were equivalent. For PD, CT, which included interoceptive exposure, outperformed RT on all panic-related measures, as well as on indices of clinically significant change. There is ample evidence that both CT and RT qualify as bona fide treatments for GAD and PD, for which they are efficacious and intended to be so. Therefore, the finding that CT and RT do not differ in the treatment of GAD, but do for PD, is evidence for the specificity of treatment to disorder, even for 2 treatments within a CBT class, and 2 disorders within an anxiety class. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study evaluates the cognitive model of anxiety by investigating treatment-related changes in automatic associations to evaluate schematic processing. Spider-phobic participants (n=31) and healthy controls (n=30) completed fear-based Implicit Association Tests (IATs), which are reaction-time measures that tap implicit associations without requiring conscious introspection. The specific tasks involved classifying pictures of snakes and spiders along with semantic categorizations (good vs. bad, afraid vs. unafraid, danger vs. safety, and disgusting vs. appealing). Phobic individuals were assessed before and after group-based exposure treatment and 2 months later; controls were assessed at matched time points. Results supported clinical applications for implicit fear associations, including prediction of phobic avoidance, and treatment sensitivity of the fear- and disgust-specific automatic associations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study investigated the phenomenon of sudden gains in 107 participants with social phobia (social anxiety disorder) who received either cognitive-behavioral group therapy or exposure group therapy without explicit cognitive interventions, which primarily used public speaking situations as exposure tasks. Twenty-two out of 967 session-to-session intervals met criteria for sudden gains, which most frequently occurred in Session 5. Individuals with sudden gains showed similar improvements in the 2 treatment groups. Although cognitive-behavioral therapy was associated with more cognitive changes than exposure therapy, cognitive changes did not precede sudden gains. In general, the results of this study question the clinical significance of sudden gains in social phobia treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Previous studies have reported that adding cognitive restructuring (CR) to exposure therapy does not enhance treatment gains in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This study investigated the extent to which CR would augment treatment response when provided with exposure therapy. The authors randomly allocated 118 civilian trauma survivors with PTSD to receive 8 individually administered sessions of either (a) imaginal exposure (IE), (b) in vivo exposure (IVE), (c) IE combined with IVE (IE/IVE), or (d) IE/IVE combined with CR (IE/IVE/CR). There were fewer patients with PTSD in the IE/IVE/CR (31%) condition than the IE (75%), IVE (69%), and IE/IVE (63%) conditions at a 6-month follow-up assessment. The IE/IVE/CR condition resulted in larger effect sizes than each of the other conditions in terms of PTSD and depressive symptoms. These findings suggest that optimal treatment outcome may be achieved by combining CR with exposure therapy in treating PTSD patients. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A large proportion of patients who present for treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) experience comorbid panic attacks, yet currently available PTSD treatment programs do not address this problem. This report provides an initial evaluation of a newly developed treatment, multiple channel exposure therapy (M-CET), for comorbid PTSD and panic attacks. The treatment uses elements of cognitive processing therapy treatment for PTSD and elements of panic control treatment to target physiological, cognitive, and behavioral symptoms. Results suggest that M-CET may be a promising treatment program for a subset of PTSD patients who experience panic attacks. Preliminary guidelines for conducting M-CET in a group format with participants exposed to diverse traumatic events are provided. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this pilot trial, 15 phobic Asian Americans were randomly assigned to standard one-session treatment (OSTS), culturally adapted one-session treatment (OST-CA), or manualized self-help. At posttreatment, OST (combined standard and culturally adapted) led to greater reductions in phobic avoidance and anxiety than self-help. Moreover, analyses comparing the two active treatments showed trends favoring OST-CA over OST-S. Results suggest that Asian Americans may benefit most from empirically supported treatments that consider Asian cultural values. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined the effectiveness of individual high-density exposure (2–3 weeks, all day) for panic disorder with agoraphobia (PDAG). Participants were 416 unselected patients with a primary diagnosis of PDAG who were treated by 52 therapists in 3 outpatient clinics of the Christoph-Dornier Foundation of Clinical Psychology in Germany. Results 6 weeks after the end of therapy and at the 1-year follow-up showed highly significant reductions in anxiety symptoms, anxious cognition, agoraphobic avoidance, general symptomatology, and depressive symptoms. Results did not differ significantly between the 3 outpatient clinics and are comparable with the average effect sizes reported by meta-analytic studies of controlled efficacy research, using selected patients and specifically trained therapists. Effectiveness was not dependent on duration of disorder, number of treatment sessions, and therapist experience. The study suggests that high-density exposure can be transported from research settings to the mental health field. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Over the past 10 years, our experiences delivering exposure therapy and teaching clinicians to deliver exposure therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have taught us some important lessons. We will focus on lessons learned as we have attended to clinicians' experiences as they begin to implement and apply the therapy. Specifically, we highlight common therapist expectations including the beliefs that the exposure therapy requires a new set of clinical skills, therapists themselves will experience a high level of distress hearing about traumatic events, and clients will become overly distressed. We then discuss common clinical challenges in the delivery of exposure therapy and illustrate them with case examples. The challenges addressed include finding the appropriate level of therapist involvement in session, handling client distress during treatment, targeting in-session covert avoidance, and helping the client shift from being trauma-focused to being more present and future oriented. Clinicians training exposure therapists and therapists new to the implementation of exposure therapy for PTSD should find this practical discussion of common expectations and initial clinical challenges reassuring and clinically useful. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Numerous clinical trials have demonstrated the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral treatment (CBT) for panic disorder. However, studies investigating the mechanisms responsible for improvement with CBT are lacking. The authors used regression analyses outlined by R. M. Baron and D. A. Kenny (1986) to test whether a reduction in fear of fear (FOF) underlies improvement resulting from CBT. Pre- and posttreatment measures were collected from 90 CBT-treated patients and 40 wait-list control participants. Overall, treatment accounted for 31% of the variance in symptom reduction. The potency of FOF as a mediator varied as a function of symptom facet, as full mediation was observed for the change in global disability, whereas the effects of CBT on agoraphobia, anxiety, and panic frequency were partially accounted for by reductions in FOF. Clinical implications and future research directions are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: Our objective in the present study was to examine the temporal sequencing of posttraumatic and depressive symptoms during prolonged exposure therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among children and adolescents. Method: Participants were 73 children and adolescents (56.2% female) between the ages of 8 and 18. Participants completed self-report measures of posttraumatic stress and depression prior to every session. Measures included the Child PTSD Symptom Scale, Beck Depression Inventory, and Children's Depression Inventory. Results: Multilevel mediational analyses indicated reciprocal relations during treatment: Changes in posttraumatic symptoms led to changes in depressive symptoms and vice versa. Posttraumatic symptoms accounted for 64.1% of the changes in depression, whereas depressive symptoms accounted for 11.0% of the changes in posttraumatic stress. Conclusions: Prolonged exposure therapy may work primarily by reducing posttraumatic stress, which in turn reduces depression. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Cognitive theories posit that exposure-based treatments exert their effect on social anxiety by modifying judgmental biases. The present study provides a conservative test of the relative roles of changes in judgmental biases in governing social anxiety reduction and addresses several limitations of previous research. Longitudinal, within-subjects analysis of data from 53 adults with a Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.; American Psychiatric Association, 1994) social phobia diagnosis revealed that reductions in probability and cost biases accounted for significant variance in fear reduction achieved during treatment. However, whereas the reduction in probability bias resulted in fear reduction, the reduction in cost bias was merely a consequence of fear reduction. A potential implication is that exposure-based treatments for social anxiety might focus more attention on correcting faulty appraisals of social threat occurrence. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Motivational interviewing (MI; W. R. Miller & S. Rollnick, 2002) was designed as a prelude to standard substance use treatment. Because of its purported capacity to resolve ambivalence about change, MI has been applied to many other behavioral and mental health problems. Ambivalence about engaging in exposure-based therapies is common among those with anxiety disorders, and systematic efforts (e.g., MI) to ameliorate such ambivalence may yield superior clinical outcomes. The use of MI as an adjunct intervention to standard exposure therapy in anxiety disorders is explored with a focus on treatment retention and adherence. Shared and disparate treatment difficulties among substance use and anxiety disorder populations suggest that MI may be especially effective with anxiety disorders. Empirical evidence supporting the use of MI with substance abuse and anxiety disorder populations is presented. Practical aspects of MI's clinical application as an adjunct intervention to standard exposure therapies for anxiety disorders are discussed. Last, a future research agenda is delineated. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors report a meta-analysis of high-quality studies published from 1990-1998 on the efficacy of manualized psychotherapies for depression, panic disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) that bear on the clinical utility and external validity of empirically supported therapies. The results suggest that a substantial proportion of patients with panic improve and remain improved; that treatments for depression and GAD produce impressive short-term effects; that most patients in treatment for depression and GAD do not improve and remain improved at clinically meaningful follow-up intervals; and that screening procedures used in many studies raise questions about generalizability, particularly in light of a systematic relation across studies between exclusion rates and outcome. The data suggest the importance of reporting, in both clinical trials and meta-analyses, a range of outcome indices that provide a more comprehensive, multidimensional portrait of treatment effects and their generalizability. These include exclusion rates, percent improved, percent recovered, percent who remained improved or recovered at follow-up, percent seeking additional treatment at follow-up, and data on both completer and intent-to-treat samples. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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