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针对外墙外保温技术在我国的研究开发 ,简述了外墙外保温的优越性 ,从施工的角度对外墙外保温体系的施工要求进行了研究和探讨 ,并展望了外墙外保温技术在我国的发展前景。  相似文献   

当前我国常用的外墙保温技术及节能材料加以论述,在大力推广外墙保温技术的同时,要加强新型节能材料的开发和利用,从而使建筑节能真正得以实施.  相似文献   

孙曼莉 《山西冶金》2010,33(6):66-67
从外墙保温技术、保温材料的选择及发展前景阐述了建筑外墙保温技术。  相似文献   

通过对外墙保温技术、外墙保温形式的介绍,分析了外墙保温技术、保温形式的优缺点.  相似文献   

刘倩 《有色冶金节能》2007,24(2):58-59,48
从节约能源、保护环境、改善建筑功能与质量为目的出发,采用外墙保温技术,加强围护结构的保温性,实现建筑节能65%的要求。  相似文献   

文中主要介绍了在神华国际公寓楼工程中采用聚苯板、玻纤网格布、聚合物砂浆外保温系统的施工方法.这种新型的环保节能新材料、新技术在包头地区高层建筑工程中如此大规模的应用尚属首次.  相似文献   

王鑫 《太钢科技》2008,(1):41-44
介绍了住宅建筑工程外墙保温技术的几种主要形式,从设计、施工、材料等方面分析了对建筑节能的影响。  相似文献   

近几年,国家对新型节能材料的推广越来越关注,各地在施工中对新型建筑材料使用的普及也已达到一定程度的规模.现就近几年内我国各地施工过程中外墙保温苯板工序的施工标准,并结合实际操作中的施工技术要求做一个小的分析及讨论.  相似文献   

马颖 《甘肃冶金》2009,31(4):136-138
本文对近几年运用外保温技术建成的节能建筑,其外墙出现的脱落、空鼓、开裂、室内反霜、结露等多种质量问题的原因进行了分析,以便针对不同的外保温形式,制定合理的应用技术方案,保证外保温的工程质量。  相似文献   

外墙外保温技术在建筑中的外墙外保温是将保温隔热体系置于外墙外侧,以赋予建筑物良好保温隔热性能的建筑节能措施.除了保温隔热功能以外,由于将绝热体系置于外墙外侧,从而使主体结构所受温差作用大幅度下降,温度变形减小,因而外墙外保温对结构墙体能起到保护作用并可有效阻断冷(热)桥,有利于结构寿命的延长.  相似文献   

在目前现状下,岩土工程原有的工程施工规模日益呈现突显的扩大趋向。针对岩土工程如果要着眼于保障工程质量,则需要将地质勘察置于首要地位。通过全面施行地质勘察的途径与手段,应当能够全面探明岩土工程当前所处的基本地质状况,据此给出因地制宜的工程施工措施。由此可见,有必要灵活选择多样化的岩土勘察手段,最终确保达到优良的岩土勘察实效。  相似文献   

介绍了沸腾炉炉壳腐蚀现象以及对工厂生产带来的危害,分析硫酸在炉壳上结露造成腐蚀的原因,通过计算证明沸腾炉炉壳工作温度低于硫酸露点温度.并提出了采用外保温防止结露的措施来解决炉壳腐蚀问题。  相似文献   

Structural sandwich composite panels are extensively used for modular panelized construction. This paper includes the structural characterization of the innovative composite structural insulated panels (CSIPs) developed for the exterior walls of a modularized structure. The facesheets of the CSIPs consist of E-glass fibers impregnated with polypropylene matrix, while the core consists of expanded polystyrene foam. The overall panel dimensions including the thickness of the facesheets and the core were obtained using sandwich composite design theories. Uniaxial compressive loading and high velocity impact (HVI) loading are the most important loading criteria for an exterior wall of a structure. The proposed CSIPs were tested for a compressive load of 13.13 kN/m (900 plf) in this study. The deflection at this load was ~ 3?mm which was within deflection limits of span/150 as prescribed in ACI 318-05 building design code. The proposed CSIP wall panels were also tested under HVI for the loads prescribed by Federal Emergency Management Agency for design of emergency shelters in hurricane prone areas. Based on the HVI testing, CSIPs were able to stop a blunt object projectile traveling at 135 m/s proving its suitability against HVI type of loading.  相似文献   

Energy efficiency of the built environment greatly depends on the performance of the insulating materials used in the building envelope construction. Vacuum insulation panels (VIPs) offer excellent thermal resistance properties that can enhance the energy efficiency of the insulating systems and provide savings in energy consumption. However, VIP systems are virtually unknown and rarely used for building construction in North America. There is a need to investigate the use of VIPs in various components of building envelopes and their long-term performance. The National Research Council, Canada, Institute for Research in Construction is investigating a number of fundamental aspects related to the performance and construction of VIPs, which this paper discusses. More specifically, it reviews the underlying basics behind the functioning of VIPs and presents results from the investigation into the development of alternative core materials for VIP construction.  相似文献   

Fire performance of steel structures is highly dependent on the effectiveness of applied fire insulation. However, insulation materials are susceptible to damage under extreme loading events. A state-of-the-art review on the role of insulation damage on fire resistance of steel structures is presented. Parametric studies on a six-story steel-framed building were carried out to illustrate the effect of insulation damage on fire response of a steel structure. In the analysis, realistic fire scenarios, loading, and failure criteria were taken into consideration. Analysis results indicate that the fire resistance of a steel-framed structure is significantly influenced by the extent of insulation loss, type of fire scenario, and level of lateral load. Insulation damage causes faster deterioration in the structural response of framed buildings under the combined effect of fire and lateral loading. The need for accounting for any insulation damage, arising under extreme loading events, in fire design of steel-framed structures is highlighted, and a performance-based design strategy incorporating fire resistance analysis is discussed.  相似文献   

王德米  张慧  刘岩  于玲  周伟 《冶金设备》2011,(4):36-38,48
介绍了保温罩与补温炉在镍及镍合金板带材热轧工艺设计中的应用。提出了主要的工艺要求及设备性能要求。  相似文献   

In many cases, protecting permafrost from further thaw due to human activities might be the first choice for embankment design in permafrost regions. Two-dimensional finite-element analysis was conducted, in which phase change was taken into consideration to simulate the thermal regime of the Qinghai–Tibetan Highway with extruded polystyrenes. Based on the predicted maximum thaw depth in the following 50 years, a better position for insulation and the optimum thickness of insulation were presented and a reasonable width of insulation and the right construction season were suggested. The applicable range of insulation in embankment engineering of the Qinghai-Tibetan Highway in terms of mean annual air temperature was also suggested and the influence of geothermal field of permafrost on the applicable range of the insulation was discussed.  相似文献   

针对中信大锰矿业有限责任公司大新锰矿分公司选矿厂旧线破碎设备老化,能耗偏高,产能低下等问题。在不改变原工艺流程结构的前提下进行技术改造,主要进行设备更新。选用技术性能优良的关卓C80型颚式破碎机,关卓GP100S型圆锥破碎机,关卓HP100型圆锥破碎机,山特维克LF1850振动筛,提高破碎、筛分效率,减少循环负荷,产能从30万t/a提高到50万t/a的同时,减少破碎成本0.77元/t,提高了选矿厂的经济效益。  相似文献   

冷剪机作为钢铁厂轧钢车间的重要生产设备,承担着剪切定尺钢材的任务,是整个生产系统中极为重要的一环,结合实际,对冷剪机生产作业损坏的主要原因进行研究,进而做出针对性的技术改造,通过改善剪子的力学状况,大幅减少剪切阻力,不仅能够提高冷剪剪切能力,增加轧钢生产线产能,而且还能节约成本,对于实际生产具有重大意义。  相似文献   

技术改造项目的技术经济评价方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析比较了技术改造项目的经济评价的计算方法,利用“有无比较法”计算增量净收益,是技术改造项目经济效益计算的有效方法。  相似文献   

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