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Zhu Shuanghe Ren Tianliang 《Electronics letters》1997,33(15):1271-1273
A late-model switched power supply (SPS) with a feedforward cancellation circuit is proposed. This type of power supply has the advantages of low ripple and high efficiency. Results of experiments show that the output ripple of the power supply is <1 mVpp 相似文献
直流电源输出的纹波和噪声的测量 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对于直流电源纹波和噪声的测量,不同的测量方法测量的结果往往差别较大。针对这个问题,本文先介绍了电源输出的纹波和噪声的基本概念,并在此基础上介绍了三种常见的纹波和噪声的测量方法:直接测量的方法、去掉探头和探头接地线的测量方法和使用同轴电缆的测量方法。通过分析、比较,阐明了不同测量方法之间的区别,明确了对示波器的要求及测量的注意事项,以使大家能够根据具体情况选用适宜、方便的测量方法,准确地测量到直流电源输出的纹波和噪声。 相似文献
纹波电压对高放、本振、混频、滤波、检波、A/D变换等电路都会产生影响.在设计电子产品时都要尽量抑制纹波.本设计基于AC-DC变换以及A/D变换,提供了一种测量电源纹波的有效方法,系统包括滤波、整流、放大、ADC采集、LCD显示5个模块.电源纹波信号通过高通滤波后滤除了直流,输出的交流信号经小信号整流电路后变为单方向的脉动直流信号,再由放大电路放大后输送到STM32片内ADC采集,最后将结果显示在LCD上.经验证,本系统能够较为准确地测量电源纹波,并可根据需要调节系统的频率响应. 相似文献
A fast modulator for a dynamic supply linear RF amplifier has been integrated in a 0.35-/spl mu/m CMOS technology. The use of this modulator with an external linear power amplifier (PA) allows to maintain its efficiency at a higher level than it would with the same PA supplied at constant voltage. The modulator is designed to follow rapid envelope variations at high efficiency without compromising the RF PA linearity. 相似文献
Shimizu T. Fujita T. Kimura G. Hirose J. 《Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on》1997,44(4):447-455
This paper presents a new topology for a pulsewidth modulation (PWM) rectifier which achieves unity power factor on the AC supply side and ripple reduction on the DC output side. The main circuit of this rectifier consists of a conventional PWM rectifier and a pair of additional switches. The switches and PWM rectifier are controlled such that the ripple current on the DC line is reduced, and unity power factor is achieved on the AC line. As a result, this circuit does not require a large DC capacitor or a passive LC resonant circuit. Furthermore, control of the additional switches and PWM rectifier requires only a simple control circuit. The effectiveness of this circuit was confirmed by experiments and analysis. The rectifier is useful for uninterruptible power systems (UPSs) and DC power supplies, especially for cases in which batteries are connected to the DC line 相似文献
开关电源纹波抑制研究 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
提出开关电源纹波的定义,分析开关电源纹波产生的原因,并提出几种抑制纹波的方法。最后针对一款特殊开关电源,论述了开关电源的输出稳定性问题。该电源输出电流为10A,输出电压为12V,主要用于驱动半导体激光器。为减小输出电流纹波,提高激光功率稳定性,研究分析了几种抑制纹波的方法,包括滤波法,多路叠加法等。该电源的设计采用主、副电源的思路,从主电源采集纹波信号反馈给副电源的控制端,从而使主副电源输出叠加后保持较小的输出纹波。通过实验验证该方法可以使纹波系数保持在1%,使得性能有所提高。 相似文献
Kejun Wang Changming Pi Wei Yan Wenhong Li 《Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing》2012,71(1):81-94
This paper presents a new method to improve light load efficiency and minimize output ripple of switched-capacitor (SC) DC/DC
converters. In order to improve light load efficiency, this paper proposes adaptive frequency modulation to scale down gate-drive
losses as load current reduces. Adaptive duty cycle modulation is proposed to minimize output ripple as the converter works
under different gain hopping mode. Furthermore, this work optimized switching frequency, the dead time of 2-phase non-overlapping
clocks and switching transistor size for efficiency enhancement. A new compensation circuit is also proposed to make system
stable. A transistor level implementation of the proposed SC converter in Chartered 0.35 μm CMOS process is provided. Measurement
results shows: maximum ripple voltage is <8 mV and efficiency is up to 87%. 相似文献
本文分析激光通信开关直流电源中纹波的多种内在产生机理,推导其量的关系,提出了相应的抑制措施。并做了PSIPCE仿真和实验,结果证明其方法的有效性和实用性。 相似文献
各种电子设备的正常运行都离不开电源,电源的主要技术指标的优劣直接决定着整个电子设备的性能。例如,对于智能电能表电源来说,输出纹波就是一个尤为重要的指标。本文采用纹波注入滤波方案,设计了一款性价比高的超小纹波开关电源。 相似文献
文章提出了一种新的调制技术,以提高数字脉冲宽度调制器(PWM)的电源纹波抑制。这种调制技术的特点是使用两个反馈点(开关节点和输出点),以使在相对低的开关频率下实现高增益和高带宽。由此能够得到高环路增益,提高电源纹波抑制比。通过系统仿真及实验测试证实,与理论分析基本一致。此技术可用于高性能要求的直流电源变换器及高保真音频功率放大器。 相似文献
基于ToPSWich的新型高压直流电源 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
TopSWitch器件及特性 TopSwitch是美国PowerIntegrations公司从1994年起推出的开关电源新器件,它把脉宽调制(PWM)控制器与耐压700V的功率开关管MOS-FET合二为一集成到一块芯片上,大多采用TO220三脚封装,通过漏极D、源极S和控制极C与外电路相连,如图1. 相似文献
最低的动态功耗与超快速的性能传统上,对于有限供电电源的场合,电路设计者在用CPLD(复杂可编程逻辑器件)设计和实现数字电子系统时,最基本的也是最关心的是如何达到低功耗。高性能的计算和通信系统常常有相对较高的功耗,而设计者考虑的是如何以低功耗去降低运作成本,同时又能增强系统的可靠性。CPLD的功耗包括静态功耗和动态功耗。因此,选择低功耗的CPLD器件至关重要。Lattice公司推出的ispMACH4000系列器件以低动态功耗实现在业界领先的速度性能,同时支持界在3.3V与2.5V之间的I/O标准。通过使用0.18mm的电可擦除(E2CMOS)… 相似文献
Garcia O. Cobos J.A. Prieto R. Alou P. Uceda J. 《Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on》1999,46(4):703-709
AC/DC is one of the most common power conversions in power electronics, DC loads should be fed with a stable and a tight regulated voltage. At the same time, the AC/DC converter should comply with low-frequency harmonic regulation. The classical two-stage AC/DC converters achieve these two objectives, although the overall efficiency is low because the power is processed twice. An alternative solution is presented in this paper. It is based on the division of the input power in two parts, one of them processed only once and keeping a unity power factor. This strategy improves the efficiency and reduces the size of the converter without any complex control scheme. This proposal can be implemented with a great variety of well-known topologies. The experimental results show that this solution is a good tradeoff between efficiency and size 相似文献
1问题的引出有一发烧友,为改善音质,对中南电工器材厂生产的BINARYK-9304声道环绕立体声合并式功放进行升级改造时,将NE5532换成OP275,将120W的功放对管2SC3280和2SA1301换成200W的2SC2922和2SA1216日本进口管,但音响效果并无明显变化。试听时发现,当音量开大时,声音出现失真,特别是低音;当音量关小至最大不失真输出功率时,又觉得动态范围小,与该机档次不相称;声音层次感不强,高音不细腻,不通透,有发涩的感觉。笔者查阅了该机电路图,觉得制约该机音质提高的瓶颈未必是上述元件。因为将120W的功放对管换成200W的后,只能解决音量开… 相似文献
将单片机控制系统应用于开关稳压电源的方法和原理,实现了开关电源的数控调节,在宽输出电压下实现了1V步进调节,并分析了稳压工作原理、电压调节方法和中断保护的过程。具有体积小,功率大,性价比高的特点。解决仪器仪表的供电问题。 相似文献