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对顺序索引方法进行了研究,提出一种基于向量近似的高维顺序索引结构,该结构顺序访问部分文件就能完成k近邻查询。在查询过程中依据投影值来终止查询过程,依据距离来排除不匹配的数据。为进一步降低数据访问率,采用椭圆体聚类算法对数据集进行划分。新索引结构支持以多个顺序访问过程完成k近邻查询,能够同时降低查询过程中的I/O开销和CPU开销。在大型高维图像特征库上的实验表明,新的高维索引结构的查询性能优于其他高维索引方法。  相似文献   

陈慧中  陈永光  景宁  陈荦 《计算机学报》2011,34(10):2009-2017
提高特征向量的匹配效率是将高维局部特征运用于多媒体数据检索的关键.面向多核处理器架构,提出一种新的PCPF索引以及PCPF并行构建与并行查询匹配算法.PCPF并行构建算法通过量化特征向量构建近似向量空间上的高维索引结构,并进行空间划分并行构建多个子索引分支;PCPF并行查询匹配算法利用优先队列在邻近子分支上并行过滤得到...  相似文献   

建立高效的索引结构是提升数据库存取性能的关键技术之一.在数据呈爆发式增长、海量聚集、高维复杂的大数据环境下,传统索引结构(例如B+树)处理海量数据时面临空间代价高、查询效率低、存取开销大等难题.学习型索引技术通过对底层数据分布、查询负载等特征进行建模和学习,有效的提升了索引性能,并减少了访存空间开销.本文从学习型索引技术的基础模型入手,对RMI基础模型实现原理、构造和查询过程进行了分析,并总结了基础模型的优点和存在的问题;以此为基础,按照索引结构特点对学习型索引技术进行分类,从索引创建方式和更新策略两方面对学习型索引技术进行了系统梳理,并对比分析了典型学习型索引技术的优点及不足之处.另外,本文总结了学习型索引技术的扩展研究.最后,对学习型索引的未来研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

基于矢量量化的快速图像检索   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
叶航军  徐光祐 《软件学报》2004,15(5):712-719
传统索引方法对高维数据存在"维数灾难"的困难.而对数据分布的精确描述及对数据空间的有效划分是高维索引机制中的关键问题.提出一种基于矢量量化的索引方法.该方法使用高斯混合模型描述数据的整体分布,并训练优化的矢量量化器划分数据空间.高斯混合模型能更好地描述真实图像库的数据分布;而矢量量化的划分方法可以充分利用维之间的统计相关性,能够对数据向量构造出更加精确的近似表示,从而提高索引结构的过滤效率并减少需要访问的数据向量.在大容量真实图像库上的实验表明,该方法显著减少了支配检索时间的I/O开销,提高了索引性能.  相似文献   

陈井爽  陈珂  寿黎但  江大伟  陈刚 《软件学报》2022,33(12):4688-4703
学习型索引通过学习数据分布可以准确地预测数据存取的位置,在保持高效稳定的查询下,显著降低索引的内存占用.现有的学习型索引主要针对只读查询进行优化,而对插入和更新支持不足.针对上述挑战,设计了一种基于Radix Tree的工作负载自适应学习型索引ALERT. ALERT使用Radix Tree来管理不定长的分段,段内采用具有最大误差界的线性插值模型进行预测.同时,ALERT使用一种高效的插入缓冲来降低数据插入更新的代价.针对点查询和范围查询提出两种自适应重组优化方法,通过对工作负载进行感知,动态地调整插入缓冲的组织结构.经实验验证,ALERT与业界流行的学习型索引相比,构建时间平均降低了81%,内存占用平均降低了75%,在保持了优秀读性能的同时,使插入延迟平均降低了50%;此外, ALERT使用自适应重组优化能有效感知查询工作负载特征,与不使用自适应重组优化相比,查询延迟平均降低了15%.  相似文献   

针对MapReduce数据块处理机制、高维数据分布特征和KNN查询需求,本文设计一种基于B 树的高维索引结构(iPartition),创新性提出基于主成分区分度的优化数据划分策略和邻接数据域分散存储等原则,将数据均匀划分到不同的Slave节点,使尽可能多的数据域对计算共同贡献,提升MapReduce任务处理并行性;利用B 树构造分布式的双层索引实现查询时数据范围快速过滤,降低高维计算代价。实验表明,iPartition在高维数据近似查询环境下,具有良好的性能和扩展性。  相似文献   

流水线处理技术在数据集成中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在数据集成中,经常碰到大数据量的集成问题,基于数据仓库方式的数据集成技术是一种比较流行的集成模式,提高该集成模式的查询以及实化视图的初始化效率、响应速度,并防止内存溢出,是数据集成中非常关注的地方.在基于数据仓库方式的数据集成模式中,利用基于内存控制的流水线处理方法,提高查询以及实化视图的初始化效率.实验证明,以上方法较同步方法不仅提高了数据集成效率,而且实现了内存控制.  相似文献   

最近,通过学习型索引取代传统索引以减少索引大小和提高查询效率受到广泛关注.轨迹点在路网和时间维度的连续性难以刻画,数据分布倾斜普遍存在,现存的学习型索引不能有效地支持其查询.提出一种基于路网时窗排序的回归模型树,以支持点和范围查询,含数据排序和模型训练两个阶段:首先,结合希尔伯特曲线和模拟退火寻找保持道路临近性的路段排序,进而采用两层划分获取轨迹点的一维排序,保证时空近邻点排序后彼此靠近;其次,引入回归模型树映射轨迹点和存储位置,提出批量加载和周期更新两种训练模式.真实和模拟数据集上的实验表明,在保证和传统索引可比的查询性能前提下,大幅度降低索引大小,有效地支持以读为主的历史轨迹数据查询.  相似文献   

张军旗  周向东  施伯乐 《软件学报》2008,19(8):2054-2065
为了改进高维数据库查询的效率,通常需要根据数据分布来选择合适的索引策略.然而,经典的分布模型难以解决实际应用中图像、视频等高维数据复杂的分布估计问题.提出一种基于查询采样进行数据分布估计的方法,并在此基础上提出了一种支持最近邻查询的混合索引,即针对多媒体数据分布的不均匀性,自适应地对不同分布的数据使用不同的索引结构,建立统一的索引结构.为了实现混合索引,采用构造性方法:首先通过聚类分解分割数据并建立树状索引;然后使用查询采样算法,对数据实际分布进行估计;最后根据数据分布的特性,把稀疏数据从树状索引中剪裁出来,进行基于顺序扫描策略的索引,而分布比较密集的数据仍然保留在树状索引中.在4个真实的图像数据集上进行了充分的实验,结果显示,该索引方法明显优于iDistance,M-Tree等度量空间索引,在维数达到336时,查询效率仍高于顺序扫描.实验结果显示,该查询采样算法在采样数据量仅为N~(1/2)(N为数据量)的情况下即可获得满足索引需要的分布估计结果.  相似文献   

文中提出一种支持概率k近邻查询的不确定高维索引结构--ISU-Tree.在高维空间,首先对n个不确定数据对象进行k平均聚类,然后分别对每个不确定超球进行初始"切片",并对其进行多特征编码得到对应的统一化索引键值,并且用B+树建立索引.这样,高维空间的概率查询就转变成对一维空间的启发式的范围查询及求精运算.理论及实验分析表明ISU-Tree索引能更有效地缩小搜索空间,减少积分计算的代价.在查询效率方面要明显优于其它的索引方法,尤其适合海量高维不确定数据的概率查询.  相似文献   

在大数据与云计算时代,数据访问速度是衡量大规模存储系统性能的一个重要指标.因此,如何设计一种轻量、高效的数据索引结构,从而满足系统高吞吐率、低内存占用的需求,是当前数据库领域的研究热点之一.Kraska等人提出使用机器学习模型代替传统的B树索引,并在真实数据集上取得了不错的效果,但其提出的模型假设工作负载是静态的、只读的,对于索引更新问题没有提出很好的解决办法.提出了基于中间层的可扩展的学习索引模型Dabble,用来解决索引更新引发的模型重训练问题.首先,Dabble模型利用K-Means聚类算法将数据集划分为K个区域,并训练K个神经网络分别学习不同区域的数据分布.在模型训练阶段,创新性地把数据的访问热点信息融入到神经网络中,从而提高模型对热点数据的预测精度.在数据插入时,借鉴了LSM树延迟更新的思想,提高了数据写入速度.在索引更新阶段,提出一种基于中间层的机制将模型解耦,从而缓解由于数据插入带来的模型更新问题.分别在Lognormal数据集以及Weblogs数据集上进行实验验证,结果表明,与当前先进的方法相比,Dabble模型在查询以及索引更新方面都取得了非常好的效果.  相似文献   

The recently proposed learned index has higher query performance and space efficiency than the conventional B+-tree. However, the original learned index has the problems of insertion failure and unbounded query complexity, meaning that it supports neither insertions nor bounded query complexity. Some variants of the learned index use an out-of-place strategy and a bottom-up build strategy to accelerate insertions and support bounded query complexity, but introduce additional query costs and frequent node splitting operations. Moreover, none of the existing learned indices are cache-friendly. In this paper, aiming to not only support efficient queries and insertions but also offer bounded query complexity, we propose a new learned index called COLIN (Cache-cOnscious Learned INdex). Unlike previous solutions using an out-of-place strategy, COLIN adopts an in-place approach to support insertions and reserves some empty slots in a node to optimize the node's data placement. In particular, through model-based data placement and cache-conscious data layout, COLIN decouples the local-search boundary from the maximum error of the model. The experimental results on five workloads and three datasets show that COLIN achieves the best read/write performance among all compared indices and outperforms the second best index by 18.4%, 6.2%, and 32.9%on the three datasets, respectively.  相似文献   

Indexing is one of the most important techniques to facilitate query processing over a multi-dimensional dataset. A commonly used strategy for such indexing is to keep the tree-structured index balanced. This strategy reduces query processing cost in the worst case, and can handle all different queries equally well. In other words, this strategy implies that all queries are uniformly issued, which is partially because the query distribution is not possibly known and will change over time in practice. A key issue we study in this work is whether it is the best to fully rely on a balanced tree-structured index in particular when datasets become larger and larger in the big data era. This means that, when a dataset becomes very large, it becomes unreasonable to assume that all data in any subspace are equally important and are uniformly accessed by all queries at the index level. Given the existence of query skew and the possible changes of query skew, in this paper, we study how to handle such query skew and such query skew changes at the index level without sacrifice of supporting any possible queries in a wellbalanced tree index and without a high overhead. To tackle the issue, we propose index-view at the index level, where an index-view is a short-cut in a balanced tree-structured index to access objects in the subspaces that are more frequently accessed, and propose a new index-view-centric framework for query processing using index-views in a bottom-up manner. We study index-views selection problem in both static and dynamic setting, and we confirm the effectiveness of our approach using large real and synthetic datasets.  相似文献   

Finding proximity information is crucial for massive database search. Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) is a method for finding nearest neighbors of a query point in a high-dimensional space. It classifies high-dimensional data according to data similarity. However, the “curse of dimensionality” makes LSH insufficiently effective in finding similar data and insufficiently efficient in terms of memory resources and search delays. The contribution of this work is threefold. First, we study a Token List based information Search scheme (TLS) as an alternative to LSH. TLS builds a token list table containing all the unique tokens from the database, and clusters data records having the same token together in one group. Querying is conducted in a small number of groups of relevant data records instead of searching the entire database. Second, in order to decrease the searching time of the token list, we further propose the Optimized Token list based Search schemes (OTS) based on index-tree and hash table structures. An index-tree structure orders the tokens in the token list and constructs an index table based on the tokens. Searching the token list starts from the entry of the token list supplied by the index table. A hash table structure assigns a hash ID to each token. A query token can be directly located in the token list according to its hash ID. Third, since a single-token based method leads to high overhead in the results refinement given a required similarity, we further investigate how a Multi-Token List Search scheme (MTLS) improves the performance of database proximity search. We conducted experiments on the LSH-based searching scheme, TLS, OTS, and MTLS using a massive customer data integration database. The comparison experimental results show that TLS is more efficient than an LSH-based searching scheme, and OTS improves the search efficiency of TLS. Further, MTLS per forms better than TLS when the number of tokens is appropriately chosen, and a two-token adjacent token list achieves the shortest query delay in our testing dataset.  相似文献   

联邦SPARQL查询是通过构建查询计划来指导查询执行,数据摘要索引文件捕获了RDF数据集的结构和语义信息,对查询计划生成过程中子查询基数评估至关重要。现有的数据摘要生成方法需要远程遍历每个数据源的完整数据,该过程成本消耗较高,且在大部分环境中联邦查询无法完成对大数据集的统计工作。为在减少数据摘要索引文件生成时间和内存开销的同时捕获尽可能真实的计数信息,考虑主语和谓语的分布偏差,提出利用样图生成原始图近似数据摘要的方法。使用对RDF图出度特征加权的采样方法获取原始图的典型样图,通过改进的映射函数将样图中的信息映射到原始图上,从而生成原始图的近似数据摘要。实验结果表明,该方法相比于基线方法至少节省了70%的数据摘要索引文件生成时间,并且仅采样0.5%的原始图生成的近似数据摘要即可在查询正确率上与基线方法保持高度一致。  相似文献   

High-dimensional index structures are a means to accelerate database query processing in high-dimensional data, like multimedia feature vectors. A particular interest in many application scenarios is to rank data items with respect to a certain distance function and, thus, identifying the nearest neighbor(s) of a query item.

In this paper, we propose a novel ranking algorithm that (1) operates on arbitrary high-dimensional filter indexes, like the VA-file, the VA+-file, the LPC-file, or the AV-method. Our ranking algorithm (2) exhibits a nearly balanced I/O load to retrieve subsequent items. Finally, it (3) strictly obeys a predefined main memory threshold and even (4) terminates successfully when memory restrictions are very tight.  相似文献   

本文针对大规模高维数据近邻检索中的瓶颈问题,提出基于向量量化的一种检索方法—簇内乘积量化树方法.该方法运用向量量化和乘积量化的多层树状结构高效表征大规模高维数据集,与现有方法相比降低了索引表空桶率;其次提出基于贪心队列的近邻簇筛选方法减小了计算复杂度,加快了近邻检索速度;最后提出面量化方法用于近似计算候选数据集向量与查询向量间的距离,与点量化和线量化方法相比量化误差更小,提高了近邻查询准确率.本文提出的簇内乘积量化树算法在算子Sift和Gist描述的大规模高维数据集上与乘积量化树技术相比,首次召回准确率提高了57.7%,索引表空桶率降低幅度在50%以上,与局部优化乘积量化技术相比,查全率高达97%,而查询时间却仅需原来的1/9.实验结果表明本文提出的基于簇内乘积量化的近邻方法提升了近邻检索性能,为大规模高维数据集近邻检索提供了理论支持.  相似文献   

Main challenges for developing data-based models lie in the existence of high-dimensional and possibly missing observations that exist in stored data from industry process. Variational autoencoder (VAE) as one of the deep learning methods has been applied for extracting useful information or features from high-dimensional dataset. Considering that existing VAE is unsupervised, an output-relevant VAE is proposed for extracting output-relevant features in this work. By using correlation between process variables, different weight is correspondingly assigned to each input variable. With symmetric Kullback–Leibler (SKL) divergence, the similarity is evaluated between the stored samples and a query sample. According to the values of the SKL divergence, data relevant for modeling are selected. Subsequently, Gaussian process regression (GPR) is utilized to establish a model between the input and the corresponding output at the query sample. In addition, owing to the common existence of missing data in output data set, the parameters and missing data in the GPR are estimated simultaneously. A practical debutanizer industrial process is utilized to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

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