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目前,我国污水处理普遍采用二级生化处理工艺,该法处理效果好,但一次性投资大(1000~1500元/m3),运行费用高(1.0~1.5元/m3),建设周期长,占地面积大;而小规模污水处理投资和运行  相似文献   

由于净化沼气技术处理城市生活污水受到多种因素限制,经处理后的外排水达不到国家规定的GB8978—1996《污水综合排放标准》和《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》。因此,提高污水净化沼气技术,改进工艺结构和方法,严格施工程序和质量,加强后期管理服务和技术指导,诚信为用户和老百姓服务,提高污水处理效果,将促进沼气事业的发展。  相似文献   

针对以泸沽湖流域为例的高原气候地区,设计了污水新型人工湿地处理工艺,并进行了污水处理效果试验研究。在试验水量200~400m^3,进水COD:58~203mg/L,氨氮:4.20-23.73mg/L,TP:1.08~7.29mg/L,SS:50~106mg/L条件下,出水COD、SS、氨氮浓度均达到Ⅸ城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918—2002)一级A标准。出水TP部分满足《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918—2002)一级A标准,总体达到一级B标准。  相似文献   

南汇区位于黄浦江东岸 ,其地势平坦 ,滩涂上生长有茂盛的芦苇。根据当地的自然条件 ,南汇区决定利用芦苇湿地系统替代原来规划的传统二级处理方案以降低处理费用。芦苇湿地系统建于老港城市垃圾处理场附近 ,设计处理能力为 5× 10 4m3 d ,其工艺流程见图 1。图 1 污水湿地处理系统流程  该工程占地总长为 12 17m ,总宽为 993m ,约12 0hm2 ,其中预处理部分占地约 15hm2 ,湿地占地约 92hm2 ,道路等占地约 12hm2 。主要工艺参数如下 :①预处理工程的吸附池停留时间取 0 .8h ,再生池有效容积与吸附池有效容积之比取 4 ,二沉池…  相似文献   

利用水生植物净化污水具有成本低,能耗小,植物资源可回收再利用,利于整体生态环境的改善等特点。因地制宜,发展以水生植物为核心的  相似文献   

四季青污水处理厂改扩建项目是在其原5hm^2占地内进行的升级改造工程,处理规模为6.5×10^4m^3/d,出水排入清安河。原四季青污水处理厂主要处理清浦区的部分生活污水和淮安西南片的部分工业废水,采用AB工艺,出水执行《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978--1996)的二级标准,改造后执行《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918--2002)的一级B标准,待扩建工程实施时,统一执行一级A标准。  相似文献   

该文介绍了国家新颁布的《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》的主要内容及与国家1996年颁布的《污水综合排放标准》之间的关系和区别。  相似文献   

该文介绍了国家新颁布的《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》的主要内容及与国家1996年颁布的《污水综合排放标准》之间的关系和区别。  相似文献   

生活污水处理一直是制约农村环境改善的一大难事,丽霍里镇苏李村去年在新农村建设中引人“人工湿地”方式处理农村污水,取得较好成效,为农村生态保护建设探索出一条新路。在该村一些农户在宅后面地下建有一座水泥砌起的池子,每座2—3立方米不等。该技术通过一座集沉淀、生化、清水”三功能于一体的三格池,对污水进行生化处理,池子上方栽种根系发达的花草植物,吸收污水中分解的有机物,从而净化污水,经过这样的处理。  相似文献   

Measurement of ammonia in polluted sea water or fresh water is important, especially in fish rearing, but existing methods for its determination are subject to serious suppression interference by many substances, including all types of amines, nitrite and amino acids, which may participate in the chain of reactions employed diverting it: some methods suffer from breakdown of amino acids to ammonia. Hydrogen sulphide, often present in anoxic waters also interferes and must be removed. The present method overcomes these difficulties by internal standard calibration, and by specific u.v. photo-activation of the required ammonia → indophenol blue reaction at low temperature.  相似文献   

潘丽英  张迎春 《山西建筑》2007,33(19):348-349
通过了解国内、国外污水资源化的利用现状情况,阐述了污水资源化的必要性及解决对策,指出全民应重视污水资源化问题,将节水与治污相结合,以使污水再生利用得以顺利进行,从而构建完善的污水资源化利用体系。  相似文献   

污水深度处理臭氧技术应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了ITT WEDECO臭氧系统在江苏省昆山水厂深度处理中的应用情况,并以昆山泾河水厂为例,介绍了臭氧系统的组成与工作原理。  相似文献   

通过对《交往与空间》一书的研究,提取了交往空间形态的特征,在此基础上分析研究了江南水乡交往空间的形态,通过比较,指出街巷、河道、桥梁院落等富有活力与生活气息的空间,都体现了良好的户外空间所必需的条件。  相似文献   

Tamagawa hot spring in Akita Prefecture gushes hot water of 1 pH hydrochloric acid at some 140 1 s−1. This quantity flows into the River Tama with the result that the river has been denied use for any significant hydropower development thus far. For the purpose of mitigating the acidity of the river water, the hot spring water is carried away through channels and infiltrated into the soil of a mountainside for chemical neutralizing through seepage before flowing into the river.The following facts have been obtained by field geochemical investigation (1951–1963). The neutralization effect following the injection of hot-spring water into the soil is about 80 per cent, the larger part of which effect is due to the function of dissolution of Al3+; the pH values of the water in the reservoir of Yoroibata dam to be constructed downstream of the river do not exceed 5; and even in the absence of hot-spring water injection treatment there is acidity reduction due to the alkalinity of the tributary waters as well as due to the dissolution of river-bed components by the acid during seepage.  相似文献   

Monoaromatics removal from polluted water through bioreactors-a review   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Water contaminated by oil products is becoming a major problem in water supplies as these organic compounds cause hazards for human health. Different types of aerobic and anaerobic bioreactors have been widely used for water cleanup from organic pollutants such as petroleum hydrocarbons. Many studies report that aerobic biofilm processes are a very efficient method for monoaromatic hydrocarbons removal from contaminated water as they are able to reduce up to 99% of the pollutants from water, but generally these works do not discuss possible pollutant loss through gas stripping. On the other hand, some research is related to the ability of anaerobic bioreactors for monoaromatics treatment and results have shown that anaerobic immobilized reactors are able to remove monoaromatic compounds from water with maximal efficiencies between 95-99%. But here again, no data are found about the amount of volatile organic compounds that can be found in the biogas. Also, the data generated when a solid biomass support (activated carbon, polyurethane, etc.) is present in the medium do not take care about possible solute sorption phenomena. This paper reviews various properties of monoaromatic compounds including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and mixture of xylenes. The sources of pollutants, various analytical methods suitable for identification and quantitative measurement of monoaromatics, and knowledge gained on the true removal rates by aerobic and anaerobic bioreactors are reviewed and discussed in this study.  相似文献   

针对受毒死蜱污染的原水,通过小试研究了粉末活性炭(PAC)吸附强化聚合氯化铝混凝工艺对毒死蜱的去除效果。结果表明,单独投加8mg/L聚合氯化铝和0.05mg/LPAM难以将毒死蜱浓度降低至《生活饮用水卫生标准》的限值(0.03mg/L)要求,需要采用PAC吸附与混凝沉淀联用工艺。当原水毒死蜱浓度超标5,10,20,30,40和50倍时,所对应的粉末活性炭最佳投加量分别为20,30,30,40,40和50mg/L,出水浓度均小于0.03mg/L。PAC吸附强化工艺聚合氯化铝混凝工艺可有效应对原水的毒死蜱污染,保障供水安全。  相似文献   

膜生物反应器(MBR)在污水处理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张玲 《山西建筑》2007,33(34):197-198
针对传统活性污泥工艺的缺陷,提出了一种新的污水处理装置——膜生物反应器,介绍了膜生物反应器的分类及其所用的滤膜和滤膜构件,并对膜生物反应器在污水处理中的应用情况进行了综述,指出了MBR的优越性,并提高了微生物对污水中有机物的处理能力。  相似文献   

Li XY  Chu HP 《Water research》2003,37(19):4781-4791
A laboratory membrane bioreactor (MBR) using a submerged polyethylene hollow-fibre membrane module with a pore size of 0.4 microm and a total surface area of 0.2 m2 was used for treating a raw water supply slightly polluted by domestic sewage. The feeding influent had a total organic carbon (TOC) level of 3-5 mg/L and an ammonia nitrogen (NH(3)-N) concentration of 3-4 mg/L. The MBR ran continuously for more than 500 days, with a hydraulic retention time (HRT) as short as 1h or less. Sufficient organic degradation and complete nitrification were achieved in the MBR effluent, which normally had a TOC of less than 2 mg/L and a NH(3)-N of lower than 0.2 mg/L. The process was also highly effective for eliminating conventional water impurities, as demonstrated by decreases in turbidity from 4.50+/-1.11 to 0.08+/-0.03 NTU, in total coliforms from 10(5)/mL to less than 5/mL and in UV(254) absorbance from 0.098+/-0.019 to 0.036+/-0.007 cm(-1). With the MBR treatment, the 3-day trihalomethane formation potential (THMFP) was significantly reduced from 239.5+/-43.8 to 60.4+/-23.1 microg/L. The initial chlorine demand for disinfection decreased from 22.3+/-5.1 to 0.5+/-0. 1mg/L. The biostability of the effluent improved considerably as the assimilable organic carbon (AOC) decreased from 134.5+/-52.7 to 25.3+/-19.9 microg/L. All of these water quality parameters show the superior quality of the MBR-treated water, which was comparable to or even better than the local tap water. Molecular size distribution analysis and the hydrophobic characterisation of the MBR effluent, in comparison to the filtered liquor from the bioreactor, suggest that the MBR had an enhanced filtration mechanism. A sludge layer on the membrane surface could have functioned as an additional barrier to the passage of typical THM precursors, such as large organic molecules and hydrophobic compounds. These results indicate that the MBR with a short HRT could be developed as an effective biological water treatment process to address the urgent need of many developing countries that are plagued by the serious contamination of surface water resources.  相似文献   

分析了给水排水工程规划方法在传统工艺中存在的弊端,从给水管网布置、用水量预测、排水系统等方面,探讨了小城镇给排水的规划原则,有利于全面综合的进行小城镇的水资源规划管理。  相似文献   

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