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Scaling Factor of the Operating Parameters of Z-pinch Liners   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Imploding plasma liners in the Z-pinch scheme have been demonstrated to be capable of producing high power radiation in the soft X-ray waveband owing to the conversion of the kinetic energy of imploding liner into thermal energy which in turn is converted into X-ray energy. To obtain largest X-ray power for a certain pulsed-power driving- source, the liner should gain a kinetic energy as great as possible, which imposes an optimal scaling upon the operating parameters of liner in terms of getting largest kinetic energy. This work exposes, by means of numerical calculations based on zero-dimensional quasi-plasma-shell model, the large variation of the scaling factor, which connects the parameters of the initial liner and the driving current, with different driving current waveforms. Also solved in the work is the optimal scaling factor in the sense of producing maximum kinetic energy. Calculations show that maximum kinetic energy is obtained at the current maximum or a little time later. These results ar  相似文献   

A detailed study of ionizing radiation effects on SOS devices has been performed with emphasis placed on determining the mechanisms of back-channel leakage current phenomena. Behavior for n-channel transistors fabricated with both wet and dry gate oxides is compared and differences in radiation response are attributed to a larger density of hole traps in the sapphire for dry-oxide devices. It is observed that reduction of radiation-induced leakage current to very near its preirradiation value can be readily accomplished by continuing to irradiate a device under a condition of zero drain bias. Studies with low-energy electrons (6 - 45 keV) from a scanning electron microscope reveal that energy must be deposited in the sapphire in order to increase the leakage current and that energy deposition in the sapphire bulk is unimportant in terms of leakage current production. For the present devices, the region which is effective in producing such current extends into the sapphire a distance on the order of 2 ?m from the Si-Al2O3 interface. If hole traps are spatially distributed, then the dominant mechanism for reducing leakage current is shown to be injection of electrons from Si into Al2O3 where they neutralize trapped holes. A model for radiation-induced production and reduction of leakage current in SOS devices is described.  相似文献   

A series of MOX deposition tests has been performed since 2001 at RIAR to clarify its complex phenomena and to improve its poor current efficiency. In the 2001 tests, the cathode current efficiency was between 60 and 100% but the Pu fraction in the MOX was between 5 and 20%. In 2002 tests, the fraction was raised to more than 30% by modifying the test conditions but the current efficiency fell to between 20 and 60%. A new method was proposed to simulate the parasitic current due to the electrode reactions of UO2 2+/UO2+, Pu4+/Pu3+ and Fe3+/Fe2+ at the cathode. It was found that the parasitic current due to the UO2 2+/UO2+ reaction significantly lowers the current efficiency especially when the cathode potential is kept near the equilibrium value during the electrolysis to increase the Pu fraction in the MOX deposit.  相似文献   

探讨了中子活化法检测燃料棒235U富集度均匀性过程中,不同丰度铀样品γ射线自吸收修正因子与样品质量之间的相关性。采用装于相同规格样品盒的不同丰度和质量的铀样品,将一块发射多个γ射线的标准点源(152Eu+137Cs)放置在准直器上,用HPGeγ谱仪测量样品不同能量γ射线的自吸收修正因子F。将自吸收修正因子F与样品质量m进行回归分析,得到F-m直线回归方程,用此方法得到的修正因子对中子活化分析测量模拟样品丰度时的活度进行修正,分析结果与质谱法分析结果之间的偏差小于1‰。  相似文献   

Z-pinch靶用氘代聚苯乙烯丝的研制及表征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为满足Z-pinch D-D出中子实验对固体燃料容器的要求,设计了1套简易的拉丝装置,并用聚苯乙烯(PS)为原料进行了工艺条件实验,确定出较佳的实验条件。以1 g氘代聚苯乙烯(DPS)为原料,在确定出的实验条件下,控制合适的拉丝速度,可拉出直径为30~100μm、均匀、具有一定强度的DPS丝。所制备的DPS丝在Z-pinch D-D出中子实验中得到了应用,取得了最大中子产额为2×109cm-1的实验结果。  相似文献   

基于壁面液膜模型,进行无钩波形板汽水分离器内液膜生成情况的三维数值模拟,模拟中采用Realizable k-ε模型和壁面液膜模型对波形板内的气相和液相进行数值模拟计算,根据模拟结果分析波形板内的分离效率。研究结果表明:在不改变波形板的结构和不考虑二次携带的前提下,随进口速度或液滴直径的增加,壁面形成液膜面积和高度增加,分离效率也随之提高。当进口速度和液滴直径一定时,液膜高度和面积随蒸汽湿度的增加呈先增加后减小的趋势,当湿度达到10%时,液膜高度和面积达到最大,分离效率最佳。  相似文献   

采用蒙特卡罗方法模拟计算高纯锗探测器的全能峰效率。通过计算值与实验结果的比较,反复调节计算模型中高纯锗晶体的尺寸,最终确定晶体长度、半径和死层厚度。结果表明,用此方法确定的晶体尺寸来模拟计算不同位置、能量在13.9~1 332 keV范围内的X、γ射线的全能峰效率,计算结果与实验结果的相对偏差在中高能区绝大部分处于±3%以内,低能区(<60 keV)在±6%以内。  相似文献   

将皮秒分幅相机系统用于丝阵Z-pinch实验诊断中,获得了较好的实验结果,并对实验数据进行了初步的分析,利用皮秒分幅相机测得等离子体内爆速度达2×107 cm/s,还测得了丝阵内爆的轴向不同时性及双区辐射现象.  相似文献   

Z箍缩实验滞止后期负载产生的微小碎片及其他飞溅物质会污染Z箍缩诊断系统内的光学器件,本文研制了一种基于电磁感应原理的快阀,其可用于遮断微小碎片及其他飞溅物质。根据能量守恒和电路方程,计算了快阀的运动速度、遮断时间及线圈放电电流等参数,并利用实验测量获得快阀运动速度为19 m/s,遮断时刻时间抖动为85 μs,实验测量与计算结果较为吻合。  相似文献   

进行了不同电流密度(40~160 mA/cm2)下电解制备四价铀的研究。研究结果表明,采用动态膜电解制备四价铀,能在保证六价铀转化率的前提下维持较高的电流效率,最终保证了四价铀制备过程的高效率。但在电解过程后期(大部分六价铀已转化为四价铀),若采用高电流密度,电流效率迅速下降,而采用低电流密度时仍能维持较高的电流效率。为进一步提高四价铀制备过程的电流效率,研究了程序控制电流密度阶梯减小的电解方式对电解过程后期的电流效率的影响。研究结果表明,与恒定电流密度电解方式相比,采用阶梯形减小电流密度的电解方式,可有效地提高电解过程的电流效率,有助于减少副反应的发生。  相似文献   

影响2-18F-2-脱氧-β-D-葡萄糖合成效率因素初探   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
以双管法合成2-^18F-2-脱氢-β-D-葡萄糖(^18F—FDG)为例,系统分析了影响^18F—FDG合成效率的各因索。结果表明,合成体系中的含水量是影响^18F—FDG合成效率的主要因索;不纯的回收Hz^18O也是合成效率下降的原因之一;前体的用量不低于15mg即可满足要求,缩短合成时间有利于提高合成的效率(End of Synthesis,EOS)。通过降低体系中水的含量,合成时间从55min缩短到44min,校正效率(End of Bombardment,EOB)从50%提高到65%。  相似文献   

为提高激光共振电离质谱(LRIMS)中钚的原子化效率,设计制备了金属包覆钚源,以期提高LRIMS测量痕量钚的灵敏度。本工作设计加工了适用于痕量钚制源的电沉积装置,研究了水相中痕量钚的电沉积条件,实现了痕量钚的定量电沉积;对比研究了金属铂和钛的电镀条件及性能,确定了以钛为包覆层的真空蒸镀条件,实现了镀层厚度为1 μm、金属钛包覆的高效钚源中钚的总沉积率达95%。研究表明,制备的高效钚源经过LRIMS测试,仪器对钚样品的总探测效率为2.5×10-4,原子化效率提高至7.7%,较直接滴加源提高3个数量级,为LRIMS法高灵敏测量环境中痕量钚奠定了基础。  相似文献   

采用两种不同的实验方法,检验环境土壤样品总β测量中探测效率校正因子的适用性。对同一批土壤样品用γ能谱法测量其^238U、^232Th、^226Ra和^40K的放射性核素含量,计算出样品中的总β含量(C(β)算);再用核物理实验方法直接测出样品中的总β含量(C(β)测),探测效率校正因子K=C(β)测/C(β)算。实验结果表明,本实验得出的效率校正因子K值与文献「1」用标准样品得出的完全一致,均为0  相似文献   

计算机模拟计算在各种类型加速器的设计中起着很重要的作用。例如,计算机模拟很快就可以确定加速器各部件的最佳工作参数和所需要的光学条件,使一台加速器复杂的束流输运系统设计变成简单的工作。TRANSPORT程序是当今世界上关于束流输运计算的最优秀程序之一。但是,该程序不能进行静电加速器离子光学系统的计算,也不能作直线加速器的粒子动力学计算。为此从北京大学引进了LEADS程序,它不仅具有TRANSPORT程序的优点,还克服了其不足。对含有聚束(脉冲束流)系统的加速器粒子动力学进行模拟是LEADS程序的新特色。实验中用LEADS程序模拟了200keV直流/脉冲中子发生器束流输运过程,得到了横向相图、纵向相图和束包络图。还用LMOV程序计算和验证了聚束系统,束流脉冲波形图和实验结果比较接近。  相似文献   

在核级高效过滤器钠焰效率试验中,使用自制的稀释装置和研制的钠焰光度计,试验测量了NaCl浓度在4 ng/m3~13 mg/m3范围内,气溶胶燃烧光强与浓度之间的关系,然后用最小二乘法对测量值进行曲线拟合。研究结果表明:低浓度区,光电流与NaCl浓度间为线性关系,光谱的自吸收系数为1;中、高浓度区,光电流与NaCl浓度间不再符合线性关系,光谱的自吸收系数随浓度的增加而减小。研究结果要求:在高效过滤器效率测量时,如果使用国标的效率计算公式,须保证NaCl的原始浓度低于0.05 mg/m3;如果原始浓度高于0.05 mg/m3,则需使用实际标定的光电流与NaCl浓度间的关系曲线来代替国标的效率计算公式。  相似文献   

利用氡及其子体在测量容器中的位置分布和衰变时α粒子出射方向的随机性,编制了固体核径迹氡探测器刻度系数的蒙特卡罗模拟计算程序。对不同尺寸的圆柱形容器和不同类型探测片(CR-39、LR-115)氡探测器的刻度系数进行了计算,模拟计算结果与已有的实验数据符合较好。计算了大气压强(假定温度不变)对刻度系数的影响。当大气压强下降至标准压强的0.65时,LR-115型探测器的刻度系数增大约31%,CR-39型探测器的刻度系数增大约17%。  相似文献   

在Angara-5-1装置上进行的丝阵Z-pinch实验中,红光塑料闪烁体薄膜将X光转换为可见光,通过光纤阵列、光纤传像束传输至可见光条纹像机(OSC),紧贴于像机屏幕的光纤锥将信号耦合至CCD进行记录,提供丝阵一维条纹像,观察丝阵负载Pinch区X射线辐射空间分布信息随时间的演化过程.实验中系统时间分辨4.3ns,空间分辨0.3mm.负载采用单层丝阵与双层丝阵.研究结果表明,X光辐射波形前沿上升时间越快,功率峰值越高;双层丝阵构形改善了内爆同步性;等离子体的内爆动能与电流成正比,电流愈大,等离子体的动能也愈大,X光辐射能量与电流成正比.  相似文献   

核电厂传统人员可靠性分析方法中引入班组因素的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在核电厂等大型复杂系统中,人员干预行为通常以班组的协作来完成,而目前核电厂概率安全评价(PSA)采用的以人的失误率预测技术(THERP)和人的认知可靠性(HCR)方法为代表的人员可靠性分析(HRA)方法主要关注对个人绩效的影响,它们在评估核电厂主控室班组绩效时存在一定局限。本文定义一种新的绩效形成因子“班组绩效形成因子(TPSF)”,并将其合理地引入THERP和HCR方法的定量化体系中,使它们可在一定程度上体现班组环境对人员绩效的影响。文章提出了TPSF等级的评价方法及将其引入THERP和HCR方法的定性实施框架。结果证明,合理地将班组因素引入传统HRA方法能改进它们对班组环境下人员绩效模化的合理性。  相似文献   

The two-dimensional equilibrium with flexible boundaries is solved via using a MATLAB Equilibrium Code(MEC),which has applied the finite element method to handle the changeable plasma shape and employed the trust-region dogleg method to solve the nonlinear partial differential equation.The corresponding driven current profile is also calculated by coupling with the lower-hybrid simulation code(LSC).The results are applied to optimize the lower hybrid current drive(LHCD) efficiency for the Experimental Advanced Superconductor Tokamak(EAST) and suggested that both elongation and triangularity have a notable effect on the efficiency because of the competition between the increase in the resonant area and in the Shafranov shift.Moreover,large aspect-ratio has a negative effect on the efficiency.These effects are studied numerically,which might be considered carefully for both good plasma confinement and high LHCD efficiency.  相似文献   

The silver activated Geiger counters are frequently used for measuring pulsed neutron fluxes especially in plasma focus devices. These counters basically utilize a Geiger-Mueller (GM) counter surrounded by a silver layer as an activation medium and also a polyethylene layer as a neutron moderator. Neutrons are slowed down in polyethylene prior to activating the silver layer. The neutron flux can be estimated through measuring the silver activity by Geiger-Mueller counter. In this paper, the construction of an activation counter is explained and the Monte Carlo MCNP4C code is used to calculate the calibration constant. Finally, the calculated calibration constant is compared with the measurement undertaken with an Am–Be neutron source, based on the saturation count rate method. The comparison represents a good agreement between simulation and experimental values of calibration constant. The Amir Kabir Plasma Focus (APF) device is used as a fast neutron source.  相似文献   

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