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2006年,在移动业务的支撑下,中国即时通讯市场经历了高速增长。2007年.随着个人IM应用逐渐趋于成熟.市场进一步饱和.中国IM市场进入调整期.整体市场发展重心向移动IM和企业应用倾斜.而移动和企业业务尚未呈现放量增长.因此,整体市场规模增长速度略有放缓,2007年上半年IM市场规模达到38.6亿元.预计到2007年底.市场规模将会达到46亿元.保持46.0%的快速增长。  相似文献   

张萍 《中国信息界》2005,(24):46-46
根据IDC近期公布的数据显示,中国硬件防火墙市场正在以61.3%的年复合增长率稳定、快速增长,2006年市场收入有望达到5.498亿美元,中国硬件防火墙市场的容量仍然巨大。但一个不争的事实是,该领域市场收入的增长率,却正在从2001年的166.7%下滑至2005年的48.8%,有专家预计,2006年的这一数字将出现47.7%的继续滑落。由此可以断言,随着国际防火墙市场从2005年开始出现负增长,中国也难逃市场饱和所带来的影响。  相似文献   

据IHSiSuppli公司日前分析,中国宽带资本支出预计在2010-2014年增长三分之二。2014年宽带基础设施设备上的支出将增长到11.5亿美元,但到2015年,随着面向城镇互联网用户的宽带市场接近饱和,宽带资本支出将下降到10.2亿美元。  相似文献   

2005年电接插元件行业产销分析 据中电元协近期发布的资料,2005年中国电接插元件(不只包括连接器)产值519.86亿元,同比增长23.37%;出口额29.86亿美元.同比增长39.06%,其中连接器呈快速上升态势.出口额13.89亿美元,增幅高达66.81%。从连接器市场的出货量方面,信息家电对连接器的年需求超过7亿只.占国内连接器市场总销量的43%。通讯与网络则是第二大需求领域,占市场总量的20%。除此之外才是消费类电子、工控与仪器仪表、汽车行业应用。  相似文献   

一、柔性板市场分析。2003年全世界刚性板和柔性板产值总计为345亿USD,其中刚性板占85%,其余是柔性板和刚挠板:刚性板从2002年的280亿USD增长到2003年的292亿USD,同比增长4.29%;柔1生板从2002年的36亿USD增长到2003年的53亿LSD,同比增长47%。  相似文献   

2005年DVD刻录机IC市场将达到6.2亿美元,到2009年有望增长到16亿美元,年均增长率高达27%。由于DVD播放机市场已经饱和,其IC芯片也开始呈现逐年下降的趋势。2005年DVD IC市场维持在18亿美元左右,而到2009年则跌至13亿美元,年均增长率为-8%。  相似文献   

2002年中国电子元件产品进出口形势分析(1)进出口贸易额明显增长。根据海关统计资料,2002年中国电子元件产品进出口贸易额为300.82亿美元,比2001年的234.70亿美元增长28.17%;其中,进口用汇额为171.84亿美元,同比增长30.0%;出口创汇额128.98亿美元,同比增长25.82%。贸易逆差42.86亿美元,比2001年的29.67亿美元增长44.46%。除少数电子元件产品的进出口贸易出现衰退,其它小类产品均出现不同幅度的增长。(2)2002年电子元件产品进出特点。2002…  相似文献   

2004年世界半导体市场 2004年世界半导体市场呈现较好的发展势头。据WSTS 2004年11月2日发布的预测数据表明,2004年世界半导体市场总销售规模为2127.7亿美元,比2003年增长27.8%,其中集成电路销售额为1781.3亿美元,比上年增长27.3%;分立器件、光电子器件和敏感器件的销售额分别为159.6亿美元、137.8亿美元和48.9亿美元,分别比上年增长19.6%、44.4%和37%。  相似文献   

信息产业部日前发布了2005年电子信息产业经济运行公报。2005年我国电子信息产业全年实现销售收入38411亿元,同比增长24.8%,其中软件及系统集成收入3900亿元,同比增长40.3%;工业增加值9004亿元,同比增长28.2%;利税1742亿元,同比增长6.5%;进出口4887亿美元,同比增长25.8%。记者从信息产业部经济体制改革与经济运行司获悉,这些数据是根据2004年经济普查。  相似文献   

2006年1月,全国通信业务总量完成1133.0亿元,比2005年同期增长24.6%。其中,电信业务总量1077.0亿元,增长25.2%;邮政业务总量56.0亿元,增长14.4%。全国通信业务收入完成553.4亿元,比2005年同期增长10.8%。其中,电信业务收入501.9亿元,增长10.7%:邮政业务收入51.4亿元,增长11.3%。通信业务总量的增长率约为通信业务收入增长率的2.3倍。  相似文献   

The recent developments of dual-band dual-mode D-AMPS/AMPS mobile handsets and radiostations has increased pressure on GSM service providers to follow similar technology breakthroughs as a first step towards IMT2000. A frequency-agile device accommodating both GSM standard frequency bands would serve more than 25 million GSM subscribers, with expectations as high as 100 million subscribers by the year 2000. Novel dual-band printed bow-tie antenna elements developed for dual-mode GSM/DCS 1800 handsets are described  相似文献   

《IEE Review》2003,49(8):22-23
The Chinese mobile communications market is looking very attractive to multinationals faced with market saturation in regions like Western Europe, where penetration is expected to top 80% in the next few years. The Xinhua state news agency reports that mobile communications took 46% of the total telecoms revenue worth $26.5bn in the first half of 2003, when 28.5 million people signed up for mobile services-more than took up fixed lines. In terms of penetration, fixed-line still leads with coverage of 19.4 %, but at 18.3 % mobile phones are catching up fast. Demand for handsets is huge, but tough competition from local firms means that foreign manufacturers hoping to cash in on the boom can't afford to be complacent. China's Ministry of Information Industry reported that in the first half of 2003 the country's 37 mobile phone manufacturers produced just over 82 million handsets. Nokia and Motorola still take the lion's share, but 25 local firms grabbed a significant proportion of the market, with the biggest now among the country's top handset vendors.  相似文献   

This study examined effect of a policy intervention that provides an upper limit for handset subsidies on users’ intention to change handset and households’ expenses on mobile telecommunications. The Korean government has prohibited mobile network providers from providing excessive subsidies for mobile handsets to attract subscribers since Nov. 2014 according to the mobile act. Using the exogenous variation, we estimate the impact of the policy on the intention to change handsets and expenses on handset installment, total mobile communications, and online content. The longitudinal data are from the 2014 to 2015 waves of the Korea Media Panel Survey. The mobile act lowered the predicted probability of switching handsets by 0.4% points. Moreover, the mobile act increased the predicted probability of any expense on handset installment by 7.5% points and had a significant impact on the amount of expenses on handset installment, with an increase of 7.8%. The mobile act lowered users’ willingness to switch handsets and increased spending on handset installment. This increased burden in handset installment might shrink the online content market, which has a large need for government support, as well as decrease consumers’ welfare. We assert that the policy intervention on handset subsidies is questionable with regard to both consumer welfare and the healthiness of the ICT ecosystem.  相似文献   

国内移动终端市场发展现状及趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从整体来看,国内移动终端市场仍处于快速增长阶段,市场集中度进一步提高。分析了中国移动终端市场的规模和特点,及移动终端的发展趋势,认为未来移动终端将呈现出功能强大化、多模多待、终端定制化、操作系统开放化等趋势。  相似文献   

宁连举  夏文 《中国通信》2011,8(7):144-152
The research on consumers' purchase intention for 3G handsets has important theoretical and practical value. This research puts forward four key factors which influence consumers' purchase intention based on the cue utilization theory, situational theory and social impact theory, then it establishes the study model for consumers' purchase intention of 3G handsets. Based on the result of the questionnaire survey and empirical analysis, the study shows that social influence is the most prominent factor in pur...  相似文献   

舒华英  季烨 《世界电信》2000,13(6):44-47
随着移动通信的发展,其终端将会从单模单频向双模双频演变;数字化、宽带化、小型化和个性化成为人们的追求;手机上网成为趋势;不同厂家、不同品牌之间的竞争更加激烈。在中国市场,终端档次形成高 两个极端,由于中国消费群体的特点,中低档手机仍有很大的市场。  相似文献   

This article proposes iGSM: a voice-over-IP value-added service for the mobile network. The iGSM service provides user mobility to subscribers, which allows them to use either GSM handsets or H.323 terminals (IP phones or PCs) to access telecommunications services. We describe how the iGSM registration, deregistration, and call delivery procedures can be implemented without modifying the GSM network. We study how the tromboning effect in the standard GSM system can be avoided when accessing the IP network. Then we investigate the misrouting problem caused by user mobility  相似文献   

近年来,移动蜂窝通信的发展速度可谓骇世惊人。1990年,移动用户有1100万,到1998年底达到了3亿多个。据预测,在今后10年中移动蜂窝用户数将超过固定电话。本文研究了全球移动蜂窝通信的发展状况,就技术革命、服务提供、管制、接入、价格以及发展前途等方面进行了详细的论述。  相似文献   

从工作频率、发射功率、天线间的距离、SAR分布等方面,阐述FCC对集成了多个同时发射的射频模块和天线的手机SAR测试技术要求,内容包括仅需进行单发射机模式SAR评估的条件、多发射模式的SAR测试判定原则和执行程序,以及头部模型的紧凑部位的替代测量方法等。  相似文献   

One of the ubiquitous technology fields that have received the most attention recently from technology communities worldwide is mobile radio frequency identification (RFID). Mobile handsets loaded with RFID readers enable the identification and retrieval of information on RFID tagged objects. In Korea, a variety of mobile RFID services are currently being piloted, and their commercial roll‐out looks imminent. The goal of this study is to propose, ahead of the commercial launch of mobile RFID services, a customer satisfaction index (CSI) model for this service category and to then measure the CSI to derive practical implications for their providers and pointers related to the improvement of service. A web survey was conducted on Korean mobile phone subscribers who had participated in a mobile RFID pilot program. Using the results of this survey, we tested the CSI model and its hypotheses by employing a partial least‐squares‐based structural equation model analysis and calculated the index. We further conducted an importance‐performance analysis in order to provide insights that may be useful for improving the quality of mobile RFID services.  相似文献   

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