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The infrared absorption spectra of the vitreous Co3O4-P2O5 system have been measured in the frequency region 4000 to 200 cm–1. Absorption bands and mode attributions have been fully discussed. Absorption frequencies and intensities are found to be strongly and systematically dependent on glass composition. On this basis it is found that this glass system can be divided into three distinct compositional regions. Similar three region behaviour is reported for the compositional dependence of density and molar volume of mixing of Co3O4-P2O5 glass. Quantitative justification for the band attributions has been attempted.On leave from the Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Monofia University, Shebeen El-Kome, Egypt.  相似文献   

The Fourier transform infrared spectra of different compositions of evaporated V2O5/B2O3 thin films have been investigated. Most of the absorption bands corresponding to V2O5 and B2O3 films coincide with those reported by other authors. The short-range order in amorphous V2O5 films is found to be conserved. The absorption spectra indicate a boroxol ring structure for B2O3 films. In co-evaporated V2O5/B2O3 films the boron is observed to substitute in the V2O5 network such that the coordination number of vanadium ion remains unchanged. The presence of a number of bands corresponding to -OH groups indicates the hygroscopic character of the films.  相似文献   

The optical absorption spectra of evaporated V2O5 and co-evaporated V2O5/B2O3 thin films have been studied. For higher photon energies, the absorption is found to be due to a direct forbidden electronic transition process from the oxygen 2p band to the vanadium 3d band in a similar way to that observed in crystalline V2O5. The exponential behaviour of absorption edge for lower photon energies is attributed to the electronic transitions between the tailed-off d-d states corresponding to V4+ ions. For co-evaporated V2O5/B2O3 films the optical energy gap is observed to increase with the increase in V2O5 content of the composite films.  相似文献   

To investigate how the local symmetry of the Sm3+ ion affects the fluorescence of a samarium metaphosphate glass of composition (Sm2O3)0.248(P2O5)0.752, the temperature and pressure dependences of its laser induced fluorescence spectrum are compared with those of a samarium pentaphosphate crystal (SmP5O14). Findings include: (i) The crystal field splitting of the energy levels responsible for fluorescence in SmP5O14 at room temperature is consistent with the local symmetry of oxygen atoms of the phosphate cage around the Sm3+ ions being quite close to cubic – in accord with crystal structure. At 12 K there is a systematic disappearance of the shortest wavelength lines of each fluorescence band attributable to a decreasing population of higher crystal field levels, which are occupied at ambient temperature. (ii) The (Sm2O3)0.248(P2O5)0.7520.248 glass fluorescence spectrum forms five bands, which can be related to that of the crystal but with inhomogeneous line broadening; the short wavelength edges sharpen at low temperatures, also attributable to a decreasing population of higher crystal field levels at lower temperatures. (iii) The shifts (d/dp) in the wavelengths of the fluorescence peaks of the SmP5O14 crystal induced by pressure up to 50 kbar in a diamond anvil cell are small but measurable at room temperature, being about +0.03 nm kbar–1 (+0.3 Å kbar–1). Application of pressures up to 50 kbar to the (Sm2O3)0.248(P2O5)0.752 glass did not alter the positions of the bands within the error in the fluorescence wavelength measurements. Neither the SmP5O14 crystal nor the metaphosphate glass showed any indication of undergoing a phase transition up to the highest pressure reached. A low frequency Raman mode has been observed, which softens with reducing temperature, indicating softening of the associated optical mode and suggesting that, like other RP5O14 crystals, SmP5O14 undergoes a ferroelastic phase transition.  相似文献   

The optical absorption of amorphous thin films of V2O5, SiO and of SiO/V2O5 is studied in the photon energy range 0.42 to 6.53 eV. The optical absorption edge of evaporated V2O5 films can be described by direct forbidden transitions while that of SiO films follows the non-direct transitions in k-space. The data of the SiO/V2O5 oxide mixtures are fitted to new values of the exponent in the well-known absorption equation and the corresponding optical band gaps are determined. Experimental data on the wavelength dependence of the refractive index of SiO films are presented. The dispersion of the refractive index follows a single oscillator model. The infrared spectra show that some bonding occurs between the two oxides so that the mixed dielectric system SiO/V2O5 cannot be considered as a simple physical mixture.  相似文献   

For the Co-P-O glass system, data have been assembled on acoustic Debye temperatures obtained from ultrasonic wave-velocity measurements, acoustic and optical Debye temperatures determined from infrared absorption studies, and optical Debye temperatures obtained from electrical conductivity measurements. It is argued that these quantities are systematically related in theory, and the relationships are substantiated by the experimental data.On leave from the Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Monofia University, Shebeen El-Kome, Egypt.  相似文献   

Journal of Materials Science Letters -  相似文献   

Glasses of the system (ZnO)x–(P2O5)1–x have been prepared by melting ZnO with anhydrous P2O5 in open crucibles. These glasses had compositions ranging from 20 to 70 mol % ZnO (chemically analysed ZnO mol %). Measurements of the thermal conductivity for the present glass system have been made in the temperature range 305 to 630 K. The thermal conductivity of this glass system is mainly due to lattice thermal vibrations. The thermal conductivity data are found to be fairly sensitive to the ZnO mol % content. It is observed from these data that the present glass system can be divided into three compositional regions. This behaviour is qualitatively explained in terms of changes in glass structure.  相似文献   

The infrared absorption spectra of the vitreous TeO2-P2O5 and Bi2O3-TeO2-P2O5 systems are studied in the spectral region of 4000 to 200 cm–1. Absorption bands in this range are assigned. The midband wavenumber and the absorption intensity for the attributed bands are found to be strongly and systematically dependent on glass composition. Quantitative analysis was also attempted to justify our attribution of the observed bands.  相似文献   

The results and detailed discussion of an extensive experimental study of infrared spectra of the x (PbO)-(1–x)P2O5 vitreous system (x=0.3–0.75) together with a brief review of infrared spectra of phosphate compounds, are presented. Theoretical models employed in the interpretation of infrared spectra of glasses have been reviewed. The frequency ranges of various infrared bands belonging to PO 4 3– and P2O 7 4– , observed in different phosphate compounds, are discussed. The glassy and quenched samples were prepared from PbO and NH4H2PO4 by the rapid quenching technique. The infrared spectra of the constituents of the system, PbO and P2O5, in their polycrystalline and glassy forms, have been discussed. The intensity and wavenumbers of the infrared bands around 1600 and 3300 cm–1, assigned to the bending and stretching modes in H2O trapped by the hygroscopic glasses, have been followed for different compositions with x<0.5. The changes observed in these infrared bands established the role of water as an additional glass modifier. The intensity and frequency variations of the infrared bands have been followed through all the compositions for characteristic phosphate group frequencies including P=O, P-O-P stretching and bending modes and P-O bending mode. The results clearly suggest that the x(PbO)-(1–x)P2O5 system undergoes gradual structural changes from metaphosphate (x=0.5), to pyrophosphate (x=0.66) and to orthophosphate (x=0.75). The continuing presence of the infrared band, in varying intensity, in the region 1200–1280 cm–1 attributed to P=O, suggests that the glass-forming ability of the binary system is extendable at least up to x=0.66 composition, and that no complete rupture of P=O bond by Pb2+ takes place. The ionic character of the phosphate groups, P-O(–), PO 4 3– is well revealed by significant changes with the PbO content in the spectral features of the infrared bands around 1120 and 980 cm–1 respectively. The maximum intensity of the P-O(–) band at 1120 cm–1 for 55 mol% PbO suggests a partial breakdown of the covalent vitreous network of the phosphates and formation of a crystalline phase consisting of ionic groups PO 4 3– , P2O 6 2– and P2O 7 4– for PbO greater than 55 mol%. The observed pattern of variation in the intensity of the infrared bands in the 940–1080 cm–1 region attributed to the v3-mode in PO 4 3– , suggests a gradual transformation of PO 4 3– units to PO 3 groups in lead meta-phosphate glass and then their restoration to PO 4 3– groups of pyro- and ortho-phosphate quenched samples. The results indicate a gradual decrease in the number of bridging oxygens and increase in the resonance behaviour of non-bridging oxygens as the mole percentage of metal oxide (PbO) increases in the glass. The infrared spectra of several binary phosphate glasses have been reviewed in the context of the study of effect of the cation on the infrared spectra. It is found that the influence of the cation on the infrared spectra of phosphate glasses does not show any striking regularity. Theoretical calculations of these band frequencies were found to agree well only in the case of pure stretching (P=O and O-H) vibrations and pure bending (P-O-P and O-H) vibrations. The disagreement in the case of P-O(–), P-O-H and other modes of P-O-P groups, has been attributed to the mixed nature of modes occurring in glasses. The changes in the positions of the characteristic bands and their relative intensities are strongly dependent on the structural units and PbO content in the phosphate glasses and the results emphasize the role of PbO as a network modifier.  相似文献   

Electron spin resonance studies of evaporated V2O5 and co-evaporated V2O5/B2O3 amorphous thin films have been made. For lower molar contents of B2O3, the co-evaporated V2O5/B2O3 films show poorly resolved hyperfine structure, whereas for higher content of B2O3 the hyperfine spectra are well resolved. This behaviour of films is attributed to the increase in the lifetime of a particular V4+ ion due to Anderson localization of charge, as the degree of disorder increases with increase in the molar content of B2O3. The unpaired electron at a given time is localized on a single 51V nucleus. The low intensity of ESR signal for higher concentration of V2O5 in the co-evaporated V2O5/B2O3 films has been related to the less effective concentration of V4+ ions due to antiferromagnetic coupling of the V4+ ions.  相似文献   

The electrical conduction through vacuum-evaporated thin films of V2O5 and V2O5/B2O3 in MIM structures has been investigated. The high-field behaviour of both types of film is in accordance with the Poole-Frenkel type of mechanism. The increase in B2O3 content in co-evaporated V2O5/B203 films results in a decrease in the conductivity of the composite films. This is attributed to the expansion of the resultant film structure due to the network-forming effect of B2O3. The covaporated thin films of V2O5/B2O3 with a molar content of B2O3 larger than 40% are observed to be unstable because of their hygroscopic nature.  相似文献   

X-ray photoelectron spectra of evaporated V2O5 and co-evaporated V2O5/B2O3 thin films have been investigated. The photoelectron spectrum of a simple V2O5 film shows the splitting of the V 2p level in accordance with the spins. The values of binding energies corresponding to V 2p and O1s are comparable with those reported previously. For co-evaporated V2O5/B2O3 films a chemical shift in the O 1s level has been observed which has been attributed to the changed chemical environment of oxygen as a result of the presence of boron and vanadium atoms. The values of binding energies for V 2p3/2 and O 1s corresponding to simple evaporated V2O5 and co-evaporated V2O5/B2O3 show the presence of V2O4 species in the films.  相似文献   

Various methods have been used to study the physical properties of the V2O5-Fe2O3 and V2O5-Fe2O3-Li2O systems, including X-ray, electron microscope, Mössbauer effect, NMR and thermogravimetric measurements. The iron ions are approximately equally distributed in substitutional and interstitial sites in the V2O5 lattice. The maximum number of iron ions dissolved in the V2O5 matrix corresponds to 4 mol % Fe2O3. In all the samples a quantity of Fe2O3 which has not been included in lattice is observed. The V2O5-Fe2O3 and V2O5-Fe2O3-Li2O systems are formed from solid solutions mixed with very small Fe2O3 particles. The analysis of the charge compensation of iron ions suggests that V2O5 is a quasi-amorphous semiconductor. Irradiation of V2O5-based samples with an electron beam induces the V2O5 platelets to convert to the VO x phase.  相似文献   

TiO2/V2O2 powders were prepared by the mixed oxide and sol-gel method. The sols were dried using different procedures. The obtained powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, BET-adsorption and laser granulometry. The electric properties were determined by measuring the thermoelectric power. A strict correlation of the thermoelectric power and the V2O2 content could be observed, but by contrast to conductivity measurements, the thermoelectric power was not influenced by the powder morphology. Additionally, the thermoelectric power was drastically influenced by the calcination temperature.  相似文献   

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