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In this paper, both simulations and measurements are used to explore the propagation properties of ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) waves traveling through building structures and, in particular, windows. The propagation influence of several features of a typical window structure is examined, including the electrical properties of the surrounding wall, the homogeneity and roughness of this wall, and the incidence angle of the UHF wave. In these studies, ray tracing is benchmarked against both narrow-band measurements and the results of a full-wave moment method technique. Some of the inherent limitations of ray tracing are assessed and corrective methods are proposed in order to improve its accuracy.  相似文献   

We review past research on the propagation of electromagnetic pulse signals over the surface of the earth with emphasis on analytical methods to predict waveforms. The best example is the electromagnetic field radiated from a lightning stroke that can be observed at global distances or very close in if one has sufficient motivation. In any case, the propagation channel will distort the signal wave shape because of the strong frequency dependence of the attenuation factors and the phase velocities of the modes. We begin with a flat earth model that has the virtue of simplicity particularly when displacement currents in the earth are relatively small compared with the conduction currents. Here we see that the rise time of the ideally radiated step function signal is of the order of a few microseconds at a range of 50 km over average land paths. Such a prediction is in accord with published experimental data. At greater ranges, earth curvature comes into play and we show here how various analytical and numerical methods can be used in overlapping time regions which serves as a good consistency check. Other complicated effects such as mixed land-sea paths and ionospheric influences are also reviewed.  相似文献   

本文基于功率流分别讨论了在矩形波导横截面积一定,TEm0和TMmn模式单独传输时,宽长尺寸比的最优解问题,得到了TEm0波传播时,其宽长比应趋近于0;TMmn波传播时,m<n,仅TM12的宽长比为1;m≥n,宽长比为n/m.所得结果对矩形波导尺寸的选择和设计有潜在的应用价值.  相似文献   

V. D. Kagan 《Semiconductors》1997,31(4):407-410
A surface acoustic wave can propagate in a piezoelectric crystal above which lies a two-dimensional conducting layer. The electric fields excited by the wave in the crystal penetrate into the two-dimensional layer and excite dissipative currents in it, which results in absorption of the wave and change of its velocity. These characteristics are calculated for different configurations of the layered system taking into account not only the surface conductivity but also surface diffusion. When the layer has an elastic contact with the crystal, for the configuration allowance is made not only for the piezoelectric but also the deformation interaction of the sound wave with the electrons. Fiz. Tekh. Poluprovodn. 31, 478–482 (April 1997)  相似文献   

介绍了核电磁脉冲地波传播的理论计算方法,研究了当大地电导率大于0.005 S/m时,地波传播函数随频率及传播距离的变化规律,并计算了不同传播距离核爆电磁脉冲的地波电场。结果表明,频率越高,传播距离越远,传播函数的幅值越小;核爆电磁脉冲的传播距离为500 km时,电场的幅度会有大于一个量级的衰减。  相似文献   

为了实现高集成度通信系统中高频信号的可靠传输,提出了一种小型化叉指H形人工表面等离激元传输线结构. 采用共面双导体形式,并在金属矩形凹槽处添加叉指结构,实现色散特性调控和尺寸缩减. 同时给出单元结构的等效电路模型,验证了小型化结构的设计原理,分析了力学形变时传输线的性能. 仿真与测试结果表明,与常规的人工表面等离激元相比,叉指H形人工表面等离激元传输线可在保持相同带宽(3~15.25 GHz)的同时,线宽减少79.5%,尺寸仅为2.28λg×0.098λg(λg为中心频率对应的波长). 在平坦和变形时加工实物的带宽保持在3~12.90 GHz,与仿真结果较吻合. 设计的结构具有高频、小型化和柔性超薄等特点,在超小型高速通信系统中具有潜在的应用前景.  相似文献   

《Electronics letters》1969,5(21):540-541
The propagation characteristics of a magnetoelastic surface wave in ferrites are described using numerical calculations pertinent to gallium-y.i.g.  相似文献   

在大气环境模拟实验平台上,利用S波段高功率微波(HPM)击穿大气产生等离子体,开展Ka波段电磁波在等离子体中的传输特性实验研究,得到不同频率电磁波下等离子体传输衰减规律,并发现电磁波与大气等离子互作用呈现透射新颖现象:Ka频段透射增强或减弱呈振荡形式,透射增强最大增幅接近2倍,最大增强频点附近透射增强以周期性规律出现,间隔周期约为80 MHz。随着气压升高,透射增强现象仍然存在,但增强幅度随之减小。理论分析了可能引起透射增强的原因,该试验研究成果为HPM大气等离子体在隐身、黑障通信等方面的应用提供了可能。  相似文献   

A transport-field parallel-plate formulation and solution method to determine the small-signal propagation constant is given for wide microstrip lines over an inhomogeneously doped semiconductor substrate of small transverse dimensions. Included in the detailed transport model are two carrier species, recombination-generation mechanisms, DC and AC field-dependent mobilities and diffusion constants, and boundary condition contact effects. A transverse DC bias condition is applied. Structures numerically simulated are a voltage-variable GaAs distributed Schottky-barrier phase shifter and a transmission line over an Si bipolar junction. Numerical data based on a finite-difference technique are generated on carrier densities, electric potentials and fields, and current densities. Propagation constant calculations compared favorably to those calculated by both full-wave field analysis and moments-of-the-Boltzmann-equation analysis for some less general cases. Propagation constant results for the GaAs structure are compared with available experimental data, and good agreement is obtained  相似文献   

The simulation mechanism of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) and localized surface plasmon (LSP) in different structures was studied, including the Au reflection grating (Au grating), Au substrate with dielectric ribbons grating (Au substrate grating), and pure electric conductor (PEC) substrate with Au ribbons grating (Au ribbons grating). And the characteristics of the Smith-Purcell radiation in these structures were presented. Simulation results show that SPPs are excited on the bottom surface of Au substrate grating grooves and LSP is stimulated on the upper surface both of Au ribbons grating grooves and Au grating grooves. Owing to the irreconcilable contradiction between optimizing the grating diffraction radiation efficiency and optimizing the SPPs excitation efficiency in the Au substrate grating, only 40-times enhancement of the radiation intensity was obtained by excited SPPs. However, the LSP enhanced structure overcomes the above problem and gains much better radiation enhancement ability, with about 200-times enhancement obtained in the Au ribbons grating and more than 500-times enhancement obtained in the Au grating. The results presented here provide a way of developing miniature, integratable, tunable, high-power-density radiation sources from visible light to ultraviolet rays at room temperature.  相似文献   

The performance of a microwave choke is analyzed by the finite element-boundary integral method (FE-BIM) for an incident wave with arbitrary angle/polarization. The equivalence principle is used to divide the whole region into three subregions: incident region, choke region, and transmitted region. The functional in the choke region is derived with an appropriate boundary condition between subregions. The choke region is discretized by rectangular meshes. Vector edge elements are used for the representation of the cross-sectional electric field, while node elements are used for the axial-directional electric field. The electric fields in the cross section of the choke are determined by the Rayleigh-Ritz procedure. The performance of a microwave choke is analyzed by investigating the transmission characteristics of the choke for a plane wave with varying incident angle and polarization. Experiments have been done using a rectangular waveguide with the choke structure inside. The results agree very well with the theoretical prediction  相似文献   

表面等离激元是束缚在金属—介质交界面上的一种电磁波模式,可突破衍射极限,被认为是下一代集成光子回路最有希望的信息载体。基于我们的研究工作,就几种表面等离激元金属狭缝结构的原理和应用做了简单概述。利用法布里-波罗谐振腔、法诺共振、多模干涉等光学效应,这些金属狭缝结构可对表面等离激元的传输行为进行有效地调控。在理论上和实验上,利用金属狭缝结构实现了亚波长表面等离激元单向激发器、亚微米宽带单向激发器、亚微米分束器、超紧凑纳米聚焦器件和亚微米全光开关等纳米光子器件。这些纳米光子器件在纳米集成光学中具有重要应用。  相似文献   

地基大功率高频电波加热电离层不仅会导致被加热区域等离子体参数的显著变化,同时会产生诸多空间效应,对通过被加热区域的电磁波产生影响.基于欧姆加热机制建立加热物理模型,研究高频电波加热电离层对波传播的作用,主要讨论在不同加热条件下,高频电波加热电离层对波相偏移的影响,通过数值模拟分析给出其定量关系,并利用EISCAT-TROMSO加热实验结果对数值模拟结果进行了验证比较.结果表明,诊断波的相位偏移和多普勒频移变化与加热条件、电离层变态状况存在关联.  相似文献   

Parekh  J.P. 《Electronics letters》1970,6(14):430-432
The letter describes the drastic modifications that occur in the spin-acoustic Love-type surface wave when the ferrite substrate is mass-loaded with a nonmagnetic elastic layer.  相似文献   

The mechanism of surface wave instability in helicon wave propagation in lossy, drifted layered (sandwich and multilayered) structures consisting of n-type semiconductor magnetoplasmas analyzed by Baraff and Buchsbaum is reinvestigated in the oblique geometry. The ratio of the effective masses of the charge carriers whose neglect is not justifiable in a mobile (uncompensated) semiconductor plasma is accounted for in the present treatment. Such a configuration leads to modification of the dispersion relation of the bulk helicons (helicon waves). It is concluded that the embodiment of the effective mass ratio of the charge carriers in the oblique geometry results in an increase in the actual drift velocity (above threshold velocity) giving rise to surface wave instability.  相似文献   

Propagation of electromagnetic waves at MHz frequencies through seawater   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The nature of the ocean environment and its vast size has necessitated the development of sophisticated equipment and techniques for various underwater applications including diver-to-diver communications, ROV/AUV docking, communications and oil and gas explorations. To facilitate scientific exploration a wide variety of systems and vehicles have been developed to operate within the shallow continental shelf region or in deep oceans. For successful underwater electromagnetic (EM) wave operation, knowledge is required of the wave transmission properties of seawater over all distances both short and long. This information is required for such activities such as: sensor systems, imaging, position fixing, measurement of speed, obstacle detection and avoidance, guidance, communication of data/voice and remote control. This paper presents a new approach of EM wave propagation through seawater. The experimental results conducted in the laboratory and the real environment of seawater is presented.  相似文献   

碳纳米管束/介质界面表面波激发与传输特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
基于表面等离子体波产生的物理机理和其新颖特性,设计出能够激发太赫兹表面等离子体波的两种圆柱体周期性光栅结构模型.通过研究周期性阵列结构中表面等离子体波的色散关系,理论预测了表面等离子体波的共振频率,并在仿真实验结果中得到验证.通过观察表面等离子波电场的变化,结合理论详细分析了界面处表面波随各因素的变化规律.研究结果表明,垂直结构的碳纳米管束半径为24 m,栅周期为95 m时,激发的表面等离子波最强;而对于水平结构,半径为25 m,栅周期为120 m时,所激发表面等离子波最强.其研究结果对利用等离子波探测THz信号和THz传感器的设计有重要指导意义.  相似文献   

矩形隧道中电波多径传播模型的建立及仿真   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用射线跟踪技术,综合考虑了隧道表面介电常数和反射系数、收发信机的工作频率和功率、以及天线增益等因素,建立了电波在矩形隧道中传播的确定预测模型,推导出了三维情况下,隧道中收发信机的距离与有效反射线条数的关系式、单根射线的传输损耗和传输时延随距离变化的关系式、以及多径情况下总的接收信号功率和传输衰减的表达式,为抗衰落技术的应用打下了基础.然后以井下隧道为例对无线传播模型进行了仿真,通过仿真波形与类似条件下实测结果的对比,说明了建立的模型是正确的.  相似文献   

巷道中电磁波传输特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着通信技术的发展,地面移动通信技术在不断提高,但是煤矿井下移动通信技术进展缓慢,主要是由于矿井下恶劣的通信环境以及对通信的特殊要求。为了使复杂的问题简单化,文章将矿井巷道理想化,根据理想波导理论,研究了直巷道内电磁波的传输特性和损耗特性,并且估算了TE10波在一定的巷道壁电导率情况下的损耗和传输距离,本文对巷道内无线电通信的发展有着重要的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

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