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I. M. Wiseman MSc G. P. Rutt MSc P. J. Edwards MSc 《Water and Environment Journal》2004,18(3):133-138
The ecology of the River Pelenna (in South Wales) was impoverished by polluted discharges from abandoned coal mines. A series of passive constructed wetlands was created in order to treat these discharges and to improve the ecology of the river. A three-year Environment Agency R&D project investigated the performance, environmental benefits and sustainability of the constructed wetlands. It showed that the treatment systems were removing most of the iron contamination. In the reaches downstream from the minewaters, the dissolved-iron concentration quickly dropped below the target level. Invertebrate abundance, trout and riverine bird populations increased in following years. However, occasional overflows from the systems have significantly affected the ecology of one stretch of river. The research work has provided an insight into the potential for ecological recovery associated with future minewater treatment. 相似文献
Catherine A. O'Brien Dipl.-Ing. BEng MSc Miklas Scholz canding BEng PgC MSc PhD ILTM CScl CEnv CEng MIEMA MCIWEM MICE Gordon L. McConnachle BSc MSc CEng MCIWEM MICE. 《Water and Environment Journal》2005,19(3):189-198
The performance of a novel industrial membrane bioreactor (MBR) comprising denitrification, nitrification and ultrafiltration for the secondary treatment of primary treated animal rendering wastewater has been compared with an experimental, low-cost and novel vertical-flow constructed wetland planted with Typha latifolia L. (Reedmace or Broad-leaved Cattail). The process wastewater followed pre-treatment by dissolved air flotation (DAF). The mean DAF effluent gave highly variable chemical oxygen demand (COD) and ammonia concentrations of 5816 (standard deviation (SD): 3005.0) and 614 (SD: 268.7) mg/l, respectively. The mean MBR effluent for COD and ammonia was 37 and 86 mg/l, respectively. The mean treatment performance of the constructed wetland for COD, ammonia and suspended solids was 205, 67 and 57 mg/l, respectively. 相似文献
城市化与可持续性:如何实现共赢 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
尽管我国近年来的快速城市化进程面临着日益严峻的可持续性挑战,但是本文基于城市化与可持续性的库兹涅茨曲线理论假说认为,在应对我国未来非均衡的城市化进程中,通过非空间性的公共制度建设和差异性的区域城市化政策,有可能推动城市化与可持续性迈向共赢。 相似文献
以大跨度、人员瞬时集散为特点的体育建筑,在我国人均占有率极低,而追求形式,费用昂贵,成本畸高的现象却司空见惯,奥运等大型体育场馆赛后高成本、运行困难问题屡见报端。基于可持续设计理论,针对体育建筑的机理特点,从可研、规划、设计、评估等全过程环节出发,通过大型国际体育赛事工程应用、评价、反馈,探讨系统的体育建筑可持续设计理论。结合奥运羽毛球馆、摔跤馆,亚运游泳跳水馆、武术馆和摔跤馆等五个奥运亚运场馆的工程实践,围绕整体协调、灵活适应与节能降耗等主题,探讨基于可持续性的体育建筑设计方法及其应用。 相似文献
N. Muhammad MSc PhD A. D. Wheatley BSc PhD MIBiol A. R. Anderson BSc 《Water and Environment Journal》2004,18(4):235-238
Laboratory work to improve the performance of storm-water separators, to meet new Environment Agency and European standards, is described in this paper. Residence-time distribution testing, using particulate and dissolved tracers, was used to study the hydraulics of separation. Oil-separation efficiency and head-loss analysis was used to develop additional final coalescing filters to reduce oil concentrations in the discharge to less than 5 mg/l. Field tests found lower oil, but greater metal, concentrations in runoff compared with those previously reported. It is suggested that improved separators could provide part of a multi-barrier design to improve the sustainability of removal of priority pollutants in highway runoff. 相似文献
高层建筑结构抗震弹塑性分析方法及抗震性能评估的研究 总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16
以反应谱理论为依据,建立了循环侧推的多振型高层建筑结构静力弹塑性分析方法。在此基础上,归纳、总结得到结构等效恢复力模型的骨架曲线及滞回特性,发展了较简单且较为精确的计算在地震作用下高层建筑结构顶层位移反应的方法。探讨了应用静力、动力弹塑性分析结果进行抗震性能评估的基本原则。最后给出算例对本文的研究进行了论证。 相似文献
高性能混凝土体积稳定性的控制及优化设计 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
针对高性能混凝土的研究和应用现状,阐述了体积稳定性研究的重要性。论述了体积稳定性的控制指标、优化设计方法,并介绍了基于体积稳定性设计的高性能混凝土在国内重点工程中的应用实例。 相似文献
S. G. Evans MSc MIBiol CBiol MIFM P. B. Spillett MSc PhD FIFM K. Colquhoun PhD MIBiol CBiol 《Water and Environment Journal》2003,17(4):257-261
In March 2000, a document entitled Draft Regional Planning Guidance for the South East was published with the primary aim of providing a regional framework for the preparation of development plans to the year 2016.
This paper discusses the potential effects for the water industry of SERPLAN's predicted levels of housing growth on water resources, sewage treatment and the environment. The need for sustainable development with the competing pressures of water-resource limitation, changing regulation, increasing demand and the environment, are discussed. Thames Water's scale of operations is described together with the range of measures aimed at managing the reasonable demands of customers, consistent with achieving sustainable growth. Basingstoke is described as a wastewater case study, highlighting the problem in fulfilling the sewerage undertaker's statutory duties in (a) meeting already stringent effluent-treatment standards which are necessary to maintain and improve river quality, and (b) providing the necessary infrastructure for an area which is earmarked for continuing development. 相似文献
This paper discusses the potential effects for the water industry of SERPLAN's predicted levels of housing growth on water resources, sewage treatment and the environment. The need for sustainable development with the competing pressures of water-resource limitation, changing regulation, increasing demand and the environment, are discussed. Thames Water's scale of operations is described together with the range of measures aimed at managing the reasonable demands of customers, consistent with achieving sustainable growth. Basingstoke is described as a wastewater case study, highlighting the problem in fulfilling the sewerage undertaker's statutory duties in (a) meeting already stringent effluent-treatment standards which are necessary to maintain and improve river quality, and (b) providing the necessary infrastructure for an area which is earmarked for continuing development. 相似文献
混凝土矿物减水理论与C100超高性能混凝土 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
某些矿物微粉具有强烈的减水作用,且可在化学减水剂无能为力的超低水灰比条件 下发挥出来,利用这些矿物微粉以及广州地区容易获得的其他材料,可稳定地制备坍落度大于170mm、28d 强度达100-128MPa 的超高性能混凝土。 相似文献
城市群已经成为我国新型城镇化深入推进的主要空间支撑形态,厘清哪种空间结构更有利于提高城市群的经济绩效,有助于为“十四五”乃至更长时期的城市群空间规划提供决策依据.本文基于陆地扫描全球人口数据库和欧洲航天局全球土地利用数据识别城市实体,并从单中心-多中心视角测度城市群空间结构,运用固定效应模型和工具变量法检验城市群空间结构对劳均GDP和劳均GDP增长率的影响.结果显示,多中心的空间结构更有助于促进城市群经济绩效的提高.未来空间规划应在发挥首位城市辐射带动作用的基础上,促进经济要素在城市群中整体均衡分布,形成各城市协调发展、合理有序的空间结构体系. 相似文献
都市区空间结构与绩效--多中心网络结构的解释与应用分析 总被引:22,自引:3,他引:22
基于城市空间多中心发展的经济解释,提出了形成“多中心”空间结构的必要条件;同时,通过对空间结构的理解,提出了空间结构的绩效测度方法;此外,提出了高密度都市区多中心空间结构的四种模式,并指出当前中国都市区发展在空间结构方面的矛盾,以及结构引导、控制的方向。 相似文献
为了较好地分析型钢高强高性能混凝土柱在地震荷载作用下的损伤破坏机理,通过对现有几种地震损伤模型的分析比较,并结合低周反复荷载作用下型钢高强高性能混凝土柱的滞回特性,建立以最大变形处卸载刚度的退化和累积的残余塑性变形为破坏参数的地震损伤模型,并结合已有的试验结果对损伤模型进行了非线性回归分析,确定模型中相关参数。同时分析剪跨比、混凝土强度、轴压比对型钢高强高性能混凝土柱损伤累积和发展的影响,结果表明,在加载后期,随着混凝土强度和轴压比的增加,型钢高强高性能混凝土柱的损伤发展加快;而随着剪跨比的增加,型钢高强高性能混凝土柱的延性提高,损伤进程相对平缓。 相似文献
昆明第一污水厂氧化沟工艺运行实践及分析 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
昆明市第一污水处理厂采用卡鲁塞尔氧化沟巴登福流程,运行5年来出水水质较好,其中总磷平均值仅0.45mg/L,去除率90%左右。结合运行中的几个问题进行了分析和探讨。 相似文献
城市商业街改造定位与绩效评价研究——以1990年代以来四川北路商业街改造为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以上海市四川北路商业街为案例,建构具有可操作性的商业街定位研究与绩效评价框架和方法;另一方面,通过对四川北路的研究,揭示和总结在消费升级、业态转型、品牌竞争的商业转型时代,大都市商业中心区传统商业街改造规划与实施过程中的经验和教训,为今后我国城市商业街改造规划提供参照,提升城市特色商业街的竞争力和吸引力,促进城市特色商业街的健康发展。 相似文献
Vegetation naturally cleanses the atmosphere by absorbing gases and some particulate matter through leaves. Plants have a very large surface area and their leaves function as an efficient pollutant‐trapping device. Some plants have been classified according to their degree of sensitivity and tolerance towards various air pollutants. Sensitive plant species are suggested to act as bio‐indicators. Levels of air pollution tolerance vary from species to species, depending on the capacity of plants to withstand the effect of pollutants without showing any external damage. In this study, the air pollution tolerance index (APTI) of 30 plant species has been evaluated. High values of APTI were recorded in Mangifera indica, Moringa pterydosperma, Cassia renigera and Ailanthus excelsa. The anticipated performance index (API) of 30 plant species has also been evaluated for green belt (GB) development in and around an industrial urban area in India. Using APTI and this performance rating, the most tolerant plants have been identified. 相似文献