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介绍已研制成功的微机型断路器开断检测装置 ,该装置以MCS - 5 1系列单片机为核心部件 ,能同时检测八台断路器的开断时间和短路电流值以及各台断路器的开断总次数和短路电流的累计值 ,真实地反映出断路器的设备状况 ,从而依据断路器检修规程确定检修时间。按照断路器的实际开断情况选择适当的检修时间 ,将避免以往那种不必要的检修工作 ,提高经济效益 相似文献
断路器开断电流的选择SelectionforBreakingCurrentofCircuitBreakers李泉源(苏州供电局,江苏省苏州市,215004)1问题的提出断路器开断电流是选择断路器的主要技术指标,其选择必须从系统设计的角度加以考虑,各种... 相似文献
<正> 自能(自膨胀)式气体断路器可在较小的驱动力下开断故障电路,有不少的优点。本文介绍了在断路器端子短路(BTF)和近区故障(SLF)两种情况下,结构参数和开断能力的关系,并给出了试验和分析结果。 相似文献
提出了直流系统对直流开断的新要求,分析了直流开断与交流分断的区别。同时介绍了几种直流开断新技术与新型直流断路器,包括无极性直流断路器、由交流派生直流断路器、密封充气式直流开关、自励振荡人工零点直流断路器,理清了直流开断技术的进展。 相似文献
一、前言 在日本,以城市为中心的直流电气铁道内,在电力电子和微电子技术的基础上,对电力供应系统的设备进行了技术革新.人们十分关注以列车运转为电力供应中心任务的直流高速开断断路器,十多年来曾考虑过不少方案.日本运输省针对铁道技术的开发提出了"环境和节能"、"提高安全性和可靠性"、"高寿命低价格"三项要求,从而研制出新型无电弧直流高速开断真空断路器. 相似文献
真空断路器并联开断过程的实验研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
<正>一、引言 根据Yanabu关于真空电弧的物理描述可知,纵磁下的真空电弧弧柱由大量并联燃炽的单根弧柱组成。如果把平衡时的燃弧分成许多独立燃烧的扩散型分支,各分支在保持为扩散型的情况下并联燃烧形成大电流真空电弧,那么,在保持整个电弧形态为扩散型且各分支电弧有同样的起弧、燃弧条件情况下,各分支电弧将同时存在并且并联燃烧。据此,本文提出了利用并联灭弧室分担额定电流并利用并联方式进行大电流开断的方法。 相似文献
低压限流断路器的开断过程由限流机构动作过程、电弧停滞过程、电弧运动过程和熄弧过程等四个阶段所组成,每一个阶段可分别用一种数学模型来描述,用计算机求解这些模型就可模拟不同条件下断路器的开断过程。开断过程的计算机模拟能用来进行产品的相似设计,替代费用昂贵的短路试验,协调断路器与其它保护电器的保护特性配合。 相似文献
This paper summarizes the methods that are typically used in industry to evaluate the service life of low-voltage power circuit breakers and molded-case circuit breakers. It reviews the electrical ratings and endurance requirements set forth in manufacturing standards, the ways that these endurance requirements can be used to develop expectations of circuit breaker life, the methods of maintenance inspections, and the interpretations of these inspections 相似文献
一、前言 真空断路器在中压(6~36kV)电网是占优势的电器,以欧洲和美国为例,VCB在全部产出的各种断路器中占70%,日本近100%.俄罗斯的VCB产量呈稳定增长,1997年VCB的份额占全部的50%以上.VCB和油断路器及充气断路器(GCB)相比,其作用在市场上被看好的主要优点有: 相似文献
Series-rated circuit breakers are commonplace, but not always well understood. This paper provides basic information on how a series rating is tested and relates that information to the interaction of the overcurrent protective devices involved. The paper also explores the question of whether calculations can be used to determine the series rating of an untested combination. 相似文献
Telander S.H. Wilhelm M.R. Stump K.B. 《Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on》1988,24(4):554-559
Computer modeling was used to confirm the applications which require surge protection and to verify that surge limiters installed within the switchgear will provide this protection. The basic phenomena which cause vacuum-switchgear-related surges are reviewed, and the need for surge limiters is discussed. Also described is the design of these surge limiters. Information and performance data for their applications are provided. The potential sources of switching overvoltages are reviewed and the basic requirements of surge limiters are described 相似文献
Sweetser C. Bergman W.J. Montillet G. Mannarino A. O'Donnell E.J. Long R.W. Nelson J. Gavazza R. Jackson R. 《Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on》2002,17(3):742-746
Diagnostics and monitoring can be used to optimize maintenance practices, replacement, and utilization of aged circuit breakers. Monitoring practices should be selected with realistic expectations. Monitoring techniques and strategies for circuit breakers can vary depending on the application. Some monitoring techniques do not provide sufficient benefit to justify the cost and effort. Conversely, appropriate selection of monitoring can provide significant benefits. A new "IEEE Guide for the Selection of Monitoring for Circuit Breakers" has been published. It outlines the majority of monitoring options, and includes the important role and application of failure modes and effect analyzes. Various monitoring techniques and strategies are reviewed using the new guide as a reference for selecting the most appropriate monitoring for a given application. 相似文献
In recent years, online condition assessment of high voltage equipment is increasingly asked for by power utilities, however, most systems on the market today are merely monitoring solutions with hardly any diagnostic capabilities. This report reviews the basic principles for condition diagnosis from the field of artificial intelligence and introduces a novel strategy, named model-aided diagnosis (MAiD). It was initially developed for condition assessment of high voltage circuit breakers but is also suitable for other technical devices. Theoretical considerations as well as practical results show that MAiD is a useful strategy for condition assessment. In addition, with its low hardware requirements, it allows online condition diagnosis of high voltage circuit breakers locally by a low-cost monitoring device 相似文献
基于熵权的高压断路器状态模糊评判 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
为了克服传统的模糊综合评判中主观赋权的局限性,借助于信息工程学中“熵”的概念,根据各评价指标的差异程度来修正权重,建立了一种新的综合评判模型,并将该模型应用到高压断路器状态评估当中。讨论影响高压断路器状态的各种因素,从评判的模糊性入手,运用模糊数学的原理和方法对各因素从理论上进行定量分析。对因素权重的确定,不是单凭主观判断,而是采用熵权系数法进行客观计算。评价对象的固有信息得到了充分利用。不仅避免了以往评价中只强调过程中的某几项少数指标而忽略其它指标。因此,该模型具有更好的有效性和实用性。 相似文献
永磁操动机构是新一代真空断路器的操作系统,是由机械操动向电子操动转变的关键。首先,通过分析典型永磁操动系统等效电路,在一定的冗余下优化励磁电流波形,使所需的脉冲功率最小;然后对永磁操动机构的使用可靠性问题,即能源部分的失效问题、控制部分的电磁兼容问题和磁系统的磁性能劣化问题进行了讨论。 相似文献
Comparing test requirements for low-voltage circuit breakers 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
《Industry Applications Magazine, IEEE》2000,6(1):45-52
Low-voltage circuit protective devices include low-voltage power circuit breakers, insulated case circuit breakers, and molded case circuit breakers. Each of these circuit breaker types is used for particular applications, and is tested against standards that relate to those applications. In North America, low-voltage power circuit breakers are designed and tested in accordance with ANSI/UL standard 1066, which in turn refers to the series of applicable ANSI C37 standards. Insulated case circuit breakers and molded case circuit breakers are designed and tested in accordance with the UL standard 489. In this paper the standards are compared by means of tables. The standards for low-voltage power circuit breaker and the molded case circuit breaker have many common elements. As a consequence, either type of circuit breaker could be used for some applications. However, there are several significant performance differences that relate to the application of these circuit breakers. Specifically, the low-voltage power circuit breaker is normally applied upstream of the molded case circuit breakers 相似文献
1.真空断路器的调整真空断路器目前在输配电系统中的投入越来越多,在使用前,4个方面必须要调整和检查。 (1)行程开距的调整:真空断路器的操动机构总行程和真空灭弧室的触头开距随开关的电压等级不同而有所差别,达不到要求的应该进行调整。有2个办法,首先,调节缓冲垫的厚度;其次,调整动导电杆端的可调螺钉。 (2)超行程的调整:一般情况下的超行程是触头开距的15%~40%。调整的方法是动导电杆端可调整螺钉与绝缘拉杆的可调螺钉互相配合调整。 相似文献