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宽带接入业务和宽带增值业务的发展对电信运营商现有的宽带接入网络提出了新的要求。本文通过对运营商宽带接入网络的现状和宽带业务的发展进行分析研究,提出了在电信运营的宽带接入网络中建设以VPLS为关键技术的3层宽带接入汇聚网络的方案,并对宽带接入汇聚网络进行了具体的规划。  相似文献   

欧阳国圣 《电信科学》2007,23(10):67-71
针对电信运营商在宽带接入网优化中的需求进行分析,结合电信级以太网的发展现状和国内运营商的网络现状,探讨了电信级以太网技术应用于宽带接入网改造中的方案、特点和策略.  相似文献   

针对电信运营商在宽带接入网优化中的需求进行分析,结合新型以太网的发展现状和国内运营商的网络现状,探讨了新型以太网技术应用于宽带接入网改造中的方案、特点和策略.  相似文献   

电信运营商的重组使国内三大电信运营商进入全业务经营的时代,各运营商在宽带和移动领域的竞争将会更加激烈,打造更具竞争力的宽带接入网络则显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

电信运营商的重组使国内三大电信运营商进入全业务经营的时代,各运营商在宽带和移动领域的竞争将会更加激烈,打造更具竞争力的宽带接入网络则显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

唐柯 《通讯世界》2003,9(10):91-92
随着宽带接入市场的逐渐成熟,以ADSL和LAN技术为主的宽带接入用户大量增长,如何解决大量宽带接入用户带来的认证、计费、控制问题成为了包括传统电信运营商和新电信运营商需要重点考虑的问题。一个成熟的宽带接入认证系统应该具有三大特点:良好的可用性、TCO最低和符合宽带接入发展趋势和市场发展趋势,这三大特点分别从不同的方面限定了成熟的宽带接入认证系统的特征。目前国内各宽带运营商在宽带接入认证系统和核心设备BAS部署上有比较大的差异,原因是多方面的,除了技术思路的不同外,更主要的原因是各自网络部署环境和业务发展的认识…  相似文献   

烽火网络新推电信级以太网多业务平台M8228烽火网络面向运营商宽带接入网端局汇聚和园区汇聚的应用,推出了电信级以太网多业务平台  相似文献   

一前言 按照国发5号文拟定的时间表,国家有线网络公司有望在2012年底前挂牌,届时在宽带接入等电信运营业务上,将形成继中国联通、中国电信和中国移动之后的第四大运营商和非电信系的电信业务运营商。  相似文献   

2010年,中国政府宣布了整合电信、互联网和广播网络的"三网融合"计划。此计划将为有线电视运营商创造三重播放的商业机会。目前他们正准备利用已有的广大有线电视用户群和内容优势来拓展这一项市场新机遇。中国的有线电视运营商比起他们的竞争对手,电信运营商来说,在付费电视市场有天然的优势。中国的宽带市场普及率仍低,未来还有很大的成长潜力。因此宽带接入将是有线电视运营商竞争角逐的第一个新市场。  相似文献   

进场费和排他性合作协议,一直是困扰电信运营商小区宽带接入的难题。以至于在某些地方,运营企业每年收取的宽带接入费用,扣除网络铺设成本之外,还不够给物业交的进场费。  相似文献   

分析运营商网管发展现状,阐述如何在保留原有各专业网管系统的基础上,从面向客户业务和服务的角度发展运营商的综合网管系统,并与网络资源及运维流程等支撑系统紧密耦合,实现以客户服务为中心的综合网管系统。  相似文献   

Bhatti  S.N. Knight  G. 《IEEE network》1998,12(5):28-39
The CATV network operators hope to offer digital services and evolve their networks to full service networks. There are many hurdles for them at the moment in the transition to a digital network and digital service offering from the current analog-based technology. Key to the success of the transition will be a well-integrated and capable management system to allow CATV operators and service providers to control the network as well as the services they will offer. The CATV operators need to agree on a common data communication infrastructure and plan how their new digital services will be offered to subscribers without disrupting the current customer base of analog service users. The choice of network technology and data communication protocols will have a strong influence on the network management technology chosen. A vital element for the provision of a common open communication architecture as well as for the purposes of network management is that the IP is used. The adoption of existing standards is vital in order to establish a fast route to open network management for CATV networks. It is possible that CATV operators and service providers will have to integrate existing SNMP management systems and TMN/OSI management, with newer integrated service management systems based on TINA and implemented on a CORBA platform. There is a strong need to address security issues before any of these technologies can be deployed for service. There is currently investment (deployed systems and research) which uses each of the technologies mentioned, so these technologies will need to coexist. This article highlights the differences between the North American and European network architectures, and outlines the European network and network management scenario. This is based on the authors involvement in a Pan-European CATV project, Integrated Broadband Communication over Broadcast Networks-IBCoBN  相似文献   

杜俊青 《中国有线电视》2007,(19):1877-1880
讨论基于有线电视网的数字电视用户管理系统的基本架构、主要功能,为有线电视网络运营商在网络运营方面提供周到和满意的服务。  相似文献   

Demand for bandwidth seems unstoppable, and investment in network infrastructure is massive. There is a desire that network operators be able to manage these networks in an efficient manner, with flexibility to support new customer service opportunities faster and cheaper. Network operators are looking to standards to help them meet this challenge. The telecommunications management network (TMN) model, so effective in describing how management information must support needs at the element, network, and service levels, provides a good starting point. However, if the supporting standards are not developed and used wisely, a TMN approach can have the opposite effect of adding cost and removing flexibility. Technology-specific “stovepipes” may make it impossible to manage services across a range of technologies. The authors express their views on the need for a service-driven approach to standards implementation. They point out specific challenges operators will face as they approach their management systems' needs for broadband services, and encourage service providers and network operators to take a more proactive role in defining their needs  相似文献   

随着数据业务的爆炸式增长,如何在光网络中有效地利用宝贵的带宽资源已经成为研究人员所关注的焦点.基于时间分配带宽业务(SBS)是自动交换光网络(ASON)中的一种新型业务,可以被认为是传统的按需分配带宽(Bandwidth on Demand,BoD)业务的一种具体实现,SBS的出现既可以有效地为运营商节省宝贵的带宽资源,又可以降低用户的成本开销.文章从管理模型、实现方法以及社会价值等几个方面对SBS进行了详细的描述.  相似文献   

丁敏  潘淑文  文柳  董原  王野秋 《广播与电视技术》2012,39(8):88-88,90,92,94,95
对HFC网络进行统一监控和管理是广电运营商提升服务质量和运维效率的必要手段。长期以来,国内基于《HFC网络设备管理系统规范》建设的HFC网管系统普遍存在成本较高、回传信号干扰严重的问题。本文在对传统HFC网管系统架构分析的基础上,提出了基于DOCSIS技术的新型的HFC网管系统架构。该系统架构利用广电网络已有的双向网络基础设施完成HFC光站网管数据的回传,实现对HFC网络设备的管理。该方案结构简单、管理方便、网管数据通道高速稳定。本文所给出的技术方案可以作为HFC网管系统建设的参考,具有现实指导意义。  相似文献   

上一期中,我们论述了策略管理和QoS在无线网络中的作用,并介绍了3GPP所定义的实现方式。在本期中,我们将继续讨论QoS和策略管理的测试方法,并介绍IXIA在一个北美运营商实验室里实现VoLTE测试的成功案例。6无线网络的服务质量验证全球运营商正花费数十亿美元购买设备和频谱来升级他们的移动宽带网络。通过网络升级,运营商旨在  相似文献   

The distinction between switched and leased line services is beginning to disappear. Many network operators and suppliers are developing control plane technology for application in transport networks. This will allow faster service provisioning, particularly between network operators, and the creation of new network services. However, such systems will still require comprehensive management systems, and successful operators and vendors of the future will be those that are capable of developing operational support systems that complement the control plane with service management capabilities, automated plan and build processes, inventory management, and capacity planning. This article examines the distribution of functionality between the management and central planes for support of soft permanent and switched connections  相似文献   

分析了业务转型给运营商带来的网络运维的变化及挑战,对比行业内网络运维模式,阐述了专业网络的运维及其发展,并对国内运营商发展管理服务的方向提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

董斌 《电信科学》2020,36(7):118-125
从运营商重要的语音客服热线、微信客服智能化发展出发,首先分析了传统客服面临的问题与挑战,对人工智能技术在客服领域应用的关键技术进行了客观的评估,提出人工智能与运营商客服结合的方向和体系化思考。结合某运营商现网实际情况,针对人工智能与运营商客服结合的关键技术和应用实践进行了剖析研究,推进智能语音客服、微信机器人的应用实践,提出现网改造、能力开放、智能应用体系部署解决方案。最后对人工智能在智慧客服中的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

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