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Chromosome painting has become a routine tool in comparative cytogenetics. The utility of interspecies chromosome painting has been demonstrated in taxa characterized by highly rearranged karyotypes such as in rodents and lesser apes. Chromosome painting also provides a new level of precision in comparative genome analysis for eliminating errors of confounding convergence with homology. Recent results hold promise that molecular cytogenetics will make a significant contribution to the understanding of the major features of genome evolution.  相似文献   

Luigi Pirandello, a playwright of immense profundity and creativity, won the Nobel Prize for his work in theater. A brief history of his personal and educational development is presented here, followed by an excellent translation by Gigi Gatti and Terry Doyle of one of his plays, The Man with the Flower in His Mouth, written in 1926. It is a play that is little known in the United States, but which conveys his style and many of his views in a succinct manner. This is followed by an interpretation of some of the symbols, the psychodynamics, and the ego states of the characters that Pirandello described before those ego states were described in psychoanalytic literature.  相似文献   

Among the frequently performed plastic surgery operations, rhinoplasty is the most difficult to obtain consistently good results. It is very challenging for young plastic surgeons to modify the external appearance of the nose and restore or maintain a good airway. The external approach has alleviated some of the problems due to understanding and learning of the rhinoplasty operation. Actually, open rhinoplasty allows better visualization of anatomical deformities and better manipulation of tissues allowing better integration of nasal anatomy and physiology. This paper reviews a personal series of 82 patients operated via an open approach between October 94 and October 97. During the same period, 24 patients were operated via an endonasal or percutaneous approach (osteotomies). Indications, advantages and disadvantages of the open approach are discussed. The various techniques used in this series are described and then critically analyzed. In open rhinoplasty, our present revision rate is 8.5%. In conclusion, the open approach seems to be useful for young rhinoplastic surgeons.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The contour length of the circular chromosome of bacteria is greater than a millimeter but must be accommodated within a cell that is only a few micrometers in length. Bacteria do not have nucleosomes and little is known about the arrangement of the chromosome inside a prokaryotic cell. RESULTS: We have investigated the arrangement of chromosomal DNA within the bacterium Bacillus subtilis by using fluorescence microscopy to visualize two sites on the chromosome simultaneously in the same cell. Indirect immunofluorescence with antibodies against the chromosome partition protein Spo0J were used to visualize the replication origin region of the chromosome. Green fluorescent protein fused to the lactose operon repressor Lacl was used to decorate tandem copies of the lactose operon operator lacO. A cassette of tandem operators was separately inserted into the chromosome near the origin (359 degrees), near the replication terminus (181 degrees), or at two points in between (90 degrees and 270 degrees). The results show that the layout of the chromosome is dynamic but is principally arranged with the origin and terminus maximally apart and the quarter points of the chromosome in between. CONCLUSIONS: The use of cytological methods to visualize two chromosomal sites in the same cell has provided a glimpse of the arrangement of a bacterial chromosome. We conclude that, to a first approximation, the folding of the bacterial chromosome is consistent with, and may preserve, the linear order of genes on the DNA.  相似文献   

Cerebral oximetry was evaluated as a monitor of oxygenation during carotid endarterectomy in 22 patients. The oximeter was a reliable continuous monitor, identifying changes in cerebral oxygenation during episodes of hypotension and after arterial occlusion. Changes in oxygenation correlated well with the surgical assessment of backbleeding after arterial clamping, but less well with other methods which are used to make a decision on insertion of an arterial shunt. There was no correlation between internal carotid artery stump pressure and change in cerebral oxygenation after application of the arterial cross clamp. However, cerebral oxygenation correlated weakly with the change in middle cerebral artery velocity as measured by transcranial Doppler ultrasonography (r = 0.49, p < 0.02).  相似文献   

AS Fulcher  MA Turner 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1999,19(1):5-24; discussion 41-4; quiz 148-9
Magnetic resonance (MR) pancreatography is being used with increasing frequency as a noninvasive alternative to diagnostic endoscopic retrograde pancreatography in the evaluation of the pancreatic duct and various pathologic conditions of the pancreas. This recently developed technique allows improved spatial resolution and permits imaging of the entire pancreatico-biliary tract during a single breath hold. MR pancreatography can help identify the course and drainage pattern of the pancreatic duct and is useful in diagnosing congenital anomalies such as pancreas divisum and annular pancreas without the risk of inducing pancreatitis. In some instances, MR pancreatography may demonstrate duct disruption and associated fluid collections resulting from trauma. In recurrent acute pancreatitis, MR pancreatography is useful in suggesting the cause of the disease; in chronic pancreatitis, it is useful in depicting ductal anatomy, detecting strictures or intraductal calculi prior to surgery, and detecting complications such as pseudocysts and fistulas. In addition, MR pancreatography performed in conjunction with abdominal MR imaging is useful in identifying pancreatic malignancies as well as in establishing resectability and preventing unnecessary preoperative stent placement.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate whether orthotopic urinary diversion is a viable option for patients undergoing cystoprostatectomy for radio-recurrent prostate cancer (RRPC). METHODS: Between 1990 and 1996, we performed 34 salvage surgeries for RRPC, including 26 radical retropubic prostatectomies and 8 cystoprostatectomies. We determined the operative and postoperative complication rates and pathologic stage for the 8 patients undergoing cystoprostatectomy. RESULTS: Of the 8 patients in whom cystoprostatectomy was performed, 5 underwent ileal conduit diversion and 3 underwent orthotopic neobladder reconstruction. There were no intraoperative complications or perioperative mortalities. In the group with orthotopic neobladder, postoperative complications included pyelonephritis in 1 patient and prolonged ileus in another. In the group with ileal conduit, no short-term complications occurred; 1 patient developed an incisional hernia on long-term follow-up. All patients with neobladder reconstruction are continent during the day. One patient wears one pad at night. The other 2 are continent at night. CONCLUSIONS: Orthotopic urinary diversion is a valid option for selected patients with RRPC who require a cystoprostatectomy. This procedure can be performed with minimal complications, resulting in good continence and good quality of life.  相似文献   

The effect of nine factors on the outcome of classic in vitro screens testing the antagonistic action of endophytic bacterial isolates from grape vines against virulent Agrobacterium vitis has been examined. These factors were (i) the strain of A. vitis, (ii) the strain of endophyte, (iii) the growth medium of the pathogen, (iv) the growth medium of the endophyte, (v) the temperature of growth of the pathogen, (vi) the temperature of growth of the endophyte, (vii) the pH of growth of the pathogen, (viii) the pH of growth of the endophyte, and (ix) the medium of the assay plate. Analyses of variance of the full factorial design incorporating main effects and two- and three-way interactions accounted for 66% of the variance. All nine factors had a significant effect on the diameter of inhibition zones (p < 0.001). An examination of the three-way interactions revealed that generalizations were difficult to draw; each target agrobacterium had a specific response to a given antagonistic isolate. It was possible to determine that the growth history of bacterial strains, before they were administered to an assay plate to test for antagonism (especially the composition of the growth medium and the temperature of growth), had a profound effect on the outcome of the test. Generally the more chemically defined media produced less inhibition whereas the lower growth temperature of 15 degrees C produced more inhibition. These findings could be relevant to in situ inhibitory activity. The method used to conduct the inhibitory screen (order of strain application and the medium of the assay plate) had a profound influence on the results. These influences add to the caution necessary in the use of in vitro antagonistic screens for finding successful biocontrol agents.  相似文献   

Three cases of postpneumonectomy edema, in which hemodynamic stability was monitored with a Swan-Ganz catheter, are described. Measurement of pressure in the pulmonary capillary was based on the pulmonary artery occlusion curve. High capillary pressure and normal wedge pressure were observed in all 3 cases, suggesting that the rise in net filtration pressure as a consequence of excess flow is the pathogenic mechanism that triggers edema after pneumonectomy. We emphasize that measurement of effective pulmonary capillary pressure allows for more accurate assessment of the hemodynamic status of such patients than does the measurement of wedge pressure.  相似文献   

The effects of intracerebral microinjections of Nembutal into different brain areas, with the purpose of reproducing the behavioural and EEG signs of barbiturate narcosis, have been studied and analyzed. Cats were implanted for polygraphic study of the sleep-wakefulness cycle and bilateral brain canulae were also placed in strategic brain areas. The most striking results was the controlateral turning after unilateral injections of Nembutal in the nigra, suggesting a loss of balance among the actions of the nigro-striatal-cortical pathways on both sides. The sequence of events produced by intravestibular injections of Nembutal suggests that the drug, when injected intraperitoneally, acts also upon the vestibular system. This data stresses the importance of localized intracerebral microinjections of drugs to determine and differentiate their action mechanisms when injected in an intraperitoneal or intravenous way.  相似文献   

One of the most exciting recent developments in mainstream art history is its confrontation with the cognitive sciences and neurology. This study is based on the problems these disciplines face before they can contribute to each other. The authors inspect several critical issues resulting from this encounter, especially in the new field of neuroesthetics. The authors argue that it is a language barrier between the disciplines, rather than any fundamental conceptual division, that causes the lack of understanding on both sides. Shared terms in arts and neuroscience are elusive, and the different connotations of extant terms in these separate disciplines must be addressed. The authors propose technoscience art as a ground in which joint terminology may be developed, an audience familiar to the concerns of both sides can be formed, and a new generation of scientifically knowledgeable artists and scientists can interact for their mutual benefit. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Regionalisation of the amphibian embryo is classically thought to involve induction by the Spemann organiser, itself induced by the Nieuwkoop centre. This model has now been extended to teleosts, with the identification of a gene that appears to define the zebrafish equivalent of the Nieuwkoop centre.  相似文献   

The aesthetic is a way of knowing the meaning of and the meaning in the art of nursing. The art of creating stained glass offers a personal metaphor for nursing's essence; the art of caring. Both arts aim to fulfil the potential of their subjects to achieve a harmony that goes beyond their individual components. Stained glass artistry and caring in nursing require technical expertise, yet technical skill and knowledge are not the substance of either art. Both transcend space and time, and the art of stained glass and the art of nursing are influenced by the artist's/nurse's personal, social and cultural history. Just as the artisan transforms the glass and lead and is transformed in the creative moment, so does the caring transaction transform both patient and nurse. This personal reflection explores the nature of caring in nursing as mirrored by the author's work with stained glass.  相似文献   

12 healthy volunteers on a controlled aluminium (Al) diet each consumed a tea infusion (500 ml/70 kg body weight), with either milk or lemon juice as additives, or mineral water, following a three-way crossover design. The concentrations of Al were determined in the diet, mineral water and tea infusions, and in plasma samples collected before and up to 24 hr after consumption of tea or water, using graphite-furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry or inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry. Consumption of up to 1.60 mg Al from tea with milk or lemon juice did not increase plasma Al levels compared with consumption of approximately 0.001 mg Al from mineral water. The results suggest that, in the short-term, drinking tea does not contribute significantly to the total body burden of Al.  相似文献   

Since the introduction of antibiotics into clinical practice, purulent pericarditis has become a rare disease. The major complication of the standard management for this condition is constrictive pericarditis. We report two cases of purulent pericarditis in which intrapericardial fibrinolysis was performed in order to minimize this complication. The first case was a 38-year-old man admitted to our intensive care unit (ICU) for management of constrictive pericarditis complicating purulent pericarditis diagnosed 17 days previously. The patient was treated with four intrapericardial injections of streptokinase (250,000 IU each). Fluid drainage and cardiac output were improved. No change in clotting parameters was noted. Pericardiectomy and esophagectomy were then performed for a diagnosis of esophageal neoplasm. The postoperative course was uneventful. The second case was a 16-year-old boy admitted with loss of consciousness due to cardiac tamponade. Percutaneous pericardiocentesis drained 900 ml of cloudy fluid. Two intrapericardial injections were performed (day 1 and day 5) without any complication. Pericardial drainage was withdrawn on day 13 and the patient was discharged from ICU on the same day. Six months later, there was no evidence of constrictive pericarditis. Intrapericardial fibrinolysis appears to be safe and effective when prescribed rapidly in the course of purulent pericarditis.  相似文献   

The equal division of chromosomes among daughter cells at mitosis involves a complex series of kinetochore-dependent chromosome movements. The kinetochore-associated CENP-E motor protein is critical for the sustained movement of chromosomes towards the metaphase plate during chromosome congression.  相似文献   

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