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This paper presents a method of determination of hydraulic conductivity and equivalent pore size of nonwoven synthetic filter fabrics. Piwowar's relationship for hydraulic conductivity, checked by Piwowar for glass and basalt fibres is given, and, on the basis of the transformation of Hagen-Poiseuille's formula, values of the empirical coefficients present in these formulae, the investigations on hydraulic conductivity and pore size of nine nonwoven filter fabrics were carried out. The numerical values of these coefficients and, after their substitution, the simplified formulae obtained for hydraulic conductivity and equivalent pore size of nonwoven synthetic filter fabrics are given.  相似文献   

杨艳  孟庆娟 《山西建筑》2011,37(15):60-61
在调研国内外多种等效孔径的测定方法基础上,对现有各标准中测试等效孔径方法的优势、存在的问题、适用范围进行了分析和总结,并通过干筛法与湿筛法,干筛法与气泡法的对比试验,对试验结果进行了比较与分析,为等效孔径测定方法的选用提供指导。  相似文献   

Severe scouring occurred at the Eider storm surge barrier, progressing towards the structure. Due to depth, steepness and tidal currents, traditional coastal protection systems were out of question, but further scouring had to be stopped. A system of filter, stone fill and armour layer was chosen. To avoid segregation of the broadly graded granular filter material, it was dumped in nonwoven geotextile containers. Selection of the materials, design of the filters and placement turned out to be rather difficult. The combination of geotextile and granular filter solved the problem.  相似文献   

Geosynthetics interlayer systems are effective techniques to control reflective cracking in damaged pavements. It comprises the inclusion of nonwoven geotextiles between the damaged layer and the new overlay of the pavement to reduce the propagation of cracks and to extend pavement life. However, the success of this technique depends directly on the understanding of the geotextile's behavior when impregnated with asphalt. This paper evaluates different nonwoven geotextiles frequently used in anti-reflective cracking systems, focusing on initial stiffness gain and permeability reduction after asphalt impregnation. Fresh and impregnated samples of polyester and polypropylene nonwoven geotextiles were tested. Cationic rapid setting emulsified asphalt was used as asphalt binder. Wide-width tensile tests were carried out based on the specification of ABNT - NBR 12824 (1993). Water vapor transmission tests were conducted according to ASTM E 96M (2005). Results of tensile tests on impregnated geotextiles showed a significant increase on tensile strength values, probably due to the inter contact of the fibers. Results also showed high increase in strength values at strain levels less than 0.05% and decrease on stiffness gains with increase of strains. Water vapor transmission tests demonstrated that cationic asphalt emulsion applied on nonwoven geotextiles allows a drastic reduction in permeability values to turn nonwoven geotextiles into a low permeability barrier.  相似文献   

The study is concerned with development of the method of in situ measurement of air permeability of porous media. The method applied consists of creating a vacuum in a drilled hole and then studying the increase in pressure over time. The dimensions of the hole are small enough to consider the test as being nondestructive. The paper is composed of three parts. The first one develops the theoretical background used for interpretation of experimental results. The second part describes experimental procedure and device for in situ measurements. The parametric studies of principal factors which may influence the measurements such as the sampling frequency, the observation time and the boundary conditions were performed. The last part includes a discussion of results of the measurements of air permeability performed on large blocks of limestone and concrete. These blocks simulate in situ conditions. On the other hand, from these blocks, cylindrical samples were cored and standard gas and liquid laboratory tests were carried out. The results obtained show good agreement between intrinsic permeability obtained with the in situ device and laboratory tests, confirming the usefulness of the proposed tool.  相似文献   

武山尾矿坝无纺土工织物滤层化学淤堵问题初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
土工织物作为滤层在尾矿坝排渗设施中已得到广泛应用,但有些尾矿坝遇到了土工织物淤堵问题。本文针对武山铜矿尾矿坝排渗系统中发生的土工织物淤堵问题,通过一系列试验研究对无纺土工织物化学淤堵问题进行了初步探讨。研究结果表明氢氧化铁凝胶在织物纤维上的附着是化学淤堵的主要机理,尾矿中含有充分多的细粒黄铁矿且滤层处于非饱和渗流带或饱和- 非饱和交替变化渗流带是土工织物发生严重化学淤堵的必要条件  相似文献   

唐琳  唐晓武  赵庆丽  王艳  白彬 《岩土工程学报》2015,37(10):1910-1916
无纺织物作为反滤材料,常处于单向受拉工作状态。单向拉伸引起无纺织物孔径变化,易导致反滤工程失效。通过控制织物应变的干筛试验,定量测试了无侧限单向拉应变逐级增大的过程中,两种不同厚度短纤针刺无纺织物的孔径分布曲线变化。采用干筛试验结果,对现有两种体系的单向应变下无纺织物孔径预测理论解进行验证:一类是佘巍等效孔径O95理论解,一类是Rawal孔径分布曲线理论解。通过对比两种理论解对各级拉应变下的O95值预测,归纳二者的预测误差规律,从理论假设出发分析误差原因。同时采用前人图像法测得的热粘无纺织物O95变化验证两类理论解。两种理论解均能较好地预测无侧限单向拉应变下无纺织物O95的变化规律。O95随单向拉应变呈近似线性减小的规律。对于O95变化斜率的预测,佘巍解较准确,Rawal解偏大。对于O95数值预测可结合两类理论解给出变化范围。  相似文献   

Conventional and modified membrane bioreactors (MBRs) are increasingly used in small-scale wastewater treatment. However, their widespread applications are hindered by their relatively high cost and operational complexity. In this study, we investigate a new concept of wastewater treatment using a nonwoven fabric filter bag (NFFB) as the membrane bioreactor. Activated sludge is charged in the nonwoven fabric filter bag and membrane filtration via the fabric is achieved under gravity flow without a suction pump. This study found that the biofilm layer formed inside the NFFB achieved 10 mg/L of suspended solids in the permeate within 20 min of initial operation. The dynamic biofilter layer showed good filterability and the specific membrane resistance consisted of 0.3-1.9 × 1012 m/kg. Due to the low F/M ratio (0.04-0.10 kg BOD5/m3/d) and the resultant low sludge yield, the reactor was operated without forming excess sludge. Although the reactor provided aerobic conditions, denitrification occurred in the biofilm layer to recover the alkalinity, thereby eliminating the need to supplement the alkalinity. This study indicates that the NFFB system provides a high potential of effective wastewater treatment with simple operation at reduced cost, and hence offer an attractive solution for widespread use in rural and sparsely populated areas.  相似文献   

针对实验室测定传统煤样透气性系数方法上存在的问题,优化设计了一种不规则块状原煤试件渗透试验装置,通过实验,分析了其测定煤层透气性系数的准确程度,指出改良后的测定方法保证了原煤特有的理化特质,其测定结果的精确度更高。  相似文献   

Results of studies of the photodegradation of aromatic hydroxamic acids, to compounds suspected to be carcinogenic and mutagenic, have stimulated an interest in the analysis of these acids and their photoproducts.In this paper, results are reported of investigations on the influence of phosphate buffer concentration, buffer/methanol ratio and eluent pH on the separation of photoproducts formed after irradiation of N-phenyl-benzenecarbohydroxamic, N-methyl-2-naphthalenecarbohydroxamic and N-/p-tol/-2-naphthalenecarbohydroxamic acids.The best separation conditions were achieved using a 0.1 M buffer concentration and an eluent pHe of 4.0–5.2. At a pHe lower than 3.5, on-column hydrolysis of the hydroxamic acids was observed.  相似文献   

This paper presents thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) analyses simulating the Drift Scale Test (DST) performed at Yucca Mountain. A double structure approach based on two superimposed domains is adopted. Intrinsic permeability changes with deformations imply full THM coupling. Temperatures and gas permeabilities were measured during 4 years and are used to validate the model. Measured gas permeability variations show patterns that are successfully explained by the model calculations. These gas permeability variations may be attributed to thermo-hydraulic effects, and also to mechanical effects. Different cases of intrinsic permeability variations have been considered in the model and their influence on the calculated temperatures, degree of saturations and gas permeabilities are presented. Volumetric deformation, in contraction or dilatancy, implies changes in the aperture of rock fractures that in turn lead to changes in intrinsic permeability. Dilatancy, caused by shear stresses, increases intrinsic permeability. Consideration of this factor contributes significantly to improve the agreement of calculated gas permeability with the measured values obtained during the DST experiment.  相似文献   

潘彩君  单仁亮  韩帅 《山西建筑》2008,34(5):178-179
以客运专线某大桥工程为例,科学合理地创建了一套客运专线箱梁施工方案评价指标体系,并运用层次分析法进行施工方案优选,摆脱了传统的专家定性分析法的主观性,为箱梁施工方案的优选提供了一种科学的方法,并为同类箱梁施工方法优选提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   

在运动测量设备噪声统计特性不确定的情况下,提出结合Sage-Husa滤波的合成孔径声呐多传感器组合运动补偿方法。使用Sage-Husa卡尔曼滤波处理多种异类运动传感器的数据,自适应估计声呐速度的最优值,计算实际航迹与理想航迹之间的横荡误差和升沉误差,最后通过时延校正原始回波数据。仿真结果表明,Sage-Husa滤波对运动误差估计精度至少提高37%,运动补偿后,目标峰值旁瓣比和积分旁瓣比有所降低,峰值旁瓣比接近理论值.湖试数据处理结果表明,目标能量分散的情况有所改善,能量集中在主瓣,散焦得到抑制。Sage-Husa滤波在多传感器系统噪声先验知识缺失的条件下,能减小运动数据估计误差,提高运动补偿的准确性。  相似文献   

Synthetic fractures of from 0.2 to 12.8 m in size were created on a computer by a new spectral method to reproduce the ratio of the power spectral density of the initial aperture (the aperture when the surfaces are in contact at a single point) to that of the surface height determined for a tensile fracture of 1 m. First, the size effect on the standard deviation of the initial aperture was analyzed for fractures with and without shearing. Next, by taking aperture data at constant intervals to establish a flow area, water flow was simulated for fractures during both normal closure and closure after shearing, by solving Reynolds equation to determine the hydraulic aperture. When the fracture is closed without shearing and has the same mean aperture, the effect of the fracture size on the hydraulic aperture disappears if the fracture is larger than about 0.2 m, since beyond this size the standard deviation of the initial aperture is almost independent of the fracture size. When the fracture is closed after shearing, the hydraulic conductivity shows remarkable anisotropy, which becomes more significant with both shear displacement and closure. However, the relation between the hydraulic aperture normalized by the mean aperture and the mean aperture normalized by the standard deviation of the initial aperture is almost independent of both the fracture size and shear displacement when the shear displacement is less than about 3.1% of the fracture size, at which point the standard deviation of the initial aperture of the sheared fracture is almost independent of the fracture size.  相似文献   

The performance of a multistage passively aerated biological filter (PABF) packed with Nonwoven polyester fabric (NWPF) for municipal wastewater treatment was investigated under different operating conditions. The system was operated at different hydraulic retention times (HRTs) of 2.3, 1.72 and 1.38 h and corresponding to organic loading rates (OLRs) of 1.77, 2.15 and 2.9 kg BOD/m3. d. Increasing HRT and decreasing OLR, increased dissolved oxygen (DO) and consequently increased the removal rate of organic matters (87%), suspended solids (95.8%) and ammonia (88%). Profile results from different compartments showed that the major part of organic and suspended matters was removed in the upper layers of the system, whereas most of the suspended solids were trapped, while the nitrification process took place in the lower part of the PABF system because of the increase in DO concentrations. The results proved the advantage of using NWPF. It has pleated and rough surface which retain more biomass compared with plain surface. Excess biomass produced from PABF was negligible compared to conventional treatment systems.  相似文献   

Geotextiles can be successfully employed for any geotechnical application when they are able to sustain pre-defined levels of tensile stresses. The biaxial tensile test has an advantage over other tensile test methods in that it does not allow “necking” during deformation which simulates the operational conditions of geotextiles under confined stresses. In this study, the model for uniaxial tensile behavior of nonwovens has been modified to investigate the biaxial tensile behavior of spunbonded geotextiles. The model has included the effect of fiber re-orientation, stress-strain behavior of constituent fibers, and physical characteristics of nonwovens when the geotextile specimen is laterally constrained. A comparison is made between predicted and experimental stress-strain curves obtained from previous work (Bais-Singh and Goswami, 1998). Theoretical findings of biaxial tensile behavior obtained using the layer theory are also critically discussed. In addition, it has been revealed that fiber re-orientation is a key factor in translating the random spunbonded nonwoven geotextiles to anisotropic structures under defined biaxial tensile stresses.  相似文献   

Pore size distribution has become a prerequisite in determining the performance of geotextiles for various functions including filtration, separation and reinforcement. The pore structure and morphology in a nonwoven geotextile are known to be complex and it becomes further complicated in hybrid nonwoven geotextiles consisting of two types of fibers. In this study, a modified model of pore size distribution of hybrid nonwoven geotextiles has been proposed based on sieving-percolation pore network theory. A comparison has been made between theoretical and experimental pore size distributions of hybrid needlepunched nonwoven geotextiles consisting of predefined weight proportions of viscose and polyester fibers. The weight proportions of the constituent fibers have been theoretically analysed for obtaining the desired pore size distributions of hybrid nonwoven geotextiles.  相似文献   

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