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A brief history of the development and the present status of the accelerator complex at the Institute of High-Energy Physics are presented. The problems facing this complex, which mainly involve increasing the intensity of the accelerated proton beams, decreasing particle losses, and producing an efficient extraction system for high-intensity beams, are expounded. The possibility of accelerating beams of light nuclei, which are a promising tool for performing fundamental and applied research, is discussed. Attention is focused on the upgrading and reconstruction of the systems in the accelerator complex which are being performed for solving these problems.  相似文献   

The characteristics of a radiation setup which is being put into operation at the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences as a base for scientific research and development of industrial radiation technology are presented. The components of the setup and the special features of the construction of the technical means are described.  相似文献   

An integrated data acquisition system for Nuclear Physics experiments is described. Two PDP11/70 - PDP11/40 systems with a sophisticated ADC Interface for 16 Single NIM ADC's are used for data taking and monitoring. The multi-tasked software provides real-time control of the experimental data by a variety of monitoring routines. A lot of work was done to introduce data formats common to all computers within the HMI. Utilities were written to move Raw Data Files and Multi Spectra Files between different media and to inspect these files. The future expansion of the system will be discussed.  相似文献   

The key work on decommissioning of the TVR research heavy-water reactor at the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics is described. The processes involved in the preparation for hauling away the spent nuclear fuel, mothballing the high-activity heavy water, salvaging the contaminated water in the holding pond, and removal of radioactive contaminants from the holding pond are described. Special attention is devoted to selecting a variant of decommissioning of the TVR and solving the problems associated with the implementation of decommissioning. The processes of dismantling the connecting pipes of the horizontal experimental channels inside the reactor vessel and preparing the fittings and equipment for performing this work are described.It is reported that work has been performed on the dismantling of the heavy- and light-water and gas loops of the reactor and on the dismantling of the experimental setups operating on the neutron beams of the horizontal and vertical channels of the reactor.  相似文献   

The preliminary experimental results of the generation and diagnostics of highpower ion beams on FLASH II accelerator are reported, The high-power ion beams presently are being produced in a pinched diode, The method for enhancing the ratio of ion to electron current is to increase the electron residing time by pinching the electron flow, Furthermore, electron beam pinching can be combined with electron reflexing to achieve ion beams with even higher efficiency and intensity. The anode plasma is generated by anode foil bombarded with electron and anode foil surface flashover. In recent experiments on FLASH II accelerator, ion beams have been produced with a current of 160 kA and an energy of 500 keV corresponding to an ion beam peak power of about 80 GW. The ion number and current of high power ion beams were determined by monitoring delayed radioactivity from nuclear reactions induced in a ^12C target by the proton beams, The prompt γ-rays and diode bremsstrahlung X-rays were measured with a PIN semi-conductor detector and a plastic scintillator detector, The current density distribution of ion beam were measured with a biased ion collector array. The ion beams were also recorded with a CR-39 detector.  相似文献   

Translated from Atomnaya Énergiya, Vol. 64, No. 5, pp. 338–349, May, 1988.  相似文献   

《Journal of Nuclear Energy》1973,27(12):875-884
A continuous flow vanadium bath has been used to measure the neutron yield from different accelerator targets, and the correction factors which have to be applied are discussed. The results of yield measurements for protons from 5 to 10 MeV on thick targets of Li, Be, Cu and Co are given and compared with calculated values. Based on these comparisons comments are made on the accuracy of the cross sections used in the yield calculations.  相似文献   

谢荣胜  周耀华 《核技术》1996,19(12):731-733
报道了一种能保护高功能速调管安全的速调管真空保护装置。该装置保护动作时间≤15ms,在强电磁干扰速调管走廓中能稳定可靠地工作。  相似文献   

程娟  李全伟 《同位素》2012,25(2):124-128
简要介绍了放射性废离子交换树脂(以下简称废树脂)的来源、特点和传统处理方法。概述国内废树脂氧化分解处理技术及其进展,重点论述湿法氧化分解的工艺原理、反应机理以及工艺流程的发展现状。分析评述废树脂分解液水泥固化技术研究的最新动态及成果。  相似文献   

目前中国散裂中子源(China Spallation Neutron Source,简称CSNS)正在进行预研设计.其中的质子加速器是其重要的组成部分.此电子学系统负责取出质子加速器中DTL (Drift Tube Linac)内的束流信号,测试其相位和能量信息,进而反馈给系统以便对束流进行调制.由于处理的信号为经调制的高速脉冲信号(重复频率为352.2MHz,前沿几百ps),幅度较小且动态范围大(20mV~900mVpeak to peak),因此需要通过采用一定的技术来获取高频脉冲信号的相位信息.为验证其中相位测试的基本原理并评估其性能,我们在mtlab下进行了相关的仿真.  相似文献   

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