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Caretti C  Lubello C 《Water research》2003,37(10):2365-2371
This study is part of a larger research project on Advanced Treatments for wastewater reuse in agriculture. Because of Italy's strict microbiological limits on unrestricted wastewater reuse in agriculture (2 MPN/100ml Total Coliforms), a very high degree of disinfection is necessary.The objective of this study is to proceed in validating, with a pilot plant experimentation, previous laboratory results on the disinfection efficacy of the synergic combined treatment between ultraviolet irradiation (UV) and peracetic acid (PAA). The research has been carried out through a 5 month on-site experimental study in a pilot plant, considering four different solutions: PAA addition, UV irradiation, addition of PAA upstream the UV device (PAA+UV) and addition of PAA downstream the UV device (UV+PAA). In the investigated experimental conditions (2-8 ppm of PAA with 10-30 min contact time; 100-300 mJ/cm(2) UV), it has been impossible to meet the microbiological limits through an exclusive use of UV irradiation or PAA. The disinfection efficacy enhances by using the UV+PAA treatment, but a much higher efficacy gain occurs by using the PAA+UV treatment. In this latter case, the higher efficiency is recognized as being brought about by the formation of free radicals due to the photolysis of the PAA when in presence of the UV rays. A preliminary cost analysis has been carried out in order to highlight the more economically advantageous solution which guarantees compliance to the strict limits.  相似文献   

It is well known that water disinfection through chlorination causes the formation of a mixture of disinfection by-products (DBPs), many of which are genotoxic and carcinogenic. To demonstrate the formation of such compounds, a pilot water plant supplied with water from Lake Trasimeno was set up at the waterworks of Castiglione del Lago (PG, Italy). The disinfectants, continuously added to pre-filtered lake water flowing into three different basins, were sodium hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide and peracetic acid, an alternative disinfectant used until now for disinfecting waste waters, but not yet studied for a possible use in drinking water treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the formation during the disinfection processes of some toxic compounds that could explain the genotoxic effects of drinking waters. Differently treated waters were concentrated by solid-phase adsorption on silica C(18) columns and toxicity was assessed in a line of human hepatoma cells (HepG2), a metabolically competent cellular line very useful for human risk evaluation. The seasonal variability of the physical-chemical water characteristics (AOX, UV 254 nm, potential formation of THM, pH and temperature) made indispensable experimentation with water samples taken during the various seasons. Autumn waters cause greater toxicity compared to those of other seasons, in particular dilution of the concentrate at 0.5l equivalent of disinfected waters with chlorine dioxide and peracetic acid causes a 55% reduction in cellular vitality while the cellular vitality is over 80% with the all other water concentrates. Moreover it is very interesting underline that non-cytotoxic quantities of the autumnal water concentrates cause, after 2h treatment, a decrease in GSH and a statistically significant increase in oxygen radicals, while after prolonged treatment (24h) cause a GSH increase, without variations in the oxygen radical content. This phenomenon could be interpreted as the cellular adaptation response to an initial oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the formation of toxic and genotoxic compounds in surface drinking waters treated with two widely used disinfectants, sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) and chlorine dioxide (ClO(2)), and a new disinfectant, peracetic acid (PAA). For this purpose a pilot plant was set up to add these biocides continuously to pre-filtered lake water flowing into three different basins. During three seasonal experiments, short-term in vivo tests (with plant, fish and molluscs) and in vitro tests (with bacteria, yeast and human cells) were carried out to evaluate the formation of genotoxic disinfection by-products (DBPs). Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) was used to identify DBPs produced during the different treatments, microbiological analyses were performed to test the biocidal activity of the disinfectants, and chemical analyses were carried out to evaluate the quality of the water. The pilot drinking water plant under study was useful in studying the toxicity and genotoxicity of disinfected drinking water with this combined chemical/biotoxicological approach. This paper describes the setting up of the pilot plant and sets out/reports the results of the microbiological and chemical analyses.  相似文献   

The City of Montreal Wastewater Treatment Plant uses enhanced physicochemical processes (ferric and/or alum coagulation) for suspended solids and phosphorus removal. The objective of this study was to assess the ability of peracetic acid (PAA), UV, or ozone to inactivate the indicator organisms fecal coliforms, Enterococci, MS-2 coliphage, or Clostridium perfringens in the effluent from this plant. PAA doses to reach the target fecal coliform level of 9000 CFU/100mL exceeded 6 mg/L; similar results were obtained for enterococci, and no inactivation of Clostridium perfringens was observed. However a 1-log reduction of MS-2 occurred at PAA doses of 1.5 mg/L and higher. It was expected that this effluent would have a high ozone demand, and would require relatively high UV fluences, because of relatively high effluent COD, iron and suspended solids concentrations, and low UV transmittance. This was confirmed herein. For UV, the inactivation curve for fecal coliforms showed the typical two-stage shape, with the target of 1000 CFU/100 mL (to account for photoreactivation) occurring in the asymptote zone at fluences >20 mJ/cm(2). In contrast, inactivation curves for MS-2 and Clostridium perfringens were linear. Clostridium perfringens was the most resistant organism. For ozone, inactivation was already observed before any residuals could be measured. The transferred ozone doses to reach target fecal coliform levels ( approximately 2-log reduction) were 30-50 mg/L. MS-2 was less resistant, but Clostridium perfringens was more resistant than fecal coliforms. The different behaviour of the four indicator organisms studied, depending on the disinfectant, suggests that a single indicator organism might not be appropriate. The required dose of any of the disinfectants is unlikely to be economically viable, and upstream changes to the plant will be needed.  相似文献   

Siva Sarathy 《Water research》2010,44(14):4087-6140
The advanced oxidation process utilizing ultraviolet and hydrogen peroxide (UV/H2O2) is currently applied in commercial drinking water applications for the removal of various organic pollutants. Natural organic matter (NOM) present in the source water can also be oxidized and undergo changes at the fluence and H2O2 concentrations applied in commercial drinking water UV/H2O2 applications (fluences less than 2000 mJ cm−2, initial H2O2 concentrations less than 15 mg L−1). In this study, the impact of UV/H2O2 on NOM’s aromaticity, hydrophobicity, and potential to form trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs) was investigated for raw surface water and the same water with the very hydrophobic acid (VHA) fraction of NOM removed. During UV/H2O2 treatments, NOM in the raw surface water was partially oxidized to less aromatic and hydrophobic characteristics, but was not mineralized, confirming findings from past research. Below fluences of 1500 mJ cm−2 UV/H2O2 treatment of the raw water did not lead to reduction in the formation potential of THMs. The formation potential of HAAs was reduced at a fluence of 500 mJ cm−2 with only small additional reductions as fluence further increased. For the water from which the VHA fraction was removed, UV/H2O2 treatment led to mineralization of NOM suggesting that, when coupled with a pre-treatment capable of removing the VHA fraction, UV/H2O2 could achieve further reductions in NOM. These subsequent reductions in NOM led to continuous reductions in the formation potentials of THMs and HAAs as fluence increased.  相似文献   

Peracetic acid (PAA) use in wastewater disinfection was assessed by examining its performances in a pilot plant fed by the effluent from a conventional activated-sludge treatment plant. The influence of PAA initial concentrations (0.5-4.0 mg/l) and contact times (8-38 min) on the presence of seven microorganisms (total coliforms, fecal coliforms, fecal streptococci, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas sp., Salmonella sp., and bacteriophages anti-E. coli) and on residual biocide and halogenated organic compound (AOXs) concentrations were evaluated. The data so obtained were compared to the corresponding results acquired using sodium hypochlorite (HYP) in the same experimental conditions. The biocide effect of PAA against total and fecal coliforms, E. coli, Pseudomonas sp. and Salmonella sp. was similar to that shown by HYP. The former disinfectant was, however, less efficient than the latter in the reduction of fecal streptococci and bacteriophages anti-E. coli. In both cases the biocide quantities initially introduced in the sewage resulted in the presence of significant concentrations at the end of the contact time. No significant variation of AOX content was detected in the effluent treated with PAA, whereas a progressive increment of such compounds was found when increasing quantities of HYP were added to the sewage.  相似文献   

We investigated the survival of Escherichia coli in two STPs utilising UV irradiation (STP-A) or chlorination (STP-B) for disinfection. In all, 370 E. coli strains isolated from raw influent sewage (IS), secondary treated effluent (STE) and effluent after the disinfection processes of both STPs were typed using a high resolution biochemical fingerprinting method and were grouped into common (C-) and single (S-) biochemical phenotypes (BPTs). In STP-A, 83 BPTs comprising 123 isolates were found in IS and STE, of which 7 BPTs survived UV irradiation. Isolates tested from the same sites of STP-B (n = 220) comprised 122 BPTs, however, only two BPTs were found post-chlorination. A representative isolate from each BPT from both STPs was tested for the presence of 11 virulence genes (VGs) associated with uropathogenic (UPEC) or intestinal pathogenic (IPEC) E. coli strains. Strains surviving UV irradiation were distributed among seven phylogenetic groups with five BPTs carrying VGs associated with either UPEC (4 BPTs) or IPEC (1 BPT). In contrast, E. coli strains found in STP-B carried no VGs. Strains from both STPs were resistant to up to 12 out of the 21 antibiotics tested but there was no significant difference between the numbers of antibiotics to which surviving strains were resistant to in these STPs. Our data suggests that some E. coli strains have a better ability to survive STPs utilising chlorination and UV irradiation for disinfection. However, strains that survive UV irradiation are more diverse and may carry more VGs than those surviving SPTs using chlorination.  相似文献   

Han DH  Cha SY  Yang HY 《Water research》2004,38(11):2782-2790
2.5GHz of microwave irradiation can cause a considerable improvement of oxidative decomposition of aqueous phenol in a UV/H2O2 system. The experimental results showed that the microwave irradiation can raise both the phenol conversion and the TOC removal efficiency up to or above 50%. Also, the microwave irradiation could considerably enhance the oxidative degradation of phenol in the UV/H2O2 system even under a suppression of thermal effect. Addition of hydrogen peroxide by more than a stoichiometric amount was critical to mineralize aqueous phenol to create a short reaction time. Also, microwave irradiation can accelerate the degradation rate of intermediates, hydroquinone and catechol, produced in the course of phenol oxidative decomposition. From the kinetic study, the disappearance rate of phenol can be expressed as dX/dt = kPH[M]0(alpha - X)(1 - X), where alpha equivalent [H2O2]0/[M]0 + kOH[OH*]/kPH[M]0, shows a good correlation with the experimental data. The kinetic analysis showed that an indirect reaction of phenol with OH radical might be dominant in the absence of microwave irradiation, meanwhile a direct reaction of phenol with hydrogen peroxide might be dominant in the presence of microwave irradiation except for low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   

Liu W  Cheung LM  Yang X  Shang C 《Water research》2006,40(10):2033-2043
The formation of disinfection by-products (DBPs), including chloroform, dichloroacetic acid (DCAA), trichloroacetic acid (TCAA), and cyanogen chloride (CNCl) after sequential exposure of four organic waters to UV irradiation via either low- or medium-pressure lamps and free chlorine (or preformed monochloramine) under practical conditions was simulated. Statistically significant changes in the DBP formation from chlorination due to the additional UV irradiation are commonly observed under testing conditions, although some of these changes are not practically significant. The impacts from UV exposure were found to be most significant in chloroform formation (up to 40 microg/L) among the four tested DBPs. Organics from rivers were more sensitive to UV alteration than was the organic drawn from soil. This difference could not be explained by the specific UV absorbance (SUVA) values. In most cases, irradiation with the medium-pressure UV lamp gave similar or slightly larger changes in DBP yields, compared with the corresponding trials using the low-pressure lamp. Different application sequences could significantly change the relative quantities of DBPs but no general trend was identified. Case-specific evaluation of the formation of chloroform and CNCl is necessary.  相似文献   

Zhao Q  Shang C  Zhang X  Ding G  Yang X 《Water research》2011,45(19):6545-6554
When chlorine is applied before or during UV disinfection of bromide-containing water, interactions between chlorine, bromide and UV light are inevitable. Formation of halogenated organic byproducts was studied during medium-pressure UV (MPUV) and chlorine coexposure of phenol, nitrobenzene and benzoic acid and maleic acid, chosen to represent electron-donating aromatics, electron-withdrawing aromatics, and aliphatic structures in natural organic matter (NOM), respectively. All were evaluated in the presence and absence of bromide. MPUV and chlorine coexposure of phenol produced less total organic halogen (TOX, a collective parameter for halogenated organic byproducts) than chlorination in the dark, and more haloacetic acids instead of halophenols. Increases in TOX were found in the coexposure of nitrobenzene and benzoic acid, but maleic acid was rather inert during coexposure. The presence of bromide increased the formation of brominated TOX but did not significantly affect total TOX formation, in spite of the fact that it reduced hydroxyl radical levels. MPUV and chlorine coexposure of NOM gave a higher differential UV absorbance of NOM and a larger shift to lower molecular weight compounds than chlorination in the dark. However, TOX formation with NOM remained similar to that observed from dark chlorination.  相似文献   

Shemer H  Linden KG 《Water research》2007,41(4):853-861
Decay kinetics resulting from the application of UV and UV/H(2)O(2) to the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) fluorene, dibenzofuran and dibenzothiophene was studied. Batch experiments were conducted with both low-pressure monochromatic (253.7nm) and medium pressure polychromatic (200-300nm) UV sources alone or in the presence of up to 25mg/L hydrogen peroxide, in a quasi-collimated beam apparatus. Degradation of all three PAHs, by both UV and UV/H(2)O(2), exhibited pseudo-first-order reaction kinetics and low quantum yields ranging from 1.4x10(-3) to 1.8x10(-2)mol/E using both UV lamps. Toxicity testing using a bioluminesence inhibition bioassay was correlated to the decay in concentration of the PAHs as analyzed analytically using HPLC. Results demonstrated that treatment efficacy of oxidative PAH degradation measured by following the decay of the target compound is best complemented by also evaluating the toxicity of the treated water due to byproduct formation concerns.  相似文献   

Liao CH  Kang SF  Hsu YW 《Water research》2003,37(17):4109-4118
This paper describes the use of metallic iron (Fe(0)) powder for nitrate removal in a well-mixed batch reactor. Important variables explored include Fe(0) dosage (1-3g/L), UV light intensity (64-128 W), and the presence of propanol (20 mg/L as DOC) and H(2)O(2) (100-200 mg/L). Accumulation of ferrous ions released from the Fe(0) surface can be expressed by an S-curve, which involves lag growth phase, exponential phase, rate-declining phase, and saturation phase. The removal of nitrate increases with increasing Fe(0) dosage; however, the removal makes no difference as the Fe(0) dosage is greater than 2 g/L. UV irradiation retards the dissolution of ferrous ion and the removal of nitrate. The species of propanol, which has a functional group of -OH, plays a role of organic inhibitor for Fe(0) corrosion. The presence of H(2)O(2) appears to inactivate all reactions as the Fe(0) of 10 microm was used; the final H(2)O(2) remains intact throughout the entire reaction period, and there were no removal of nitrate and no dissolution of ferrous ion. Surprisingly, with the use of a larger Fe(0) particle size of 150 microm, the H(2)O(2) was seen to decompose rapidly through Fenton reaction. Nevertheless, the rate of ferrous accumulation or nitrate removal is slow.  相似文献   

Bromate was first reported as a disinfection by-product from ozonated waters, but more recently it has been reported also as a result of treatment using hypochlorite solutions worldwide. The aim of this study was to study the scope of this phenomenon in the drinking waters (n = 509) of Castilla y León, Spain, and in the hypochlorite disinfectant reagents. Two thirds of the treated waters monitored were found to have bromate concentrations higher than 1 µg/l, and of them a median value of 8 µg/l and a maximum of 49 µg/l. These concentrations are higher than those reported so far, however, a great variability can be found. Median values for chlorite were of 5 µg/l, and of 119 µg/l for chlorate. Only 7 out of 40 hypochlorite feedstock solutions were negative for bromate, the rest showing a median of 1022 mg/l; and 4 out of 14 calcium hypochlorite pellets were also negative, the rest with a median of 240 mg/kg. Although bromate is cited as potentially added to water from calcium hypochlorite pellets, no reference is found in scientific literature regarding its real content. Chlorite (median 2646 mg/l) and chlorate (median 20,462 mg/l) and chlorite (median 695 mg/kg) and chlorate (median 9516 mg/kg) were also monitored, respectively, in sodium hypochlorite solutions and calcium hypochlorite pellets. The levels of chlorite and chlorate in water are considered satisfactory, but not those of bromate, undoubtedly owing to the high content of bromide in the raw brines employed by the chlor-alkali manufacturers. Depending on the manufacturer, the bromate concentrations in the treated waters may be very heterogeneous owing to the lack of specification for this contaminant in the disinfectant reagents —the European Norms EN 900 and 901 do not mention it.  相似文献   

The kinetics of photodegradation of the pesticide metaldehyde by UV/H2O2 and UV/TiO2 in laboratory grade water and a natural surface water were studied. Experiments were carried out in a bench scale collimated beam device using UVC radiation. Metaldehyde was efficiently degraded by both processes in laboratory grade water at identical rates of degradation (0.0070 and 0.0067 cm2 mJ−1 for UV/TiO2 and UV/H2O2 respectively) when optimised doses were used. The ratio between oxidant and metaldehyde was significantly higher for H2O2 due to its low photon absorption efficiency at 254 nm. However, the presence of background organic compounds in natural water severely affected the rate of degradation, and whilst the pseudo first-order rate constant of degradation by UV/H2O2 was slowed down (0.0020 cm2 mJ−1), the degradation was completely inhibited for the UV/TiO2 process (k′ = 0.00007 cm2 mJ−1) due to the blockage of active sites on TiO2 surface by the background organic material.  相似文献   

Paracetamol oxidation from aqueous solutions is studied by means of ozonation and H(2)O(2) photolysis. Both oxidative systems are able to destroy the aromatic ring of the substrate with a partial conversion of the initial carbon content into carbon dioxide. For the adopted experimental conditions mineralization degrees up to 30% and 40% are observed with ozonation and H(2)O(2) photolysis, respectively. Main reaction intermediates and products are identified for both systems by HPLC and GC-MS analyses and a kinetic characterization is achieved.  相似文献   

This study aims to assess the removal of a set of non-polar pollutants in biologically treated wastewater using ozonation, ultraviolet (UV 254 nm low pressure mercury lamp) and visible light (Xe-arc lamp) irradiation as well as visible light photocatalysis using Ce-doped TiO2. The compounds tracked include UV filters, synthetic musks, herbicides, insecticides, antiseptics and polyaromatic hydrocarbons. Raw wastewater and treated samples were analyzed using stir-bar sorptive extraction coupled with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (SBSE–CG × GC–TOF–MS). Ozone treatment could remove most pollutants with a global efficiency of over 95% for 209 μM ozone dosage. UV irradiation reduced the total concentration of the sixteen pollutants tested by an average of 63% with high removal of the sunscreen 2-ethylhexyl trans-4-methoxycinnamate (EHMC), the synthetic musk 7-acetyl-1,1,3,4,4,6-hexamethyltetrahydronaphthalene (tonalide, AHTN) and several herbicides. Visible light Ce–TiO2 photocatalysis reached ∼70% overall removal with particularly high efficiency for synthetic musks. In terms of power usage efficiency expressed as nmol kJ−1, the results showed that ozonation was by far the most efficient process, ten-fold over Xe/Ce–TiO2 visible light photocatalysis, the latter being in turn considerably more efficient than UV irradiation. In all cases the efficiency decreased along the treatments due to the lower reaction rate at lower pollutant concentration. The use of photocatalysis greatly improved the efficiency of visible light irradiation. The collector area per order decreased from 9.14 ± 5.11 m2 m−3 order−1 for visible light irradiation to 0.16 ± 0.03 m2 m−3 order−1 for Ce–TiO2 photocatalysis. The toxicity of treated wastewater was assessed using the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata. Ozonation reduced the toxicity of treated wastewater, while UV irradiation and visible light photocatalysis limited by 20–25% the algal growth due to the accumulation of reaction by-products. Three transformation products were identified and tracked along the treatments.  相似文献   

Ou H  Gao N  Deng Y  Qiao J  Wang H 《Water research》2012,46(4):1241-1250
In this study, the immediate and long-term impacts of shortwave ultraviolet (UV-C) irradiation on photosynthetic capacity, survival, and recovery of Microcystis aeruginosa were investigated. The risk of microcystin-LR (MC-LR) release during irradiation was also estimated. The cell density was determined by a flow cytometry, and typical chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, including the effective quantum yield, photosynthetic efficiency and maximal electron transport rate, were measured by a pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometer. Under various UV-C dosages (140-4200 mJ cm−2), photosynthetic capacities were reduced, to different degrees, accompanied by slight cytoclasis and complete degradation of extracellular MC-LR immediately after irradiation. In a 6-d cultivation following UV-C irradiation, cell density and extracellular MC-LR in the samples treated by 140 mJ cm−2 UV-C irradiation increased from 4.0 × 106 cells mL−1 and 8 μg L−1 to 5.1 × 106 cells mL−1 and 20 μg L−1, respectively. Significant M. aeruginosa cytoclasis (cell density from 4.0 × 106 to 1.0 × 106 cells mL−1) and MC-LR release (2-25 μg L−1) occurred when the UV-C dosage reached 350 mJ cm−2. Cell cytoclasis and MC-LR release were enhanced in the cultivated samples under higher UV-C dosages. Results revealed that photosynthetic parameters were useful tools to predict the recovery profiles of M. aeruginosa cells, and the MC-LR release risk should be considered after UV-C inactivation.  相似文献   

The oxidation of bromoxynil and trifluralin was investigated using ozone (O3) and O3 combined with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in natural waters using batch reactors. The results indicated that these pesticides could not be completely degraded during ozonation, achieving degradation levels lower than 50%. An enhancement of the level of degradation was observed using O3/H2O2 process. A biphasic behaviour of O3 was also observed. Depending on the experimental conditions, the rate constant for O3 decomposition was estimated to be between 7.4 × 10−4 s−1 to 5.8 × 10−2 s−1, and 3.2 × 10−3 s−1 to 4.2 × 10−2 s−1 for bromoxynil and trifluralin samples, respectively. Acute toxicity analysis performed using Microtox® showed a decrease in the toxic effects of the samples on the luminescent bacteria during the first few minutes of treatment, followed by an increase of the toxic effects at the end of the reaction for both pesticides. The quantification of oxidation by-products generated during treatment was also addressed. The total molar balances of the degradation by-products versus the initial pesticide concentrations ranged from 60 to 103% under different experimental conditions.  相似文献   

This paper highlights the main disinfection options available for sewage, final effluents and stormwater, and is a review of the current research programme being carried out by staff of the Water Research Centre.
Disinfection is an increasing requirement, with particular emphasis on bathing and recreational water use. Laboratory and field trials are reviewed, and a wide range of disinfectants have been tested. These include peracetic acid and the Clariflow process for crude sewage; peracetic acid, ozone and UV irradiation for final effluent; and peracetic acid for stormwater.
The efficacy of the various disinfectants is evaluated and general costs are presented. Of special interest is the potential effect of sewage strength in reducing the disinfecting properties of the chemical. It is also apparent that there are wide variations in performance between processes and host organisms.  相似文献   

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