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We investigate the role of the information available to the players on the outcome of the cops and robbers game. This game takes place on a graph and players move along the edges in turns. The cops win the game if they can move onto the robber’s vertex. In the standard formulation, it is assumed that the players can “see” each other at all times. A graph GG is called cop-win if a single cop can capture the robber on GG. We study the effect of reducing the cop’s visibility. On the positive side, with a simple argument, we show that a cop with small or no visibility can capture the robber on any cop-win graph (even if the robber still has global visibility). On the negative side, we show that the reduction in cop’s visibility can result in an exponential increase in the capture time. Finally, we start the investigation of the variant where the visibility powers of the two players are symmetrical. We show that the cop can establish eye contact with the robber on any graph and present a sufficient condition for capture. In establishing this condition, we present a characterization of graphs on which a natural greedy pursuit strategy suffices for capturing the robber.  相似文献   

Cops & Robber is a classical pursuit-evasion game on undirected graphs, where the task is to identify the minimum number of cops sufficient to catch the robber. In this work, we consider a natural variant of this game, where every cop can make at most f steps, and prove that for each f≥2, it is PSPACE-complete to decide whether k cops can capture the robber.  相似文献   

警察与强盗博弈是一个图搜索问题,解决该问题的关键是确定能成功捕获强盗的最少警察数。在零可视警察与强盗博弈中强盗不可见:任意时刻警察都不知道强盗所在位置。通过建立顶点清理模型对三维网格图的性质进行分析,将三维网格图的顶点集划分成2个子集,导出划分中较小子集与边界的关系,并利用划分中的结论,给出三维网格图中最少警察数的下界。结合图搜索的单调性原则,给出一种可行的单调性搜索策略,确定三维网格图中最少警察数的上界。最后提出一种在三维网格图中最少警察数范围内可行的搜索算法。  相似文献   

An oriented k-coloring of an oriented graph G is a mapping such that (i) if xyE(G) then c(x)≠c(y) and (ii) if xy,ztE(G) then c(x)=c(t)⇒c(y)≠c(z). The oriented chromatic number of an oriented graph G is defined as the smallest k such that G admits an oriented k-coloring. We prove in this paper that every Halin graph has oriented chromatic number at most 9, improving a previous bound proposed by Vignal.  相似文献   

We present a new approach for approximating node deletion problems by combining the local ratio and the greedy multicovering algorithms. For a function , our approach allows to design a 2+maxvV(G)logf(v) approximation algorithm for the problem of deleting a minimum number of nodes so that the degree of each node v in the remaining graph is at most f(v). This approximation ratio is shown to be asymptotically optimal. The new method is also used to design a 1+(log2)(k−1) approximation algorithm for the problem of deleting a minimum number of nodes so that the remaining graph contains no k-bicliques.  相似文献   

Let G be any finite graph. A mapping c:E(G)→{1,…,k} is called an acyclic edge k-colouring of G, if any two adjacent edges have different colours and there are no bichromatic cycles in G. In other words, for every pair of distinct colours i and j, the subgraph induced in G by all the edges that have colour i or j is acyclic. The smallest number k of colours such that G has an acyclic edge k-colouring is called the acyclic chromatic index of G and is denoted by .Determining the acyclic chromatic index of a graph is a hard problem, both from theoretical and algorithmical point of view. In 1991, Alon et al. proved that for any graph G of maximum degree Δ(G). This bound was later improved to 16Δ(G) by Molloy and Reed. In general, the problem of computing the acyclic chromatic index of a graph is NP-complete. Only a few algorithms for finding acyclic edge colourings have been known by now. Moreover, these algorithms work only for graphs from particular classes.In our paper, we prove that for every graph G which satisfies the condition that |E(G)|?t|V(G)|−1 for each subgraph GG, where t?2 is a given integer, the constant p=2t3−3t+2. Based on that result, we obtain a polynomial algorithm which computes such a colouring. The class of graphs covered by our theorem is quite rich, for example, it contains all t-degenerate graphs.  相似文献   

Let G be a graph, x,yV(G), and ?:V(G)→[k] a k-colouring of G such that ?(x)=?(y). If then the following question is NP-complete: Does there exist a k-colouring ? of G such that ?(x)≠?(y)? Conversely, if then the problem is polynomial time.  相似文献   

Suppose the vertices of a graph G were labeled arbitrarily by positive integers, and let S(v) denote the sum of labels over all neighbors of vertex v. A labeling is lucky if the function S is a proper coloring of G, that is, if we have S(u)≠S(v) whenever u and v are adjacent. The least integer k for which a graph G has a lucky labeling from the set {1,2,…,k} is the lucky number of G, denoted by η(G).Using algebraic methods we prove that η(G)?k+1 for every bipartite graph G whose edges can be oriented so that the maximum out-degree of a vertex is at most k. In particular, we get that η(T)?2 for every tree T, and η(G)?3 for every bipartite planar graph G. By another technique we get a bound for the lucky number in terms of the acyclic chromatic number. This gives in particular that for every planar graph G. Nevertheless we offer a provocative conjecture that η(G)?χ(G) for every graph G.  相似文献   

Given a directed graph G=(V,A) with a non-negative weight (length) function on its arcs w:A→ℝ+ and two terminals s,tV, our goal is to destroy all short directed paths from s to t in G by eliminating some arcs of A. This is known as the short paths interdiction problem. We consider several versions of it, and in each case analyze two subcases: total limited interdiction, when a fixed number k of arcs can be removed, and node-wise limited interdiction, when for each node vV a fixed number k(v) of out-going arcs can be removed. Our results indicate that the latter subcase is always easier than the former one. In particular, we show that the short paths node-wise interdiction problem can be efficiently solved by an extension of Dijkstra’s algorithm. In contrast, the short paths total interdiction problem is known to be NP-hard. We strengthen this hardness result by deriving the following inapproximability bounds: Given k, it is NP-hard to approximate within a factor c<2 the maximum st distance d(s,t) obtainable by removing (at most) k arcs from G. Furthermore, given d, it is NP-hard to approximate within a factor the minimum number of arcs which has to be removed to guarantee d(s,t)≥d. Finally, we also show that the same inapproximability bounds hold for undirected graphs and/or node elimination. This research was supported in part by NSF grant IIS-0118635 and by DIMACS, the NSF Center for Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science. Preprints DTR-2005-04 and DTR-2006-13 are available at and . Our co-author Leonid Khachiyan passed away with tragic suddenness on April 29th, 2005.  相似文献   

We study the following combinatorial property of point sets in the plane: For a set S of n points in general position and a point pS consider the points of Sp in their angular order around p. This gives a star-shaped polygon (or a polygonal path) with p in its kernel. Define c(p) as the number of convex angles in this star-shaped polygon around p, and c(S) as the sum of all c(p), for pS. We show that for every point set S, c(S) is always at least . This bound is shown to be almost tight. Consequently, every set of n points admits a star-shaped polygonization with at least convex angles.  相似文献   

A unit cube in k-dimension (or a k-cube) is defined as the Cartesian product R1×R2×?×Rk, where each Ri is a closed interval on the real line of the form [ai,ai+1]. The cubicity of G, denoted as cub(G), is the minimum k such that G is the intersection graph of a collection of k-cubes. Many NP-complete graph problems can be solved efficiently or have good approximation ratios in graphs of low cubicity. In most of these cases the first step is to get a low dimensional cube representation of the given graph.It is known that for a graph G, . Recently it has been shown that for a graph G, cub(G)?4(Δ+1)lnn, where n and Δ are the number of vertices and maximum degree of G, respectively. In this paper, we show that for a bipartite graph G=(AB,E) with |A|=n1, |B|=n2, n1?n2, and Δ=min{ΔA,ΔB}, where ΔA=maxaAd(a) and ΔB=maxbBd(b), d(a) and d(b) being the degree of a and b in G, respectively, cub(G)?2(Δ+2)⌈lnn2⌉. We also give an efficient randomized algorithm to construct the cube representation of G in 3(Δ+2)⌈lnn2⌉ dimensions. The reader may note that in general Δ can be much smaller than Δ.  相似文献   

The k-clique problem is a cornerstone of NP-completeness and parametrized complexity. When k is a fixed constant, the asymptotically fastest known algorithm for finding a k-clique in an n-node graph runs in O(n0.792k) time (given by Nešet?il and Poljak). However, this algorithm is infamously inapplicable, as it relies on Coppersmith and Winograd's fast matrix multiplication.We present good combinatorial algorithms for solving k-clique problems. These algorithms do not require large constants in their runtime, they can be readily implemented in any reasonable random access model, and are very space-efficient compared to their algebraic counterparts. Our results are the following:
We give an algorithm for k-clique that runs in O(nk/(εlogn)k−1) time and O(nε) space, for all ε>0, on graphs with n nodes. This is the first algorithm to take o(nk) time and O(nc) space for c independent of k.
Let k be even. Define a k-semiclique to be a k-node graph G that can be divided into two disjoint subgraphs U={u1,…,uk/2} and V={v1,…,vk/2} such that U and V are cliques, and for all i?j, the graph G contains the edge {ui,vj}. We give an time algorithm for determining if a graph has a k-semiclique. This yields an approximation algorithm for k-clique, in the following sense: if a given graph contains a k-clique, then our algorithm returns a subgraph with at least 3/4 of the edges in a k-clique.

Given a bipartite graph G=(V c ,V t ,E) and a nonnegative integer k, the NP-complete Minimum-Flip Consensus Tree problem asks whether G can be transformed, using up to k edge insertions and deletions, into a graph that does not contain an induced P 5 with its first vertex in V t (a so-called M-graph or Σ-graph). This problem plays an important role in computational phylogenetics, V c standing for the characters and V t standing for taxa. Chen et al. (IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biol. Bioinform. 3:165–173, 2006). showed that Minimum-Flip Consensus Tree is NP-complete and presented a parameterized algorithm with running time O(6 k ?|V t |?|V c |). Subsequently, Böcker et al. (ACM Trans. Algorithms 8:7:1–7:17, 2012) presented a refined search tree algorithm with running time O(4.42 k (|V t |+|V c |)+|V t |?|V c |). We continue the study of Minimum-Flip Consensus Tree parameterized by k. Our main contribution are polynomial-time executable data reduction rules yielding a problem kernel with O(k 3) vertices. In addition, we present an improved search tree algorithm with running time O(3.68 k ?|V c |2|V t |).  相似文献   

The recursive circulant RC(n2,4) enjoys several attractive topological properties. Let max_?G(m) denote the maximum number of edges in a subgraph of graph G induced by m nodes. In this paper, we show that , where p0>p1>?>pr are nonnegative integers defined by . We then apply this formula to find the bisection width of RC(n2,4). The conclusion shows that, as n-dimensional cube, RC(n2,4) enjoys a linear bisection width.  相似文献   

For a positive integer d, an L(d,1)-labeling f of a graph G is an assignment of integers to the vertices of G such that |f(u)−f(v)|?d if uvE(G), and |f(u)−f(v)|?1 if u and u are at distance two. The span of an L(d,1)-labeling f of a graph is the absolute difference between the maximum and minimum integers used by f. The L(d,1)-labeling number of G, denoted by λd,1(G), is the minimum span over all L(d,1)-labelings of G. An L(d,1)-labeling of a graph G is an L(d,1)-labeling of G which assigns different labels to different vertices. Denote by the L(d,1)-labeling number of G. Georges et al. [Discrete Math. 135 (1994) 103-111] established relationship between the L(2,1)-labeling number of a graph G and the path covering number of Gc, the complement of G. In this paper we first generalize the concept of the path covering of a graph to the t-group path covering. Then we establish the relationship between the L(d,1)-labeling number of a graph G and the (d−1)-group path covering number of Gc. Using this result, we prove that and for bipartite graphs G can be computed in polynomial time.  相似文献   

A k-ranking of a graph is a labeling of the vertices with positive integers 1,2,…,k so that every path connecting two vertices with the same label contains a vertex of larger label. An optimal ranking is one in which k is minimized. Let Pn be a path with n vertices. A greedy algorithm can be used to successively label each vertex with the smallest possible label that preserves the ranking property. We seek to show that when a greedy algorithm is used to label the vertices successively from left to right, we obtain an optimal ranking. A greedy algorithm of this type was given by Bodlaender et al. in 1998 [1] which generates an optimal k-ranking of Pn. In this paper we investigate two generalizations of rankings. We first consider bounded (k,s)-rankings in which the number of times a label can be used is bounded by a predetermined integer s. We then consider kt-rankings where any path connecting two vertices with the same label contains t vertices with larger labels. We show for both generalizations that when G is a path, the analogous greedy algorithms generate optimal k-rankings. We then proceed to quantify the minimum number of labels that can be used in these rankings. We define the bounded rank number to be the smallest number of labels that can be used in a (k,s)-ranking and show for n?2, where i=⌊log2(s)⌋+1. We define the kt-rank number, to be the smallest number of labels that can be used in a kt-ranking. We present a recursive formula that gives the kt-rank numbers for paths, showing for all an−1<j?an where {an} is defined as follows: a1=1 and an=⌊((t+1)/t)an−1⌋+1.  相似文献   

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