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BACKGROUND: Coronary heart disease is predicted to become the commonest cause of death in india within 15 years People from India living overseas already have high rates of the disease that are not explained by known coronary risk factors. Small size at birth is a newly described risk factor for coronary heart disease, but associations between size at birth and the disease have not been examined in India. METHODS: We studied 517 men and women who were born between 1934 and 1954 in a mission hospital in Mysore, South India, and who still lived near to the hospital. We related the prevalence of coronary heart disease, defined by standard criteria, to their birth size. FINDINGS: 25 (9%) men and 27 (11%) women had coronary heart disease. Low birthweight, short birth length, and small head circumference at birth were associated with a raised prevalence of the disease. Prevalence fell from 11% in people whose birthweights were 5.5 lb (2.5 kg) or less to 3% in those whose birthweights were more than 7 lb (3.1 kg), p for trend = 0.09. The trends were stronger and statistically significant among people aged 45 years and over (p = 0.03 for birthweight, 0.04 for length, and 0.02 for head circumference). High rates of disease were also found in those whose mothers had a low body weight during pregnancy. The highest prevalence of the disease (20%) was in people who weighted 5.5 lb (2.5 kg) or less at birth and whose mothers weighted less than 100 lb (45 kg) in pregnancy. These associations were largely independent of known coronary risk factors. INTERPRETATION: In India, as in the UK, coronary heart disease is associated with small size at birth, suggesting that its pathogenesis is influenced by events in utero. The association with low maternal bodyweight is further evidence that the disease originates through fetal undernutrition. Prevention of the rising epidemic of the disease in India may require improvements in the nutrition and health of young women.  相似文献   

Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) continues to be a common health problem in the developing world, causing morbidity and mortality among both children and adults. Although little longitudinal data are available, evidence suggests that there has been little if any decline in the occurrence of RHD over the past few decades. Recent reports from the developing world have documented rheumatic fever (RF) incidence rates as high as 206/100,000 and RHD prevalence rates as high as 18.6/1000. The high frequency of RHD in the developing world necessitates aggressive prevention and control measures. The major interventions for prevention and control include: (1) reduction of exposure to group A streptococci, (2) primary prophylaxis to prevent initial episodes of RF, and (3) secondary prophylaxis to prevent recurrent episodes of RF. Because recurrent episodes of RF cause increasingly severe cardiac complications, secondary prophylaxis is the most crucial feature of an effective RHD programme. For some impoverished countries, secondary prophylaxis may be the only intervention that can realistically be implemented. In addition to this intervention, however, financial and human resources must be committed, and all of these elements must be integrated into existing primary health care systems. Because RHD continues to be a common health problem in the developing world, greater emphasis needs to be placed on the simple and cost-effective prevention and control measures that are currently available to combat this disabling disease.  相似文献   

Using the methods of recombination and gene disruption, the effects of degUS gene in Bacillus subtilis Ki-2-132 were studied. The results showed that the gene could affect all protease-producing, competence formation, cell mobility and repression effects of glucose on protease-production. This implies that it is a pleitropic gene in Bacillus subtilis Ki-2-132. The disruption of the gene caused morphological changes and repressed the expression of aprE in vectors.  相似文献   

Thrombus formation on a fissured or disrupted atherosclerotic plaque is the main pathogenetic mechanism for the acute coronary syndromes of myocardial infarction and unstable angina. Myocardial infarction results from an acute total occlusion of the artery, while unstable angina is secondary in most cases to mural thrombus formation. Thrombus formation has also been implicated in chronic atherosclerotic disease progression and in restenosis following coronary angioplasty. Therapeutic measures to treat thrombus rely on the ability of drugs to either prevent thrombus extension, dissolve its fibrin component, or prevent further platelet aggregation. Other measures rely on the ability of intracoronary techniques to open coronary arteries. The primary prevention of intracoronary thrombus formation is evolving. Measures to stabilize plaques or to reduce hypercoagulability are being tested or have been tested in recent trials.  相似文献   

Rheumatic chorea     
Medicoeconomic standards (MES) became very popular in many regions of Russia as a unit for assessing the monetary relationships between hospitals and insurance companies within the framework of obligatory medical insurance. However, rather often the standards are introduced by voluntary solutions without due consideration for the specific features of a territory, this involving the risk of a formalistic approach to the use of MES. Regulations have been designed for the experiment on comparison of the medical standards which have been approved and the actual treatment technology in the hospitals of Moscow (actual volumes, bed-days, and cost of treatment). Such an experiment will help assess the current MES as far as it concerns their correspondence to practical medical care and will be conducive to their improvement and to the creation of new models of MES.  相似文献   

The prevalence of homozygous and heterozygous deficiency of the second component of complement (C2) was determined in patients with rheumatic disease including 137 with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 274 with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, and 134 with rheumatoid arthritis. 1 C2 homozygous deficient and 19 possible heterozygous deficient individuals were identified by using both immunochemical and functional assays to determine C2 levels. Of the 20, 8 had SLE (5.9%), 10 had juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (3.7%), and 2 had rheumatoid arthritis (1.4%), the homozygous deficient individual having SLE. The prevalence of C2 deficiency in the SLE and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis patients was significantly increased (P = 0.0009 and P = 0.02, respectively) when compared with controls, 6 (1.2%) of 509 blood donors having C2 levels consistent with heterozygous deficiency. 15 of the 20 C2 deficient patients were HLA typed and found to have antigens A10(Aw25), B18, or both. The patients with C2 deficiency and SLE had earlier age of onset of disease and less antinuclear antibody when compared with the C2 normal SLE patients. 11 families of the propositi were studied and found to have one or more C2 heterozygous deficient individuals. The family members had an equal distribution of rheumatic disease and antinuclear antibody in the C2 deficient and C2 normal groups. C2 deficient individuals were found to have significantly lower levels of properdin Factor B (242 mug/ml+/-54) when compared with the non-C2 deficient family members (282 mug/ml+/-73). These data support the concept that inherited deficiency of C2 is significantly associated with both SLE and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   

The association of developmental abnormalities of the sternum with congenital heart disease is well known. These abnormalities include hypoplasia, multiple centers, and premature fusion. The absence of the sternal bodies in patients with congenital heart disease unrelated to a specific syndrome complex has not been previously described. Possible association with congenital pulmonary vascular disease was noted.  相似文献   

One hundred patients, 17 to 67 years of age, had normal hearts diagnosed on the basis of complete right and left heart catheterization and coronary cineangiography. Phonocardiograms were obtained from each patient, providing an average of 17 recordings per subject for analysis; 75/100 (75%) subjects had a recordable fourth sound; 60/75 (80%) of the latter group had an audible fourth heart sound. It is concluded that recordable and audible fourth heart sounds are common findings in subjects without catheterization evidence of cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

We present a patient with a history of tricuspid and pulmonary atresia who underwent a classic Glenn shunt and a Potts shunt during childhood, resulting in different right and left pulmonary physiology. Because of progression of cardiopulmonary disease and the fact that the right lung was "protected," the patient underwent combined heart-left single-lung transplantation. The postoperative course was uneventful. Potential early and late advantages of this approach include simplifying of the operative procedure and mitigating the potential effects of obliterative bronchiolitis.  相似文献   

Radionuclide angiocardiography is a useful method in the evaluation of patients with congenital heart disease, safely and nontraumatically. Physiologic variables such as transit times, cardiac output, left ventricular ejection fraction, stroke volume, end-diastolic volume can be measured accurately with this technique. An important application of radionuclide angiocardiography in children with congenital heart disease is in the detection, localization and quantification (pulmonary to systemic flow ratio) of intracardiac shunts and shunts between the great vessels. This technique has been found useful in the evaluation of the newborn infant with cyanosis, the patient with a cardiac murmur and the patient who has had cardiovascular surgery. Newer mobile gamma camera-computer systems permit the performance of radionuclide angiocardiography in several ill premature and newborn infants and patients during the early postoperative period. Specially designed magnifying collimators and the development of ultrashort-lived radionuclides should result in an overall improvement in the diagnostic capabilities of this technique and in a further reduction in the radiation dose.  相似文献   

Physical examination can yield valuable diagnostic clues in a patient suspected of ischaemic heart disease. Examination during chest pain is especially informative. The haemodynamic abnormalities which accompany angina pectoris may precipitate elevation of blood pressure, pulsus alternans, pulsus bigeminus, abnormal precordial pulsations, a fourth heart sound or a systolic bruit; all of these may subsequently disappear with cessation of the anginal attack. Careful technique of examination, especially in detecting a fourth heart sound, is essential.  相似文献   

The survival of 111indium labelled platelets has been determined in a series of 47 subjects comprising nine with cyanotic congenital disease (Eisenmenger's syndrome), seven with congenital heart disease associated with left to right shunts, six with primary pulmonary hypertension, six with peripheral vascular disease, 11 with cardiac disorder associated with low cardiac output and eight normal volunteers. Compared with the value in the normals of 9.5 days, mean survival was significantly shortened in those with Eisenmenger's syndrome (8.4 days) and with peripheral vascular disease (8.5 days). It was normal in patients with left to right shunts (9.5 days). Gamma camera imaging in selected patients failed to reveal any abnormal sites of deposition of labelled platelets except in one patient with peripheral vascular disease who had bilateral abnormal activity in his lower limbs and a shortened platelet survival (8.0 days). From theoretical considerations, it was concluded that the reduction in platelet survival in Eisenmenger's syndrome was such that, had it been the result of pulmonary intravascular platelet deposition, abnormal activity should have been visible on chest scanning with the gamma camera. The absence of scintigraphic evidence of abnormal platelet deposition in the lungs of these patients, combined with the linear configuration of their platelet survival curves, suggests that the accelerated platelet destruction is in the reticuloendothelial (RE) system rather than intravascular. Indirect evidence in favour of increased RE destruction of platelets in Eisenmenger's syndrome was the finding of an approximate doubling of intrasplenic platelet transit time, indicating abnormal platelet pooling within the spleen.  相似文献   

Acquired or de novo vascular obstructions can adversely affect the outcomes of management algorithms for children with congenital heart lesions. Although surgical repair is frequently feasible, some acquired or congenital obstructions are difficult to address in the operating theater. Presented is the recent experience with endovascular stents to relieve such stenoses, and their impact on patient care.  相似文献   

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