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<正>(接上期)2"计划"与"规划"的差异2005年召开的党的十六届五中全会,在研究和审定《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划的建议》时,将"计划"改为"规划",此举在中国经济社会发展中具有重要意义。2.1"计划"变"规划"说明中国的市场化改革已日趋成熟,政府注意发挥市场对资源配置的基础性作用中国自1978年提出社会主义市场化改革以来,到  相似文献   

M.Koch  M.Krtiger 《高电压技术》2009,35(8):1933-1939
This paper discusses approaches to measure moisture in power transformers by analyzing the dielectric response of the main insulation. Dielectric diagnostic methods deduce moisture in the solid insulation from dielectric properties like polarisation depolarisation currents and dissipation factor vs. frequency. A new instrument "Dirana" combines time domain (PDC) and frequency domain (FDS) measurements and thus substantially shortens the measurement duration. New software was developed which bases on a new data pool,measured at new and aged pressboard samples with various moisture contents and oil impregnation. Its analysis algorithm compares measurements from a transformer to modelled dielectric responses,obtained from the so-called XY-model. To avoid overestimation of moisture for aged transformers,the analysis algorithm compensates for the influence of conductive aging by-products. Moisture especially increases the losses in the low frequency range of the dielectric response of pressboard. Thus,data on the left-hand side of the area dominated by interfacial polarization (insulation geometry) are required for reliable moisture determination. Case studies illustrate the application of moisture determination by dielectric response methods.  相似文献   

水电参与电力市场竞价的关键问题研究(英文)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着电力市场化改革的推进,发电侧电力市场将进一步开放,水电将进入电力市场,并按照公平、公正、公开的原则参与竞价上网。从充分利用水电资源、优化资源配置、坚持可持续发展的角度出发,探讨了市场化环境下水电如何参与竞价上网的几个关键问题,如水火竞争模式设计、水电的综合利用问题、梯级水电站参与市场竞争的协调机制、弃水电量协调解决机制等,并提出了相应的解决方案,以期为我国电力市场建设提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

黄松清 《电气技术》2006,(2):22-24,31
电力电子装置的广泛使用,在电网中产生了大量的谐波,严重污染了电网。解决问题的方法就是消除谐波,当然最好的方法还是使系统不产生谐波,这就是本文的内容。在此提出了一种把PWM技术、LC滤波技术、线性功率放大电路相结合,即开关线性复合技术(SLH)。得到一种新型功率变换单元,分析了这种功率单元的结构特点及典型的拓扑结构,同时提出了这种功率变换的特点及相应补偿方法。最后,通过实验验证了这种功率单元的特性,证明由这种功率单元组成的功率变换装置具有低的谐波含量、转矩具有非常强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

基于故障树分析的电力变压器可靠性评估方法(英文)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Accurate assessment of system reliability with limited or insufficient statistical data is difficult. At present, to assess the reliability of the transformers primarily depend on the statistics data, and the result of the assessment does not accurately reflect the reliability of a transformer. Fault tree is a powerful tool for depicting the logical relationships between the faults system. However, for a sophisticated reliability system, like power transformer, fault analysis is hard or infeasible because of the complexities of the equipment configuration and its faults. This paper presents a method which overcomes the drawbacks of traditional fault-tree analysis (FTA) by using FTA based on fault probability and equivalent calculation of each failure mode. Based on the further analysis of typical failure modes and influences of power transformer, the fault-tree of transformer is set up by using FTA techniques and the assessment method for the reliability of transformer is put forward, combined with the index of the importance and the method of improved analytic hierarchy process(IAHP). The assessment examples show the method can deduct the failure modes of transformer clearly, meanwhile, find out the weaknesses in time during the operation and get better assessment results. The method is helpful for the reliability analysis of a sophisticated system.  相似文献   

1、主保护:满足系统稳定和设备安全要求,能以最快速度有选择地切除被保护设备和线路故障的保护。 2、高频闭锁距离保护:利用距离保护的启动元件和距离方向元件控制收发信机发出高频闭锁信号,闭锁两侧保护的原理构成的高频保护。  相似文献   

本文介绍我国今年夏季主要电网的供电紧张形势,分析供需紧张的特点、性质及原因,并提出“尖峰期”概念。最后作者就缓解供电紧张提出若干建议。  相似文献   

计及无功充裕度的电力系统可靠性评估与规划(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合基于蒙特卡罗抽样技术和解耦最优潮流算法,建立一种电力系统可靠性评估与规划的新算法,该算法在计算过程中计入了无功充裕度与电压静态安全约束对系统可靠性的影响.对RBTS测试系统进行了算例分析,计算结果表明了文中算法的准确性和合理性.通过定量分析可靠性指标随着系统机组容量与无功充裕度的变化而变化的规律,提出了一种寻求特定运行条件下提高系统可靠性水平最优措施的方法,能够为电力系统的规划和运行提供量化决策依据.  相似文献   

通过测量发电机有效可用的无功功率,已经实现了无功功率集中度的评估.采用基于价值的方法,考虑有功无功负载最大时所需的无功出力,计算有效可用无功功率,进而确定发电机组的无功集中度,最后分析了负荷水平对无功集中度的影响.并以IEEE 24节点可靠性测试系统和印度75节点系统为例,验证了所提出的评估无功集中度方法的可行性.  相似文献   

联合电力潮控制器(UPFC)在美国电力公司投运   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐叔梅 《电网技术》1998,22(6):78-79
联合电力潮控制器(UPFC)在美国电力公司投运徐叔梅电力部电力科学研究院,100085北京全世界输电事业正处于大转变之中。这就需要在继续可靠并高质量供电的基础上,以新技术来推动这种转变。灵活交流输电系统(FACTS)就是这种新技术中的一种,而联合潮流...  相似文献   

蒸汽净化 /清洗  steampurification/washing省煤器 /再热器  economizer/reheater喷水减温器  spraytyppedesuperheater汽—汽热交换器  bifluxheatexchenger烟道挡板 /烟气再循环调温  steamtempera turecontrolbybypassdamper/gasrecirculation对流受热面传热  heattronsferatconvectionheatingsurfaces管式 /回转式空气预热器  tu…  相似文献   

正THERMALLY CONDUCTIVE INSULATING MATERIAL OF HIGH POWER LED SUBSTRATE AND PREPARATION METHOD THEREFOR/WO2014022963A1/20140213/LIN FENG The present invention provides a thermally conductive insulating material of a high power LED substrate,which material is prepared using the following steps:in parts by weight,adding 30~80 parts of a  相似文献   

一句话中,既可使用否定词也可使用肯定式来实现否定;后者叫做含蓄否定或是隐蔽否定。用含蓄否定所表达的否定意思要比一般否定语气更为含蓄、委婉、诙谐。在有些语境中,含蓄否定的语气更为有力、强烈。在英语中,可以通过反问句、虚拟从句、状语从句、词语搭配以及词汇等方法达到含蓄否定的目的。  相似文献   

介绍电力电子技术在直流输电、直流联络与系统稳定中的原理与应用。  相似文献   



正New approaches towards the investigation on defects and failure mechanisms of insulating composites used in high voltage applications/Dietmar Lenkoa,et al/Composites Part B:Engineering,2014,58:83-90Stator insulations are critical to the reliability of high voltage rotating machines.Currently,state-of-the-art inspection systems mainly focus on electrical properties such as partial discharges  相似文献   

1 能源与动力导论电力工业构成 compositionofelectricpowerindustry缺 电 electric-powershortage电气化程度 electrificationrete清洁能源 cleanenergyresources能源经济区划 regionaleconomicprogrammingbasedonenergyresources电力弹性系数 elasticityofdemandforelectricity动力系统 combinedpowerandheatsys…  相似文献   

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