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An advanced integral pressurized water reactor (PWR) of a small size (330 MWt) is being developed by the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). The purposes of the reactor are a sea water desalination and an electricity generation. To enhance its safety, many advanced design concepts are introduced such as a passive residual removal system and a low power density core. For the safety validation of the designed reactor, a system analysis code named TASS/SMR, was developed. TASS/SMR code uses a one dimensional node/path modeling for the thermal hydraulic calculation and point kinetics for the core power calculation. The code also has specific models for the developed integral reactor, such as a helical tube heat transfer model and a passive residual heat transfer model. One of the important models for the safety or performance calculation is the core heat transfer model. The core heat transfer model of TASS/SMR was developed to meet the requirements of the 10 CFR 50 appendix K EM model as well as the realistic models. The developed model was validated with experimental data. The results show that the model predicts the heat transfer phenomena in the reactor core with a reasonable conservatism.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for performing a statistical steady state thermal analysis of a reactor core. The technique is only outlined here since detailed thermal equations are dependent on the core geometry. The method has been applied to a pressurised water reactor core and the results are presented for illustration purposes.Random hypothetical cores are generated using the Monte-Carlo method. The technique shows that by splitting the parameters into two types, denoted core-wise and in-core, the Monte Carlo method may be used inexpensively. The idea of using extremal statistics to characterise the low probability events (i.e. the tails of a distribution) is introduced together with a method of forming the final probability distribution. After establishing an acceptable probability of exceeding a thermal design criterion, the final probability distribution may be used to determine the corresponding thermal response value. If statistical and deterministic (i.e. conservative) thermal response values are compared, information on the degree of pessimism in the deterministic method of analysis may be inferred and the restrictive performance limitations imposed by this method relieved.  相似文献   

《Annals of Nuclear Energy》1999,26(6):533-541
A method based on finite Fourier transform technique has been developed to solve the steady state multigroup neutron diffusion equation for reactor core calculations in X-Y/X-Y-Z geometry. In the present work, the neutron source in a node is approximated by a 5 point quadratic in X-Y plane and a quadratic in axial direction. The partial currents on the surfaces of the node have been assumed to be constant and equal to their average values. The equations cast in response matrix form are solved by standard fission source iterative approach. The outer iterations are accelerated using a coarse mesh rebalancing scheme. The algorithm has been implemented in a computer code finfor-sqr. The code has been validated by analysing a few benchmark problems.  相似文献   

The molten salt reactor (MSR), which is one of the ‘Generation IV’ concepts, can be used for transmutation, and production of electricity, hydrogen and fissile fuels. In this study, a single-liquid-fueled MSR is designed for conceptual research, in which no solid material is present in the core as moderator, except for the external reflector. The fuel salt flow makes the MSR neutronics different from that of conventional reactors using solid fuels, and couples the flow and heat transfer strongly. Therefore, it is necessary to study the core characteristics with due attention to the coupling among flow, heat transfer and neutronics. The standard turbulent model is adopted to establish the flow and heat transfer model, while the diffusion theory is used for the neutronics model, which consists of two-group neutron diffusion equations for fast and thermal neutron fluxes, and balance equations for six groups of delayed neutron precursors. These two models which are coupled through the temperature and heat source are coded in a microcomputer program. The distributions of the velocity, temperature, neutron fluxes, and delayed neutron precursors under the rated condition are obtained. In addition, the effects of the inflow temperature, inflow velocity, and the fuel salt residence time out of the core are discussed in detail. The results provide some valuable information for the research and design of the new generation molten salt reactors.  相似文献   

《Progress in Nuclear Energy》2012,54(8):1181-1184
An integral, modular and medium size nuclear reactor, known as IRIS, is being developed by Westinghouse and by research centers. IRIS is characterized by having most of its components inside the pressure vessel, eliminating the probability of accidents. Due to its integral configuration, there is no spray system for boron homogenization, which may cause power transients. Thus, boron mixing must be investigated. The aim of this paper is to establish the conditions under which a test section has to be built for boron dispersion analysis inside IRIS reactor pressurizer. Through Fractional Scaling Analysis, which is a new methodology of similarity, the main parameters for a test section are obtained. By combining Fractional Scaling Analysis with local scaling for the densimetric Froude number and a previously established volumetric scale factor, the values of recirculation orifices, inlet water temperature, time scale factor and recirculation flow for the test section (model) are determined so that boron distribution is well represented in IRIS reactor pressurizer (prototype). Analytical solutions were used to validate the adopted methodology and when the results simulated in the model are compared to those that characterize the prototype, the agreement for both systems is absolute. The thermal power also influences boron distribution inside the test section. This power is determined by condensation laws in the vapor region and by suitable correlations for free convection. The fractions for rising inlet recirculation water enthalpy and vapor formation are also considered.  相似文献   

基于遗传算法的压水堆核电一回路稳压器机理建模与仿真   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对压水堆核电站一回路稳压器实际运行特性,根据能量守恒、质量守恒和动量守恒方程,考虑了喷淋流量、电加热器功率及安全释放阀的影响,建立了一个两相动态非平衡的稳压器机理模型.为提高模型精度,采用遗传算法对该模型的参数进行优化,用以得到一组模型的最优参数.将参数优化算法应用于某900 MW核电站稳压器仿真实例,通过模块封装组建成稳压器压力仿真模型,并与核电厂提供的对应数据做了比较验证了建模方法的正确性及优化方法的有效性.  相似文献   

An integral, modular and medium size nuclear reactor, known as IRIS, is being developed by Westinghouse and by research centers. IRIS is characterized by having most of its components inside the pressure vessel, eliminating the probability of accidents. Due to its integral configuration, there is no spray system for boron homogenization, which may cause power transients. Thus, boron mixing must be investigated. The aim of this paper is to establish the conditions under which a test section has to be built for boron dispersion analysis inside IRIS reactor pressurizer. Through Fractional Scaling Analysis, which is a new methodology of similarity, the main parameters for a test section are obtained. By combining Fractional Scaling Analysis with local scaling for the densimetric Froude number and a previously established volumetric scale factor, the values of recirculation orifices, inlet water temperature, time scale factor and recirculation flow for the test section (model) are determined so that boron distribution is well represented in IRIS reactor pressurizer (prototype). Analytical solutions were used to validate the adopted methodology and when the results simulated in the model are compared to those that characterize the prototype, the agreement for both systems is absolute. The thermal power also influences boron distribution inside the test section. This power is determined by condensation laws in the vapor region and by suitable correlations for free convection. The fractions for rising inlet recirculation water enthalpy and vapor formation are also considered.  相似文献   

In a previous publication [1] the author presented a method for undertaking statistical steady state thermal analyses of reactor cores. The present paper extends the technique to an assessment of confidence limits for the resulting probability functions which define the probability that a given thermal response value will be exceeded in a reactor core. Establishing such confidence limits is considered an integral part of any statistical thermal analysis and essential if such analyses are to be considered in any regulatory process. In certain applications the use of a best estimate probability function may be justifiable but it is recognised that a demonstrably conservative probability function is required for any regulatory considerations.  相似文献   

Presenting neutronic calculations pertaining to the Iranian miniature research reactor is the main goal of this article. This is a key to maintaining safe and reliable core operation. The following reactor core neutronic parameters were calculated: clean cold core excess reactivity (ρex), control rod and shim worth, shut down margin (SDM), neutron flux distribution of the reactor core components, and reactivity feedback coefficients. Calculations for the fuel burnup and radionuclide inventory of the Iranian miniature neutron source reactor (MNSR), after 13 years of operational time, are carried out. Moreover, the amount of uranium burnup and produced plutonium, the concentrations and activities of the most important fission products, the actinide radionuclides accumulated, and the total radioactivity of the core are estimated. Flux distribution for both water and fuel temperature increases are calculated and changes of the central control rod position are investigated as well. Standard neutronic simulation codes WIMS-D4 and CITATION are employed for these studies. The input model was validated by the experimental data according to the final safety analysis report (FSAR) of the reactor. The total activity of the MNSR core is calculated including all radionuclides at the end of the core life and it is found to be equal to 1.3 × 103Ci. Our investigation shows that the reactor is operating under safe and reliable conditions.  相似文献   

Reactor vessel material surveillance capsules which contain specimens of actual material used in the construction of a vessel are contained in nearly all operating reactors. These specimens monitor the changes in properties of the reactor vessel and assure that predicted changes based on trend curves which are used to set operating limits for the plant are conservative. Recently, data has been obtained from the Point Beach Unit No. 1 and Connecticut Yankee reactor vessel surveillance capsules exposed to neutron radiation for much longer periods of time, than those irradiated in test reactors and surveillance capsules which were removed at the first refueling and other early refueling outages. The data from these long time surveillance capsule exposures when compared to data from capsules removed from the same reactors earlier in life indicated that a limiting or steady state condition has resulted rather than a continuous embrittlement as predicted by trend curves. It is believed that the limited embrittlement or steady state condition which occurred from the surveillance capsule tests is due to a combination of relatively low neutron flux compared to that existing in test reactors which were the primary source of data used to establish trend curves and the longer exposure periods in the capsules that led to significant “annealing” during irradiation.  相似文献   

The trip setpoints for the reactor protection system of a 65-MWt advanced integral reactor have been analyzed through sensitivity evaluations by using the Transients and Setpoint Simulation/System-integrated Modular Reactor code. In the analysis, an inadvertent control rod withdrawal event has been considered as an initiating event because this event results in the worst consequences from the viewpoint of the minimum critical heat flux ratio and its consequences are considerably affected by the trip setpoints. Sensitivity evaluations have been performed by changing the trip setpoints for the ceiling of a variable overpower trip (VOPT) function and the pressure of a high pressurizer pressure trip function. Analysis results show that a VOPT function is an effective means to satisfy the acceptance criteria as the control rod rapidly withdraws: on the other hand, a high pressurizer pressure trip function is an essential measure to preserve the safety margin in the case of a slow withdrawal of the control rod because a reactor trip by a VOPT function does not occur in this case. It is also shown that the adoptions of 122.2% of the rated core power and 16.25 MPa as the trip setpoint for the ceiling of a VOPT function and the pressure of a high pressurizer pressure trip function are good selections to satisfy the acceptance criteria.  相似文献   

A numerical integral method that efficiently provides the solution of the point kinetics equations by using the better basis function (BBF) for the approximation of the neutron density in one time step integrations is described and investigated. The approach is based on an exact analytic integration of the neutron density equation, where the stiffness of the equations is overcome by the fully implicit formulation. The procedure is tested by using a variety of reactivity functions, including step reactivity insertion, ramp input and oscillatory reactivity changes. The solution of the better basis function method is compared to other analytical and numerical solutions of the point reactor kinetics equations. The results show that selecting a better basis function can improve the efficiency and accuracy of this integral method. The better basis function method can be used in real time forecasting for power reactors in order to prevent reactivity accidents.  相似文献   

A design for an innovative, passively safe 10 MWe power plant based on the proven pressurized water reactor technology has been developed. The plant incorporates an innovative design approach to achieve “walk-away” safety and includes significant simplification and elimination of systems and components when compared to the current generation commercial nuclear power plants. The plant has been designed such that the majority of the equipment will be pre-assembled as modules at off-site facilities and shipped to the site on trucks for installation. This approach will provide shorter construction schedules and improved quality control.  相似文献   

The technique of sensibility analysis studies the behavior of the ratio between the variation of output results and the variation of input parameters in general. This study performed in the reactor pressurizer, which is a component responsible for controlling of the pressure inside the vessel, has the fundamental importance in designing the security of any concept of an advanced reactor. In fact, for its feature of passive action of the pressurizer (there is no spray), this analysis becomes a necessary step for safety and performance of the plant. The direct method through code MODPRESS, which represents the pressurizer model of the International Reactor Innovative and Secure (IRIS), has required a huge computational effort. To solve this problem, artificial neural networks (ANNs), beyond faster, has been used to replace the MODPRESS in this article. The ANNs do not require linear behavior of the system and can use both, simulated or experimental data for their training and learning. In order this, we adopted a classical non-supervised training ANN for mapping and forecasting of the pressurized using initially simulated data. In next future, we will incorporate the experimental data from the operation of the CRCN-NE reduced-scale test facility mapping. Moreover, based on the results obtained in this study, one can conclude that the artificial neural networks are presented as an alternative to MODPRESS code, and artificial neural networks are actually a great tool to calculate the sensitivity coefficient.  相似文献   

TREAT(Transient Reactor Test Facility)是一种用于测试反应堆燃料和结构材料性能的实验堆。该堆结构复杂,采用气冷设计和石墨慢化,在径向和轴向上均具有很强的中子泄漏和非均匀性,对三维中子学的模拟提出了较大的挑战。PROTEUS-MOC由美国阿贡国家实验室和密歇根大学合作开发,采用二维特征线方法和一维间断伽辽金有限元方法分别处理角通量的径向和轴向分布。为测试PROTEUS-MOC的精度和效率,利用该程序对TREAT试验堆进行了稳态中子学计算。计算结果表明:PROTEUS-MOC程序的精度较高,能准确描述TREAT的轴向和径向的强中子泄漏。与Monte Carlo程序Serpent相比,特征值相对误差仅为0.12%。另外,PROTEUS-MOC所采用的加速方法 TLPCMFD(Two-Level pCMFD)可以将计算速度提高26倍。  相似文献   

In the present work, a non-Boussinesq (variable physical properties) integral boundary layer analysis is accomplished. The model analyzes laminar free convection between nuclear fuel plates having large fuel plate length to gap between plate ratio. The coolant channels are undergoing to a uniform, symmetric, heat flux and varying fluid properties. In the present study the flow is assumed to be fully developed. This is a good assumption for channels with large fuel plate length to gap between plate ratios. To describe the velocity and temperature distributions of the coolant the non-Boussinesq approximation is introduced into the integral boundary layer equations of flow between parallel plates. The fuel plate temperature is related to the adjacent coolant fluid temperature by a principle in conduction heat transfer. Fluids considered here are air and water. The obtained results show that the present heat transfer problem encountered in nuclear research reactor such Tehran nuclear research reactor (TRR) is characterized by high temperature ratios and thereby rendering the commonly applied Boussinesq approximation invalid. As a result, the use of the Boussinesq approximation (constant fluid properties) for high temperature ratios is not suggested.  相似文献   

Two specific problems within the safety case of Stade RPV have been analysed: brittle fracture initiation and arrest under strip type emergency core cooling conditions and safety margins against ductile failure from deep cracks as postulated by ASME- and German KTA-rules. For EOL material conditions exclusion of initiation is shown for cracks of more than twice the size which is safely detectable by NDE; for arbitrarily postulated large cracks it is demonstrated that they are arrested well within the allowed depth of of the wall thickness; therefore no critical crack size exists for Stade RPV under strip cooling. Growth in depth of an assumed circumferential flaw in the girth weld embrittled at EOL could occur only at upper shelf temperatures and by loads higher than about twice the service pressure; leak before break was demonstrated in a constraint-modified JR-curve crack-growth analysis. But neither a transient nor the plant itself would be able to provide the necessary high loads. The LEFM and EPFM proofs are summarized in a multibarrier safety scheme.  相似文献   

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