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Switched-capacitor high-frequency bandpass /spl Sigma//spl Delta/ modulators could suffer from capacitor mismatch, finite opamp dc gain, and finite opamp bandwidth. These problems make the notch frequency and the quality factor of the zeros of the noise transfer function to deviate from their nominal values, strongly affecting the modulator dynamic range (DR). In order to avoid this situation, two sampled-data algorithms have been developed which allow to self-calibrate the bandpass /spl Sigma//spl Delta/ modulators. They use 3500 gate and 0.043 mm/sup 2/ area and consume power only when they are active, while, when the system is on, they are off and do not interfere with standard operation. The validity of the proposal is demonstrated by a silicon prototype in which the proposed solution allows to guarantee a 75-dB DR performance also under worst case conditions. In the particular case, it allows for the recovery of 3 dB in the SNR for the 200-kHz FM band (from 73 to 76 dB).  相似文献   

An analytical design methodology for continuous-time (CT) bandpass (BP) /spl Sigma//spl Delta/ modulators is presented. Second- and fourth-order tunable continuous time BP /spl Sigma//spl Delta/ modulator design equations are presented. A novel /spl Sigma//spl Delta/ loop architecture, where the traditional CT BP loop filter function is replaced with the filter function with fractional delays, is proposed. Validity of the methodology is confirmed by mixed-signal behavioral simulations.  相似文献   

A 1-V 10.7-MHz fourth-order bandpass delta-sigma modulator using two switched opamps (SOPs) is presented. The 3/4 sampling frequency and the double-sampling techniques are adapted for this modulator to relax the required clocking rate. The presented modulator can not only reduce the number of SOPs, but also the number of capacitors. It has been implemented in 0.25-/spl mu/m 1P5M CMOS process with MIM capacitors. The modulator can receive 10.7-MHz IF signals by using a clock frequency of 7.13 MHz. A dynamic range of 62 dB within bandwidth of 200 kHz is achieved and the power consumption of 8.45 mW is measured at 1-V supply voltage. The image tone can be suppressed by 44 dB with respect to the carrier. The in-band third-order intermodulation (IM3) distortion is -65 dBc below the desired signal.  相似文献   

Bandpass modulators sampling at high IFs (/spl sim/200 MHz) allow direct sampling of an IF signal, reducing analog hardware, and make it easier to realize completely software-programmable receivers. This paper presents the circuit design of and test results from a continuous-time tunable IF-sampling fourth-order bandpass /spl Delta//spl Sigma/ modulator implemented in InP HBT IC technology for use in a multimode digital receiver application. The bandpass /spl Delta//spl Sigma/ modulator is fabricated in AlInAs-GaInAs heterojunction bipolar technology with a peak unity current gain cutoff frequency (f/sub T/) of 130 GHz and a maximum frequency of oscillation (f/sub MAX/) of 130 GHz. The fourth-order bandpass /spl Delta//spl Sigma/ modulator consists of two bandpass resonators that can be tuned to optimize both wide-band and narrow-band operation. The IF is tunable from 140 to 210 MHz in this /spl Delta//spl Sigma/ modulator for use in multiple platform applications. Operating from /spl plusmn/5-V power supplies, the fabricated fourth-order /spl Delta//spl Sigma/ modulator sampling at 4 GSPS demonstrates stable behavior and achieves a signal-to-(noise + distortion) ratio (SNDR) of 78 dB at 1 MHz BW and 50 dB at 60 MHz BW. The average SNDR performance measured on over 250 parts is 72.5 dB at 1 MHz BW and 47.7 dB at 60 MHz BW.  相似文献   

A 1 V switched-capacitor (SC) bandpass sigma-delta (/spl Sigma//spl Delta/) modulator is realized using a high-speed switched-opamp (SO) technique with a sampling frequency of up to 50 MHz, which is improved ten times more than prior 1 V SO designs and comparable to the performance of the state-of-the-art SC circuits that operate at much higher supply voltages. On the system level, a fast-settling double-sampling SC biquadratic filter architecture is proposed to achieve high-speed operation. A low-voltage double-sampling finite-gain-compensation technique is employed to realize a high-resolution /spl Sigma//spl Delta/ modulator using only low-DC-gain opamps to maximize the speed and to reduce power dissipation. On the circuit level, a fast-switching methodology is proposed for the design of the switchable opamps to achieve a switching frequency up to 50 MHz. Implemented in a 0.35-/spl mu/m CMOS process (V/sub TP/=0.82 V and V/sub TN/=0.65 V) and at 1 V supply, the modulator achieves a measured peak signal-to-noise-and-distortion ratio (SNDR) of 42.3 dB at 10.7 MHz with a signal bandwidth of 200 kHz, while dissipating 12 mW and occupying a chip area of 1.3 mm/sup 2/.  相似文献   

Design techniques for /spl Sigma//spl Delta/ modulators from communications are applied and adapted to improve the spectral characteristics of high frequency power electronic applications. A high frequency power electronic circuit can be regarded as a quantizer in an interpolative /spl Sigma//spl Delta/ modulator. We review one dimensional /spl Sigma//spl Delta/ modulators and then generalize to the hexagonal sigma-delta modulators that are appropriate to three-phase converters. A range of interpolative modulator designs from communications can then be generalized and applied to power electronic circuits. White noise spectral analysis of sigma-delta modulators is generalized and applied to analyze the designs so that the noise can be shaped to design requirements. Simulation results for an inverter show significant improvements in spectral performance.  相似文献   

This paper describes an architecture for stable high-order /spl Sigma//spl Delta/ modulation. The architecture is based on a hybrid /spl Sigma//spl Delta/ modulator, wherein hybrid integrators replace conventional analog integrators. The hybrid integrator, which is a combination of an analog integrator and a digital integrator, offers an increased dynamic range and helps make the resulting high-order /spl Sigma//spl Delta/ modulator stable. However, the hybrid /spl Sigma//spl Delta/ modulator relies on precise matching of analog and digital paths. In this paper, a calibration technique to alleviate possible mismatch between analog and digital paths is proposed. The calibration adaptively adjusts the digital integrators so that their transfer functions match the transfer functions of corresponding analog integrators. Through behavioral-level simulations of fourth-order /spl Sigma//spl Delta/ modulators, the calibration technique is verified.  相似文献   

We derive a method for using distributed resonators in /spl Delta//spl Sigma/ modulators and demonstrate these /spl Delta//spl Sigma/ modulators have several advantages over existing /spl Delta//spl Sigma/ modulator architectures. Like continuous-time (CT) /spl Delta//spl Sigma/ modulators, the proposed /spl Delta//spl Sigma/ modulators do not require a high-precision track-and-hold, and additionally can take advantage of the high-Q of distributed resonators. Like discrete-time /spl Delta//spl Sigma/ modulators, the proposed /spl Delta//spl Sigma/ modulators are relatively insensitive to feedback loop delays and can subsample. We present simulations of several types of these /spl Delta//spl Sigma/ modulators and examine the challenges in their design.  相似文献   

Rusu  A. Ismail  M. 《Electronics letters》2005,41(19):1044-1046
A low-distortion bandpass sigma-delta modulator is proposed. It was found that the key to improving linearity is to add a feedforward signal path in a double-delay resonator bandpass structure. The proposed technique improves the tonal behaviour even at low oversampling ratio and can be applied for any order of modulator. Based on the proposed architecture, a fourth-order single-bit sigma-delta modulator can achieve a dynamic range of 84 dB and a spurious free dynamic range of 98 dB at 10.71 MHz with a signal bandwidth of 200 kHz, making it ideal for a narrowband IF-sampled wireless receiver designed for compliance with GSM/GPRS standards.  相似文献   

A second-order multibit bandpass /spl Sigma//spl Delta/ modulator (BP/spl Sigma//spl Delta/M) used for the digitizing of AM/FM radio broadcasting signals at a 10.7-MHz IF is presented. The BP/spl Sigma//spl Delta/M is realized with switched-capacitor (SC) techniques and operates with a sampling frequency of 37.05 MHz. The input impulse current, required by the SC input branch, is minimized by the use of a switched buffer without deteriorating the overall system performance. The accuracy of the in-band noise shaping is ensured with two self-calibrating control systems. In a 0.18-/spl mu/m CMOS technology, the device die size is 1 mm/sup 2/ and the power consumption is 88 mW. In production, the BP/spl Sigma//spl Delta/M features at least 78-dB dynamic range and 72-dB peak SNR within a 200-kHz bandwidth (FM bandwidth). The intermodulation (IMD) is -65 dBc for two tones at -11 dBFS. The robustness of the aforementioned performance is demonstrated by the fact that it has been realized with the BP/spl Sigma//spl Delta/M embedded in the noisy on-chip environment of a complete mixed-signal FM receiver.  相似文献   

In continuous-time quadrature bandpass /spl Sigma//spl Delta/ ADCs it is desirable to limit the number of cross-couplings. This can be achieved by implementing the loop as a cascade of complex integrators with only real coefficients. It is shown that this may result in a very poor approximation of the desired noise transfer function, because the effect of the DAC pulse is not taken into account correctly. A simple implementation that solves this problem is proposed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new continuous-time bandpass delta-sigma (/spl Delta//spl Sigma/) modulator architecture with mixer inside the feedback loop. The proposed bandpass /spl Delta//spl Sigma/ modulator is insensitive to time-delay jitter in the digital-to-analog conversion feedback pulse, unlike conventional continuous-time bandpass /spl Delta//spl Sigma/ modulators. The sampling frequency of the proposed /spl Delta//spl Sigma/ modulator can be less than the center frequency of the input narrow-band signal.  相似文献   

The carry skip adder (CSA) is widely assumed to outperform the carry lookahead adder (CLA) in terms of power and area. However, for pipelined adders used in digital SigmaDelta modulators (DDSM), it is shown that the CLA has similar performance to the CSA architecture when low bit blocks are used. Furthermore, the CSA outperforms the CLA in terms of glitch content and hence the CSA is more suitable for the operational frequencies of DDSMs  相似文献   

Previous work has established that the digital output of a /spl Sigma//spl Delta/ modulator as an A/D converter contains more information about the analog input than is extracted with conventional linear filtering. Under reasonable mathematical assumptions, optimal nonlinear decoding of the digital output can achieve significantly larger signal-to-noise ratios than linear filtering. However, the hitherto proposed decoding algorithms only demonstrate conceptual feasibility and are impractical from a computational point of view. We present a new block-based decoding algorithm that, like previous work, employs projections onto convex sets. The algorithm owes its speed to a change of projection norm, an accelerated convergence scheme, and a decimation-like subsampling; it is on the order of 10/sup 4/-10/sup 5/ times faster than one previously published algorithm for typical parameter values, and about 2-10 times slower than linear decoding. The new algorithm is applicable to all currently popular /spl Sigma//spl Delta/ architectures.<>  相似文献   

We present a tool that starting from high-level specifications of switched-capacitor (SC) /spl Sigma//spl Delta/ modulators calculates optimum specifications for their building blocks and then optimum sizes for the block schematics. At both design levels, optimization is performed using statistical techniques to enable global design and innovative heuristics for increased computer efficiency as compared with conventional statistical optimization. The tool uses an equation-based approach at the modulator level, a simulation-based approach at the cell level, and incorporates an advanced /spl Sigma//spl Delta/ behavioral simulator for monitoring and design space exploration. We include measurements taken from two silicon prototypes: (1) a 16 b @ 16 kHz output rate second-order /spl Sigma//spl Delta/ modulator; and (2) a 17 b @ 40 kHz output rate fourth-order /spl Sigma//spl Delta/ modulator. Both use SC fully differential circuits and were designed using the proposed tool and manufactured in a 1.2 /spl mu/m CMOS double-metal double-poly technology.<>  相似文献   

This paper presents a new topology of a multibit quadrature bandpass sigma-delta modulator which employs a simple dynamic element matching (DEM) technique in order to reduce the effects of path mismatch, namely aliasing in the signal band of the mirror images of the signal and of the quantization noise. The DEM scheme results in a reduction of the aliasing of the quantization noise mirror image while it reduces the input signal mirror image alias problem to a self-image problem. It is shown that the self-image can be completely removed in switched-capacitor implementations by using the same capacitors to sample the input and the reference of the feedback digital-analog converters (DACs). Moreover, a simple method for extending low-pass mismatch noise shaping techniques to the complex bandpass case is proposed for the case of multibit feedback DACs.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first implementation results for a time-interleaved continuous-time /spl Delta//spl Sigma/ modulator. The derivation of the time-interleaved continuous-time /spl Delta//spl Sigma/ modulator from a discrete-time /spl Delta//spl Sigma/ modulator is presented. With various simplifications, the resulting modulator has only a single path of integrators, making it robust to DC offsets. A time-interleaved by 2 continuous-time third-order low-pass /spl Delta//spl Sigma/ modulator is designed in a 0.18-/spl mu/m CMOS technology with an oversampling ratio of 5 at sampling frequencies of 100 and 200 MHz. Experimental results show that a signal-to-noise-plus-distortion ratio (SNDR) of 57 dB and a dynamic range of 60 dB are obtained with an input bandwidth of 10 MHz, and an SNDR of 49 dB with a dynamic range of 55 dB is attained with an input bandwidth of 20 MHz. The power consumption is 101 and 103 mW, respectively.  相似文献   

Lee  K. Bonu  M. Temes  G.C. 《Electronics letters》2006,42(24):1381-1382
The first-order noise coupling scheme proposed earlier is generalised to the realisation of higher-order enhancement. It is also extended to single-stage DeltaSigma loops, and to split structures with self-enhancement. The advantages and limitations of these new DeltaSigma architectures are compared with those of conventional single-stage and cascade DeltaSigma structures. As demonstrated by an example, they exhibit improved stability and robustness under practical fabrication conditions  相似文献   

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