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A central question in movement research is how animals use information and movement to promote encounter success. Current random search theory identifies reorientation patterns as key to the compromise between optimizing encounters for both nearby and faraway targets, but how the balance between intrinsic motor programmes and previous environmental experience determines the occurrence of these reorientation behaviours remains unknown. We used high-resolution tracking and imaging data to describe the complete motor behaviour of Caenorhabditis elegans when placed in a novel environment (one in which food is absent). Movement in C. elegans is structured around different reorientation behaviours, and we measured how these contributed to changing search strategies as worms became familiar with their new environment. This behavioural transition shows that different reorientation behaviours are governed by two processes: (i) an environmentally informed ‘extrinsic’ strategy that is influenced by recent experience and that controls for area-restricted search behaviour, and (ii) a time-independent, ‘intrinsic’ strategy that reduces spatial oversampling and improves random encounter success. Our results show how movement strategies arise from a balance between intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms, that search behaviour in C. elegans is initially determined by expectations developed from previous environmental experiences, and which reorientation behaviours are modified as information is acquired from new environments.  相似文献   

For the first time track structure theory has been applied to radiobiological effects in a living organism. Data for lethal mutagenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans, obtained after irradiation with nine different types of ions of atomic number 1-57 and gamma rays have yielded radiosensitivity parameters (E0, sigma 0, kappa, m = 68 Gy, 2.5 x 10(-9) cm2, 750, 2) comparable with those found for the transformation of C3HT10 1/2 cells (180 Gy, 1.15 x 10(-10) cm2, 750, 2) but remote from those (E0 and sigma 0 = approximately 2 Gy, approximately 5 x 10(-7) cm2) for mammalian cell survival.  相似文献   

Graphene oxide (GO) holds high promise for diagnostic and therapeutic applications in nanomedicine but reportedly displays immunotoxicity, underlining the need for developing functionalized GO with improved biocompatibility. This study describes adverse effects of GO and amino‐functionalized GO (GONH2) during Caenorhabditis elegans development and ageing upon acute or chronic exposure. Chronic GO treatment throughout the C. elegans development causes decreased fecundity and a reduction of animal size, while acute treatment does not lead to any measurable physiological decline. However, RNA‐Sequencing data reveal that acute GO exposure induces innate immune gene expression. The p38 MAP kinase, PMK‐1, which is a well‐established master regulator of innate immunity, protects C. elegans from chronic GO toxicity, as pmk‐1 mutants show reduced tissue‐functionality and facultative vivipary. In a direct comparison, GONH2 exposure does not cause detrimental effects in the wild type or in pmk‐1 mutants, and the innate immune response is considerably less pronounced. This work establishes enhanced biocompatibility of amino‐functionalized GO in a whole‐organism, emphasizing its potential as a biomedical nanomaterial.  相似文献   

在脉冲电流作用下钢中裂纹的愈合   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对含有人工预置贯穿裂纹的钢进行脉冲电流处理.在光学显微镜和扫描电镜下观察了处理前后钢样品中裂纹和组织的变化.结果表明,脉冲电流处理可以使裂纹的局部在固态下愈合.愈合是在极短时间内发生的,不影响材料不含裂纹部分的原有结构.在电流通过裂纹时产生的较高温度使其有比较大的膨胀量,周围温度较低基体的约束导致向着裂纹内的压缩,从而使裂纹面上的原子重新成键接合.  相似文献   

We evaluated the toxicity of graphite nanoplatelets (GNPs) in the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans. The GNPs resulted nontoxic by measuring longevity as well as reproductive capability end points. An imaging technique based on Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) mapping was also developed to analyze the GNPs spatial distribution inside the nematodes. Conflicting reports on the in vitro antimicrobial properties of graphene-based nanomaterials prompted us to challenge the host-pathogen system C. elegans-Pseudomonas aeruginosa to assess these findings through an in vivo model.  相似文献   

Although undulatory swimming is observed in many organisms, the neuromuscular basis for undulatory movement patterns is not well understood. To better understand the basis for the generation of these movement patterns, we studied muscle activity in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Caenorhabditis elegans exhibits a range of locomotion patterns: in low viscosity fluids the undulation has a wavelength longer than the body and propagates rapidly, while in high viscosity fluids or on agar media the undulatory waves are shorter and slower. Theoretical treatment of observed behaviour has suggested a large change in force–posture relationships at different viscosities, but analysis of bend propagation suggests that short-range proprioceptive feedback is used to control and generate body bends. How muscles could be activated in a way consistent with both these results is unclear. We therefore combined automated worm tracking with calcium imaging to determine muscle activation strategy in a variety of external substrates. Remarkably, we observed that across locomotion patterns spanning a threefold change in wavelength, peak muscle activation occurs approximately 45° (1/8th of a cycle) ahead of peak midline curvature. Although the location of peak force is predicted to vary widely, the activation pattern is consistent with required force in a model incorporating putative length- and velocity-dependence of muscle strength. Furthermore, a linear combination of local curvature and velocity can match the pattern of activation. This suggests that proprioception can enable the worm to swim effectively while working within the limitations of muscle biomechanics and neural control.  相似文献   

We show here that upconversion phosphors can be imaged both by infrared excitation and in a scanning electron microscope. We have synthesized and characterized for this work up-converting phosphor nanoparticles nonaggregated nanocrystals of size range 50-200 nm. We have investigated the optical properties of 50-200 nm nanoparticles and found a square dependence of the emitted visible fluorescence on the infrared excitation and verified that under electron excitation similar narrow band emission spectra can be obtained as is seen with IR upconversion. The viability of the nanoparticles for biological imaging was confirmed by imaging the digestive system of the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans, and we have confirmed using energy-dispersive X-ray analysis that the up-conversion nanoparticles can be identified in a scanning electron microscope at high spatial resolution.  相似文献   

A major goal of computational neuroscience is to understand the relationship between synapse-level structure and network-level functionality. Caenorhabditis elegans is a model organism to probe this relationship due to the historic availability of the synaptic structure (connectome) and recent advances in whole brain calcium imaging techniques. Recent work has applied the concept of network controllability to neuronal networks, discovering some neurons that are able to drive the network to a certain state. However, previous work uses a linear model of the network dynamics, and it is unclear if the real neuronal network conforms to this assumption. Here, we propose a method to build a global, low-dimensional model of the dynamics, whereby an underlying global linear dynamical system is actuated by temporally sparse control signals. A key novelty of this method is discovering candidate control signals that the network uses to control itself. We analyse these control signals in two ways, showing they are interpretable and biologically plausible. First, these control signals are associated with transitions between behaviours, which were previously annotated via expert-generated features. Second, these signals can be predicted both from neurons previously implicated in behavioural transitions but also additional neurons previously unassociated with these behaviours. The proposed mathematical framework is generic and can be generalized to other neurosensory systems, potentially revealing transitions and their encodings in a completely unsupervised way.  相似文献   


A priori derivation for the extra free energy caused by the passing electric current in metal is presented. The analytical expression and its discrete format in support of the numerical calculation of thermodynamics in electric current metallurgy have been developed. This enables the calculation of electric current distribution, current induced temperature distribution and free energy sequence of various phase transitions in multiphase materials. The work is particularly suitable for the study of magnetic materials that contain various magnetic phases. The latter has not been considered in literature. The method has been validated against the analytical solution of current distribution and experimental observation of microstructure evolution. It provides a basis for the design, prediction and implementation of the electric current metallurgy. The applicability of the theory is discussed in the derivations.  相似文献   

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is widely used as a model organism in many areas of the life sciences. Metabolite profiling (metabolomics/metabonomics) is a powerful means of assigning phenotypes to experimentally perturbed C. elegans samples (e.g., mutants, RNAi, or chemical treatments). Tissue extraction is a key step, and high-quality and reproducible extractions are essential to the success of metabolomics studies. We have performed an extensive comparison of different tissue extraction techniques with C. elegans, comparing two different solvent systems (chloroform/methanol and aqueous methanol) and six different tissue disruption techniques (including manual grinding in a cooled mortar, homogenization, and various grinding media in both reciprocating and orbital tissue mills). All twelve combinations were then compared by GC/MS, (1)H NMR spectroscopy, and UPLC-MS, and the results were evaluated by both overall multivariate clustering approaches as well as distributions over individual metabolites/metabolite features of coefficient of variation and yield. The choice of solvent had more influence than the disruption method used, although the homogenizer results were clearly outliers. Overall, we concluded that bead-beating with 80% methanol solution was a good trade-off, although it is important to note that the definition of the apparent "best" method depended on which analytical platform was used to evaluate the results.  相似文献   

It is shown for the first time that the observed [Phys. Lett. A 162, 105 (1992)] potential difference Θt between the resistor and the screen surrounding the circuit is caused by polarization of the resistor because of the kinetic energy of the electrons of the superconducting coil. The proportionality of Θt to the square of the current and to the length of the superconducting wire is explained. It is pointed out that measuring Θ t makes it possible to determine the Fermi quasimomentum of the electrons of a metal resistor. Pis’ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 24, 7–11 (January 26, 1998)  相似文献   

Our objective was to establish an in vitro cell culture protocol to improve bone cell attachment and proliferation on Ti substrate using direct current stimulation. For this purpose, a custom made electrical stimulator was developed and a varying range of direct currents, from 5 to 25 μA, was used to study the current stimulation effect on bone cells cultured on conducting Ti samples in vitro. Cell–material interaction was studied for a maximum of 5 days by culturing with human fetal osteoblast cells (hFOB). The direct current was applied in every 8 h time interval and the duration of electrical stimulation was kept constant at 15 min for all cases. In vitro results showed that direct current stimulation significantly favored bone cell attachment and proliferation in comparison to nonstimulated Ti surface. Immunochemistry and confocal microscopy results confirmed that the cell adhesion was most pronounced on 25 μA direct current stimulated Ti surfaces as hFOB cells expressed higher vinculin protein with increasing amount of direct current. Furthermore, MTT assay results established that cells grew 30% higher in number under 25 μA electrical stimulation as compared to nonstimulated Ti surface after 5 days of culture period. In this work we have successfully established a simple and cost effective in vitro protocol offering easy and rapid analysis of bone cell–material interaction which can be used in promotion of bone cell attachment and growth on Ti substrate using direct current electrical stimulation in an in vitro model.  相似文献   

Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites have low inter-lamina strength. One of the monitoring technologies is a self-sensing method that uses the electrical resistance change of a CFRP structure for detecting damage. The electric current distribution is vital information for the self-sensing method when optimizing the arrangement of probes to measure electric potential changes. We have developed a new orthotropic electric potential function analysis approach using affine transformation for unidirectional CFRP. In this study, the orthotropic electric potential function analysis method is improved to calculate the electric current of a thin cross-ply CFRP. Two types of stacking sequences for the beam-type cross-ply laminates were calculated to confirm the effectiveness of the improved method. The electrical voltage changes caused by multiple delamination cracks of a cross-ply laminate are new outcomes of this study. The analytical results were compared with computed results using the finite difference method. Consequently, the new equivalent electric conductance method proved to be effective for calculations of the electric current density of a cross-ply CFRP laminate. Furthermore, the new method for calculating the electric potential difference changes caused by multiple delamination cracks using orthotropic distributed doublet analysis, with the equivalent electric conductance, has also proved to be effective.  相似文献   

We present a novel method for the unsupervised discovery of behavioural motifs in larval Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans. A motif is defined as a particular sequence of postures that recurs frequently. The animal''s changing posture is represented by an eigenshape time series, and we look for motifs in this time series. To find motifs, the eigenshape time series is segmented, and the segments clustered using spline regression. Unlike previous approaches, our method can classify sequences of unequal duration as the same motif. The behavioural motifs are used as the basis of a probabilistic behavioural annotator, the eigenshape annotator (ESA). Probabilistic annotation avoids rigid threshold values and allows classification uncertainty to be quantified. We apply eigenshape annotation to both larval Drosophila and C. elegans and produce a good match to hand annotation of behavioural states. However, we find many behavioural events cannot be unambiguously classified. By comparing the results with ESA of an artificial agent''s behaviour, we argue that the ambiguity is due to greater continuity between behavioural states than is generally assumed for these organisms.  相似文献   

The wide‐ranging applications of fluorescent semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) have triggered increasing concerns about their biosafety. Most QD‐related toxicity studies focus on the subcellular processes in cultured cells or global physiological effects on whole animals. However, it is unclear how QDs affect subcellular processes in living organisms, or how the subcellular disturbance contributes to the overall toxicity. Here the behavior and toxicity of QDs of three different sizes in Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) are systematically investigated at both the systemic and the subcellular level. Specifically, clear size‐dependent distribution and toxicity of the QDs in the digestive tract are observed. Short‐term exposure of QDs leads to acute toxicity on C. elegans, yet incurring no lasting, irreversible damage. In contrast, chronic exposure of QDs severely inhibits development and shortens lifespan. Subcellular analysis reveals that endocytosis and nutrition storage are disrupted by QDs, which likely accounts for the severe deterioration in growth and longevity. This work reveals that QDs invasion disrupts key subcellular processes in living organisms, and may cause permanent damage to the tissues and organs over long‐term retention. The findings provide invaluable information for safety evaluations of QD‐based applications and offer new opportunities for design of novel nontoxic nanoprobes.  相似文献   

Thermopower measurements offer an alternative transport measurement that can characterize the dominant transport orbital and is independent of the number of molecules in the junction. This method is now used to explore the effect of chemical structure on the electronic structure and charge transport. We interrogate junctions, using a modified scanning tunneling microscope break junction technique, where: (i) the 1,4-benzenedithiol (BDT) molecule has been modified by the addition of electron-withdrawing or -donating groups such as fluorine, chlorine, and methyl on the benzene ring; and (ii) the thiol end groups on BDT have been replaced by the cyanide end groups. Cyanide end groups were found to radically change transport relative to BDT such that transport is dominated by the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital in 1,4-benzenedicyanide, while substituents on BDT generated small and predictable changes in transmission.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the process of shear stress relaxation upon action of a high-density current pulse. We show the effect of the current density on the stress relaxation rate and the growth of the plastic component of the strain. We propose a phenomenological model describing the behavior of the material upon relaxation, taking into account the effect of the current pulse.Translated from Problemy Prochnosti, No. 2, pp. 68–72, February, 1996.  相似文献   

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