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熔体快淬巨磁电阻材料具有高的输出特性、良好的温度特性、小的体积和高的重复性。由其制作的巨磁电阻传感器具有广泛的用途。  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于巨磁电阻效应的全新的磁电子学器件──巨磁电阻随机存储器。  相似文献   

用巨磁电阻(GMR)材料制成的磁电子学新器件,已开始在计算机存储领域成功地获得应用。对巨磁电阻用于计算机随机存取存储器的工作原理、性能特点及研究现状和发展趋势作了阐述。  相似文献   

超巨磁电阻薄膜物理及应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
由于在外界温度变化和磁场作用下表现出巨大的磁电阻效应(CMR),超巨磁电阻材料成为一个热点研究课题.CMR材料在硬盘读出磁头,随机存储器上极具潜力,在磁传感器、光热辐射探测器、场效应晶体管及磁制冷等方面的应用也崭露头角.首先介绍了CMR薄膜材料的结构和机理,接着详细讨论了它们在器件应用上,尤其是在激光感生电压热电电压效应(LITV)、Bolometer、传感器等有关方面的应用进展.最后展望了CMR薄膜未来的应用前景.  相似文献   

于晓东 《电子世界》2013,(16):84+100
本文设计了一种宽空气间距齿轮转速传感器。所研制的齿轮转速传感器选用巨磁电阻作为敏感元件,外加永磁体提供偏置磁场,通过信号处理电路采集齿轮转动过程中所产生的磁场变化信号,经过信号处理实现齿轮转速的测量。所研制的齿轮转速传感器不仅具有频率性能好,灵敏度高,体积小等优点,测量间距可超过4mm,解决了传统转速传感器测量间距小的问题。  相似文献   

介绍一种新型地磁传感器,该传感器由单轴巨磁电阻传感器捷联构成。通过外加磁通聚集器和磁偏置技术改进GMR传感器的输出特性,使地磁场的大小位于传感器输出曲线的线性范围内。用ANSYS对永磁体的偏置磁场进行数值模拟,ANSYS能根据偏置磁场快速地确定出永磁体的相关参数。该传感器具有结构简单、灵敏度高等优点,可以较好应用于地磁场测量。  相似文献   

GMR生物传感器包括三个部分,即免疫磁性微球、高灵敏度GMR传感器以及相关读出电路.与其他生物传感器相比,它具有灵敏度高、分辨力强、价格低、市场普及潜力大、设备小型化及测量过程自动化等优点.综述了GMR生物传感器的研究现状,对相关技术的工作原理进行了分析,提出了GMR生物传感器的应用前景和有待解决的问题.  相似文献   

GMR生物传感器包括三个部分,即免疫磁性微球、高灵敏度GMR传感器以及相关读出电路。与其他生物传感器相比,它具有灵敏度高、分辨力强、价格低、市场普及潜力大、设备小型化及测量过程自动化等优点。综述了GMR生物传感器的研究现状,对相关技术的工作原理进行了分析,提出了GMR生物传感器的应用前景和有待解决的问题。  相似文献   

GMR生物传感器包括三个部分,即免疫磁性微球、高灵敏度GMR传感器以及相关读出电路。与其他生物传感器相比,它具有灵敏度高、分辨力强、价格低、市场普及潜力大、设备小型化及测量过程自动化等优点。综述了GMR生物传感器的研究现状,对相关技术的工作原理进行了分析,提出了GMR生物传感器的应用前景和有待解决的问题。  相似文献   

巨磁阻抗传感器应用研究最新进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用零磁致伸缩非晶丝的巨磁阻抗(GMI)效应,可制得新一类灵敏度高、响应快、功耗低、体积小的微型磁电式传感器。介绍了目前几种基于巨磁阻抗效应的传感器,包括磁场传感器、扭矩传感器、汽车交通监测系统和生物传感器等的工作原理和特性。  相似文献   

In this article, accurate de-embedding technique based on transmission line theory is presented and applied to on-wafer polysilicon resistors fabricated in 130-nm SiGe technologies. Compared with the conventional de-embedding methods, not only the top metal layer, but also the under-layer metal parasitics are removed from the on-wafer passives. A systematic method relying exclusively on embedded S-parameters is used for the direct extraction of device circuit elements. This extracted method is characterised by its simplicity and ease of implementation. The proposed de-embedding technique and extraction approach are validated by polysilicon resistors with occupying areas of 20?×?2?µm2. Good agreement between the measured and modelled data is obtained from 100?MHz up to 20.1?GHz.  相似文献   

A quality indicator for thick-film resistors based on noise index and resistance measurements is proposed. As this correlates resistor transport and noise characteristics and has mobility dimensions, we titled it to be noise reduced mobility. The experimental results for thick-film resistors, realized using three different resistor compositions with sheet resistances of 1, 10 and 100 kΩ m/sqr show that layers with sheet resistance of 10 kΩ0.25>m/sqr have minimum value of noise reduced mobility in comparison with layers formed using resistor compositions with sheet resistances of 1 and 100 kΩ m/sqr. The potential and resistance distributions measured along test resistors show that the noise reduced mobility is in correlation with thick-film inhomogeneity.  相似文献   

Electrical transport properties in nanostructure have experimentally and theoretically importance. The interest in such researches is stimulated by possible applications in microelectronic devises such as giant magnetoresistance (GMR) sensor and magnetic random access memory (MRAM). One interesting property of the electrical transport in magnetic multilayer composed of ferromagnetic separated by nonmagnetic layers is the spacer dependence of GMR oscillation, which is generally believed to …  相似文献   

张文  陈伟民  夏哲 《压电与声光》2005,27(3):270-273
超磁致伸缩材料是近年发展起来的新型功能材料,应用于微位移驱动器时具有精度高、推力大等优点。在采用磁感应强度作为负反馈控制量的基础上,推导了从控制量得到代表驱动器位移信号的过程,设计了相应的高精度驱动电源。通过实验,对于超磁致伸缩微位移器驱动电源静态和动态特性作了详细的分析和研究。  相似文献   

介绍了非晶带产生巨磁阻抗(GMI)效应的机理,对Co基非晶带进行了磁场后退火处理,磁阻抗比得到显著提高,为179%.在此基础上设计了一种基于GMI效应的磁传感器电路,详述了各个环节的电路设计.通过优化传感器电路相关的工作参数,改善了传感器输出性能并给出了典型结果.在常温下,非晶带激励电流频率为10 MHz时得到了非晶带...  相似文献   

Magnetoelectronic multilayer devices are widely used in today's information and sensor technology. Their functionality, however, is limited by the inherent properties of magnetic exchange or dipolar coupling which constrain possible spin configurations to collinear or perpendicular alignments of adjacent layers. Here, a deposition procedure is introduced that allows for a new class of layered materials in which complex spin structures can be accurately designed to result in a multitude of new and precisely adjustable spintronic and magnetoresistive properties. The magnetization direction and coercivity of each individual layer are determined by the deposition process in oblique incidence geometry and can be completely decoupled from neighboring layers. This applies for layers of any ferromagnetic material down to layer thicknesses of a few nm and lateral dimensions of a few 100 nm, enabling the design of efficient and compact magnetoelectronic devices, encompassing precision magnetoresistive sensors as well as layer systems with multiple addressable remanent states for magnetic memory applications.  相似文献   

A new circuit topology to convert grounded resistors to an equivalent floating resistor is presented and discussed. The value of the resulting floating resistor equals the sum of the two grounded resistors. The new topology can be used to convert either passive, active grounded resistors or active grounded conductances. The new topology is used in the design of a current controlled very high value floating resistor in the range of GΩ. This was achieved by utilising the output conductance of two matched transistors operating in the subthreshold region and biased using a 500 nA current. The practicality of the new topology is demonstrated through the design of a very low frequency bandpass filter for artificial insect vision and pacemaker applications. Simulations results using Level 49 model parameters in HSPICE show an introduced total harmonic distortion of less than 0.25% for a 1 Vpp input signal in a 3.3 V 0.25 μm CMOS technology. Statistical modelling of the new topology is also presented and discussed.  相似文献   

采用马赫-曾德尔干涉仪,对TbDyFe超磁致伸缩薄膜/光纤传感器的磁探测性能进行了实验测试.结果表明:在1 kHz调制频率附近,传感器对磁场具有最大的信号响应;在恒定直流磁场及调制磁场强度小于1 kA/m的条件下,系统输出信号大小随调制磁场强度线性增加;在35~50 kA/m的直流磁场范围内,传感器可探测的最小磁场变化为8.6×10-2A/m.  相似文献   

高金霞  武继江 《激光与红外》2017,47(12):1531-1534
基于磁流体的折射率对外加变化磁场的敏感特性,提出将磁流体作为缺陷层引入到一维光子晶体中实现磁场传感。由于缺陷的存在,使得光子晶体的透射谱中产生缺陷峰。该传感器可通过测量磁场变化时光子晶体缺陷模波长的移动对相应的磁场进行测量。利用传输矩阵法对不同结构参数下,缺陷模波长随在外加磁场的变化进行了模拟计算,为实际磁场传感器的设计提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

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