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刘园 《中国搪瓷》2011,(5):14-15
助推项目:蓝草项目支持对象:四川、湖南、贵州三省的羌族、土家族、苗族等少数民族妇女项目活动:授课、培训、交流、展销会开展机构:意大利Cospe协会、中国社会工作协会、湖南湘援游扶贫协会、石门坎乡苗族文化中心在诸多跟传统手工艺相关的公益项目中,"蓝草"项目是独特的,它的独特在于一种很纯粹的投入,从项目背景到项目愿景,都充满了理想主义的情怀。  相似文献   

近几年来,随着我国"走出去"战略的大力实施,越来越多的工程企业在海外承揽项目,进行跨文化管理和经营。以大连国际苏里南项目为例,由于各国宗教信仰、风俗习惯、思维方式、法律制度、语言文字、沟通方式等方面的不同,造成了中外文化之间的差异,并由此导致文化冲突与文化风险,致使项目组织沟通不畅、管理效率下降、经营成本增加,甚至受到东道国的抵制,造成项目经营的失败。因此有人说,海外项目文化管理是一锅"大杂烩",这时,管理者应当是一个好"厨师",他必须不惧"众口难调",烹好海外项目跨文化管理这锅"大杂烩"。  相似文献   

2009年4月23日,山东省农药研究所承担的省科技攻关计划项目“新型除草剂草铵膦研究”及山东大学、山东省农药研究所联合承担项目“农药登记原药烯啶虫胺全组分分析的研究”2个项目通过了山东省科学技术厅组织的专家鉴定。  相似文献   

合成了两个N,N′-取代的靛蓝染料,反式-N,N′-双对硝基苯甲酰基靛蓝(1)和反式N,N′-双间硝基苯甲酰基靛蓝(Ⅱ)。研究了这两个染料与电子给体(胺类化合物)或与电子受体(紫精化合物)之间的电子转移。结果表明,这两个染料在激发单重态经荧光猝灭,被紫精猝灭的速度常数(k_q)比被胺猝灭的速度常数大。  相似文献   

<正> In China,major industrial silicides are sodiumsilicate,silica gel,silica white,silicasol,potassium silicate and molecular sieves.Among them,molecular sieves are monopolizedby CNPC (China National PetroleumCorporation) and Sinopec Group in China.The two oil giants together produce and  相似文献   

<正> In the first half of 2010, China's soda ashindustry was faced with essentially the samedifficult situation as in the 2008-2009 financialcrisis period.Most of China's soda ashenterprises suffered losses.Only a few couldkeep a meager profit.The larger theenterprise, the more money it lost.However,the reasons for such difficulties had changed.In the financial crisis period, the situation ofChina's soda ash market was that the outputof soda ash grew steadily but the demand for  相似文献   

杨志宾 《广东化工》2013,(24):159-159,163
高等教育不仅需要培养学生具备扎实的基础理论知识,而且要求学生掌握学科发展的前沿和最新研究动态,从而使学生毕业后可以快速融入社会,实现个人价值.文章结合个人教学与科研经验,提出在本科阶段开设科学前沿课程,采用项目化教学方法,以学生为中心,使学生主动学习,同时广泛开展校企合作,在特定条件下的进行针对性训练,解决企业遇到的实际问题,推动学生思考,提高学生创新能力.文章对培养研究型大学生,推动高等教育教学改革,具有积极的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

刘园 《中华手工》2013,(2):72-73
将非遗传承和青少年教育结合在一起,陈悦记传统基金会从一开始,就做好了用8~10年时间锤炼一种非遗助推模式的准备。  相似文献   

Excessive cardiac fibrosis plays a crucial role in almost all types of heart disease. Generally, cardiac fibrosis is a scarring process triggered in response to stress, injury, or aging and is characterized by the accumulation of activated myofibroblasts that deposit high levels of extracellular matrix proteins in the myocardium. While it is beneficial for cardiac repair in the short term, it can also result in pathological remodeling, tissue stiffening, and cardiac dysfunction, contributing to the progression of heart failure, arrhythmia, and sudden cardiac death. Despite its high prevalence, there is a lack of effective and safe therapies that specifically target myofibroblasts to inhibit or even reverse pathological cardiac fibrosis. In the past few decades, cell therapy has been under continuous evaluation as a potential treatment strategy, and several studies have shown that transplantation of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) can reduce cardiac fibrosis and improve heart function. Mechanistically, it is believed that the heart benefits from MSC therapy by stimulating innate anti-fibrotic and regenerative reactions. The mechanisms of action include paracrine signaling and cell-to-cell interactions. In this review, we provide an overview of the anti-fibrotic properties of MSCs and approaches to enhance them and discuss future directions of MSCs for the treatment of cardiac fibrosis.  相似文献   

分析化学是高等学校多种专业的重要基础课。然而,学生在分析化学的学习过程中往往存在一些共性问题,如感觉枯燥、公式难掌握、计算能力弱等。结合多年教学经验,谈了如何培养学生学习分析化学的兴趣、提高教学效果的几点体会。在分析化学的教学过程中,教师需重视公式推导和概念讲解、加强课堂训练、有效运用板书、适时进行阶段测验和严格把关实验教学环节,就这几个方面进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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