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为适应聚变堆的发展和处理高放废物的需要,提出裂变-聚变中子源的概念,它是采用LiD组件放在高通量反应堆中或中国先进研究堆(CARR)重水区中,通过慢中子与6Li(n,a)反应产生2.739 MeV氚离子,它与LiD中的D发生聚变反应,产生聚变中子;随着LiD中氚的快速积累,14 MeV 中子产生的D反冲粒子流与氚发生聚变反应,增长聚变中子产额,使 14 MeV 中子注量率逐渐升高.当氚浓度接近0.5×1022时,D反冲粒子流与氚的聚变反应率的产额接近于1,聚变中子将成倍的增长,类似于连锁反应,使聚变中子产额达到饱和,即t时刻产生氚,都被用于产生聚变反应,形成裂变-聚变中子源.这时的通量非常高,必须在接近饱和前对设定的通量(如3.5×1014n/cm2·s)下逐步降低反应堆功率,如降低CARR 中子注量率,使其在设定的通量下达到饱和,适应聚变堆中子注量率的需求.论述了裂变-聚变中子源的原理,聚变中子产生率,氚的积累速率和浓度,D反冲粒子流和与氚的聚变反应速率,以及其影响因素.在均匀中子场下(即不考虑中子降抑的情况下)计算了外径180 mm、内径100 mm的LiD管道中聚变中子注量率. 相似文献
An optimally sized Fusion Engineering Test Facility should produce 10–20 MW of power at 2 MW/m2 steady-state wall loading. Because mirror cells do not scale with size, one can choose the fusion power and wall loading free from minimum size constraints. A cusp stabilized axisymmetric mirror is seen to be ideally suited for this purpose due to excellent access, a simple coil set, and good MHD properties. We present parameters for a proof of principle experiment as well as for a neutron source facility. 相似文献
用厚靶氘氚(D-T)反应中子产额的计算方法模拟计算了入射氘离子能量为120 keV时D-T中子源的中子产额。研究了氘离子源产生的束流中单原子氘离子(D+)及双原子氘离子(D2+)比例对中子产额的影响。结果表明,提高D+比例,同时降低D2+比例将有效提高中子产额。另外还研究了不同靶膜材料及组分引起的中子产额变化。表明中子产额与靶膜中氚的含量成正比,与靶膜元素的原子质量成反比。同时分析讨论了离子源品质及靶参数对中子源整体性能的影响,得出离子源束流品质的提高对中子源整体的设计至关重要。最后,模拟计算了靶膜表面有氧化层情况下中子产额的变化,并与实验结果作了对比。在此基础上提出了一种新的靶设计方案,并对其物理可行性进行了研究。 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Energy》1967,21(5):403-415
The radial streaming of neutrons from H20 moderator assemblies pierced by a uniform array of cylindrical voids is investigated by the pulsed neutron source technique. A method of synthesis is developed by which the fundamental mode in the spatial distribution of the thermal neutron flux within a moderator assembly may be readily extracted from experimental data. The decay constants determined by the synthesis method were used to derive the magnitude of the radial diffusion constant Drv. The value of Drv agrees with that predicted by the theory of Leslie. 相似文献
9Be(d,n)加速器中子源中子照相的研究 总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6
加速器中子源比反应堆中子源更具灵活性,北京大学正在发展基于RFQ加速器的小型中子照相装置.为了更好地设计和优化此装置,实现高品质的中子照相,我们在北京大学4.5 MV静电加速器上建立了中子照相实验平台,包括科学级制冷、高灵敏度、低噪声的CCD数字成像系统,模拟基于厚铍靶9Be(d,n)反应RFQ中子源的条件,并利用此系统开展中子成像技术的研究.实验在像平面热中子注量率为5×103 cm-2·s-1或快中子注量率为3.7×104 cm-2·s-1的情况下获得了一定质量的热中子及快中子照片.当利用RFQ直线加速器强中子源时将可获得更高质量的图片,从而可以满足大多数的应用需要. 相似文献
Hesham Shahbunder Cheol Ho Pyeon Tsuyoshi Misawa Jae-Yong Lim Seiji Shiroya 《Annals of Nuclear Energy》2010
The neutron multiplication parameters: neutron multiplication M, subcritical multiplication factor ks, external source efficiency φ*, play an important role for numerical assessment and reactor power evaluation of an accelerator-driven system (ADS). Those parameters can be evaluated by using the measured reaction rate distribution in the subcritical system. In this study, the experimental verification of this methodology is performed in various ADS cores; with high-energy (100 MeV) proton–tungsten source in hard and soft neutron spectra cores and 14 MeV D–T neutron source in soft spectrum core. The comparison between measured and calculated multiplication parameters reveals a maximum relative difference in the range of 6.6–13.7% that is attributed to the calculation nuclear libraries uncertainty and accuracy for energies higher than 20 MeV and also dependent on the reaction rate distribution position and count rates. The effects of different core neutron spectra and external neutron sources on the neutron multiplication parameters are discussed. 相似文献
Masahiro Hino Tatsuro Oda Norifumi L. Yamada Hitoshi Endo Hideki Seto Masaaki Kitaguchi 《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2017,54(11):1223-1232
A neutron guide system for neutron resonance spin echo spectrometers has been constructed at BL06 of the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex, Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility. The spectrometers consist of two types of neutron spin echo instruments, a modulated intensity by zero effort instrument (MIEZE) and a neutron resonance spin echo instrument (NRSE), to cover a wide energy range for various sample environments. A neutron beam from the moderator is deflected by supermirror neutron guides, split, and separately guided into the MIEZE and NRSE. The characteristic wavelengths of the neutron guide tube for the MIEZE and NRSE are 2.9 and 4.9 Å, respectively. The cross sections of the exit of the MIEZE and NRSE guides are 15 mm × 50 mm and 30 mm × 50 mm, respectively. The neutronics and shielding design were optimized by using the heavy ion transport code system (PHITS), and the absolute average neutron fluxes at the exits of the MIEZE and NRSE guides are estimated to be 2.7 × 108 and 6.9 × 108 n/cm2/s/MW, respectively. The measured fluxes of the MIEZE and NRSE neutron guides are 0.56 and 0.95 times the calculated values, respectively. 相似文献
A compact neutron tube capable of producing 10 μsec pulses of neutrons at a rate of 5 × 1013/second (5 × 108/pulse) has been developed. The tube, which uses the D-T reaction consists of a P.I.G. ion source from which deuterons are accelerated onto a tritium-loaded titanium target. The design features which lead to these high output rates are discussed.The incorporation of the tube into a reactor probe operating at levels up to 108/pulse is described. Pulse to pulse variations are small and a high degree of reliability has been achieved with the complete system. 相似文献
The HANARO (High-flux Advance Neutron Application ReactOr), an open tank in a pool type multi-purpose research reactor, generating a high neutron flux (fast: 2.1 × 1014 n/cm2/s, thermal flux: 5 × 1014 n/cm2/s) has been operating at 30 MWth since its first criticality in February 1995. The HANARO provides neutrons to various utilization and research groups for global competition. Based on the world-wide trend for an availability of cold neutrons and the national demand for taking full advantage of such a strong neutron source, Korean government decided to commence with the cold neutron source (CNS) project at the HANARO on 2003. The HANARO will be equipped with a vertical liquid hydrogen-moderated CNS within the next 3 years. A moderator cell, made of 1 mm thickness of aluminium 6061-T6, whose shape is a double cylinder type and is connected to a heat exchanger, establishing two phase flow by a natural convection. These components are contained in the vacuum chamber. The cold neutron flux will be 3.9 × 109 n/cm2/s at the reactor face and approximately 8.4 × 108 n/cm2/s at the location of the instruments. This paper presents the current status and future prospect of the CNS project driven by KAERI, Korea. 相似文献
外中子源驱动式核电源是新型核电源系统,能满足深空探测任务的需求.对该核电源的简化模型做了MCNP模拟,其比功率和功率分别为4.45 W/g和9.88 kW,比功率是通用型热源放射性同位素温差核电源(GPHS-RTG)的8倍,名义功率是GPHS-RTG的3.54倍.由GPHS-RTG模块的细致模型计算,该核电源的比功率和... 相似文献
为了探讨利用D-D中子源评估硼中子俘获治疗(Boron Neutron Capture Therapy,BNCT)中子通量探测器性能的可能性,本文利用蒙特卡罗模拟程序MCNP5(Monte Carlo N Particle Transport Code, version 5)设计了基于D-D中子源的BNCT慢化体,并最终给出了一种"5 cm聚乙烯(Polyethylene,PE)+24 cm氟化钛(TiF3)+22 cm氟化镁(MgF2)"的组合作为慢化层、20 cm的镍(Ni)作为反射层以及0.03 cm的镉(Cd)作为热中子吸收层的慢化体设计方案。模拟计算结果表明:D-D中子源经设计的慢化体慢化后形成的中子场可以用于BNCT中子通量探测器性能的实验测试。 相似文献
A dynamic simulator for the Syrian Miniature Neutron Source Reactor was developed and implemented on a desktop computer using C++ Builder. Mathematical models for the main physical phenomena of reactor such as heat transfer and neutronics were developed on the basis of the lumped parameter approach and real experimental data fitting. Point model equations of reactor kinetics was employed and solved using fourth order Runge-Kutta integration procedure.
Simulation for training purposes of both real and accelerated time for normal and abnormal conditions can be accomplished with the model. The simulator is user friendly with operator. 相似文献
A. V. Kondrashov 《Atomic Energy》1983,54(5):365-366
《Journal of Nuclear Materials》1959,1(2):191-195
A plutonium-beryllium alloy neutron source, containing 100 g of plutonium and 68 g of beryllium, was prepared by the reduction of plutonium dioxide with beryllium followed by vacuum sintering at 1450° C to form a mechanically strong, non-friable compact. The compact was sealed in a double aluminum container. Neutron output from the source is 1.01 ± 0.03 × 107 neutrons/second.In preparation of the source, tongs with 25 cm handles were used in all operations after mixing of the original ingredients, to prevent serious overexposure of personnel.The source is now in use for the calibration of neutron-counting instruments and for the irradiation of small experimental samples. 相似文献