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In this paper we present work on trail improvement and partial-order reduction in the context of directed explicit-state model checking. Directed explicit-state model checking employs directed heuristic search algorithms such as A* or best-first search to improve the error-detection capabilities of explicit-state model checking. We first present the use of directed explicit-state model checking to improve the length of already established error trails. Second, we show that partial-order reduction, which aims at reducing the size of the state space by exploiting the commutativity of concurrent transitions in asynchronous systems, can coexist well with directed explicit-state model checking. Finally, we illustrate how to mitigate the excessive length of error trails produced by partial-order reduction in explicit-state model checking. In this context we also propose a combination of heuristic search and partial-order reduction to improve the length to already provided counterexamples.  相似文献   

Summary Finite transition systems can easily be represented by binary decision diagrams (BDDs) through the characteristic function of the transition relation. Burch et al. have shown how model checking of a powerful version of the -calculus can be performed on such BDDs. In this paper we show how a BDD can be generated from elementary finite transition systems given as BDDs by applying the CCS operations of parallel composition, restriction, and relabelling. The resulting BDDs only grow linearly in the number of parallel components. This way bisimilarity checking can be performed for processes out of the reach of conventional process algebra tools. Reinhard Enders graduated from the Technical University in Munich with a Diploma in mathematics and computer science in 1978. From 1977 to 1984 he was employed by Siemens, working in computer linguistics and expert systems. From 1984 to 1988 he worked at ECRC on Prolog extensions. In Autmn 1988 he joined Siemens and is developping the constraint extension of a new Prolog product. Thomas Filkorn received the computer science degree and the Ph.D. degree, both from the Technical University of Munich. Since 1992 he works at Siemens' Corporate Research and Development on symbolic algorithms and methods for the verification of finite state systems. Dirk Taubner received his Ph.D. in informatics at the Technical University of Munich in 1988. He investigated which sublanguages of process algebra could be represented finitely by automata and Petri nets. From 1989 through 91 he worked at Siemens' Corporate Research and Development where he led a project on computer-aided verification of parallel processes. This paper presents part of the work of that project. Currently he works on commercial software engineering for a software consulting company.  相似文献   

Regular model checking is a generic technique for verification of infinite-state and/or parametrised systems which uses finite word automata or finite tree automata to finitely represent potentially infinite sets of reachable configurations of the systems being verified. The problems addressed by regular model checking are typically undecidable. In order to facilitate termination in as many cases as possible, acceleration is needed in the incremental computation of the set of reachable configurations in regular model checking. In this work, we describe how various incrementally refinable abstractions on finite (word and tree) automata can be used for this purpose. Moreover, the use of abstraction does not only increase chances of the technique to terminate, but it also significantly reduces the problem of an explosion in the number of states of the automata that are generated by regular model checking. We illustrate the efficiency of abstract regular (tree) model checking in verification of simple systems with various sources of infinity such as unbounded counters, queues, stacks, and parameters. We then show how abstract regular tree model checking can be used for verification of programs manipulating tree-like dynamic data structures. Even more complex data structures can be handled using a suitable tree-like encoding.  相似文献   

Rebeca is an actor-based language with formal semantics which is suitable for modeling concurrent and distributed systems and protocols. Due to its object model, partial order and symmetry detection and reduction techniques can be efficiently applied to dynamic Rebeca models. We present two approaches for detecting symmetry in Rebeca models: One that detects symmetry in the topology of inter-connections among objects and another one which exploits specific data structures to reflect internal symmetry in the internal structure of an object. The former approach is novel in that it does not require any input from the modeler and can deal with the dynamic changes of topology. This approach is potentially applicable to a wide range of modeling languages for distributed and reactive systems. We have also developed a model checking tool that implements all of the above-mentioned techniques. The evaluation results show significant improvements in model size and model-checking time.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a word-level model checking method that attempts to speed up safety property checking of industrial netlists. Our aim is to construct an algorithm that allows us to check both bounded and unbounded properties using standard bit-level model checking methods as back-end decision procedures, while incurring minimum runtime penalties for designs that are unsuited to our analysis. We do this by combining modifications of several previously known techniques into a static abstraction algorithm which is guaranteed to produce bit-level netlists that are as small or smaller than the original bitblasted designs. We evaluate our algorithm on several challenging hardware components.  相似文献   

模型检测作为一种形式化验证技术,已被广泛应用于各种并发系统的正确性验证。针对具有非确定性选择和广义可能性分布的并发系统,引入广义可能性决策过程作为此类系统的模型;给出描述其性质的规范语言广义可能性计算树逻辑的概念;研究此类系统的广义可能性计算树逻辑模型检测问题。结论表明,其模型检测算法的时间复杂度也为多项式时间。所获得的结果扩大了广义可能性测度在模型检测中的应用范围。  相似文献   

Two types of temporal properties are usually distinguished: safety and liveness. Recently we have shown how to verify liveness properties of finite state systems using safety checking. In this article we extend the translation scheme to typical combinations of temporal operators. We discuss optimizations that limit the overhead of our translation. Using the notions of predicated diameter and radius we obtain revised bounds for our translation scheme. These notions also give a tight bound on the minimal completeness bound for simple liveness properties. Experimental results show the feasibility of the approach for complex examples. For one example, even an exponential speedup can be observed.  相似文献   

We propose novel algebraic proof techniques for rewrite systems. Church–Rosser theorems and further fundamental statements that do not mention termination are proved in Kleene algebra. Certain reduction and transformation theorems for termination that depend on abstract commutation, cooperation or simulation properties are proved in an extension with infinite iteration. Benefits of the algebraic approach are simple concise calculational proofs by equational reasoning, connection with automata-based decision procedures and a natural formal semantics for rewriting diagrams. It is therefore especially suited for mechanization and automation.  相似文献   

We present a semantic method to check the finiteness of CCS terms. The method is interpretative, i.e. it is based on a non-standard CCS operational semantics. According to this semantics it is always possible, given a processp, to build a finite state transition system which, if a condition holds, is a finite representation ofp; otherwise it is a suitable approximation of its semantic behaviour. The method is able to decide the finiteness of a CCS term in a larger number of cases than those captured by known syntactic criteria.This work has been partially funded by Progetto Finalizzato Sistemi Informatici e Calcolo Parallelo.  相似文献   

State-rich model checking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we survey the area of formal verification techniques, with emphasis on model checking due to its wide acceptance by both academia and industry. The major approaches and their characteristics are presented, together with the main problems faced while trying to apply them. With the increased complexity of systems, as well as interest in software correctness, the demand for more powerful automatic techniques is pushing the theories and tools towards integration. We discuss the state of the art in combining formal methods tools, mainly model checking with theorem proving and abstract interpretation. In particular, we present our own recent contribution on an approach to integrate model checking and theorem proving to handle state-rich systems specified using a combination of Z and CSP.  相似文献   

龚平  冯在文 《计算机应用》2014,34(7):2115-2123
当前,企业的业务活动受到越来越多的来自政府法律法规、行业标准及自身内控制度的规范约束。如何确保支撑企业业务活动的过程感知系统是合规的已成为信息系统(IS)研究领域的热点问题。确保过程模型的合规性是实现过程感知系统的合规性的重要前提。针对过程设计阶段过程模型的合规性,扩展前期关于语义标注过程模型的可执行性分析的工作,提出了基于标注的合规性验证方法。方法包括:合规性规则模式的标注表达式生成和基于合规性标注的过程模型的可执行性分析方法。合规性标注表达式描述了规则所关联的活动及其相应的合规性约束,对合规性验证的调试及运行时合规性检测评估能起到有效的支持作用;合规性标注的过程模型的可执行分析方法是利用满足性求解器对合规性信息标注后的过程模型是否可执行进行求解。通过银行开户的流程案例,证明了上述方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Regular model checking has been studied extensively during recent years as a framework for algorithmic verification of systems with infinite state spaces. We describe the main concepts of the framework, and some of its applications.  相似文献   

We describe a derivational approach to proving the equivalence of different representations of a type system. Different ways of representing type assignments are convenient for particular applications such as reasoning or implementation, but some kind of correspondence between them should be proven. In this paper we address two such semantics for type checking: one, due to Kuan et al., in the form of a term rewriting system and the other in the form of a traditional set of derivation rules. By employing a set of techniques investigated by Danvy et al., we mechanically derive the correspondence between a reduction-based semantics for type checking and a traditional one in the form of derivation rules, implemented as a recursive descent. The correspondence is established through a series of semantics-preserving functional program transformations.  相似文献   

A semantic interpretation of a first order extension of Hennessy-Milner logic for value-passing processes, named HML(FO), is presented. The semantics is based on symbolic transition graphs with assignment. It is shown that the satisfiability of the two-variable sub-logic HML(FO2) of HML(FO) is decidable, and the complexity discussed. Finally, a decision procedure for model checking the value-passing processes with respect to HML(FO2) is obtained.  相似文献   

The increasing complexity of digital systems makes designers begin to design using abstract system level modeling (SLM). However, SLM brings new challenges for verification engineers to guarantee the functional equivalence between SLM specifications and lower-level implementations such as those of transaction level modeling (TLM). This paper proposes a novel method for equivalence checking between SLM and TLM based on coverage directed simulation. Our method randomly simulates an SLM model and uses an satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) solver to generate stimuli for the uncovered area with the direction of a composite coverage metric (code coverage and functional coverage). Then we run all the generated stimuli (random stimuli and direct stimuli) on both SLM and TLM designs. At the same time, the selected observation variables are compared to evaluate the equivalence between SLM and TLM. Promising experimental results show that our equivalence checking method is more efficient with lower simulation cost.  相似文献   

Property specification language (PSL) is a specification language which has been accepted as an industrial standard. In PSL, SEREs are used as additional formula constructs. In this paper, we present a variant of PSL, namely APSL, which replaces SEREs with finite automata. APSL and PSL are of the exactly same expressiveness. Then, we extend the LTL symbolic model checking algorithm to that of APSL, and then present a tableau based APSL verification technique, which can be easily implemented via the BDD based symbolic approach. Moreover, we implement an extension of NuSMV, and this adapted version supports symbolic model checking of APSL. Experimental results show that this variant of PSL can be efficiently verified. Henceforth, symbolic model checking PSL can be carried out by a transformation from PSL to APSL and symbolic model checking APSL.  相似文献   

Property specification language (PSL) is a specification language which has been accepted as an industrial standard. In PSL, SEREs are used as additional formula constructs. In this paper, we present a variant of PSL, namely APSL, which replaces SEREs with finite automata. APSL and PSL are of the exactly same expressiveness. Then, we extend the LTL symbolic model checking algorithm to that of APSL, and then present a tableau based APSL verification technique, which can be easily implemented via the BDD based symbolic approach. Moreover, we implement an extension of NuSMV, and this adapted version supports symbolic model checking of APSL. Experimental results show that this variant of PSL can be efficiently verified. Henceforth, symbolic model checking PSL can be carried out by a transformation from PSL to APSL and symbolic model checking APSL.  相似文献   

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