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The trigger for the first compact muon solenoid (CMS) tracking beam tests is a dedicated system for analog multiplexed front-end electronics. With this first generation of electronics dedicated to CMS tracker detectors, some new specific development was necessary to read it with a multicrate distributed data acquisition (DAQ) system. The goal of this development was to reach a high scalability of experiment subsystems and a good robustness for test beams. Each subsystem had to be independent from the others, both from the hardware and software point of view. Remote control software for this system as well as further monitoring facilities were the required functions of the trigger system  相似文献   

The paper reports on a detailed study of the radiation resistance of p+ on n silicon microstrip detectors for the CMS tracking system. From this study, it is seen that the use of low-resistivity substrates with 〈100〉 crystal lattice orientation promises excellent performance of the Inner Tracker after heavy irradiation in the Large Hadron Collider environment. Furthermore, the advantage of using detectors thicker than 300 μm in the Outer Tracker is discussed together with experimental measurements on prototypes  相似文献   

The Fanout system is part of the Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT), a new trigger processor designed to reconstruct charged particle trajectories at level 2 (L2) of the CDF trigger, with a latency of 10 μs and an event rate up to 100 kHz. The core of SVT is organized as 12 identical slices, which process in parallel the data from the 12 independent azimuthal wedges of the Silicon Vertex Detector (SVXII). Each SVT slice links the digitized pulse heights found within one SVXII wedge to the tracks reconstructed by the level I (L1) fast track finder (XFT) in the corresponding 30° angular region of the Central Outer Tracker (COT). Since the XFT tracks are transmitted to SVT as a single data stream, their distribution to the proper SVT slices requires dedicated fanout logic. The fanout system has been implemented as a multiboard project running on a common 20 MHz clock. Track fanout is performed in two steps by one Fanout A and two Fanout B boards. The architecture, design, and implementation of this system are described  相似文献   

推导了静电引出通道的等效简阶振荡方程(轴向),给出了引出系统的一阶传输矩阵:分析了引出束初始发射度椭圆矩阵的确定方法;给出了束发射度计算结果,并与国外同类型加速器的实测作了比较。  相似文献   

On the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment for large hadron collider (LHC) at CERN laboratory, the drift tube chambers are responsible for muon detection and precise momentum measurement. In this paper the first level of the read out electronics for these drift tube chambers is described. These drift tube chambers will be located inside the muon barrel detector in the so-called minicrates (MCs), attached to the chambers. The read out boards (ROBs) are the main component of this first level data acquisition system, and they are responsible for the time digitalization related to Level 1 Accept (L1A) trigger of the incoming signals from the front-end electronics, followed by a consequent data merging to the next stages of the data acquisition system. ROBs' architecture and functionality have been exhaustively tested, as well as their capability of operation beyond the expected environmental conditions inside the CMS detector. Due to the satisfactory results obtained, final production of ROBs and their assembly in the MCs has already started. A total amount of 250 MCs and approximately 1500 ROBs are being produced and tested thoroughly at CIEMAT (Spain). One set of tests, the burn-in tests, will guarantee ten years of limited maintenance operation. An overview of the system and a summary of the different results of the tests performed on ROBs and MCs will be presented. They include acceptance tests for the production chain as well as several validation tests that insure proper operation of the ROBs beyond the CMS detector conditions.  相似文献   

介绍了与德国DESY合作进行的HERA-B探测器外径迹室制作过程中所使用的质量控制方法及设备,主要目的是监测并控制阳极丝与阴极之间的高压漏电流和丝的机械张力,以保证径迹室探测器的物理性能。  相似文献   

介绍了一种放疗加速器束流剂量实时成像系统,采用数字化脉冲X射线成像技术获取放疗加速器的束流强度分布图像,并利用数字图像处理技术生成实时3D剂量图。利用该系统可以实时、直观地获得加速器束流强度的相对分布曲面,给出任意剖面的束流强度分布曲线和FWHM、半影、峰值、对称度、均整度等参数。利用本系统的实时性,在国内首次实现了放疗加速器动态楔形剂量分布和束流过渡过程的测量。给出了系统配置和实测的放疗加速器束流强度分布图像。  相似文献   

沈冠仁  关遐令  陈洪涛 《核技术》2002,25(9):730-736
本文介绍了为CIAE600kV ns脉冲中子发生器研制的强流ns脉冲化装置和达到的技术指标。其平均流强≥30μA,束宽为1.0ns。  相似文献   

A wide dynamic range multigain transimpedance amplifier custom integrated circuit has been developed for the readout of avalanche photodiode and vacuum phototriode in the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter for the Large Hadron Collider experiment. The 92 dB input dynamic range is divided into four ranges of 12 bits each in order to provide 40 MHz analog sampled data to a 12 bit analog-to-digital converter. This concept, which has been integrated in rad-hard full complementary bipolar technology, will be described. Experimental results obtained in the lab and under irradiation will be presented along with the test strategy being used for mass production  相似文献   

The neutral beam injection (NBI) system was designed to provide plasma heating and current drive for high performance and long pulse operation of the Korean Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) device using two co-current beam injection systems. Each neutral beam injection system was designed to inject three beams using three ion sources and each ion source has been designed to deliver more than 2.0 MW of deuterium neutral beam power for the 100-keV beam energy. Consequently, the final goal of the KSTAR NBI system aims to inject more than 12 MW of deuterium beam power with the two NBI for the long pulse operation of the KSTAR. As an initial step toward the long pulse (~300 s) KSTAR NBI system development, the first neutral beam injection system equipped with one ion source was constructed for the KSTAR 2010 campaign and successfully commissioned. During the KSTAR 2010 campaign, a MW-deuterium neutral beam was successfully injected to the KSTAR plasma with maximum beam energy of 90 keV and the L-H transition was observed with neutral beam heating. In recent 2011 campaign, the beam power of 1.5 MW is injected with the beam energy of 95 keV. With the beam injection, the ion and electron temperatures increased significantly, and increase of the toroidal rotation speed of the plasma was observed as well. This paper describes the design, construction, commissioning results of the first NBI system leading the successful heating experiments carried in the KSTAR 2010 and 2011 campaign and the trial of 300-s long pulse beam extraction.  相似文献   

介绍了以微通道板和电阻阳极所构成的位置灵敏探测器为基础的剩余气体束流剖面探测系统的工作原理和系统结构,描述了首次在线实验情况,证明了利用剩余气体束流剖面探测系统进行非拦截束流诊断的方法是可行的。  相似文献   

The concentration preprocessing and fan-out(CPPF) system is one of the electronic subsystems of the upgraded Compact Muon Solenoid(CMS) Level-1 trigger system. It includes, in hardware, eight specially designed CPPF cards, one CMS card called AMC13, one commercial Micro-TCA Carrier HUB(MCH) card, and a MicroTCA shelf. Powerful online software is needed for the system, including providing reliable configuration and monitoring for the hardware, and a graphical interface for executing all actions and publishing monitoring messages.Further, to control and monitor the large amount of homogeneous hardware, the SoftWare Automating conTrol of Common Hardware(SWATCH) concept was proposed and developed. The SWATCH provides a generic structure and is flexible for customization. The structure includes a hardware access library based on the IPbus protocol, which assumes a virtual 32-bit address/32-bit data bus and builds a simple hardware access layer. Furthermore, the structure provides a graphical user interface, which is based on modern web technology and is accessible by web page. The CPPF controlling and monitoring online software was also customized from a common SWATCH cell, and provides afinite state machine(FSM) for configuring the entire CPPF hardware, and five monitoring objects for periodically collecting monitoring data from five main functional modules in the CPPF hardware. This paper introduces the details of the CPPF SWATCH cell development.  相似文献   

A unique electronics system has been built and tested for reading signals from the silicon-strip detectors of the Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope mission. The system amplifies and processes signals from 884 736 36-cm strips using only 160 W of power, and it achieves close to 100% detection efficiency with noise occupancy sufficiently low to allow it to self trigger. The design of the readout system is described, and results are presented from ground-based testing of the completed detector system.  相似文献   

针对上海光源机器故障分析的需求,对原有储存环束流轨道联锁系统进行升级,实现对储存环束流位置测量系统中140台束流位置监测器(Beam Position Monitor,BPM)电子学输出的联锁信号进行标记,同时锁存丟束过程中所有BPM电子学中的逐圈轨道数据。联锁信号的处理与锁存触发信号的输出在FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array)内完成。该系统集成至储存环的物理实验与工业控制系统(Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System,EPICS)控制系统之中。束流检测实验表明,该系统能够准确区分不同BPM电子学输出的联锁信号,同时锁存丟束时逐圈轨道数据,并通过该系统观测到了储存环束流丢失过程中的逐圈轨道变化。  相似文献   

We describe an efficient, precise and fast beam pulsing system for accelerator mass spectrometry. Precision of isotope ratio measurements for carbon are on the order of 1%. Thus the δ13C values needed for radiocarbon age calculation corrections can be determined during an AMS run.  相似文献   

何成旦  李鹤岐  李春旭  应磊  罗岩 《核技术》2004,27(7):529-533
叙述了一种用于局部真空电子束圆形焊缝的自动跟踪系统的设计和试验过程。在局部真空电子束焊接精密结构件的圆形法兰焊缝时,由于加工偏差、工装累计误差等原因,出现电子枪回转中心与焊缝圆心不同心现象。使用本控制系统,使转台在起始位置时,用小束流电子束对准工件扫描,利用电子束在焊缝上和在工件上产生的二次电子数量不同而检测出焊缝起始点位置。利用相同工作原理,再用小束流对整条圆焊缝进行扫描,并由计算机实时记录整个圆形焊缝上各点与扫描线圈电流过零时电子束束斑间的偏差值,完成一个示教过程;然后由计算机处理与分析所获取的数据并存贮;在焊接时利用处理后的偏差值在圆形焊缝相应位置不断修正电子枪的位置,从而达到电子束束斑与焊缝自动对中的目的。  相似文献   

电子枪束流截面测量系统采用单片机控制步进电机驱动测试丝在束流下快速扫描,同时完成束流的数据采集,通过Matlab实现立体图的输出,从而判断电子枪的工作情况。用此系统在5mA束流下进行了测试,得到了束斑直径(13-14mm)和截面束流密度矩阵。  相似文献   

The neutral beam injection (NBI-1) system has been designed for providing a 300 s deuterium beam of 120 kV/65 A as an auxiliary heating and current drive system of the KSTAR (Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research) tokamak. The deuterium beam is produced from a long pulse ion source composed of a bucket-type plasma generator and a multi-aperture tetrode accelerator with the help of discharge power supplies and high voltage (HV) power supplies. The beamline components (BLCs) include a neutralizer with an optical multi-channel analyzer (OMA) section, a bending magnet (BM), an ion dump assembly, a movable calorimeter, beam scrapers, and a cryo-sorption pump system in a rectangular vacuum tank. A beam duct equipped with bellows and a voltage break is placed between the NBI vacuum tank and the KSTAR vacuum vessel. All data and parameters of the NBI system are controlled by a control and data acquisition (CODAQ) system through the EPICS based Ethernet interface.  相似文献   

在集装箱检测系统中,射线的实际束流中心可能与光学法测量的束流中心存在差异。试图探讨一种新的实验方法来解决测量实际的束流中心问题。在假设加速器射出的束流横截面,其强度呈高斯分布的条件下,讨论分析了一种精细测量系统柬流横截面强度分布的方法,并用实验对这种方法的正确性做了验证。这种方法对监测、调试射线成像系统的性能,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

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