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一、基本情况 按照国务院和建设部关于加快建立廉租住房制度的要求,上海积极探索建立与社会主义市场经济相适应的住房保障机制,在深入调研的基础上,积极稳妥地推进,2000年10月长宁、闸北两个区开始进行试点,2001年6月试点范围扩大至徐汇、卢湾、杨浦、普陀、虹口、宝山、闵行、浦东等8个区;2001年1 2月在全市1 9个区县全面推开,初步建立了廉租住房保障制度.在此基础上,2003年4月和1 2月,先后放宽了人均居住面积认定标准,扩大廉租住房的受益范围,进一步深化完善了廉租住房政策,使全市享受廉租住房政策的家庭扩大到万户.  相似文献   

构建廉租住房制度是政府实现社会保障职能的重要方面.从经济学的角度深入分析廉租住房制度构建的一系列理论问题有利于在更高层面上进一步指导廉租住房的实践,为完善制度、提高绩效提供理论指导.  相似文献   

刘志峰同志在全国房改及房地产工作座谈会上 ,针对今年房改工作 ,提出了要高度重视住房保障制度建设的问题。认为住房保障机制不仅是市场机制的必要补充 ,而且是国家社会政策与社会保障制度的重要组成部分。当前的工作重点是完善廉租住房制度。为此我们特选了一组有关廉租住房的稿件 :来自实际工作第一线的经验———上海对最低收入家庭实行房租补贴 ;来自政策研究部门的研究———关于加快廉租屋体系的建立 ;以及来自学院的探讨———洪开荣稿则对国内外廉租房政策进行了比较和概述。希望能给读者以启示。  相似文献   

总结廉租住房制度的演变特征,指出目前保障范围偏小;同时基于对上海市廉租家庭的调查,发现仅依靠提供租金补贴并不能起到改善低收入家庭居住条件的作用。  相似文献   

一、深入调研,明确思路 2000年,我们首先会同民政部门对14个区全家持有粮油帮困卡的家庭的住房情况进行了摸底调查,人均居住面积在6平方米以下的共有11320户,市属单位职工占41.5%,区属单位职工占58.5%。其中4至5平方米的有4002户,4平方米以下有3183户。在调查摸底的基础上,我们多次研究,上下层层统一思想,形成了共识。 1,提高思想认识。深化住房制度改革的核心是取消实物分房,实行住房分配货币化,逐步实现住房的市场化配置。在推进住房分配货币化改革。刺激形成住房消费热点,拉动经济增长的…  相似文献   

This contribution depicts therecent development of the housing expenditure quotefor various income groups in the social and privaterented sector in six West European countries. Thedevelopment reflects the similar policy efforts inthese countries, not only to reduce the regulatoryand subsidizing role of government but also topromote market mechanisms within the housing system.The analysis shows a recent rise in the gross aswell as the net rent quote in both rental sectors ofthe six countries. The one exception is the privaterented sector in Belgium. Despite the application ofhousing allowances, the lower-income groups have hadthe biggest increase in net rent quote. In addition,all six countries have recently seen an increase inthe concentration of low-income groups in the socialrented sector, where their presence was alreadystrong. If this trend persists, it will affect theposition of the social rented sector, the sociallandlords, but especially the low-income groups inboth the private and the social rented sector.  相似文献   

刘方强 《山西建筑》2011,37(4):246-247
针对实物配租中摇号、抽签或按申请时间轮候等方式存在不公平的现象,提出了根据申请者的困难程度建立排序模型的思路,通过调查分析,建立了轮候排序评价指标体系和综合排序模型,并通过算例对排序模型进行了验证。  相似文献   

Hong Kong is one of the housing systems inwhich public tenants' affordability has beenincorporated in the rent-setting mechanism inwhich the median rent-to-income measurement isemployed as an explicit indicator ofaffordability. However, contravening policiesin the public housing sector make such a simplerent-setting formula complicated. A moredetailed analysis of the rent-setting mechanismalso reveals that the arbitrarily picked upreference ratio is incapable of catering forthe wide variety of circumstances amongtenants. At the same time, there is also someinconsistency in adopting a unifiedaffordability standard in different aspects ofrent setting. Lastly, the endorsement ofaffordability as an overarching principle inrent setting is prone to introducecontradictions in the system. The level of rentmay bear a close relation to the circumstancesof the occupants but not to the conditions ofthe dwelling. Affordability as amarket-oriented principle would also weaken thelegitimacy of the public rental sector as abasically supply-side oriented regime.  相似文献   

完善社会保障性住房制度   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对目前城镇住房保障体系存在的一系列问题,阐述了住房社会保障范围、保障性住房的建设资金、用地的筹措、住房租金管理制度及分配制度,结合社会保障性住房的特点,提出了完善社会保障性住房制度的合理建议。  相似文献   

陈能平 《山西建筑》2010,36(30):229-230
从历史的角度,回顾了我国住房保障制度的发展历程,分析了现阶段在我国实行的住房保障制度的三种具体形式,剖析了这三种制度存在的问题,同时从制度以及管理上给出相应的改善措施,对我国住房保障制度的完善有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

试论我国的廉租住房供应体系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
城镇廉租住房供应体系是指社会为解决最低收入家庭住房困难而建立的住房生产、供应、分配、管理体系及其运作程序和规则。城镇廉租住房其实质是政府利用国家和社会的力量解决中低收入家庭的住房问题。我国的廉租住房供应体系正在建设之中 ,还存在着许多现实的问题。在加快和完善我国城镇的住房制度改革的过程中 ,党和政府必须妥善解决这些问题  相似文献   

美国、香港、新加坡分别代表了当今世界上较为成功的三种住房供应模式:美国以市场供应为主,香港是双轨制供应体系,新加坡则代表了以政府为主的供应体系.文章对上述国家和地区的住房供应制度进行了分析研究,并对比反映中国大陆住房供应制度的不合理,从而给完善中国住房供应制度以启示.  相似文献   


This article analyses the growth of the private rental sector over recent years through a comparative analysis of three classic homeowner societies: Ireland, the UK and Spain. The article argues that theories of financialization provide a useful framework for understanding ‘generation rent’. In particular, the cyclical nature of credit markets tends to undermine homeownership over the medium term. This contributes to and intensifies the wider set of policy changes associated with neoliberalism. The article also accounts for the divergent experiences of our three case study countries within their common trajectory. It does so through an analytical focus on the interaction between global aspects of financialization and more nationally based ones, such as mortgage markets, as well as on how both are mediated by national policy regimes. The article thus aims to contribute to the emerging literature seeking to explain ‘generation rent’ and explore its significance, and more broadly to political economy approaches to housing system change.  相似文献   

The paper aims at measuring the general state intervention in rental housing market in Germany from 1913 through 2015. Four policy classes are considered: Incentives for social housing, tenant protection, housing rationing, and rent controls. Based on a legislation analysis, for each class an index measuring the degree of regulation is constructed. The indices reflect dramatic increases in regulations during and after the World Wars. The 2010s are characterized by a surge in all classes of regulations related to the growing housing scarcity in large cities due to interregional migration leading to a geographical mismatch between housing supply and demand.  相似文献   

经济适用房的制度困境及完善建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以新制度经济学理论为基础,从制度层面分析、探讨了我国经济适用房制度存在的根本问题 ,指出是由我国社会保障的不完善和土地使用的二元制所造成的,并试图就这些问题提出解决的对策与建议.  相似文献   

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