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孙聪  唐礼勇  陈钟 《软件学报》2012,23(8):2149-2162
针对程序语言信息流安全领域的现有机密消去策略,提出了一种基于下推系统可达性分析的程序信息流安全验证机制.将存储-匹配操作内嵌于对抽象模型的紧凑自合成结果中,使得对抽象结果中标错状态的可达性分析可以作为不同机密消去策略下程序安全性的验证机制.实例研究说明,该方法比基于类型系统的方法具有更高的精确性,且比已有的自动验证方法更为高效.  相似文献   

基于信息流的安全模型较访问控制模型优势在于更本质的描述了什么是安全,自提出信息流的无干扰概念以来信息流模型就成为安全研究的中心之一,并提出了很多种无干扰模型.针对现存几种安全模型存在建模工具与分析工具不一致、不支持多级安全系统等问题.在广义无干扰模型以及聚合属性的基础上提出一种支持多级安全系统、多等级信息流策略状态转换且包含聚合属性的信息流安全模型,并给出了信息流策略的正式语义.  相似文献   

孙聪  唐礼勇  陈钟 《计算机科学》2011,38(7):103-107
提出了一种对含输出信道的命令式语言进行信息流安全性分析的方法。将程序抽象为下推系统,通过自合成将不千涉性转化为安全性属性,将两次相关执行中向输出信道的输出操作分别抽象为由下推规则表示的存储和匹配操作,通过对标错状态的可达性分析验证程序是否满足终止不敏感不干涉性。演化后的方法支持程序的发散执行,通过上界回退算法找到强制终止首次执行所需的最大输出信道上界。实验说明该方法与现有工作相比具有更高的精确性和验证效率。  相似文献   

面向Java的信息流分析工作需要修改编译器或实时执行环境,对已有系统兼容性差,且缺乏形式化分析与安全性证明。首先,提出了基于有限状态自动机的Java信息流分析方法,将整个程序变量污点取值空间抽象为自动机状态空间,并将Java字节码指令看做自动机状态转换动作;然后,给出了自动机转换的信息流安全规则,并证明了在该规则下程序执行的无干扰安全性;最后,采用静态污点跟踪指令插入和动态污点跟踪与控制的方法实现了原型系统IF-JVM,既不需要获得Java应用程序源码,也不需要修改Java编译器和实时执行环境,更独立于客户操作系统。实验结果表明,原型系统能正确实现对Java的细粒度地信息流跟踪与控制,性能开销为53.1%。  相似文献   

董渊  王生原  张丽伟  朱允敏  杨萍 《软件学报》2010,21(12):3056-3067
字节码既是运行于虚拟机的解释指令,也是定义良好的中间表示,是当今网络软件和计算设备中广泛使用的重要技术.字节码验证可以提高相关软件的可信程度,同时为构造证明保持编译器提供中间表示支持,具有重要的实用价值和理论价值.虽然近年提出了一些用于字节码程序的逻辑系统,但由于字节码本身的特点,造成了抽象控制栈复杂、控制流结构信息不足,因而字节码程序的“模块化验证”依然是一个巨大的挑战,并没有得到有效解决.将FPCC(foundational proof-carrying code)方法引入中间表示字节码,借鉴汇编程序的验证方法,设计出一种逻辑系统,给出字节码程序运行环境BCM(ByteCode machine)的逻辑系统CBP (certifying bytecode program)定义,完成系统的合理性证明和一组代表性实例程序的模块化证明,并实现机器自动检查.该工作为字节码验证提供一种良好的解决方案,同时也向着构造证明保持编译器环境迈出了坚实的一步,还可以为广泛使用的基于虚拟机复杂网络应用程序的深刻理解和深入分析提供理论帮助.  相似文献   

董渊  任恺  王生原  张素琴 《软件学报》2010,21(2):305-317
提出一种虚拟机构造和验证方案.给出字节码程序运行环境BVM(bytecode virtual machine)的形式化定义;采用X86机器语言构造虚拟机CertVM(certified virtual machine);并证明该虚拟机实现符合相应程序规范并和BVM之间具有模拟关系.利用辅助工具Coq给出证明,所有证明均可机器自动检查.CertVM确保在硬件环境满足其语义规范的情况下,已验证的字节码程序能够在给定虚拟机环境中正常运行.给出的方案不仅为虚拟机验证提供理论基础,而且为可信软件构造提供了一种有益的尝试.  相似文献   

使用形式化方法对程序进行验证是保证软件可信的重要手段.对于像C语言这样的较低级的命令式语言可以直接对内存进行操作,对其操作语义或公理语义的形式化需要基于合适的内存模型.传统的字节内存模型可以很好地描述各种内存操作,但是无法保证安全性,同时使程序验证变得异常复杂.面向对象语言的内存模型则具有较高的抽象性,便于程序验证,但不适合描述低级的内存操作.结合字节内存模型和面向对象语言内存模型,提出一种安全的类型化的内存模型,既可用于对语义的形式化,也可用于基于霍尔逻辑的程序验证.此内存模型既允许指针算术、结构赋值、类型转换等内存操作,同时也可以有效减少因指针别名给程序验证带来的复杂度.基于Coq辅助定理证明工具,对内存模型进行了形式化实现和验证.  相似文献   

可信执行环境(trusted execution environment, TEE)基于硬件隔离机制,为安全敏感应用提供隔离的执行环境,保护敏感数据的安全性.内存隔离机制是TEE的关键机制之一,用于对安全内存和非安全内存进行隔离,并对安全内存实施访问控制,如果其安全性不能保证,可能造成存储在安全内存中的敏感数据泄露.为验证TEE内存隔离机制的安全性,针对基于ARM TrustZone技术构建的TEE,提出一种基于精化的可信执行环境内存隔离机制安全性验证方法.建立抽象模型和具体模型,并定义两种模型之间的精化关系,在证明精化关系成立和抽象模型满足信息流安全性的前提下,验证具体模型的信息流安全性.具体模型建模了TEE内存隔离机制的关键硬件和软件,包括TrustZone地址空间控制器、MMU和TrustZone monitor等,在定理证明器Isabelle/HOL中,验证了该模型满足无干扰、无泄露、无影响等信息流安全属性.  相似文献   

为解决跨域跨系统环境下的违规间接信息流问题,提出了一种联合访问控制模型.通过记录系统中的访问行为,构建跨系统的信息流图;在此基础上给出信息流图的安全性定理,定义系统的安全状态;通过制定安全规则,约束跨域跨系统环境中的访问行为.基于安全熵对模型的安全性进行分析和验证,验证结果表明了模型在间接信息流的安全防护能力方面优于传统模型.  相似文献   

一个非确定系统的不干扰模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
谢钧  黄皓 《软件学报》2006,17(7):1601-1608
提出系统动作对信息域的不干扰概念,并在此基础上将不干扰模型推广到非确定系统.由于基于系统动作的不干扰概念简化了系统动作序列的提取操作,该模型的单步展开条件具有简洁的形式并易于理解和使用.推广后的不干扰模型不仅能够验证静态信息流策略,还可以验证各种动态信息流策略.最后设计了一个基于动态标记的访问控制模型,并在该模型中定义了读、写、执行等操作的具体语义,然后利用不干扰模型对其安全性进行了形式化验证.  相似文献   

《Information and Computation》2007,205(9):1334-1370
We propose a method to analyze secure information flow in stack-based assembly languages, communicating with the external environment by means of input and output channels. The method computes for each instruction a security level for each memory variable and stack element. Instruction-level security analysis is flow-sensitive and hence is more precise than other analyses, such as standard security typing. Instruction-level security analysis is specified in the framework of abstract interpretation. We define concrete operational semantics which handles, in addition to execution aspects, the flow of information of the program. The basis of the approach is that each value is annotated by a security level and that the abstract domain is obtained from the concrete one by keeping the security levels and forgetting the actual values. Operand stack are abstracted as fixed-length stacks of security levels. An abstract state is a map from instructions to abstract machine configurations, where values are substituted by security levels. The abstract semantics consists of a set of abstract rules manipulating abstract states. The instruction-level security typing can be performed by an efficient fixpoint iteration algorithm, similar to that used by bytecode verification.  相似文献   

Information flow control (IFC) checks whether a program can leak secret data to public ports, or whether critical computations can be influenced from outside. But many IFC analyses are imprecise, as they are flow-insensitive, context-insensitive, or object-insensitive; resulting in false alarms. We argue that IFC must better exploit modern program analysis technology, and present an approach based on program dependence graphs (PDG). PDGs have been developed over the last 20 years as a standard device to represent information flow in a program, and today can handle realistic programs. In particular, our dependence graph generator for full Java bytecode is used as the basis for an IFC implementation which is more precise and needs less annotations than traditional approaches. We explain PDGs for sequential and multi-threaded programs, and explain precision gains due to flow-, context-, and object-sensitivity. We then augment PDGs with a lattice of security levels and introduce the flow equations for IFC. We describe algorithms for flow computation in detail and prove their correctness. We then extend flow equations to handle declassification, and prove that our algorithm respects monotonicity of release. Finally, examples demonstrate that our implementation can check realistic sequential programs in full Java bytecode.  相似文献   

一个完整的无干扰模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马建平  余祥宣 《计算机学报》1997,20(11):1034-1037
本文提出了基于主体行为的视图的新无干扰概念,描述了一个完整的、基于新概念的信息流安全模型。在模型中把计算机系统中的操作抽象为读和写两种访问模式并定义了相应的转换规则。该模型主要特点有:用于分析系统的安全性;支持多安全策略。  相似文献   

Secure Information Flow via Linear Continuations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Security-typed languages enforce secrecy or integrity policies by type-checking. This paper investigates continuation-passing style (CPS) as a means of proving that such languages enforce noninterference and as a first step towards understanding their compilation. We present a low-level, secure calculus with higher-order, imperative features and linear continuations.Linear continuations impose a stack discipline on the control flow of programs. This additional structure in the type system lets us establish a strong information-flow security property called noninterference. We prove that our CPS target language enjoys the noninterference property and we show how to translate secure high-level programs to this low-level language. This noninterference proof is the first of its kind for a language with higher-order functions and state.  相似文献   

Homomorphic encryption allows the direct operations on encrypted data, which provides a promising way to protect outsourcing data in clouds. However, it can not guarantee the end-to-end data security if different cloud services are composed together. Especially for the operations on encrypted data, it may violate the standard noninterference, which can not be solved by traditional information flow control approaches. In order to analyze the information flow with encrypted data, we define a new type of flow called the encryption flow to describe the dependence relationship among different encrypted data objects across multiple services. Based on the new definition on encrypted flow, we propose the secure information flow verification theorem and specify the improved security constraints on each service component. Then a distributed information flow control framework and algorithm are designed for verification on regular and encrypted flow across multiple clouds. Through the experiments, we can obtain that our approach is more appropriate for the verification across multiple clouds and provides a more effective way compared with centralized verification approaches.  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide a theoretical foundation for and improvements to the existing bytecode verification technology, a critical component of the Java security model, for mobile code used with the Java “micro edition” (J2ME), which is intended for embedded computing devices. In Java, remotely loaded “bytecode” class files are required to be bytecode verified before execution, that is, to undergo a static type analysis that protects the platform's Java run-time system from so-called type confusion attacks such as pointer manipulation. The data flow analysis that performs the verification, however, is beyond the capacity of most embedded devices because of the memory requirements that the typical algorithm will need. We propose to take a proof-carrying code approach to data flow analysis in defining an alternative technique called “lightweight analysis” that uses the notion of a “certificate” to reanalyze a previously analyzed data flow problem, even on poorly resourced platforms. We formally prove that the technique provides the same guarantees as standard bytecode safety verification analysis, in particular that it is “tamper proof” in the sense that the guarantees provided by the analysis cannot be broken by crafting a “false” certificate or by altering the analyzed code. We show how the Java bytecode verifier fits into this framework for an important subset of the Java Virtual Machine; we also show how the resulting “lightweight bytecode verification” technique generalizes and simulates the J2ME verifier (to be expected as Sun's J2ME “K-Virtual machine” verifier was directly based on an early version of this work), as well as Leroy's “on-card bytecode verifier,” which is specifically targeted for Java Cards.  相似文献   

A method is presented for checking secure information flow in Java bytecode, assuming a multilevel security policy that assigns security levels to the objects. The method exploits the type‐level abstract interpretation of standard bytecode verification to detect illegal information flows. We define an algorithm transforming the original code into another code in such a way that a typing error detected by the Verifier on the transformed code corresponds to a possible illicit information flow in the original code. We present a prototype tool that implements the method and we show an example of application. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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