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手机类型的移动设备和便携式个人计算机是当前主要的2类显示特征不同的移动终端设备。阐述自适应终端设备的框架技术,其支持开发人员高效地开发适应不同移动设备的Web应用。自适应终端框架技术基于WWW协议和WAP模型,与现有成功的开源框架集成,重用了Filter,Dom4J,XSLT和XPath等技术。  相似文献   

移动终端三维用户界面的可用性评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文针对移动终端的三维用户界面进行了可用性评估.从系统性能,任务绩效和用户偏好三个方面进行了全面的考察.物体选取是三维用户界面中基础的交互任务,我们结合实验数据分析,基于二维环境下的指点模型,提出并验证了一个新的基于三维用户界面的通用性能模型.同时通过用户调查和问卷分析,说明了三维用户界面在移动终端上具有较高的用户偏好.  相似文献   

面向对象应用程序的用户界面框架,是一个结合面向对象和图形用户界面的优点和类属用户界面。用户界面开发者只要提供分类的操作集合对之加以参数化,就能得到适合不同应用需要的用户界面。对用户界面使用者来说,这种用户界面具有图形用户界面的外观特征和面向对象的使用特点,所见即所得的直观性和超文本的导航性使它易学易用。本文介绍了这个用户界面框架的外观特征和使用特点,并且用对象模型化方法提供了它的分析模型。  相似文献   

张保华 《福建电脑》2014,(10):87-88
伴随着移动互联网的迅速普及,移动终端也获得了高速发展,移动终端是功能强大的超微型电脑,它可取代PC电脑,并可成为云计算和物联网的终端,智能可穿戴式移动终端是未来的方向发展。  相似文献   

为了满足移动服务平台(MSP)对终端智能适配的要求--智能识别终端,返回用户需要的服务结果,高效地开发移动媒体应用,结合常用开发方法的分析提出了基于移动服务平台终端智能适配框架,介绍了智能适配的框架所采用的模板技术、框架体系结构和框架关键点的设计与实现.在实际的运营中验证智能适配框架具有可复用、易管理、可满足用户人性化要求等良好特性,同时降低了MSP上业务开发难度,解决了平台中多种媒体业务和手机终端间的大量适配问题.  相似文献   

为了解决传统的用户界面软件架构在移动应用中的种种缺陷,提出了一种基于服务的移动用户界面软件架构IMA(interface-manager-application),使移动设备受益于面向服务范型。IMA通过提供简单且个性化的服务版本使后台服务适应移动能力,从而集成化地解决了移动设备的资源受限性、间歇性连接和个性化问题。通过AndroidIDB的原型开发验证了该架构的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

移动终端系统的访问控制框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着移动计算的不断普厦,针对移动终端的安全问题日益受到重视。传统的访问控制技术能够解决机密性和完整性问题,但没有充分考虑可用性要求。移动终端同个人计算机相比更容易耗尽系统资源,受到拒绝服务攻击。本文提出一种应用于移动终端的访问控制框架,扩充DTE机制,保证数据机密性和完整性,并允许关键应用预留动态资源(如CPU时间、物理内存页面等),系统对预留的资源进行统一的调度和管理,防止关键应用与其它程序竞争系统资源时产生冲突,保证系统对关键应用的响应,提高系统的可用性。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种面向移动终端的文本摘要方法,该方法基于框架思想,将文本摘要生成过程分解为信息抽取和文本生成两个阶段。信息抽取阶段对原文进行词频统计,关键词句分析,并在此基础上利用规则抽取相应信息填充摘要框架。文本生成阶段利用框架编码协议对框架进行解析,并结合相关模板生成文本摘要。  相似文献   

在很多情况下,营销成功的关键都在于数据,虽然在营销部门部署新的移动技术时,往往还没有意识到这一点。“移动终端的进步正在真正地实践一个一直未爆发的020慨念,其中的关键就式世界正在快速数据化中。作为一个数据人.我已经感觉到移动互联网在全方位影响着现有的大数据框架,包括如何更有效地从移动没备中收集数据,及其与PC数据的打通。此外,SOLOMO在此刻也已经深深地植入了运营数据之中。”  相似文献   

Design patterns for user interface for mobile applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The topic of this paper is a collection of user interface (UI) design patterns for mobile applications. In the paper we present the structure of the patterns collection – the patterns are suggested solutions to problems that are grouped into a set of problem areas that are further grouped into three main problem areas – a structure which is valuable both as an index to identifying patterns to use, and it gives a fairly comprehensive overview of issues when designing user interfaces for mobile applications. To show the breadth of the patterns collection we present six individual problems with connected design patterns in some detail – each coming from different problem areas. They represent important and relevant problems, and are on different levels of abstraction, thus showing how patterns may be used to present problems and solutions on different levels of detail. To show the relevance and usefulness of the patterns collection for usability professionals with a mixed background, we present some relevant findings from a validation of the patterns collection. In addition to verifying the relevance and usefulness of the patterns collection, it also shows both expected and surprising correlations between background and perceived relevance and usefulness. One important finding from the validation is an indication that the patterns collection is best suited for experienced UI developers wanting to start developing mobile UIs. Using a patterns collection for documenting design knowledge and experience has been a mixed experience, so we discuss pros and cons of this. Finally, we present related work and future research.  相似文献   

The UNIX operating system has attained widespread popularity because of its power, flexibility and elegance. However, the common user interfaces (shells) have been criticized as being cryptic and difficult to use, especially for novices. In this paper, we present a user interface server that can be used to provide a graphical shell for UNIX. This shell helps to overcome a number of difficulties faced by both novices and experts. Although it is largely intended to assist novices, it is also designed not to become a hindrance for expert users and does not sacrifice the basic power and flexibility of UNIX. The server is designed to augment rather than replace text-based interfaces and can be used from a variety of different interactive programs in addition to shells.  相似文献   

Currently, a lot of the tasks engaged by users over the Web involve dealing with multiple Web sites. Moreover, whilst Web navigation was considered as a lonely activity in the past, a large proportion of users are nowadays engaged in collaborative activities over the Web. In this paper we argue that these two aspects of collaboration and tasks spanning over multiple Web sites call for a level of coordination that require Distributed User Interfaces (DUI). In this context, DUIs would play a major role by helping multiple users to coordinate their activities whilst working collaboratively to complete tasks at different Web sites. For that, we propose in this paper an approach to create distributed user interfaces featuring procedures that are aimed to orchestrate user tasks over multiple Web sites. Our approach supports flexible process modeling by allowing users to combine manual tasks and automated tasks from a repertoire of patterns of tasks performed over the Web. In our approach, whilst manual tasks can be regarded as simple instructions that tell users how to perform a task over a Web site, automated tasks correspond to tools built under the concept of Web augmentation (as it augments the repertoire of tasks users can perform over the Web) called Web augmenters. Both manual and automated tasks are usually supported by specific DOM elements available in different Web sites. Thus, by combining tasks and DOM elements distributed in diverse Web sites our approach supports the creation of procedures that allows seamless users interaction with diverse Web site. Moreover, such an approach is aimed at supporting the collaboration between users sharing procedures. The approach is duly illustrated by a case study describing a collaborative trip planning over the Web.  相似文献   

传统的移动用户位置预测方法由于模式支持度计算方式不合理,存在预测精度偏低的问题。为此,提出了一种基于模式匹配度的用户移动规则挖掘及位置预测方法,并将其用于移动通信系统中,以基台覆盖范围网格为单元的用户位置预测。具体包括三个步骤:通过图的遍历挖掘用户移动模式、基于用户移动模式生成用户移动规则和依据用户移动规则进行位置预测。实验分析使用10个批次轨迹数据进行用户移动规则挖掘,结果表明,该方法挖掘出的用户移动规则数少、支持度高和置信度高,具有高精度的优点。  相似文献   

The program browsing problem is discussed, with particular emphasis on a multiple-window user interface and its implications for recording acquired knowledge, navigation, and attention-tracking. Hypertext systems are considered as an implementation of browsing techniques for nonprogram text. A classification scheme for text-viewing systems is offered, and then browsing is discussed as a nonintrusive, static technique for program study.

Multiple techniques are synthesised into a coherent plan for a multiwindow program study tool, based on theories of program browsing and the use of hypertext. A test system, HYBROW, emerged from the plan for studying the application of several hypertext multiple-window techniques to program browsing, especially window replacement. HYBROW is a hypertext, multiple-window program browser. This generic tool is applicable to any source language, although certain aspects of the preprocessing and the hierarchical browser presentation are specific to the C language. The tool permits opening an arbitrary number of text windows into an arbitrary number of files, rapid window switching, multiple-window search, placemarking, automatic screen organisation, and services for the creation, maintenance and production of study notes. An informal usability study was conducted.  相似文献   

Most augmented reality (AR) applications are primarily concerned with letting a user browse a 3D virtual world registered with the real world. More advanced AR interfaces let the user interact with the mixed environment, but the virtual part is typically rather finite and deterministic. In contrast, autonomous behavior is often desirable in ubiquitous computing (Ubicomp), which requires the computers embedded into the environment to adapt to context and situation without explicit user intervention. We present an AR framework that is enhanced by typical Ubicomp features by dynamically and proactively exploiting previously unknown applications and hardware devices, and adapting the appearance of the user interface to persistently stored and accumulated user preferences. Our framework explores proactive computing, multi‐user interface adaptation, and user interface migration. We employ mobile and autonomous agents embodied by real and virtual objects as an interface and interaction metaphor, where agent bodies are able to opportunistically migrate between multiple AR applications and computing platforms to best match the needs of the current application context. We present two pilot applications to illustrate design concepts. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

一个可重用的应用服务器框架的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
框架是应用系统或于系统的可重用设计,通过重用框架的设计和代码可降低应用开发成本,提出了一个可重用的应用服务器框架RASF,并给出了软件结构、设计方法和实现技术,RASF采用消息驱动的多进程,多线程结构,以黑板实现多线程之间的协同,可作为应用服务器的构造模板,具有较强的通用性,可扩展性、灵活性与可重用性。  相似文献   

手机游戏开发架构的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统手机游戏开发架构中存在着3个亟待解决的问题:一是单个服务器资源易于衰竭;二是多线程间的同步和互斥耗费资源严重;三是服务器不能弹性地管理线程资源.为解决这些问题,提出了一种新的手机游戏开发架构,并详细说明这一架构中的负荷迁徙模块、基于I/O完成端口的线程池模块和消息模块.该架构较好地解决了传统开发架构中单个服务器资源易于衰竭,多线程间的同步和互斥所引起巨大的系统资源开销,及服务器不能弹性地管理线程资源等问题.实验结果表明,新的架构具有较好的效果.  相似文献   

Zoomable user interfaces (ZUIs) have received a significant amount of attention in the 18 years since they were introduced. They have enjoyed some success, and elements of ZUIs are widely used in computers today, although the grand vision of a zoomable desktop has not materialised. This paper describes the premise and promise of ZUIs along with their challenges. It describes design guidelines, and offers a cautionary tale about research and innovation.  相似文献   

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