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针对传统社交网络社区划分算法普遍缺乏对节点属性、链接属性的综合考虑和充分表达利用节点与链接属性信息的模型和机制等问题, 提出了一种融合节点与链接属性的社交网络社区划分算法。该算法融合节点属性的相似度、节点间链接权值等链接属性信息, 定义了相似权值, 并以此为基础, 结合凝聚算法实现了对社交网络的社区划分。实验表明, 该算法对社交网络中属性比较明显的社区划分效果显著。  相似文献   

基于拓扑势的社区检测通过节点的链接信息构造拓扑势域,在拓扑势域内进行社区划分.但实际划分过程存在大量孤立性社区.带节点属性信息的社区检测问题作为社区的重要组成,已成为社区检测的主要研究方向.本文提出了一种结合标签传播的拓扑势社区检测算法(TPCDLP).首先,结合标签传播思想将属性信息转换为节点间的链接权值.其次,把链接权值加入到拓扑势中构造拓扑势域.再利用核心节点进行子群社区的划分.最后,利用子群社区间核心节点的距离进行社区划分.在3个含标签属性的数据集上,与6种算法对比,该算法在改进的模块度$Q_{ov}^E$、信息熵$Entropy$、社区重叠度$Overlap$和综合指标F上表现更优.在3个真实社区上应用了该算法,并与3种算法对比,实验结果显示该算法在标准化互信息指标$NMI$上表现良好,能够有效应用于实际问题.  相似文献   

属性网络不但包含节点之间复杂的拓扑结构,还包含拥有丰富属性信息的节点,其可以比传统网络更有效地建模现代信息系统,属性网络的社区划分对于分析复杂系统的层次结构、控制信息在网络中的传播和预测网络用户的群体行为等方面具有重要的研究价值.为了更好地利用拓扑结构信息和属性信息进行社区发现,提出了一种基于矩阵分解的属性网络嵌入和社区发现算法(CDEMF).首先提出基于矩阵分解的属性网络嵌入方法,基于网络局部链接信息计算相邻节点的相似性,将其与属性接近度联合建模,通过矩阵分解的分布式算法得到每个节点对应的低维嵌入向量,即把网络节点映射为低维向量表示的数据点集合.接着提出基于曲率和模块度的社区划分方法,自动确定数据点集合中蕴含的社区数量,并通过对数据点集合聚类完成属性网络社区划分.在真实网络数据集上,将CDEMF方法与其他8种知名算法进行比较,实验结果表明CDEMF具有良好的性能.  相似文献   

寻找网络中连接紧密的、稳定的社区,对网络大数据的挖掘和分析具有重要的意义和价值.节点属性和网络拓扑对社区发现都有重要的影响,由于真实网络中的节点属性维度大,找寻重要属性困难,而且和深层次的结构信息又不易进行高效整合以进行社区划分.为了有效地提取节点的重要属性信息,并和局部链接拓扑信息深入融合,根据矩阵分解,提出了基于特征选择和属性网络嵌入的社区发现算法.首先采用节点的联合相似度潜在表征指导特征选择,筛选出重要的属性后与原拓扑组成新网络,然后将新网络通过融合邻居信息的属性网络表征学习映射成节点低维向量,最后对该嵌入向量进行聚类从而实现社区划分.在真实网络数据集上与其他代表性算法进行比较,实验结果表明所提算法具有良好的特征选择性能和社团划分性能.  相似文献   

针对在线社会网络的特性和现有社区发现算法的不足,提出一种基于语义网技术的在线社会网络社区发现算法ISLPA(Improved Semantic Label Propagation Algorithm),即一种适用于大规模在线社会网络的社区发现和标识算法。ISLPA算法对语义标签算法SemTagP进行改进,在社区划分过程中将在线社会网络视为有向加权图,通过语义网和社会化标签技术,充分结合在线社会网络丰富的语义信息和网络拓扑特征进行社区划分。ISLPA算法不需要预先设定社区数量和大小,就能实现社区发现,并能根据标签自动识别划分的社区。算法接近线性时间复杂度,具有较高的效率。通过实验表明,ISLPA算法能有效划分和标识真实在线社会网络。  相似文献   

针对传统智能进化社区发现算法通常存在弱化节点属性和容易过早收敛等问题,提出基于邻边属性群智能聚类的个人社交网络社区发现算法NLA/SCD。在融合邻边结构及其节点属性相似特性的基础上,定义社会蜘蛛优化算法的适应度函数,并将社区模块度增量作为算子迭代准则。在雌性和雄性个体的进化与交配过程中,利用适应度函数和模块度增量函数从局部和全局角度优化社区划分的寻优过程,以保持种群多样性并避免算法过早收敛。实验结果表明,NLA/SCD算法能有效识别属性信息多样的个人社交网络,且具有较高的运行速度和划分精度。  相似文献   

大型复杂网络中的社区结构发现算法   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
胡健  董跃华  杨炳儒 《计算机工程》2008,34(19):92-93,1
在大型复杂网络中自动搜寻或发现社区具有重要的实际应用价值。该文把超图模型以及基于此的聚类算法应用到社区结构发现的领域。对于简单图的社区结构发现,引入边聚集系数的概念,提出基于边聚集系数的社区发现算法。将安然邮件数据集作为测试数据集,通过算法对比分析,证明该算法在时间复杂度上可以提高一个数量级。  相似文献   

针对Web环境下的社会网络具有信息粗糙性的特征,即Web数据中有大量垃圾内容和垃圾链接,同时很多信息是不完整的、缺失的,且信息有重复现象存在等,在已提出的属性图模型基础上,结合粗糙集理论解决不完备信息的优势,首先提出粗糙顶点属性图和粗糙边属性图,进而给出粗糙属性图的概念,以对Web社会网络结构进行分析,使其能够描述复杂Web社会网络中的不完整信息以及动态变化的链接。其次对粗糙属性图的粗糙特性进行分析,给出粗糙顶点精度、粗糙边精度和粗糙图精度等概念,得出粗糙属性图的精度与顶点和边集属性划分程度有关的结论,即人们对图的认知程度与图的精度密切相关。最后,在中国知网上通过对论文作者进行查询得到粗糙图,并通过不断添加顶点属性,将图顶点划分得越来越精细,挖掘出要查询的作者合作关系图,从而说明粗糙属性图在社会网络分析中符合人们的认知过程。  相似文献   

任永功  孙宇奇  吕朕 《计算机工程》2011,37(7):12-14,23
针对复杂网络中难以发现小社区的问题,在CNM算法的基础上,提出一种利用局部信息进行社区挖掘的方法。定义节点的强度及节点对社区的贡献,改进模块度使该方法能适用于带权网络。利用社区局部信息得到小社区集合,将小社区集合作为CNM算法的输入,计算小社区间的模块度增量,凝聚模块度增量小的小社区,并得到最终结果。实验结果表明,该方法具有较高的社区模块度和算法执行 效率。  相似文献   

现有的社区发现算法通常基于结构特性进行社区划分,对节点属性特征欠缺考虑。为此,提出一种基于模糊等价关系的社区发现算法。用完全相异距离指数的概念将拓扑结构与属性特征相结合,以此作为隶属关系建立模糊等价关系矩阵,选择合适的聚类f阂值对网络进行社区划分。实验结果证明,与传统的GN算法相比,该算法发现社区的准确率较高,在相同社区内的节点连接紧密且具有同质性。  相似文献   


现有重叠社团发现算法大多直接从相邻连边的相似性出发,不能有效利用网络的多层连边信息。基于此,本文提出了一种基于连边距离矩阵的重叠社区发现算法LDM。首先结合连边-节点-连边随机游走模型,以实现多级连边信息的有效利用,其次借助模糊聚类方法,处理连边距离矩阵以获取连边社区,最后根据扩展模块度调整和优化重叠社区结构。在人工网络和真实网络上的实验结果表明,所提算法能够有效提高重叠社区发现算法的准确度。  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on the problem of community detection on Sina weibo, the most popular microblogging system in China. By characterizing the structure and content of microgroup (community) on Sina weibo in detail, we observe that different from ordinary social networks, the degree assortativity coefficients are negative on most microgroups. In addition, we find that users from the same microgroup tend to share some common attributes (e.g., followers, tags) and interests extracted from their published posts. Inspired by these new findings, we propose a united method to remodel the network for microgroup detection while maintaining the information of link structure and user content. Firstly, the link direction is concerned by assigning greater weight values to more surprising links, while the content similarity is measured by the Jaccard coefficient of common features and interest similarity based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation model. Then, both link direction and content similarity between two users are uniformly converted to the edge weight of a new remodeled network, which is undirected and weighted. Finally, multiple frequently used community detection algorithms that support weighted networks could be employed. Extensive experiments on real-world social networks show that both link structure and user content play almost equally important roles in microgroup detection on Sina weibo. Our method outperforms the traditional methods with average accuracy improvement up to 39 %, and the number of unrecognized users decreased by about 75 %.  相似文献   

对大型复杂网络进行高质量的社团检测通常依赖图的拓扑结构来划分节点集,然而现实世界的网络通常带有嘈杂且与集群无关的链接,这些链接可能会导致模型将来自不同集群的节点划分在一起。为此,提出了基于图重构的社团检测算法(graph reconstruction based community detection,GRCD),该方法能够处理大规模复杂网络的社团检测。首先,删除社团之间的相互连接的边来重新构建原始图的社团结构;然后,将网络视为一个社交系统,旨在以更直观的方式揭示社团;提出了一种高效的社团检测策略,即基于话语权的社团组织生成策略;最后,在不同规模数据集上进行实验。实验结果表明,GRCD算法不仅能够处理大规模网络,而且在保持较高稳定性的同时,其社团划分的质量对比现有的几种基准算法都有很强的竞争力。  相似文献   

基于权重信息挖掘社会网络中的隐含社团   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社团结构是一种普遍存在于各类真实网络中的结构特性.挖掘网络的社团结构对于理解网络的功能与行为有着重要作用.然而,现有的各种社团挖掘算法仅仅基于网络拓扑结构信息,而忽视了蕴涵于真实社会网络边权信息中丰富的语义信息.目前普遍使用的基于模块性最大化的社团挖掘算法倾向于将小社团合并,这使得语义上丰富的小社团容易湮灭于基于拓扑结构信息所挖掘出的大社团中.而挖掘出这些隐含于大社团中的有着丰富语义内涵的小社团对于加深社会网络语义层面的理解有着重要作用.为此,提出一个接近线性复杂度的有权网络社团挖掘算法.通过充分利用权重信息,算法可以将社会网络划分为富含语义信息的粒度较细且相对较小的隐含社团.通过对基于DBLP作者合作网络的实证分析,证实了新算法的有效性和高效性.  相似文献   

Community detection can be used to help mine the potential information in social networks, and uncovering community structures in social networks can be regarded as clustering optimization problems. In this paper, an overlapping community detection algorithm based on biogeography optimization is proposed. Firstly, the algorithm takes the method of label propagation based on local max degree and neighborhood overlap for initial network partitioning. The preliminary partition result used to construct initial population by cloning and mutating to accelerate the algorithm’s convergence. Next, to make biogeography optimization algorithm suitable for community detection, we design problem-specific migration rules and mutation operators based on a novel affinity degree to improve the effectiveness of the algorithm. Experiments on benchmark test data, including two synthetic networks and four real-world networks, show that the proposed algorithm can achieve results with better accuracy and stability than the compared evolutionary algorithms.  相似文献   

With the growing explosion of online social networks, the study of large-scale graph clustering has attracted considerable interest. Most of traditional methods view the graph clustering problem as an optimization problem based on a given objective function; however, there are few methodical theories for the emergence of clusters over real-life networks. In this paper, each actor in online social networks is viewed as a selfish player in a non-cooperative game. The strategy associated with each node is defined as the cluster membership vector, and each one’s incentive is to maximize its own social identity by adopting the most suitable strategy. The definition of utility function in our game model is inspired by the conformity psychology, which is defined as the weighted average of one’s social identity by participating different clusters. With this setting, the proposed game can well match a potential game. So that the cluster could be shaped by the actions of those closely interactive users who adopt the same strategy in a Nash equilibrium. To this end, we propose a novel Graph cLustering framework based on potEntial gAme optiMization (GLEAM) for parallel graph clustering. It first utilize the cosine similarity to weight each edge in the original network. Then, an initial partition, including a number of clusters dominated by those potential “leader nodes”, is created by a fast heuristic process. Third, a potential game-based weighted Modularity optimization is used to improve the initial partition. Finally, we introduce the notion of potentially attractive cluster, and then discover the overlapping partition of the graph using a simple double-threshold procedure. Three phases in GLEAM are carefully designed for parallel execution. Experiments on real-world networks analyze the convergence inside GLEAM, and demonstrate the high performance of GLEAM by comparing it with the state-of-the-art community detection approaches in the literature.  相似文献   

真实网络大多是有向的,且网络结构随时间动态变化,传统的链路预测方法大多适用于无向网络,其分析方法不能有效挖掘真实网络中的信息。针对以上问题,提出了一种基于归一化AA和LAS的时序有向的链路预测算法,该算法基于共同邻居、节点度属性及局部社团相似性,为每个链接分配时间影响因子并将其引入NALAS指标进行计算,考虑了网络有向性和网络历史结构的影响。在真实社会网络数据集上对该算法进行了仿真并与Salton、Jaccard等算法进行对比。结果表明,提出的算法与其他算法相比,预测精度得到了提高,说明该算法可以有效地在时序有向的社会网络中进行链路预测。  相似文献   

Li  Chuanwei  Chen  Hongmei  Li  Tianrui  Yang  Xiaoling 《Applied Intelligence》2022,52(2):1188-1208

Dividing a network into communities has great benefits in understanding the characteristics of the network. The label propagation algorithm (LPA) is a fast and convenient community detection algorithm. However, the community initialization of LPA does not take advantage of topological information of networks, and its robustness is poor. In this paper, we propose a stable community detection algorithm based on density peak clustering and label propagation (DS-LPA). First, the local density calculation method in density peak clustering algorithm is improved in finding the community center of the network, so as to build a suitable initial community, which can improve the quality of community partition. Then, the label update order is determined reasonably by computing the information transmission power of nodes, and the solutions for multiple candidate labels are provided, which greatly improved the robustness of the algorithm. DS-LPA is compared with other seven algorithms on the synthetic network and real-world networks. NMI, ARI, and modularity are used to evaluate these algorithms. It can be concluded that DS-LPA has a higher performance than most comparison algorithms on synthetic network with ten different mixed parameters by statistical testing. And DS-LPA can quickly calculate the best community partition on different sizes of real-world networks.


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