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污水处理厂污泥在建材生产中的综合应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘莲香  张涛 《砖瓦》2004,(5):12-13
随着我国经济的不断发展,特别是国际化工业产业整体向我国的转移,我国的生态环境正遭到严重的威胁.近年来,国家越来越重视对生态环境的保护,以保证我国国民经济可持续发展目标的实现,各地政府环境保护和治理的力度不断加大,特别是对污水治理工程的建设项目的重金投入,大量的污水处理厂不断投入使用,这些污水处理厂对生产和人们生活污水进行处理,净化了水资源,改善了水环境,但同时产生了大量的固体废弃物-污泥,按照西方专家测算的污水污泥的"产生速率"--每人每天60g干固体,那么我国每天将产生约30万t(以10亿人口,污泥含水率按80%计)污水处理污泥,这还不包括工业污水污泥,其总量至少与生活污泥总量相当.  相似文献   

当前建筑材料的发展日新月异,如何通过强化对建筑材料的应用选择,促进工程质量的提高,具有重要价值。本文基于创新视角研究建筑材料在工程领域的应用研究,期待有所启迪。  相似文献   

《Building and Environment》2005,40(9):1282-1287
Diffusion coefficient and partition coefficient are two critical parameters that describe the emission characteristics of building materials. These parameters could be obtained from least-square regression by fitting the model predictions with the experimental data obtained by widely used small chamber tests. The chamber data quality is important to the reliability of the regression results. In this paper, we study the influence of measurement errors of chamber data as well as data abundance on the regression results of model parameters. The cases studied include one degree, two degrees, and three degrees of freedom. As expected, the more variables to be determined by regression, the larger uncertainties the parameter regression results have. Results also show that prediction of partition coefficient is more likely dependent on the data abundance. The results of this study could be useful for guiding further regression work and establishing the requirements of chamber tests.  相似文献   

1新加坡建筑防水材料使用情况新加坡建屋发展局(HDB)、私人房地产及商业建筑、国家交通管理局(LTA)是新加坡建筑防水材料最大的使用客户。新加坡建屋发展局(HDB)成立于1960年,是一家政府性机构,自成立以来,共承建了70多万套政府组屋单位,86%的人口居住在政府组屋内。HDB的主要任务是:开发、建设居民住宅区;提供良好的房产分派、管理服务;制定与规划社区的住房政策和计划;组织并委托各市政理事会制定并执行组屋常年维修及翻新计划。而国家交通管理局(LTA)则主要管理隧道、地下通道等城市基础设施建设。HDB、LTA和私人房地产及商业建…  相似文献   

建筑废料回收利用的新途径   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
路关生  湛轩业 《砖瓦》2004,3(7):68-74
文章通过大量国外对建筑废料回收利用的科技文献的查阅、研究,汇集了目前西欧对建筑废料回收利用的研究及实际应用方法.提出了现国内一方面基本建筑材料的生产在消耗着大量的不可再生资源(其中包括可枯竭的矿产资源);而另一方面国内正在逐年增长的大量建筑废料可能会对环境和生态造成很大影响.建筑废料的回收利用是关系到环境与生态的保护、节约有限的不可再生资源乃至可持续发展战略的大问题,因而要从建材产品的生产及目前的建筑设计上就应采取措施,充分考虑在建筑物使用寿命终结时建筑材料的回收利用.建议有关政府部门要从政策上给予扶持和鼓励,积极推进建筑废料的回收利用.  相似文献   

本刊讯《厦门市建设工程材料使用管理办法》日前出台,并于2011年3月1日起施行。其中一大亮点是从政策不同层面加大建筑节能材料的推广力度。  相似文献   

伴着我国经济的逐步攀升,工业化进程的不断加速,随之带来的影响也不断扩大。雾霾的产生让人们越来越关注环境问题,而建筑行业造成的环境污染,已经被建筑从业人员关注。越来越多的人们不再满足于有房子住,而是对建筑物的舒适、绿色、环保提出了更高的要求。本文对生态建筑和生态建材进行阐述,并对生态建材的节能方式进行了分析。通过研究生态建材不同的节能方式,针对不同的建筑,选择更加合理的生态建材。  相似文献   

对建筑工程施工中建材不合理使用所造成的影响进行了分析,并对工程实践中常用的建材水泥、金属、砂和石料、模板的节约措施作了阐述,以提高企业的经济效益。  相似文献   

There are many mass-transfer models for predicting VOC emissions from building materials described in the literature. In these models, the volatile organic compound (VOC) emission rate and its concentration in a chamber or a room are usually obtained by analytical method or numerical method. Although these methods demonstrate some salient features, they also have some flaws, e.g., for analytical method the solutions of both room or chamber VOC concentration and building material VOC emission rate are constituted of the sum of an infinite series, in which additional computation for finding roots to a transcendental function is necessary, but sometimes quite complicated. Besides, when it is applied in complex cases such as multilayer emission with internal reaction, the solution is very difficult to get; for conventional numerical methods such as finite difference method, discrete treatment of both time and space may cause calculation errors. Considering that, the state-space method widely used in modern automation control field and the heat transfer field is applied to simulate VOC emissions from building materials. It assumes that a slab of building material is composed of a number of finite layers, in each of which the instantaneous VOC concentration is homogenous during the entire process of emission, while the time is kept continuous. Based on this assumption we can predict both the VOC emissions rate and the concentrations of VOCs in the air of a chamber or room. The method is generally applied to simulate VOC emissions from arbitrary layers of building materials, and the solution is explicit and simple. What's more, the method can be applied to the cases where a reaction producing/removing VOC in building materials exists. For some specific cases the method is validated using the experimental data and the analytical solutions in the literature. The method provides a simple but powerful tool for simulating VOC emissions from building materials, which is especially useful in developing indoor air quality (IAQ) simulation software.  相似文献   

综述了工业固体废物在水泥、墙体材料、陶瓷材料及轻骨料生产中的利用现状,总结出在建筑材料领域工业固体废弃物资源化利用的主要出路。  相似文献   

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