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非规则计算是大规模并行应用中普遍存在和影响效率的关键问题.在基于分布式内存的数据并行范例中,如何针对非规则数组引用,有效地生成本地内存访问序列和通信集,是并行编译生成SPMD结点程序所必须解决的重要问题.文中针对两重嵌套循环中,下一层循环边界是上一层循环变量的线性或非线性函数,数组下标是两层循环变量的非线性函数这样一类包含非规则数组引用的并行应用问题,提出了一种在编译时生成通信集的代数算法.并且针对cyclic(k)数据分布和线性对齐模板,借助整数格概念,给出了编译时全局地址和本地地址之间的转换方法.文中还给出了相应的经过通信优化的SPMD结点程序.最后通过实例验证了算法的正确性.该算法的意义在于避免了传统Inspector/Executor非规则计算模型中的Inspector阶段,从而节省了运行时Inspector阶段通过穷举下标生成通信集的巨大开销.  相似文献   

Minimizing data communication over processors is the key to compile programs for distributed memory multicomputers. In this paper, we propose new data partition and alignment techniques for partitioning and aligning data arrays with a program in a way of minimizing communication over processors. We use skewed alignment instead of the dimension-ordered alignment techniques to align data arrays. By developing the skewed scheme, we can solve more complex programs with minimized data communication than that of the dimension-ordered scheme. Finally, we compare the proposed scheme with the dimension-ordered alignment one by experimental results. The experimental results show that our proposed scheme has more opportunities to align data arrays such that data communications over processors can be minimized.  相似文献   

In distributed-memory multicomputers, minimizing interprocessor communication is the key to the efficient execution of parallel programs. In order to reduce the amount of communication overhead, parallel programs on multicomputers must be carefully scheduled by parallelizing compilers. This paper proposes some compilation techniques for partitioning and mapping nested loops with constant data dependences onto linear array multicomputers. First, a systematic partition strategy is proposed to project ann-dimensional computational structure, representing ann-nested loop, onto a line to form a one-dimensional projected structure with low communication overhead. Then, a mapping algorithm is proposed for mapping the partitioned loops onto linear arrays in a way that balances the workload and minimizes the communication cost among processors. Finally, parallel execution codes can be automatically generated for such linear array multicomputers.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of communication-free partition of iteration spaces and data spaces along hyperplanes. To finding more possible communication-free hyperplane partitions, we treat statements within a loop body as separate schedulable units. Instead of using the information about data dependence distance or direction vectors, our technique explicitly formulates array references as transformations from statement-iteration spaces to data spaces. Based on these transformations, the necessary and sufficient conditions for communication-free partition along hyperplanes to be feasible have been proposed. This approach can be applied to all programs with an imperfectly nested loop or sequences of imperfectly nested loops, whose array references are affine functions of outer loop indices or loop invariant variables. The proposed approach is more practical than existing methods in finding the data and computation distribution patterns that can cause the processor to execute fully-parallel on multicomputers without any interprocessor communication.  相似文献   

Due to a significant communication overhead of sending and receiving data, the loop partitioning approaches on distributed memory systems must guarantee not just the computation load balance but computation+communication load balance. The previous approaches in loop partitioning have achieved a communication-free, computation load balanced iteration space partitioning solution for a limited subset of DOALL loops. But a large category of DOALL loops inevitably result in communication and the trade-offs between computation and communication must be carefully analyzed for these loops in order to balance out the combined computation time and communication overheads. In this work, we describe a partitioning approach based on the above motivation for the general cases of DOALL loops. Our goal is to achieve a computation+communication load balanced partitioning through static data and iteration space distribution. Our approach first performs partitioning of iteration and data spaces of a loop nest by analyzing communication and parallelism; it then performs architecture-dependent analysis to adjust the granularity of partitions, load balance each partition with respect to total computation+communication, and then performs mapping of partitions onto the available number of processors. This multiphase partitioning method works as follows. First, the code partitioning phase analyzes the references in the body of the DOALL loop nest and determines a set of directions for reducing a larger degree of communication by trading a lesser degree of parallelism. The partitioning is carried out in the iteration space of the loop by cyclically following a set of direction vectors such that the data references are maximally localized and reused, eliminating a larger communication volume than parallelism. We then perform data space partitioning based on a new larger partition owns rule to minimize the communication overhead for a compute intensive partition by localizing its references relatively more than a smaller noncompute intensive partition. A partition interaction graph is then constructed which is used by the architecture-dependent analysis phase to merge the partitions to achieve granularity adjustment, computation+communication load balance, and mapping on the actual number of available processors. Relevant theory and algorithms are developed along with a performance evaluation on the Cray T3D.  相似文献   

Memetic Algorithms for Parallel Code Optimization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Discovering the optimum number of processors and the distribution of data on distributed memory parallel computers for a given algorithm is a demanding task. A memetic algorithm (MA) is proposed here to find the best number of processors and the best data distribution method to be used for each stage of a parallel program. Steady state memetic algorithm is compared with transgenerational memetic algorithm using different crossover operators and hill-climbing methods. A self-adaptive MA is also implemented, based on a multimeme strategy. All the experiments are carried out on computationally intensive, communication intensive, and mixed problem instances. The MA performs successfully for the illustrative problem instances.  相似文献   

To efficiently execute a finite element application program on a distributed memory multicomputer, we need to distribute nodes of a finite element graph to processors of a distributed memory multicomputer as evenly as possible and minimize the communication cost of processors. This partitioning problem is known to be NP-complete. Therefore, many heuristics have been proposed to find satisfactory sub-optimal solutions. Based on these heuristics, many graph partitioners have been developed. Among them, Jostle, Metis, and Party are considered as the best graph partitioners available up-to-date. For these three graph partitioners, in order to minimize the total cut-edges, in general, they allow 3% to 5% load imbalance among processors. This is a tradeoff between the communication cost and the computation cost of the partitioning problem. In this paper, we propose an optimization method, the dynamic diffusion method (DDM), to balance the 3% to 5% load imbalance allowed by these three graph partitioners while minimizing the total cut-edges among partitioned modules. To evaluate the proposed method, we compare the performance of the dynamic diffusion method with the directed diffusion method and the multilevel diffusion method on an IBM SP2 parallel machine. Three 2D and two 3D irregular finite element graphs are used as test samples. For each test sample, 3% and 5% load imbalance situations are tested. From the experimental results, we have the following conclusions. (1) The dynamic diffusion method can improve the partition results of these three partitioners in terms of the total cut-edges and the execution time of a Laplace solver in most test cases while the directed diffusion method and the multilevel diffusion method may fail in many cases. (2) The optimization results of the dynamic diffusion method are better than those of the directed diffusion method and the multilevel diffusion method in terms of the total cut-edges and the execution time of a Laplace solver for most test cases. (3) The dynamic diffusion method can balance the load of processors for all test cases.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new automatic data alignment model called segmented alignment. The conventional data alignment model, such as that used in High-Performance Fortran (HPF), aligns arrays with the whole index domain. The principle of our proposed segmented alignment is to allow alignment relations within delimited index domains. We first provide motivating examples to illustrate how code fragments of HPF with EOSHIFT or CSHIFT operations, or produced by synthesis operations can benefit from our enhanced alignment scheme. Second, we show that this new model can be implemented in HPF-like languages by adding WHEN and IN constructs to them. In addition, we show that the new proposed schemes for WHEN and IN constructs can be emulated using standard HPF syntax. Finally, we address issues related to automatic data alignment for the new proposed model, and present an algorithm to automatically align programs using our segmented alignment scheme. Since the optimal algorithm to do this is NP-hard, a practical heuristic is also given. Our experiments were performed on a DEC Alpha Farm with HPF environments. Our experiments confirm our theory that our proposed alignment scheme can significantly enhance not only the performance of HPF code fragments with EOSHIFT or CSHIFT operations, but also that of codes produced by synthesis operations.  相似文献   

针对非规则应用的OpenMP制导扩展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许多非规则应用的棱心是稀疏矩阵运算.稀疏矩阵运算的特点是对一个数组元素的引用依赖于另两个数组的元素值,因此具有非规则访存特点.本文针对稀疏矩阵运算特点,提出一种新的OpenMP制导子句indirect,并在机群OpenMP系统OpenMP/JIAJIA上进行了实现.采用一个实的OpenMP应用Equake进行了测试,测试结果表明该制导扩展很有效,对于直接使用该制导子句的函数代码,其性能改进了18%,而整个应用的性能改进了15%.  相似文献   

基于区域图数据流分析的通信优化算法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
减少通信开销对于并行化编译器生成高效的分布代码是非常重要的.首先提出了一个冗余并行执行模型(RPEM)作为通信优化算法生成的目标程序的执行模型,之后给出了区域图的概念和区域最大化算法,在最大化区域图的基础上进行数据流分析可以增大数据流分析粒度,提高分析的效率,同时也有助于通信的提前与合并.最后提出了一种基于区域图数据流分析的通信优化算法.该算法能够进行跨循环、跨过程的数据流分析,提高分析的精度,改善通信优化效果.实验结果表明,该算法对于通信量较大的程序能够有效地减少通信的次数和通信量,具有良好的可扩展性.  相似文献   

一种数据并行中的群通信优化策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
群通信是影响大规模数据并行系统效率的关键因素,其主要发生在程序不同阶段间的数组重分布与循环划分后的数组重映射这两种情况.在一次通信中显著影响群通信效率常被忽视的因素是消息冲突和消息长度的不一致.因为它们会导致进程间大量的空闲等待时间.然而以前的研究要么不能完全避免消息冲突,要么针对某些特殊情况.对此,提出了在数组分布为Block_Cyclic(k)情况下的一种更具有普遍适用性的通信调度策略CSS.通过证明表明该策略能使一个通信步内的消息互不冲突且消息长度尽量相等.从而最小化通信调度生成时间和实际通信时间.最后的测试结果也表明,与传统的通信优化算法和MPI_Alltoallv实现相比,CSS策略使得通信效率得以明显提高.  相似文献   

In many scientific applications, array redistribution is usually required to enhance data locality and reduce remote memory access on distributed memory multicomputers. Since the redistribution is performed at run-time, there is a performance tradeoff between the efficiency of the new data decomposition for a subsequent phase of an algorithm and the cost of redistributing data among processors. In this paper, we present efficient methods for multi-dimensional array redistribution. Based on the previous work, the basic-cycle calculation technique, we present a basic-block calculation (BBC) and a complete-dimension calculation (CDC) techniques. We also developed a theoretical model to analyze the computation costs of these two techniques. The theoretical model shows that the BBC method has smaller indexing costs and performs well for the redistribution with small array size. The CDC method has smaller packing/unpacking costs and performs well when array size is large. When implemented these two techniques on an IBM SP2 parallel machine along with the PITFALLS method and the Prylli's method, the experimental results show that the BBC method has the smallest execution time of these four algorithms when the array size is small. The CDC method has the smallest execution time of these four algorithms when the array size is large.  相似文献   


Unit testing is widely used in software development. One important activity in unit testing is automatic test data generation. Constraint-based test data generation is a technique for automatic generation of test data, which uses symbolic execution to generate constraints. Unit testing only tests functions instead of the whole program, where individual functions typically have preconditions imposed on their inputs. Conventional symbolic execution cannot detect these preconditions, let alone converting these preconditions into constraints. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel unit test data generation approach using rule-directed symbolic execution for dealing with functions with missing input preconditions. Rule-directed symbolic execution uses predefined rules to detect preconditions in the individual function, and generates constraints for inputs based on preconditions. We introduce implicit constraints to represent preconditions, and unify implicit constraints and program constraints into integrated constraints. Test data generated based on integrated constraints can explore previously unreachable code and help developers find more functional faults and logical faults. We have implemented our approach in a tool called CTS-IC, and applied it to real-world projects. The experimental results show that rule-directed symbolic execution can find preconditions (implicit constraints) automatically from an individual function. Moreover, the unit test data generated by our approach achieves higher coverage than similar tools and efficiently mitigates missing input preconditions problems in unit testing for individual functions.


指针别名分析在C语言的并行优化中占有重要的地位,但已有的指针别名分析只能处理指针标量的情况.文章在介绍已有指针别名信息表示法的不足的基础上,提出了一种能够表示指针数组别名信息的表示方法,它可以更加准确地表示指针别名信息.在此表示法的基础上,提出了指针数组的过程内别名分析算法.此算法完全包含了指针标量的别名分析,对现有的指针别名分析算法所不能解决的一些问题能进行有效地处理.  相似文献   

减少通信开销是并行编译优化的主要目标之一.该文针对具有cache一致性的非一致存储访问并行系统(CC-NUMA)的特点,提出通过结合计算变换和数据变换,在统一的代数框架下对并行程序进行通信优化的策略和方法.通过实验测试,验证了此策略和方法是行之有效的.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a prefix code matching parallel load-balancing method (PCMPLB) to efficiently deal with the load imbalance of solution-adaptive finite element application programs on distributed memory multicomputers. The main idea of the PCMPLB method is first to construct a prefix code tree for processors. Based on the prefix code tree, a schedule for performing load transfer among processors can be determined by concurrently and recursively dividing the tree into two subtrees and finding a maximum matching for processors in the two subtrees until the leaves of the prefix code tree are reached. We have implemented the PCMPLB method on an SP2 parallel machine and compared its performance with two load-balancing methods, the directed diffusion method and the multilevel diffusion method, and five mapping methods, the AE/ORB method, the AE/MC method, the MLkP method, the PARTY library method, and the JOSTLE-MS method. An unstructured finite element graph Truss was used as a test sample. During the execution, Truss was refined five times. Three criteria, the execution time of mapping/load-balancing methods, the execution time of an application program under different mapping/load-balancing methods, and the speedups achieved by mapping/load-balancing methods for an application program, are used for the performance evaluation. The experimental results show that (1) if a mapping method is used for the initial partitioning and this mapping method or a load-balancing method is used in each refinement, the execution time of an application program under a load-balancing method is less than that of the mapping method. (2) The execution time of an application program under the PCMPLB method is less than that of the directed diffusion method and the multilevel diffusion method.  相似文献   

分布存储系统的并行编译器需要解决各局部存储器之间数据分布问题和各处理机之间通信优化问题。论文并行编程模型、代码和数据分布、通信优化以及代码生成问题四个方面论述了基于分布存储系统的并行编译关键技术并提出了进一步研究所要解决的问题。  相似文献   

The performance of irregular applications on modern computer systems is hurt by the wide gap between CPU and memory speeds because these applications typically under-utilize multi-level memory hierarchies, which help hide this gap. This paper investigates using data and computation reorderings to improve memory hierarchy utilization for irregular applications. We evaluate the impact of reordering on data reuse at different levels in the memory hierarchy. We focus on coordinated data and computation reordering based on space-filling curves and we introduce a new architecture-independent multi-level blocking strategy for irregular applications. For two particle codes we studied, the most effective reorderings reduced overall execution time by a factor of two and four, respectively. Preliminary experience with a scatter benchmark derived from a large unstructured mesh application showed that careful data and computation ordering reduced primary cache misses by a factor of two compared to a random ordering.  相似文献   

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