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数字图像修复技术综述   总被引:39,自引:6,他引:39       下载免费PDF全文
图像修复是图像复原研究中的一个重要内容,它的目的是根据图像现有的信息来自动恢复丢失的信息,其可以用于旧照片中丢失信息的恢复、视频文字去除以及视频错误隐藏等。为了使人们对该技术有个概略了解,在对目前有关数字图像修复技术的文献进行理解和综合的基础上,首先通过对数字图像修复问题的描述,揭示了数字图像修复的数学背景;接着分别介绍了以下两类图像修复技术:一类是基于几何图像模型的图像修补(inpainting)技术,该技术特别适用于修补图像中的小尺度缺损;另一类是基于纹理合成的图像补全(comp letion)技术,该技术对于填充图像中大的丢失块有较好的效果;然后给出了这两类方法的应用实例;最后基于对数字图像修复问题的理解,提出了对数字图像修复技术的一些展望。  相似文献   

正面人脸图像合成方法综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
随着多视角人脸识别技术需求的不断增长,正面人脸图像合成成了热门的研究课题.然而,从侧面人脸图像准确地合成出正面人脸是一个典型的逆向问题,具有较大的挑战性.对目前正脸图像合成方法进行了系统总结,介绍了几种典型的合成策略,并对这些方法按原理分成了基于图形学的方法和基于统计学习的方法两类分别进行研究.此外,还从算法复杂性、鲁棒性,以及图像合成效果等方面对现有正面人脸图像合成算法进行了对比研究,给出了未来可能的研究方向.  相似文献   

在分析现有图像处理系统的基础上,设计了基于多层次结构的图像合成系统。系统分别从不同窗口导入不同格式的背景图像和目标图像,合成为具有多层次结构的复合图像,对各层图像可以进行几何、颜色、蒙板和滤镜等操作。应用透明显示方法处理了层与层图像之间的遮挡关系。  相似文献   

随着深度学习的快速发展,基于生成对抗网络的文本图像合成领域成为了当下计算机视觉研究的热点。生成对抗网络同时包含生成器和鉴别器,通过两者的博弈来实现逼真数据的生成。受生成对抗网络的启发,近几年提出了一系列的文本图像合成模型,从图像质量、多样性、语义一致性方面不断取得突破。为推动文本图像合成领域的研究发展,对现有文本图像合成技术进行了全面概述。从文本编码、文本直接合成图像、文本引导图像合成方面对文本图像合成模型进行了分类整理,并详细探讨了各类基于生成对抗网络的代表性模型的模型框架和关键性贡献。分析了现有的评估指标和常用的数据集,提出了现有方法在复杂场景和文本、多模态、轻量化模型、模型评价方法等方面的不足和未来的发展趋势。总结了目前生成对抗网络在各领域的发展,重点关注了在文本图像合成领域的应用,可以作为一个研究人员进行图像合成研究时选择深度学习相关方法的权衡和参考。  相似文献   

一幅真实的数字图像中的噪声特征具有一致性,而由多幅数字图像拼接的合成图像的噪声特征没有一致性。本文,我们利用小波变换多分辨率的特点,依据原图像和篡改后图像的平均运算、细节运算不同的原理,采用了支持向量机(SVM)分类器的诸多常用核函数中的S形核函数进行分类识别,提出了基于图像背景噪声的图像伪作检测算法。该方法对于识别合成的数字图像具有显著效果,对合成图像的篡改操作有较好地鲁棒性。  相似文献   

图像合成一直是图像处理领域的研究热点,具有广泛的应用前景。从原图中精确提取出前景目标对象并将其与新背景合成,构造尽量接近真实的图像是图像合成的基本目标。为推动基于深度学习的图像合成技术研究与发展,本文论述了当前图像合成任务中面临的主要问题: 1)前景对象适应性问题,包括前景对象相对于背景图像的大小、位置、几何角度等几何一致性问题,以及前后景互相遮挡、前景对象边缘细节模糊的外观一致性问题; 2)视觉和谐问题,包括前后景色彩、对比度、饱和度等不统一的色调一致性问题,及前景对象丢失对应阴影的阴影缺失问题; 3)生境适应性问题,表现为前景对象与背景图像的逻辑合理性。总结了目前为解决不同问题主要使用的深度学习方法,同时对不同问题中的合成图像结果进行质量评估,总结了相应的评价指标,并介绍了为解决不同问题所使用的公开数据集,同时进行了深度学习方法的对比,描述了图像合成技术的主要应用场景,最后分析了基于深度学习的图像合成技术中仍然存在的不足,同时提出可行的研究意见,并对未来图像合成技术发展方向提出展望。  相似文献   

当前所有的数字图像修复算法都是一种半自动的方法,因为在对图像修复前,都是由用户给出想要修复的区域,而算法无法自动获取照片的破损所在。提出了盲环境下图像自动修复的概念,以基于数字图像的样本修复为基础,改进了基于纹理合成的图像修复算法。首次运用数字图像可信性评估体系于图像修复,并通过可信性综合度量模型判断确定待修复区域。实验证明,该算法最终达到了盲环境下的图像自动修复效果。  相似文献   

对数字图像取证技术进行介绍,重点对数字图图像被动取证的现有技术进行综述。根据数字图像被动取证技术中不同算法所选用的特征量各不相同,将现有的技术方法分为3大类:基于图像内容的被动取证、基于成像过程的被动取证、基于物理原理的被动取证。分别介绍了3大类方法的特征及其所属各种典型算法,并对每一类中的各种典型算法进行分析比较和总结。最后提出了数字图像被动取证的不足之处和未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

灭火救援虚拟场景的构建与显示是计算机模拟训练系统的核心部分.数字图像合成技术在电影、电视等领域有广泛的应用.主要研究如何应用数字图像合成技术构建虚拟灾害场景.包括场景元素的创建、场景元素与背景的合成、循环的实现以及灾害场景模型结构设计与实现等,并应用Direct3D和XML技术予以实现.分析表明:应用数字图像合成技术可以构建基于实景照片和视频的灭火救援虚拟场景,而且制作简单,效果良好.  相似文献   

马尔科夫随机场化的光照一致图像合成方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对图像合成中源图像与目标图像光照环境不一致造成直接合成图像不逼真的问题,提出一种基于马尔科夫随机场的光照一致图像合成方法.首先基于加权的泊松克隆方法构建梯度保持的光滑约束,削弱传统的泊松克隆方法在合成边界源图像和目标图像光照差异变化剧烈时产生的渗透效应;然后基于直方图对齐的方法构建光照一致的数据约束,保持合成图像前、背景亮度主轴的一致性;最后根据合成边界源图像的边缘特性以及源图像和目标图像光照差异变化的剧烈程度自适应地调整2项约束的权重,并采用融合局部和全局一致性的学习算法对构建的马尔科夫随机场函数进行快速求解.实验结果表明,该方法产生的合成效果在梯度特征保持方面以及亮度一致性方面均优于传统的泊松克隆方法,同时收敛速度得到了提高.  相似文献   

This study strives to establish an objective basis for image compositing in satellite oceanography. Image compositing is a powerful technique for cloud filtering that often emphasizes cloud clearing at the expense of obtaining synoptic coverage. Although incomplete cloud removal in image compositing is readily apparent, the loss of synopticity, often, is not. Consequently, the primary goal of image compositing should be to obtain the greatest amount of cloud-free coverage or clarity in a period short enough that synopticity, to a significant degree, is preserved.To illustrate the process of image compositing and the problems associated with it, we selected a region off the coast of California and constructed two 16-day image composites, one, during the spring, and the second, during the summer of 2006, using Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) InfraRed (IR) satellite imagery. Based on the results of cloud clearing for these two 16-day sequences, rapid cloud clearing occurred up to day 4 or 5, followed by much slower cloud clearing out to day 16, suggesting an explicit basis for the growth in cloud clearing. By day 16, the cloud clearing had, in most cases, exceeded 95%. Based on these results, a shorter compositing period could have been employed without a significant loss in clarity.A method for establishing an objective basis for selecting the period for image compositing is illustrated using observed data. The loss in synopticity, which, in principle, could be estimated from pattern correlations between the images in the composite, was estimated from a separate time series of SST since the loss of synopticity, in our approach, is only a function of time. The autocorrelation function of the detrended residuals provided the decorrelation time scale and the basis for the decay process, which, together, define the loss of synopticity. The results show that (1) the loss of synopticity and the gain in clarity are inversely related, (2) an objective basis for selecting a compositing period corresponds to the day number where the decay and growth curves for synopticity and clarity intersect, and (3), in this case, the point of intersection occurred 3.2 days into the compositing period. By applying simple mathematics it was shown that the intersection time for the loss in synopticity and the growth in clarity is directly proportional to the initial conditions required to specify the clarity at the beginning of the compositing period, and inversely proportional to the sum of the rates of growth for clarity and the loss in synopticity. Finally, we consider these results to be preliminary in nature, and, as a result, hope that future work will bring forth significant improvements in the approach outlined in this study.  相似文献   

Because of intensive inter‐node communications, image compositing has always been a bottleneck in parallel visualization systems. In a heterogeneous networking environment, the variation of link bandwidth and latency adds more uncertainty to the system performance. In this paper, we present a pipelining image compositing algorithm in heterogeneous networking environments, which is able to rearrange the direction of data flow of a compositing pipeline under strict ordering constraint. We introduce a novel directional image compositing operator that specifies not only the color and α channels of the output but also the direction of data flow when performing compositing. Based on this new operator, we thoroughly study the properties of image compositing pipelines in heterogeneous environments. We develop an optimization algorithm that could find the optimal pipeline from an exponentially large searching space in polynomial time. We conducted a comprehensive evaluation on the ns‐3 network simulator. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of our method. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了获得更少瑕疵的图像合成结果,提出了一种融合图像合成的抠图算法,将抠图与图像合成融为一个统一的过程。通过将待合成背景的信息引入抠图过程,新算法能够更有针对性地进行抠图。理论分析和实验结果说明了当待合成背景与原图像近似的情况下,新算法能够有效地减少抠图误估计带来的影响;当待合成背景与原图像颜色差异较大的情况下,亦能获得较好的合成结果。  相似文献   

In the sort-last-sparse parallel volume rendering system on distributed memory multicomputers, one can achieve a very good performance improvement in the rendering phase by increasing the number of processors. This is because each processor can render images locally without communicating with other processors. However, in the compositing phase, a processor has to exchange local images with other processors. When the number of processors exceeds a threshold, the image compositing time becomes a bottleneck. In this paper, we propose three compositing methods to efficiently reduce the compositing time in parallel volume rendering. They are the binary-swap with bounding rectangle (BSBR) method, the binary-swap with run-length encoding and static load-balancing (BSLC) method, and the binary-swap with bounding rectangle and run-length encoding (BSBRC) method. The proposed methods were implemented on an SP2 parallel machine along with the binary-swap compositing method. The experimental results show that the BSBRC method has the best performance among these four methods.  相似文献   

Scientific datasets of large volumes generated by next-generation computational sciences need to be transferred and processed for remote visualization and distributed collaboration among a geographically dispersed team of scientists. Parallel visualization using high-performance computing facilities is a typical approach to processing such increasingly large datasets. We propose an optimized image compositing scheme with linear pipeline and adaptive transport to support efficient image delivery to a remote client. The proposed scheme arranges an arbitrary number of parallel processors within a cluster in a linear order and divides the image into a carefully selected number of segments, which flow through the linear in-cluster pipeline and wide-area networks to the remote client consecutively. We analytically determine the segment size that minimizes the final image display time and derive the conditions where the proposed image compositing and delivery scheme outperforms the traditional schemes including the binary swap algorithm. In order to match the transport throughput for image delivery over wide-area networks to the pipelining rate for image compositing within the cluster, we design a class of transport protocols using stochastic approximation methods that are able to stabilize the data flow at a target rate. The experimental results from remote visualization of large-scale scientific datasets justify the correctness of our theoretical analysis and illustrate the superior performances of the proposed method.  相似文献   

数字篡改图像即使做的很逼真,没有留下肉眼可见的篡改证据,但图像原先的统计学规律已经改变.合成图像一般是将不同图像中的人或物体拼接到一起.由于光线是有方向的,所以在进行这种操作的时候图像的光线很难完全吻合,因此光线的不吻合可以作为判断篡改图像的依据.而单个图像的光照方向可以用Pentland方法估计出来,把篡改图像分割就可以得到图像不同部分的光照方向,并据此判断图像光照方向是否吻合.实验证明Pentland方法检测人像合成图像具有良好的效果.  相似文献   

通过生成对抗网络的对抗学习生成仿真图像,已成为人工智能领域的一个研究热点.为了进一步提高生成图像的质量,本文提出了多判别器协同合作的网络框架——采用多个判别器为唯一生成器提供联合损失量,并通过不同的学习率保持各个判别器的差异性.同时,为了满足判别器的Lipschitz连续条件,本文所有的判别器网络一律进行谱归一化操作.实验表明,本文提出的基于多判别器合作框架的生成对抗网络表现较优.  相似文献   

In digital image editing, environment matting and compositing are fundamental and interesting operations that can capture and simulate the refraction and reflection effects of light from an environment. The state‐of‐the‐art real‐time environment matting and compositing method is short of flexibility, in the sense that it has to repeat the entire complex matte acquisition process if the distance between the object and the background is different from that in the acquisition stage, and also lacks accuracy, in the sense that it can only remove noises but not errors. In this paper, we introduce the concept of refractive vector and propose to use a refractive vector field as a new representation for environment matte. Such refractive vector field provides great flexibility for transparent‐object environment matting and compositing. Particularly, with only one process of the matte acquisition and the refractive vector field extraction, we are able to composite the transparent object into an arbitrary background at any distance. Furthermore, we introduce a piecewise vector field fitting algorithm to simultaneously remove both noises and errors contained in the extracted matte data. Experimental results show that our method is less sensitive to artefacts and can generate perceptually good composition results for more general scenarios.  相似文献   

画作图像合成旨在将两个不同来源的图像分别作为前景和背景融合在一起,这通常需要局部风格迁移。现有算法过程繁琐且耗时,不能做到实时的图像合成。针对这一缺点,提出了基于生成式对抗网络(generative adversarial net,GAN)的前向生成模型(PainterGAN)。PainterGAN的自注意力机制和U-Net结构控制合成过程中前景的语义内容不变。同时,对抗学习保证逼真的风格迁移。在实验中,使用预训练模型作为PainterGAN的生成器,极大地节省了计算时间和成本。实验结果表明,比起已有方法,PainterGAN生成了质量相近甚至更好的图像,生成速度也提升了400倍,在解决局部风格迁移问题上是高质量、高效率的。  相似文献   

We present a new, high‐quality compositing pipeline and navigation approach for variable resolution imagery. The motivation of this work is to explore the use of variable resolution images as a quick and accessible alternative to traditional gigapixel mosaics. Instead of the common tedious acquisition of many images using specialized hardware, variable resolution images can achieve similarly deep zooms as large mosaics, but with only a handful of images. For this approach to be a viable alternative, the state‐of‐the‐art in variable resolution compositing needs to be improved to match the high‐quality approaches commonly used in mosaic compositing. To this end, we provide a novel, variable resolution mosaic seam calculation and gradient domain color correction. This approach includes a new priority order graph cuts computation along with a practical data structure to keep memory overhead low. In addition, navigating variable resolution images is challenging, especially at the zoom factors targeted in this work. To address this challenge, we introduce a new image interaction for variable resolution imagery: a pan that automatically, and smoothly, hugs available resolution. Finally, we provide several real‐world examples of our approach producing high‐quality variable resolution mosaics with deep zooms typically associated with gigapixel photography.  相似文献   

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