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This 4-yr longitudinal study of 191 girls and 185 boys living in intact families in the rural Midwest examines the trajectories of life events and depressive symptoms in adolescence. The trajectories of depressive symptoms differ between boys and girls. Compared with boys, girls experienced a greater number of depressive symptoms after age 13. Changes in uncontrollable events are associated with the increases in girls' but not boys' depressive symptoms. Latent growth curve analyses show that, over 4 yrs, (1) depressive symptoms for girls changed according to a curvilinear pattern that is associated with changes in stressful events; (2) the level of depressive symptoms is related to the level of life events for both boys and girls; and (3) change in depressive symptoms is significantly related to change in stressful events only for girls. Girls living with less supportive mothers are more vulnerable to negative life changes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The bidirectional relation between life events and self-reported depression was examined across a 1-year period. With Time 1 depression controlled, Time 2 stress accounted for an additional 10% of Time 2 depressive symptoms. Health-related stress, family violence, and financial stress at Time 2 predicted Time 2 depression after control for Time 1 depression. With Time 1 stress controlled, Time 2 depression accounted for 8% of the variance in Time 2 stress. Time 2 depression predicted Time 2 health-related stress, financial stress, household changes, spouse–partner stress, family violence stress, and substance abuse stress, controlling for each of these stressors at Time 1. The results describe a complex relation between stress and depression and suggest that the relation between stress and depression is moderated by the type of stress. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

55 female and 22 male undergraduates completed the Bem Sex-Role Inventory, a stressful life-events (SLE) questionnaire, and some general questions on adjustment. Ss were also asked to rate the SLEs they had experienced in the prior 12 mo along the dimensions of desirability, amount of change, anticipation, control, and meaningfulness. As hypothesized, androgynous Ss rated their SLEs as less undesirable than other Ss, but this result held only for females. Undifferentiated Ss rated their SLEs as less meaningful than other Ss, and androgynous Ss rated themselves as happier than other Ss. Of the 5 examined dimensions, only meaningfulness was significantly related to happiness. Results may be related to the differential access to and/or use of social support systems by persons of different sex types. (22 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

It was hypothesized that women are more vulnerable to depressive symptoms than men because they are more likely to experience chronic negative circumstances (or strain), to have a low sense of mastery, and to engage in ruminative coping. The hypotheses were tested in a 2-wave study of approximately 1,100 community-based adults who were 25 to 75 years old. Chronic strain, low mastery, and rumination were each more common in women than in men and mediated the gender difference in depressive symptoms. Rumination amplified the effects of mastery and, to some extent, chronic strain on depressive symptoms. In addition, chronic strain and rumination had reciprocal effects on each other over time, and low mastery also contributed to more rumination. Finally, depressive symptoms contributed to more rumination and less mastery over time. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Large sample average ratings of the amount of life change caused by experiencing selected events (e.g., marriage, loss of job, and change of residence) have become a popular means for indexing levels of stress in studies relating social factors to physical disease and psychiatric disability. The present investigation assessed whether change alone provides an adequate representation of the salient qualities of life events and whether individuals differ systematically in their perceptions of qualitative features of events. A 3-mode factor analysis was applied to ratings by 85 undergraduates of 44 events on 6 bipolar scales. Three S factors, 3 event factors, and 3 scale factors were obtained, with the pattern of interrelations among the 3 sets of factors indicating that different types of individuals rated qualities of events in different ways. It is concluded that important characteristics of events may vary widely among individuals and that future assessment of the properties of life stress be both multidimensional and specific for individuals. (30 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined the role of childhood abuse and neglect in sensitizing adolescents to the effects of proximal stressful life events in a cross-sectional sample of 103 depressed and nondepressed adolescents. Consistent with hypotheses, adolescents with a history of childhood abuse and/or neglect reported a lower level of threat of stressful life events prior to episode onset than that reported by those without. This effect was specific to those on their 1st episode of depression and was specific to independent events (i.e., stressors outside of adolescents' control). Further, this effect was robust when controlling for level of chronic difficulties, which was higher in those with childhood abuse and/or neglect. The authors suggest that childhood abuse and/or neglect may be an important risk factor that sensitizes individuals to the effects of acute independent life events. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The relation between adolescent negative adjustment and differences in parent–child ratings of parents' warmth and negativity was examined with a national sample of 720 families. It was predicted that perceptual differences (PDs) would be linked to more negative adjustment. Adjustment was regressed on PDs, which were calculated as absolute differences between parent and child ratings of parenting. Results showed that PDs were significantly associated with adjustment independent of the level of parenting behavior. Associations differed by gender for PDs over maternal verbal aggression. Some of the most important results were curvilinear effects indicating that both high and low, but not medium, levels of PDs are linked with maladjustment. Finally, differences between younger and older adolescents were found: The linear relationship between PDs over parental negativity and maladjustment disappeared for older adolescents. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Replicated D. T. Lykken's study (see record 1968-18058-001) to resolve the conflict between the findings of S. R. Maddi et al (see record 1987-22446-001) and those of D. H. Schroeder and P. T. Costa (see record 1984-23643-001) regarding the impact of negative affectivity (NA; i.e., neuroticism) contaminated life event items on observed life event–illness relationships. Among 330 managers and professionals, NA-contaminated items correlated significantly with 3 measures of well-being (depression, life satisfaction, and physical symptoms). In 2 of 3 cases, correlations between contaminated items and well-being measures were significantly different from correlations between uncontaminated items and well-being indicators. Prior life event–well-being findings may be inflated considerably by the use of NA-contaminated events. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined associations between life events, social support, and depressive symptoms in a sample of 709 married women. Ss were administered the SCL-90, a life events scale, a social support scale, and a marital conflict scale in 1981 and again 1 yr later. For a sample of 473 Ss who initially were relatively asymptomatic and reported nonconflicted marital relationships, life events and social support were significant prospective predictors of depressive symptomatology (assessed 1 yr later). In contrast, identical analyses performed on the full, unselected sample yielded discrepant, likely misleading, results. The implications of these findings for the longitudinal study of dynamically interactive processes are discussed. (32 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The current study examined whether the personality traits of self-criticism or dependency moderated the effect of stressful life events on treatment response. Depressed outpatients (N = 113) were randomized to 16 weeks of cognitive–behavioral therapy, interpersonal psychotherapy, or antidepressant medication (ADM). Stressful life events were assessed with the Bedford College Life Events and Difficulties Schedule. Severe events reported during or immediately prior to treatment predicted poor response in the ADM condition but not in the psychotherapy conditions. In contrast, nonsevere life events experienced prior to onset predicted superior response to treatment. Further, self-criticism moderated the relation of severe life events to outcome across conditions, such that in the presence of severe stress those high in self-criticism were less likely to respond to treatment than were those low in self-criticism. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Numerous studies have identified depressive symptoms as antecedent to stressful experiences. However, the interrelations of depressive symptoms, personal resources, and coping as antecedents of stressful experiences are largely unknown. For this investigation, a prospective design was used to test a model estimating two categories of daily hassles at Time 2 in relation to depressive symptoms, self-esteem, gender, coping, and daily hassles at Time 1. Utilizing simultaneous equations, direct effects were observed for depressive symptoms, Time 1 hassles, gender, and avoidance coping in relation to category of hassles at Time 2. Depressive symptoms and avoidance coping were observed to be mediators for gender and self-esteem. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Obvious Depression Scale was administered to 739 community residents at ages 50, 60, and 80 years, with 151 present at all waves. Although selective attrition influenced the level of depressive symptoms in cross-sectional vs. longitudinal samples, both sets of analyses revealed higher scores in women than in men at ages 50 and 60, but not at age 80. Men showed increases in depressive symptoms from age 60 to 80, but women did not (interaction p ?  相似文献   

Testing a model suggested by J. Bowlby (1988), this study investigated how a personal vulnerability (attachment ambivalence) interacts with perceptions of deficient spousal support before and during a major life stressor (the transition to parenthood) to predict pre-to-postnatal increases in depressive symptoms. Highly ambivalent women who entered parenthood perceiving either less support or greater anger from their husbands experienced pre-to-postnatal increases in depressive symptoms at 6 months postpartum. The associations between these 2 prenatal interaction terms and pre-to-postnatal increases in depressive symptoms were mediated by perceptions of declining spousal support across the transition period. Moreover, for highly ambivalent women, the association between prenatal and postnatal depression scores was mediated by perceptions of the amount of support available from their husbands. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We tested Beck's (1983) hypothesis that depressive symptoms occur when an individual experiences a negative life event that specifically matches the individual's personal motivational vulnerability. Ninety-eight undergraduates completed measures of depression level, recent life events, and sociotropic and autonomous achievement motivations. Consistent with the theory, sociotropy was associated with depression level and also served as a moderator of the relations between depression and frequency of recent negative social events. However, sociotropy also demonstrated nonpredicted interactive effects with negative events categorized a priori as autonomy related. Autonomy was unrelated to depression and showed no evidence of being a vulnerability to any type of life event. The findings generally support the value of examining the role in depression of interactions between personality characteristics and life events, although they do not support the specific matching predictions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

40 depressed (mean age 40 yrs) and 30 nondepressed (mean age 38 yrs 3 mo) inpatients' attributions and other cognitions were assessed for 3 types of situations: stressful life events (the Beck Depression Inventory), hypothetical events (Attributional Styles Questionnaire), and experimental (noise-escape) tasks. Depressed Ss manifested a greater depressive attributional style in response to stressful life events but did not differ from nondepressed Ss in their attributions of hypothetical events or experimental tasks. Correlations assessing cross-situational consistency of attributions were largely nonsignificant. Corrections for attenuation and analyses of trained evaluators' ratings of Ss' attributions did not substantially alter the pattern of results. (11 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

There are no gender differences in depression rates in prepubescent children, but, after the age of 15, girls and women are about twice as likely to be depressed as boys and men. In this article, 3 models for how gender differences in depression might develop in early adolescence are described and evaluated. According to Model I, the causes of depression are the same for girls and boys, but these causes become more prevalent in girls than in boys in early adolescence. According to Model 2, there are different causes of depression in girls and boys, and the causes of girls' depression become more prevalent than the causes of boys' depression in early adolescence. According to Model 3, girls are more likely than boys to carry risk factors for depression even before early adolescence, but these risk factors lead to depression only in the face of challenges that increase in prevalence in early adolescence. Evidence for the variables most commonly thought to contribute to gender differences in depression in children and adolescents is reviewed, and this evidence is related to the 3 models for how these differences develop. It is concluded that Model 3 is best supported by the available data, although much more research is needed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

93 adult women completed a depression scale and a checklist on stressful life events and were interviewed 1 wk later in their homes. With the interview as the criterion, the checklist assessed stressful life events with a sensitivity of .89 and a specificity of .57. The corresponding figures for the assessment of chronic difficulties were .86 and .55. For the total sample, sensitivity and specificity were .88 and .67 for life events and .75 and .75 for chronic difficulties. Interview and checklist techniques were highly correlated when a severe life event had not occurred (negative predictive value), but events marked on the checklist had a 20–27% correspondence to events related in the interview (positive predictive value). (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors investigated whether several life events or concerns were differentially related to depressive symptoms across 3 adult age groups (young adults, middle-aged adults, and older adults). They examined the relationships of 2 measures of depressive symptoms to work status and satisfaction, relationship status and satisfaction, loneliness, recent losses, parenting strain, and caregiving. Some differences between age groups in these relationships were found. Yet, most results suggested that, although the frequency with which people experience specific life events or concerns varies across the adult life span, the relationships between these events or concerns and depressive symptoms are similar across age groups. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Within the framework of the theory of adult male psychosocial development outlined by D. J. Levinson et al (1978), the present study explored the relationship between ego identity, commitment age, and recent life change stress among 272 27–34 yr old Roman Catholic religious professional men. Instruments included the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Rotter's Internal–External Locus of Control Scale, and the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale. A religious life experience survey was developed to measure recent life-change stress. As predicted, Ss with higher levels of ego identity characterized recent life change less negatively; those with lower levels judged it to be more noxious. Commitment age was not related to the percentage of recent life changes characterized as negative or to ego identity level. Multiple regression analysis demonstrated that ego identity contributed modestly but significantly to the percentage of recent life change characterized as negative. Findings indicate that a well-developed identity structure is both a stable frame of reference and a mediator of stressful life events, and that a poorly developed sense of identity is more closely related to Ss rating recent life change events as having a negative impact on their lives. (57 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Despite the well-known relevance of comorbidity, few studies have examined the impact of comorbid anxiety or externalizing symptoms on the prevention of depressive symptoms in adolescents. To replicate earlier positive effects of a cognitive-behavioral prevention program of depressive symptoms and to test the hypothesis that the prevention program would be less effective in adolescents with comorbid anxiety and externalizing symptoms, the authors conducted a study involving 301 8th-grade students randomly divided into an intervention group and a nonintervention control group. The randomized design included baseline, postintervention, and 6-month follow-up. The prevention program included 10 sessions held in a regular school setting. The prevention program showed positive effects on depressive symptoms independent of comorbid symptoms. These effects were found mainly with girls independent of their depressive symptoms at baseline, and in part with boys with less severe depressive symptoms at baseline. It is surprising that negative effects of the prevention program on depressive symptoms were found on the depression of boys with more severe depressive symptoms at baseline. The prevention program's low rate of attrition and high recruitment rate support the generalizability of the results. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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