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Lower Silurian Longmaxi Shale(SLS) in southeastern Sichuan Basin, China, was analyzed for major and selected trace elements, and their provenance, intensity of palaeoweathering of the source rocks were analyzed based on these elements. The results show that SiO_2, Al_2O_3 and Fe_2O_3, are dominant major elements with average contents of 60.59%, 15.91% and 5.87% in Upper Silurian Longmaxi Shale(USLS), and 65.14%, 13.24% and 4.68% in Lower Silurian Longmaxi Shale(LSLS). The TiO_2-Zr plot, Hf(ppm) versus La/Th discriminant diagram, and abundance of Cr and Ni suggest a dominantly felsic source for the Longmaxi sediments. Average chemical index of alteration(CIA), plagioclase index of alteration(PIA) values(64.05% and 72.86%, respectively) imply low-degree chemical weathering of the source material in early Longmaxi time, and average CIA, PIA values(68.44% and 80.35%, respectively) imply moderate chemical weathering of the source material in late Longmaxi time.  相似文献   

泥页岩的热演化是其在不同地质时期的成熟度状态,对油气藏的勘探开发与油气资源评价都具有重要意义。泥页岩的热演化主要受时间与温度的控制,其中又以温度为主。利用等效镜质体反射率与磷灰石裂变径迹古温标数据重建川东地区热史,分析川东地区下志留统龙马溪组热演化史,讨论热演化与页岩气的关系。结果表明:川东地区晚元古代—晚古生代热状态稳定,热流较低(45~50 mW·m-2),于海西期开始热流逐渐升高,晚二叠世(250 Ma左右)达到最高值(60~80 mW·m-2),随后热流持续降低直至现今(45~65 mW·m-2);龙马溪组成熟度演化与生烃过程呈阶段性,存在两次快速成熟,分别对应海西期东吴运动地壳拉张与晚三叠世以来的地层快速埋深;龙马溪组于晚白垩世(约80 Ma)达到最高热演化程度,随后开始遭受抬升降温,生烃作用停止;泥页岩热演化与页岩气密切相关,龙马溪组页岩气成藏可划分为生物气阶段(250~430 Ma)、热解气阶段(80~250 Ma)与抬升改造阶段(0~80 Ma),经历快速成熟演化保证了充足的气量并促进了储集空间的形成,后期快速抬升降温改善了泥页岩储集性能,有利于页岩气的保存。  相似文献   

川东小河坝砂岩天然气成藏地球化学研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
天然气成藏地球化学研究包括气源、生烃时期、烃源灶及圈闭形成时间等内容。从天然气组成、碳同位素分析入手,确定川东下志留统小河坝砂岩天然气气源为龙马溪组黑色页岩、深灰色泥岩;通过有机相分析、埋藏史分析、TTI计算,认为源岩生烃潜力大,晚三叠世至早株罗世达到生烃高峰期,形成两个大面积的源灶,可提供充足的烃源;再利用构造演化史、流体包裹体均一温度确定关键时刻为晚三叠-早侏罗世。在天然气成藏地球化学分析的基础上,建立了小河坝砂岩的天然气成藏体系。  相似文献   

A series of marine natural gas fields were recently discovered in oolitic dolomites of the Lower Triassic Feixianguan formation, northeastern Sichuan Basin, southwest China. The mechanism forming these reservoir dolomites is debatable, limiting the ability to characterize these reservoir successfully. Based on the investigation of the representative Dukouhe, Luojiazhai, and Puguang areas, this issue was addressed by examining the distribution, petrology, and geochemistry of the dolomites, the most comprehensive study to date was provided. Dolomitization occurred at a very early stage of diagenesis, as shown by the petrological features of the rock fabric. Vadose silt, which is composed primarily of dolomitic clasts, is found in the primary and secondary pores of the oolitic dolomite. This indicates that the overlying strata were subjected to dolomitization when the Feixianguan formation was located in the vadose zone. Therefore, it may be inferred that the dolomitization which occurred before the formation was exposed to meteoric conditions. The spatial distribution and geochemical characteristics of the dolomite indicate that dolomitization occurred as a result of seepage reflux. The degree of dolomitization decreases with increasing distance from the evaporative lagoon. Furthermore, the type and porosity of the dolomite vary in different zones of the upward-shoaling sequence, with the porosity gradually decreasing from the highest layer to the lowest layer. This reflects a close relationship between dolomitization and seawater evaporation during the formation of the dolomite. Geochemical analysis provided further evidence for the relationship between the dolomitization fluid and the coeval seawater. The 87Sr/86Sr and 813C isotopes, as well as the abundances of trace elements, Fe and Mn, indicate that seawater concentrated by evaporation acted as the dolomitization fluid. These results also show that dolomitization most likely occurred in a semi-closed diagenetic environment. Therefore, the main mechanism of ool  相似文献   

在对四川盆地嘉陵江组沉积背景认识的基础上,通过大量岩芯观察、薄片鉴定,进而进行准确定名并按成岩作用是否对孔缝形成有利及对油气生、运、储是否有贡献,将成岩作用划分出建设:生成岩作用(白云石化作用,溶蚀作用--膏溶、岩溶作用,构造破裂作用),破坏性成岩作用(压实、收缩和压溶作用,胶结作用,强重结晶作用,自生矿物的形成作用,溶孔及裂缝的充填作用)两种成岩作用.同时对孔隙成因作出分析,且找出岩石学方面的证据.依据镜下薄片鉴定与有机地化手段相结合,对四川盆地下三叠统嘉陵江组成岩作用作详细研究,并对成岩演化史进行恢复.综合考虑多种因素,不同成岩作用形成成岩期次及与孔隙演化关系,对嘉陵江组成岩作用取得了较全面、正确的认识,为全新认识四川盆地嘉陵江组储集空间提供了有力的地质依据.  相似文献   

为了探讨层序格架对油气成藏的控制作用,深入了解层序和沉积之间的关系,综合运用地震、岩心、测井等资料及井-震结合对比分析,将塔中地区志留系划分为两个三级层序,结合油气成藏条件分析,提出了层序格架控制下的油气成藏模式.结果表明:塔中地区志留系存在4类油气成藏模式.海侵构造型,受层序与构造双重控制,SQ1海侵域下沥青砂岩段发育砂坪和潮汐水道优质储层,与上覆灰色泥岩形成优质储盖组合,油气经断裂向上运移,在构造高部位可成藏;高位岩性型,受沉积与断裂控制,SQ1高位域上沥青砂岩段和SQ2高位域上砂岩段多为混合坪沉积,易形成岩性圈闭,油气由断裂及连通砂体运移至其中可成藏;地层型,受控于层序地层展布,SQ1底部下沥青砂岩存在地层超覆,受上覆泥岩遮挡可形成地层不整合遮挡型或岩性上倾尖灭型油气藏;在井区北部地层埋藏较深未遭受剥蚀区域发育有古油藏残余型.  相似文献   

在对川西南雷波等区块地表出露的上奥陶统五峰组—下志留统龙马溪组观察和取样分析测试的基础上,研究四川盆地及周缘五峰—龙马溪组页岩沉积相、空间展布、有机地化、泥页岩物性及岩石物性、成熟度等页岩气地质条件特征.样品分析数据和研究表明,该套泥页岩具有厚度大、有机碳高、成熟度高和含气量高等特点,具备页岩气藏发育的良好地质条件.  相似文献   

柯坪地区物源及演化与塔里木盆地的古地理位置密切相关。通过对下志留统碎屑锆石的形态特征和U-Pb年龄分布特征进行分析,系统研究了柯坪地区下志留统的物源及其演化。结果表明:柯坪地区下志留统锆石均为岩浆锆石,锆石U-Pb年龄反映的是成岩年龄或结晶年龄,可有效指示物源区;下志留统柯坪塔格组的物源区主要为沙雅隆起西部、塔中隆起及塔西南前缘隆起,之后受海侵的影响,塔中隆起被海水淹没,下志留统塔塔埃尔塔格组的物源区演变为沙雅隆起西部、塔西南前缘隆起及塔中隆起的南部于田、康西瓦地区;满加尔凹陷的存在使得柯坪地区与塔中、塔东地区的物源具有很大的差异;900~700Ma的锆石年龄谱表明,塔里木地块与冈瓦纳大陆具有一定的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

To predict joint development characteristics of coal seams, joint characteristics of rock seams from 88 field stations were observed and comparisons were made between joint characteristics of coal and rock seams at 10 coal outcrops. Additionally, detailed joint measurements of underground coal seams were taken at two coal mines. This study investigated the effects of seam thickness, lithology, and structure on joint development and established the relationship between joint development of coal and rock seams, which allowed predictions of predominant joint densities for the No.5 coal seam in the southeastern margin of the Ordos basin. The results show that outcrop and underground coal seams exhibit the same joint systems as rock seams. The joints are mainly upright. Predominant joints strike 55° on average, followed by joints striking 320°. The joint density of the coal seam is 18.7–22.5 times that of the sandstone seam at the same thickness. The predominant joint density of the No.5 coal seam, controlled by the structure, is ∼4–20 joints per meter. Joint densities exhibit high values at intersecting areas of faults and folds and decrease values in structurally stable areas. The permeability increases exponentially with increasing density of the predominant joints.  相似文献   

The sequence stratigraphy and geochronology of the terrestrial dinosaur-bearing strata,i.e.,the Qiupa Formation,were poorly studied in the Luanchuan-Tantou Basin in western Henan,China.This study shows that these strata represent a complete succession from the Late Cretaceous to the early Paleogene,including the K/T boundary,in this area.Here we report a detailed study of the K/T boundary,especially its stratigraphic sequence,sedimentary characteristics,integrity,continuity,and geological implications.  相似文献   

川西北地区早志留世瘤状灰岩的类型,成因及意义   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据本区“瘤状灰岩”的分布、成分及特征,作者将其划分为A、E、C三种类型。A、B型的成因与蓝绿藻的活动有密切关系,与生物礁、丘一起,沉积于浅缓坡位置.C型瘤状灰岩的成因与压溶作用有关,处于深缓坡位置。本区瘤状灰岩具有一定的含油气性.  相似文献   

为了更加精细地表征沁水盆地海陆过渡相页岩储层物性特征和含气性特征,以沁水盆地Y3井山西组和太原组页岩为研究对象,通过有机地球化学测试、扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线衍射、高压压汞和低温氮吸附等试验,并结合等温吸附试验和含气量测试,对Y3井石炭-二叠系页岩储层物性特征和含气性进行评价,结果表明:(1)页岩有机质类型为Ⅲ型,总...  相似文献   

随着中国社会经济的发展,人们对精神文化产品的需求日益增长,在此背景下,博物馆特别是行业博物馆在中国得到了迅速发展。有些行业博物馆在满足社会公众的精神需求的同时,也存在目标定位不清、发展思路不明等问题。现以中国水利博物馆为例,对其未来发展中的目标定位与思路进行了深入探讨,以期为其它行业博物馆的未来发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

通过岩石薄片、铸体薄片、扫描电镜等多种测试方法,对川东南涪陵地区下侏罗系大安寨页岩储层特征及控制因素进行详细研究。研究认为,大安寨段储层岩石类型主要为上部灰岩段和中部泥页岩段,物性表现为低孔低渗特征,孔隙类型以构造缝和溶蚀缝为主;此外沉积作用、成岩作用及裂缝发育程度是控制该区储层物性的关键因素,其中沉积作用控制优质储层的平面分布,成岩作用中溶蚀作用为建设性成岩作用,重结晶作用为破坏性成岩作用,而裂缝发育程度是气藏聚集的主控因素。  相似文献   

四川盆地下侏罗统陆相有机质演化特征与油气分布规律   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了四川盆地区域地质概况;采用多种有机地球化学分析方法,论述了四川盆地下侏罗统大安寨段陆相有机质丰度、类型、热演化特征和成油气史;研究了生、运、聚与油气成藏关系;指出位于生油中心西南侧的早期古隆起圈闭是今后勘探开发的重点。  相似文献   

构造成岩作用是控制天然裂缝形成、分布及其有效性演化规律的主要因素,对预测有效裂缝分布规律具有重要意义.为了阐明构造成岩作用对有效裂缝的控制作用,根据野外露头、岩心以及薄片等资料,对库车前陆盆地白垩系致密砂岩储层裂缝的成因类型、有效性及其分布规律进行了分析,结合研究区构造演化和成岩作用分析,讨论了构造成岩作用对裂缝发育程度和有效性的影响.认为研究区发育有构造裂缝和成岩裂缝,以构造裂缝为主,裂缝发育程度主要受沉积微相、构造变形强度和成岩相控制.结果表明:研究区从北部的克拉苏构造带向南至前缘隆起带,裂缝的发育程度逐渐降低,但有效性却逐渐变好,说明裂缝发育程度和其有效性是受不同因素控制的,构造变形时间、后期构造抬升剥蚀作用、现今应力场方向、胶结作用以及溶蚀作用等是影响裂缝有效性的主要因素.  相似文献   

基于《城镇土地分等定级规程(GB_T18507-2014)》,并参考城镇土地分等定级相关理论研究,以四川省的18个城镇为样本,结合实际选取了6类20个指标进行研究分析.以主成分分析法确定权重,聚类分析法确定土地等别,最终将四川省城镇土地分为5个等别,为科学评估四川省基准地价和发掘土地潜力奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Breccia lava is a type of rock in transition between volcanic clastic rock and lava. Its physical properties are comparatively special, while the nature of its genesis and the formation of reservoirs, deposits and concentrations vary considerably. In order to discover the different genesis for breccia lava reservoirs, our study has been carried out on breccia lava for its rock constituents, structures, diagenesis and reconstruction from tectonic movements to mineral depositions. From our analysis, we conclude that the main type of reservoir is a secondary emposieu, where rock compositions, structures, diagenesis and tectonic action are the major contributing factors to the deposition of breccia lava and its properties. Diagenesis constrained the extent of conservation of the primary pore of breccia lava and produced secondary porosity. The roles of tectonics were played out through the formation controlling tectonic fissures inside breccia lava and affected the impermeability of breccia lava fluids. The constituents of lava rock determine directly the type of diagenesis and its response to tectonic action. At the time of appropriate rock composition and structures, constructive formation occurred to breccia lava. Breccia lava also responded proactively to tectonic movements, forming the best quality collective reservoir agglomerations of vast spaces and strong permeability.  相似文献   

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