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We develop a fully discrete fast Fourier–Galerkin method for solving a boundary integral equation for the biharmonic equation by introducing a quadrature scheme for computing the integrals of non-smooth functions that appear in the Fourier–Galerkin method. A key step in developing the fully discrete fast Fourier–Galerkin method is the design of a fast quadrature scheme for computing the Fourier coefficients of the non-smooth kernel function involved in the boundary integral equation. We prove that with the proposed quadrature algorithm, the total number of additions and multiplications used in generating the compressed coefficient matrix for the proposed method is quasi-linear (linear with a logarithmic factor), and the resulting numerical solution of the equation preserves the optimal convergence order. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the approximation accuracy and computational efficiency of the proposed method.  相似文献   

A new method of solving Horn logic with equality,the goal-type driven method,is presented,which considers explicitly the unification operator as a gloal and merged it into the resolution process,The metho has the following advantages.The resolution and the unification have been integrated in a uniform way.The architectures of the inference engines based on Horn logic with equality are simplified,Any techniques of exploiting AND/OR parallelism to solve goals can also be applied to unification at the same time.The method can be used to integrate the styles of functional language and logic language by a uniform framework.It can also deal with infinite data structures.  相似文献   

A new recursive algorithm is proposed for the identification of a special form of Hammerstein–Wiener system with dead-zone nonlinearity input block. The direct motivation of this work is to implement on-line control strategies on this kind of system to produce adaptive control algorithms. With the parameterization model of the Hammerstein–Wiener system, a special form of model estimation error is defined; and then its approximate formula is given for the following derivation. Based on these, a recursive identification algorithm is established that aims at minimizing the sum of the squared parameter estimation errors. The conditions of uniform convergence are obtained from the property analysis of the proposed algorithm and an adaptive setting method for a weighted factor in the algorithm is given, which enhances the convergence of the proposed algorithm. This algorithm can also be used for the identification of the Hammerstein systems with dead-zone nonlinearity input block. Three simulation examples show the validity of this algorithm.  相似文献   

An efficient nonlinear multigrid method for a mixed finite element method of the Darcy–Forchheimer model is constructed in this paper. A Peaceman–Rachford type iteration is used as a smoother to decouple the nonlinearity from the divergence constraint. The nonlinear equation can be solved element-wise with a closed formulae. The linear saddle point system for the constraint is reduced into a symmetric positive definite system of Poisson type. Furthermore an empirical choice of the parameter used in the splitting is proposed and the resulting multigrid method is robust to the so-called Forchheimer number which controls the strength of the nonlinearity. By comparing the number of iterations and CPU time of different solvers in several numerical experiments, our multigrid method is shown to convergent with a rate independent of the mesh size and the Forchheimer number and with a nearly linear computational cost.  相似文献   

We propose an efficient iterative method to solve the mixed Stokes–Darcy model for coupling fluid and porous media flow. The weak formulation of this problem leads to a coupled, indefinite, ill-conditioned and symmetric linear system of equations. We apply a decoupled preconditioning technique requiring only good solvers for the local mixed-Darcy and Stokes subproblems. We prove that the method is asymptotically optimal and confirm, with numerical experiments, that the performance of the preconditioners does not deteriorate on arbitrarily fine meshes.  相似文献   

An H(div) conforming finite element method for solving the linear Biot equations is analyzed. Formulations for the standard mixed method are combined with formulation of interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin method to obtain a consistent scheme. Optimal convergence rates are obtained.  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on the nonlinear coupling mechanism of the Nernst–Planck model and propose a coupled lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) to solve it. In this method, a new LBM for the Nernst–Planck equation is developed, a multi-relaxation-time (MRT)-LBM for flow field and an LBM for the Poisson equation are used. And then, we discuss the choice of the model and found that the MRT-LBM is much more stable and accurate than the LBGK model. A reasonable iterative sequence and evolution number for each LBM are proposed by considering the properties of the coupled LBM. The accuracy and stability of the presented coupled LBM are also discussed through simulating electro-osmotic flows (EOF) in micro-channels. Furthermore, to test the applicability of it, the EOF with non-uniform surface potential in micro-channels based on the Nernst–Planck model is simulated. And we investigate the effects of non-uniform surface potential on the pattern of the EOF at different external applied electric fields. Finally, a comparison of the difference between the Nernst–Planck model and the Poisson–Boltzmann model is presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the numerical approximations for the commonly used binary fluid-surfactant phase field model that consists two nonlinearly coupled Cahn–Hilliard equations. The main challenge in solving the system numerically is how to develop easy-to-implement time stepping schemes while preserving the unconditional energy stability. We solve this issue by developing two linear and decoupled, first order and a second order time-stepping schemes using the so-called “invariant energy quadratization” approach for the double well potentials and a subtle explicit-implicit technique for the nonlinear coupling potential. Moreover, the resulting linear system is well-posed and the linear operator is symmetric positive definite. We rigorously prove the first order scheme is unconditionally energy stable. Various numerical simulations are presented to demonstrate the stability and the accuracy thereafter.  相似文献   

In this paper we intend to establish fast numerical approaches to solve a class of initial-boundary problem of time-space fractional convection–diffusion equations. We present a new unconditionally stable implicit difference method, which is derived from the weighted and shifted Grünwald formula, and converges with the second-order accuracy in both time and space variables. Then, we show that the discretizations lead to Toeplitz-like systems of linear equations that can be efficiently solved by Krylov subspace solvers with suitable circulant preconditioners. Each time level of these methods reduces the memory requirement of the proposed implicit difference scheme from \({\mathcal {O}}(N^2)\) to \({\mathcal {O}}(N)\) and the computational complexity from \({\mathcal {O}}(N^3)\) to \({\mathcal {O}}(N\log N)\) in each iterative step, where N is the number of grid nodes. Extensive numerical examples are reported to support our theoretical findings and show the utility of these methods over traditional direct solvers of the implicit difference method, in terms of computational cost and memory requirements.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a spectral method for the $n$ -dimensional Navier–Stokes equations with slip boundary conditions by using divergence-free base functions. The numerical solutions fulfill the incompressibility and the physical boundary conditions automatically. Therefore, we need neither the artificial compressibility method nor the projection method. Moreover, we only have to evaluate the unknown coefficients of expansions of $n-1$ components of the velocity. These facts simplify actual computation and numerical analysis essentially, and also save computational time. As the mathematical foundation of this new approach, we establish some approximation results, with which we prove the spectral accuracy in space of the proposed algorithm. Numerical results demonstrate its high efficiency and coincide the analysis very well. The main idea, the approximation results and the techniques developed in this paper are also applicable to numerical simulations of other problems with divergence-free solutions, such as certain partial differential equations describing electro-magnetic fields.  相似文献   

We introduce a hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations for which the approximate velocity field is pointwise divergence-free. The method builds on the method presented by Labeur and Wells (SIAM J Sci Comput 34(2):A889–A913, 2012). We show that with modifications of the function spaces in the method of Labeur and Wells it is possible to formulate a simple method with pointwise divergence-free velocity fields which is momentum conserving, energy stable, and pressure-robust. Theoretical results are supported by two- and three-dimensional numerical examples and for different orders of polynomial approximation.  相似文献   

This study proposes a new approach to developing a user behavior model to explain how a user finds the optimal use. This is achieved by considering user concerns, task significances, affordances, and emotional responses as the interaction components and by exploring behavior sequences for a goal in using a product the first time. The tasks in the same group at each level in the user concern structure are therefore in a competing relationship in going up to a higher task. The task tree with the significances and the affordance probabilities can be analyzed. The order of a user’s exploring behavior sequences can be determined through comparisons of the expected significances, which can be obtained by the modified subjective expected utility theory. A user’s emotional responses for the tasks that a behavior sequence is composed of can be calculated by the modified decision affect theory. Here, the emotional response refers to a user’s internal reactions for the degree to which a product’s affordance features can meet his or her mental model in use. The average emotional response for a behavior sequence can be a user’s decisional factor for the optimal use method in using a product with a goal. Also, the design problems of a product can be checked from users’ point of view, and the emotional losses/changes by usage failures can be discussed. For an illustrative purpose, the proposed model is applied to a numerical example with some assumptions.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the simulation of the sediment transport by a fluid in contact with a sediment layer. This phenomena can be modelled by using a coupled model constituted by a hydrodynamical component, described by a shallow water system, and a morphodynamical one, which depends on a solid transport flux given by some empirical law. The solid transport discharge proposed by Meyer-Peter & Müller is one of the most popular but it has the inconvenient of not including pressure forces. Due to this, this formula produces numerical simulations that are not realistic in zones where gravity effects are relevant, e.g. advancing front of the sand layer. Moreover, the thickness of the sediment layer is not taken into account and, as a consequence, mass conservation of sediment may fail. Fowler et al. proposed a generalization that takes into account gravity effects as well as the thickness of the sediment layer which is in better agreement with the physics of the problem. We propose to solve this system by using a path-conservative scheme for the hydrodynamical part and a duality method based on Bermúdez-Moreno algorithm for the morphodynamical component.  相似文献   

Programming and Computer Software - In this paper, we propose an algorithm for solving the Cauchy problem for a two-dimensional difference equation with constant coefficients at a point, based on...  相似文献   

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