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Geralt Siebert 《Stahlbau》2006,75(8):663-669
State of the art of design‐rules for structural elements made of glass. The applications of structural elements made of glass nowadays appear to be standard. For the design of such structures legal conditions and background have to be obeyed. In addition knowledge about actual and future design rules is necessary. In this paper the present and recently as draft published new national regulations are presented, and by this [1] is continued somehow. A comparison shows that not only a transfer to the concept of partial safety factors was done but that also existing reserves can be used now.  相似文献   

Influence of Fiber Orientation on the Design of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Members The provision of guidelines and codes is the condition to applications with enough margin of safety and spreading of steel fiber reinforced concrete. The knowledge of uneven fiber distribution and orientation didn't lead to consideration within the design until now. One reason may be that a consideration of the fiber distribution was not relevant for the most applications. But there is a change due to the advance of the use of steel fiber reinforced concrete for members and structures based on structural design. The effects of the concreting and the dimensions of a member on the fiber orientation and distribution are considerable and should be taken into account for the design.  相似文献   

Sound protection of structural components made from mineral materials as a function of the setting time. For structural components made from mineral materials, e.g. slabs and walls made from masonry or concrete, screed or cavity floors, the acoustic properties relating to impact and airborne sound protection are expected to change over time. This is due to the fact that the strength increases during the setting process while the mass decreases during the drying process. This article describes the sound insulation characteristics of typical structural components over time during the setting/drying process and defines the intervals after which the state reached after 28 days can be determined with acceptable accuracy.  相似文献   

Zunehmende Globalisierung und das Erfordernis, immer kostensparender zu wirtschaften, stellt für viele Unternehmen eine Herausforderung dar. Um wettbewerbsfähig zu sein, sollen die Mitarbeiter leistungsfähig und motiviert sein und optimal ihr Wissen einbringen können, andererseits sollen sie möglichst wenig Kosten verursachen. In den kommenden Jahren werden immer mehr Menschen im Büro beschäftigt sein. Daher beschäftigt sich dieser Artikel mit den Einflussfaktoren auf die Leistungsfähigkeit bei Büroarbeit. Der Schwerpunkt liegt hierbei auf dem thermischen Raumklima, da es dazu sehr gegensätzliche Diskussionen in der Literatur gibt. Neben einer Definition der Leistungsfähigkeit und einer Übersicht über mögliche Einflüsse auf diese, stellt sich auch die Frage, wie Leistung adäquat erfasst werden kann. Nach Auswertung der zugänglichen Literatur ergeben sich widersprüchliche Ergebnisse. Die Ableitung einer Ursache‐Wirkungs‐Beziehung ist daher nicht trivial. Außerdem ist anzunehmen, dass das thermische Raumklima offensichtlich nicht den einzigen Einflussparameter auf die Leistungsfähigkeit darstellt. Vielmehr besteht eine weite Verzweigung sowohl mit anderen physikalischen Faktoren wie der Akustik oder der Beleuchtung und mit Aspekten wie Raumgestaltung oder psychosozialen Effekten. Possibilities and limitations of modeling the influencing factors on human performance. Increasing globalization and the necessity to reduce costs of economic activities poses a challenge for many companies. To act competitively on a global market, employees should be able to perform at their best, to be highly motivated and, on the other hand, to work in a costeffective manner. Furthermore, it is expected that within the next years people tend to work in offices to an increasing tendency. For this reason, this paper addresses factors that primarily affect the performance of office work. The focus is on the thermal indoor climate as this issue is controversially discussed in the literature. In addition to the definition of the terms performance and productivity and an overview over potential influences, it is not clear how performance can be measured adequately. Evaluation of the relevant literature shows contradictory results. Apparently, the derivation of a relationship between temperature and working performance is not trivial. Furthermore, it is anticipated that the thermal indoor climate is not the only performance indicator that affects working performance. In fact, there are mutual connections between other physical para meters like acoustics or lighting and, as well, with psycho‐social factors and aesthetical issues in terms of the interior design.  相似文献   

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