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细胞色素P450 BM-3羟基化吲哚能力的半理性改造   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
胡升  虞青  梅乐和  姚善泾  金志华 《化工学报》2009,60(11):2869-2875
为进一步改造细胞色素P450 BM-3酶对吲哚的羟基化能力,以P450 BM-3结构与功能关系的推测为指导,选择突变酶P450 BM-3 (A74G/F87V/L188Q/E435T)为父本,在可能影响P450 BM-3催化吲哚羟基化区域选择性的D168位点进行定点饱和突变,根据全细胞催化产物颜色及组成进行筛选,得到了产物组成、酶动力学性质与父本不同的两个突变酶。突变酶D168W的吲哚羟基化产物中90%是靛玉红,而另一个突变酶D168R的产物中87%是靛蓝,产物组成均不同于亲本。在催化吲哚羟基化时,D168W的kcat与父本相当,但Km却是父本的4.8倍,催化活力只有父本的20%;而D168R的kcat是父本的1.9倍,Km是父本的82%,催化活力比父本提高了1.37倍。结果表明,在E435T突变上叠加D168位氨基酸残基突变对酶的催化性质产生了单一位点突变所不具有的协同效应,对酶催化的区域选择性和催化活力都有显著影响,以致改变了催化产物组成。这种基于知识的半理性定向进化方法由于是在关键位点进行突变,因此突变目的性强、突变效果显著。  相似文献   

定点突变提高细胞色素P450 BM-3吲哚羟基化能力   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为进一步提高细胞色素P450 BM-3(A74G/F87V/L188Q)对吲哚的羟基化能力,根据酶结构与功能的关系,以突变酶E435T为基础,在168位点引入D168L突变,获得了吲哚羟基化能力得到显著提高的突变酶D168L/E435T。突变酶对吲哚的Km为1.72 mmol·L-1(父本2.09 mmol·L-1),转化数(kcat)为28.15 min-1(父本4.04 min-1),表明D168L定点突变可以略微提高酶对底物的亲和力,但主要的效应是促进了底物的转化速率,这两个效应的综合表现是使酶的催化效率(kcat Km-1)比父本酶提高了8.48倍。此外,产物中副产物靛玉红的比例也降低为1.2%(父本7.3%),这说明该突变酶催化吲哚的区域选择性上也更有利于靛蓝的生成。  相似文献   

响应面法优化工程菌产细胞色素P450 BM-3的发酵条件   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
陆燕  梅乐和  陆悦飞  盛清  姚善泾 《化工学报》2006,57(5):1187-1192
采用快速有效的数学统计方法对工程菌产细胞色素P450 BM-3的发酵条件进行了优化.首先利用Plackett-Burman设计从众多影响产P450 BM-3的因素中筛选出影响较大的4个因素:FeCl3含量、诱导时机、诱导时间和接种量.在此基础上再利用响应面法中的杂合设计进行优化,通过拟合得到响应曲面函数,获得了最佳的实验条件.在该实验条件下,P450 BM-3酶活从37.6×10-3U•ml-1提高到57.9×10-3U•ml-1.  相似文献   

利用饱和定点突变技术对细胞色素P450 BM-3(A74G/F87V/L188Q)(PT)的168和435氨基酸位点分别进行随机突变,根据其羟基化吲哚生成的靛蓝在670nm处具有特殊吸收峰进行高通量筛选,获得了三个高于亲本酶(PT)的突变酶D168H、D168L和E435T。通过考察突变酶反应动力学参数、电子耦合率、热稳定性、最适pH以及区域专一性的变化情况,发现相对亲本酶而言所有的突变酶对底物吲哚的亲和力和催化效率都得到了不同程度的提高,其中突变酶D168H的kcat值比亲本酶提高了3倍多;突变酶D168H的电子耦合率比亲本酶大约降低了2倍,而突变酶D168L和E435T的电子耦合率却有轻微的提高;所有突变酶均在pH8.2附近表现出最大羟基化吲哚生产靛蓝的能力;突变酶D168H对吲哚的区域选择性得到了提高,主产物靛蓝从亲本酶的72%提高到了93%。另外,热稳定性实验表明:尽管突变酶D168H和D168L的热稳定性较亲本酶有所降低,但活力的大幅度提高并未对酶的热稳定性造成大的伤害。以上所有的结果为了解细胞色素P450 BM-3结构与功能关系提供了有用的信息,同时为进一步定向进化P450BM-3提高其功能特性提供了进化模板。  相似文献   

目的利用大肠埃希菌(E.coli)表达系统异源表达细胞色素P450 2E1(cytochrome P450 2E1,CYP2E1),并与细胞色素P450氧化还原酶(cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase,POR)实现共表达,使其具有代谢活性,为药物代谢的研究提供单一性的酶源。方法以人肝组织RNA为模板,RT-PCR扩增CYP2E1基因,插入pCW空载体,构建重组表达质粒pCW-2E1,转化E.coli DH5α,IPTG诱导表达,表达产物经Western blot鉴定;利用双启动子原理构建CYP2E1与POR共表达的重组质粒pCW-2E1-POR,采用对氨基苯酚法检测CYP2E1重组酶的代谢活性,并对不同培养时间(18、28、38 h)的代谢活性进行比较。结果质粒pCW-2E1经PCR鉴定,证明构建正确;表达的重组人CYP2E1蛋白相对分子质量约56 000,主要以可溶性形式表达。质粒pCW-2E1-POR经PCR及酶切鉴定,证明构建正确;导入质粒pCW-2E1-POR的重组菌提取的蛋白样品具有明显的代谢活性,培养18、28、38 h后,代谢活性均值分别为(0.195±0.004)、(0.189±0.003)和(0.192±0.004)nmol/(min·mg),差异无统计学意义(P0.05),但与导入质粒pCW-2E1的重组菌提取的蛋白样品的代谢活性相比,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论成功构建了具有代谢活性的CYP2E1重组酶,且3个培养时间段之间的代谢活性无明显差异。  相似文献   

细胞色素P450的生物多样性和植物保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴霞 《世界农药》2000,22(1):16-22
细胞色素P450单加氧酶能催化一系列内源性或外源性亲脂化合物的氧化反应。该酶系统分成三个结构区域:黄素腺嘌呤二核昔酸(FAD)、Fe-S或黄素单核苷酸(FMN)和血红素。FAD和Fe—S/FMN部分构成了从还原型辅酶Ⅱ或还原型辅酶Ⅰ到对氧化反应起催化作用的血红素部分的电子传递链。在原核生物和真核生物之间这些区域结构由1、2或3个蛋白质组成。在原核生物细胞中,细胞色素P450酶系主要有三个组成部分;细胞色素P450(P450)、铁  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了细胞色素P450(CYP450)的分布、功能、提取及测定方法。细胞色素P450是自然界中含量最丰富、分布最广泛、底物谱最广的Ⅰ相代谢酶系,在许多外源性化学物质和内源性化合物的代谢中起重要作用。建立灵敏、可靠的细胞色素P450检测方法,便于进一步研究其与药物的相互影响,为药物作用机理及临床合并用药提供依据。  相似文献   

介绍了细胞色素P_(450)的研究进展。  相似文献   

葡萄柚果汁中富含呋喃香豆素类化学成分,这些呋喃香豆素类化合物特别像6,7-DHB及其类似物能抑制药物代谢酶细胞色素P450,以致于提高特定药物口服生物利用率或阻碍致癌物质的活性。综述了近年来发现的呋喃香豆素化合物的类别、活性及合成方面的情况。  相似文献   

细胞色素P450(CYP)酶在药物代谢方面发挥着重要作用,它可以催化一些有机反应,生成一些具有新型药理活性的化学实体。本文主要从CYP参与大量天然产物的生物合成途径,及一些已知药物通过CYP参与的代谢后生成药理活性物质两个方面,介绍细胞色素P450酶代谢物的研发现状。  相似文献   

Enzymes that catalyze the terminal hydroxylation of alkanes could be used to produce more valuable chemicals from hydrocarbons. Cytochrome P450 BM3 from Bacillus megaterium hydroxylates medium‐chain fatty acids at subterminal positions at high rates. To engineer BM3 for terminal alkane hydroxylation, we performed saturation mutagenesis at selected active‐site residues of a BM3 variant that hydroxylates alkanes. Recombination of beneficial mutations generated a library of BM3 mutants that hydroxylate linear alkanes with a wide range of regioselectivities. Mutant 77‐9H exhibits 52% selectivity for the terminal position of octane. This regioselectivity is octane‐specific and does not transfer to other substrates, including shorter and longer hydrocarbons or fatty acids. These results show that BM3 can be readily molded for regioselective oxidation.  相似文献   

Preparative synthesis with P450 monooxygenases is hampered in cell-free systems by the requirement for cofactors such as NAD(P)H as reduction equivalents. A validated medium-throughput screening system was designed for improving P450 monooxygenases by mediated electron transfer with zinc/cobalt(III)sepulchrate (Zn/Co(III)sep) as an alternative and cost-effective cofactor system. The monooxygenase P450 BM-3 F87A was used as a model system for developing the screening system in a 96-well format. A coefficient of variation of less than 10% was achieved under optimized screening conditions. The mediator evolution screen was validated by comparing the activity of P450 BM-3 to P450 BM-3 F87A and by screening a saturation mutagenesis library at amino acid position R47. For mediated electron transfer, two double mutants P450 BM-3(F87A R47F) and P450 BM-3 (F87A R47Y) were identified with a two-threefold increased catalytic efficiency (up to 32 microM(-1) min(-1) for P450 BM-3(F87A R47F) and 34 microM(-1) min(-1) for P450 BM-3 (F87A R47Y)) compared to P450 BM-3 F87A. The kinetic constants of the double mutants are, in contrast to those of P450 BM-3 F87A, dependent on Co(III)sep concentration in the presence of NADPH. kcat increases from 145 min(-1) (0.25 mM Co(III)sep) to 197 min(-1) (0.5 mM Co(III)sep), and Km decreases simultaneously from 7.0 microM to 3.7 microM, for P450 BM-3 (F87A R47F). For P450 BM-3 (F87A R47Y), kcat increases from 138 min(-1) (0.25 mM Co(III)sep) up to 187 min(-1) (0.5 mM Co(III)sep), and Km decreases from 8.2 microM to 4.2 microM. Due to lower Km values, the catalytic efficiencies were improved six times for P450 BM-3 (F87A R47F) and three times for P450 BM-3 (F87A R47Y), when comparing catalytic efficiencies of the mediated electron-transfer system to the natural reduction equivalent NADPH.  相似文献   

Oxidative reactions catalyzed by Cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYPs), which constitute the most relevant group of drug-metabolizing enzymes, are enabled by their redox partner Cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR). Both proteins are anchored to the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum and the CPR undergoes a conformational change in order to interact with the respective CYP and transfer electrons. Here, we conducted over 22 microseconds of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in combination with protein–protein docking to investigate the conformational changes necessary for the formation of the CPR–CYP complex. While some structural features of the CPR and the CPR–CYP2D6 complex that we highlighted confirmed previous observations, our simulations revealed additional mechanisms for the conformational transition of the CPR. Unbiased simulations exposed a movement of the whole protein relative to the membrane, potentially to facilitate interactions with its diverse set of redox partners. Further, we present a structural mechanism for the susceptibility of the CPR to different redox states based on the flip of a glycine residue disrupting the local interaction network that maintains inter-domain proximity. Simulations of the CPR–CYP2D6 complex pointed toward an additional interaction surface of the FAD domain and the proximal side of CYP2D6. Altogether, this study provides novel structural insight into the mechanism of CPR–CYP interactions and underlying conformational changes, improving our understanding of this complex machinery relevant for drug metabolism.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 reductase (CYPOR) provides electrons to all human microsomal cytochrome P450s (cyt P450s). The length and sequence of the “140s” FMN binding loop of CYPOR has been shown to be a key determinant of its redox potential and activity with cyt P450s. Shortening the “140s loop” by deleting glycine-141(ΔGly141) and by engineering a second mutant that mimics flavo-cytochrome P450 BM3 (ΔGly141/Glu142Asn) resulted in mutants that formed an unstable anionic semiquinone. In an attempt to understand the molecular basis of the inability of these mutants to support activity with cyt P450, we expressed, purified, and determined their ability to reduce ferric P450. Our results showed that the ΔGly141 mutant with a very mobile loop only reduced ~7% of cyt P450 with a rate similar to that of the wild type. On the other hand, the more stable loop in the ΔGly141/Glu142Asn mutant allowed for ~55% of the cyt P450 to be reduced ~60% faster than the wild type. Our results reveal that the poor activity of the ΔGly141 mutant is primarily accounted for by its markedly diminished ability to reduce ferric cyt P450. In contrast, the poor activity of the ΔGly141/Glu142Asn mutant is presumably a consequence of the altered structure and mobility of the “140s loop”.  相似文献   

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