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Enumerating Boolean functions of cryptographic significance 总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14
Chris Mitchell 《Journal of Cryptology》1990,2(3):155-170
In this paper we describe applications of functions from GF(2)
onto GF(2)
in the design of encryption algorithms. If such a function is to be useful it must satisfy a set of criteria, the actual definition of which depends on the type of encryption technique involved. This in turn means that it is important to ensure that the selected criteria do not restrict the choice of function too severely, i.e., the set of functions must be enumerated. We discuss some of the possible sets of criteria and then give partial results on the corresponding enumeration problems. Many open problems remain, some of them corresponding to well-known hard enumeration questions. 相似文献
Open problems about enumerating Boolean functions of cryptographic significance are (partially) solved in this paper.Project supported by Trans-Century Training Programme Foundation for the Talents by the State Education Commission. 相似文献
线性结构是度量密码函数安全性的一个重要指标。本文基于线性分组码理论,分析了文献[1~4]所构造的密码函数的线性结构,并指出这些函数均具有线性结构,且其线性结构集和构造这些函数所运用的线性分组码的对偶码有关。这就说明了文献[1~4]的密码函数本质上是密码学意义下的弱函数。 相似文献
Algebraic immunity is an important cryptographic property of Boolean functions. In this paper, odd-variable balanced Boolean functions with optimal algebraic immunity are obtained by m-sequence and consequently, we get bases with special constructions of vector space. Furthermore, through swapping some vectors of these two bases, we establish all kinds of odd-variable balanced Boolean functions with optimal algebraic immunity. 相似文献
利用t+1个n元布尔函数(称为基函数)级联构造了一类n+t元布尔函数G(x,y),并给出了G(x,y)的Walsh循环谱和自相关系数。通过Krawtchouk多项式与Krawtchouk矩阵对G(x,y)和基函数的关系进行了研究。分析了G(x,y)的密码学性质:相关免疫性、扩散性和代数免疫性。特别地,当t=2时,分析了G(x,y)与基函数的具体关系。另外,一般化该构造方法构造了一类多输出布尔函数,给出了该类多输出布尔函数的广义Walsh循环谱,进而分析了该类多输出布尔函数的相关免疫性和代数免疫性。 相似文献
The structured design of cryptographically good s-boxes 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
We describe a design procedure for the s-boxes of private key cryptosystems constructed as substitution-permutation networks (DES-like cryptosystems). Our procedure is proven to construct s-boxes which are bijective, are highly nonlinear, possess the strict avalanche criterion, and have output bits which act (vitually) independently when any single input bit is complemented. Furthermore, our procedure is very efficient: we have generated approximately 60 such 4 × 4 s-boxes in a few seconds of CPU time on a SUN workstation.This work was partially supported by a grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. 相似文献
该文用仿射变换、级联、单射集及m序列的状态转移矩阵等方法构造了多输出plateaued函数,并明确了构造中阶数的变换情况,给出了由上述方法所构造的多输出plateaued函数的广义一阶Walsh循环谱值.另外,还给出了单射集的构造方法.由此,可以构造出一系列不同阶数、新的多输出plateaued函数. 相似文献
Carlet et al. recently introduced generalized nonlinearity to measure the ability to resist the improved correlation attack of a vector output Boolean function. This article presents a construction of vector output Boolean fimctions with high generalized nonlinearity using the e-biased sample space. The relation between the resilient order and generalized nonlinearity is also discussed. 相似文献
Based on the properties of trace functions and quadratic forms, this paper presents value distributions of Walsh spectrum of the Plateaued functions of the form Tr(R(x)) with n=3r or 4r variables, where r > 1 is an odd integer. Our results can be used to determine the numbers of non-zero Walsh spectrum values and the nonlinearities of these functions, and estimate their resiliency orders. Especially, the value distributions can be used to deduce the tight lower bounds of the second order nonlinearity of two classes of Boolean functions. It is demonstrated that our bounds are better than the previously obtained bounds. 相似文献
证明了代数次数为 的偶变元平衡旋转对称布尔函数不存在非零线性结构这个公开问题,给出了代数次数为 的奇变元旋转对称布尔函数不存在非零线性结构这个公开问题成立的充分条件和不成立的必要条件。 相似文献
From the motivation of algebraic attacks on stream and block ciphers,the concept of algebraic immunity(AI) of a Boolean function was introduced and studied extensively.High algebraic immunity is a necessary condition for resisting algebraic attacks.In this paper,we give some lower bounds on the algebraic immunity of Boolean functions.The results are applied to give lower bounds on the AI of symmetric Boolean functions and rotation symmetric Boolean functions.Some balanced rotation symmetric Boolean functions with their AI near the maximum possible value「n/2」are constructed. 相似文献