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Aureococcus anophagefferens, a harmful bloom-forming alga responsible for brown tides in estuaries of the Middle Atlantic U.S., has been investigated by atomic force microscopy for the first time, using probes functionalized with a monoclonal antibody specific for the alga. The rupture force between a single monoclonal antibody and the surface of A. anophagefferens was experimentally found to be 246$pm$11 pN at the load rate of 12 nN/s. Force histograms for A. anophagefferens and other similarly-sized algae are presented and analyzed. The results illustrate the effects of load rates, and demonstrate that force-distance measurements can be used to build biosensors with high signal-to-noise ratios for A. anophagefferens. The methods described in this paper can be used, in principle, to construct sensors with single-cell resolution for arbitrary cells for which monoclonal antibodies are available.  相似文献   

Existing atmospheric correction algorithms for multichannel remote sensing of ocean color from space were designed for retrieving water-leaving radiances in the visible over clear deep ocean areas and cannot easily be modified for retrievals over turbid coastal waters. We have developed an atmospheric correction algorithm for hyperspectral remote sensing of ocean color with the near-future Coastal Ocean Imaging Spectrometer. The algorithm uses lookup tables generated with a vector radiative transfer code. Aerosol parameters are determined by a spectrum-matching technique that uses channels located at wavelengths longer than 0.86 mum. The aerosol information is extracted back to the visible based on aerosol models during the retrieval of water-leaving radiances. Quite reasonable water-leaving radiances have been obtained when our algorithm was applied to process hyperspectral imaging data acquired with an airborne imaging spectrometer.  相似文献   

Solar radiative transfer through a coupled system of atmosphere and plant canopy is modeled as a multiple-scattering problem through a layered medium of random scatterers. The radiative transfer equation is solved by the discrete-ordinates finite-element method. Analytic expressions are derived that allow the calculation of scattering and absorption cross sections for any plant canopy layer from measurable biophysical parameters such as the leaf area index, leaf angle distribution, and individual leaf reflectance and transmittance data. An expression for a canopy scattering phase function is also given. Computational results are in good agreement with spectral reflectance measurements directly above a soybean canopy, and the concept of greenness- and brightness-transforms of Landsat MSS data is reconfirmed with our computed results. A sensitivity analysis with the coupled atmosphere/canopy model quantifies how satellite-sensed spectral radiances are affected by increased atmospheric aerosols, by varying leaf area index, by anisotropic leaf scattering, and by non-Lambertian soil boundary conditions. Possible extensions to a 2-D model are also discussed.  相似文献   

Model for the interpretation of hyperspectral remote-sensing reflectance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Remote-sensing reflectance is easier to interpret for the open ocean than for coastal regions because the optical signals are highly coupled to the phytoplankton (e.g., chlorophyll) concentrations. For estuarine or coastal waters, variable terrigenous colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), suspended sediments, and bottom reflectance, all factors that do not covary with the pigment concentration, confound data interpretation. In this research, remote-sensing reflectance models are suggested for coastal waters, to which contributions that are due to bottom reflectance, CDOM fluorescence, and water Raman scattering are included. Through the use of two parameters to model the combination of the backscattering coefficient and the Q factor, excellent agreement was achieved between the measured and modeled remote-sensing reflectance for waters from the West Florida Shelf to the Mississippi River plume. These waters cover a range of chlorophyll of 0.2-40 mg/m(3) and gelbstoff absorption at 440 nm from 0.02-0.4 m(-1). Data with a spectral resolution of 10 nm or better, which is consistent with that provided by the airborne visible and infrared imaging spectrometer (AVIRIS) and spacecraft spectrometers, were used in the model evaluation.  相似文献   

为了提高森林的类型识别及生物物理参数反演精度,采用国产机载激光雷达和高光谱组合系统(ALHIS),选择湖北典型亚热带森林开展了航空遥感试验,获取了试验区激光雷达点云、高光谱和CCD影像数据,提取了森林高度和优势树种类别信息。对数据的分析表明,激光雷达林分平均高的估测精度达到90.67%,激光雷达估测平均高与地面实测胸径加权平均高之间显著相关(R2=0.73,RMSE=1.29m)。按照优势树种分类结果进行统计,发现马尾松、栓皮栎和其它树种的林分平均高分别为9.62m、9.30m、8.79m,不同树种之间的林分平均高相差不大。高光谱优势树种识别总体精度达到82.00%(Kappa=0.70),试验区森林和非森林面积所占比例分别为60.01%和39.99%,马尾松、栓皮栎和其它树种面积在森林中所占比例分别为59.77%、24.99%和15.23%。试验证明,ALHIS能够同时获取高分辨率的植被遥感特征数据,以用于森林制图、优势树种/树种组识别、碳储量估算及生态环境建模等研究。  相似文献   

利用人工神经网络方法进行了高光谱遥感反演浅海水深的初步研究.在产生模拟数据时,为保证模拟数据的合理性,引入了根据水体和海底特性来划分光学浅水和光学深水的方法,并初步研究了利用光谱徽分技术进行光学浅水和光学深水区分的有效性.在人工神经网络建模过程中,采用主成分分析的方法对网络的输入数据进行预处理,显著提高了网络的学习速度.建立的人工神经网络模型和基于非线性最优化方法的反演算法与实测数据的反演结果相比较,人工神经网络模型的反演精度明显高于非线性最优化反演算法.  相似文献   

Chami M  McKee D  Leymarie E  Khomenko G 《Applied optics》2006,45(36):9210-9220
Scattering phase functions derived from measured (volume-scattering meter, VSM) volume-scattering functions (VSFs) from Crimean coastal waters were found to have systematic differences in angular structure from Fournier-Forand (FF) functions with equivalent backscattering ratios. Hydrolight simulations demonstrated that differences in the angular structure of the VSF could result in variations in modeled subsurface radiance reflectances of up to +/-20%. Furthermore, differences between VSM and FF simulated reflectances were found to be nonlinear as a function of scattering and could not be explained with the single-scattering approximation. Additional radiance transfer modeling demonstrated that the contribution of multiple scattering to radiance reflectance increased exponentially from a minimum of 16% for pure water to a maximum of approximately 94% for turbid waters. Monte Carlo simulations demonstrated that multiple forward-scattering events were the dominant contributors to the generation of radiance reflectance signals for turbid waters and that angular structures in the shape of the VSF at forward angles could have a significant influence in determining reflectance signals for turbid waters.  相似文献   

Nakajima T  Tonna G  Rao R  Boi P  Kaufman Y  Holben B 《Applied optics》1996,35(15):2672-2686
The software code SKYEAD.pack for retrieval of aerosol size distribution and optical thickness from data of direct and diffuse solar radiation is described; measurements are carried out with sky radiometers in the wavelength range 0.369-1.048 μm. The treatment of the radiative transfer problem concerning the optical quantities is mainly based on the IMS (improved multiple and single scattering) method, which uses the delta-M approximation for the truncation of the aerosol phase function and corrects the solution for the first- and second-order scattering. Both linear and nonlinear inversion methods can be used for retrieving the size distribution. Improved calibration methods for both direct and diffuse radiation, the data-analysis procedure, the results from the proposed code, and several connected problems are discussed. The results can be summarized as follows: (a) the SKYRAD.pack code can retrieve the columnar aerosol features with accuracy and efficiency in several environmental situations, provided the input parameters are correctly given; (b) when data of both direct and diffuse solar radiation are used, the detectable radius interval for aerosol particles is approximately from 0.03 to 10 μm; (c) besides the retrieval of the aerosol features, the data-analysis procedure also permits the determination of average values for three input parameters (real and imaginary aerosol refractive index, ground albedo) from the optical data; (d) absolute calibrations for the sky radiometer are not needed, and calibrations for direct and diffuse radiation can be carried out with field data; (e) the nonlinear inversion gives satisfactory results in a larger radius interval, without the unrealistic humps that occur with the linear inversion, but the results strongly depend on the first-guess spectrum; (f) aerosol features retrieved from simulated data showed a better agreement with the given data for the linear inversion than for the nonlinear inversion.  相似文献   

光谱相关能级波形匹配算法是在利用光谱相关系数确定谱带强度相似度,能级波形匹配技术确定波形特征相似度的基础上,将二者的乘积作为图像光谱与参考光谱间的总相似度来进行的高光谱遥感和多光谱遥感精确目标提取算法.在阐述基本原理的基础上,首先模拟了大气、噪声等边界条件对算法相似度的影响;其次,利用400个图像测试光谱对算法进行了精度评价;最后,对4种端元进行了目标提取.边界条件模拟结果表明,算法对大气效应具有较好的抑制作用,当大气效应小于模拟数值的50倍时,可以省略大气订正.虽然算法对噪声较为敏感,但通过噪声消除算法可以将该影响减小到最低,甚至将其消除掉;精度评价结果表明,算法的平均精度为85%.  相似文献   

Levin IM  Levina E 《Applied optics》2007,46(28):6896-6906
We present a method to construct the best linear estimate of optically active material concentration from ocean radiance spectra measured through an arbitrary atmosphere layer by a hyperspectral sensor. The algorithm accounts for sensor noise. Optical models of seawater and maritime atmosphere were used to obtain the joint distribution of spectra and concentrations required for the algorithm. The accuracy of phytoplankton retrieval is shown to be substantially lower than that of sediment and dissolved matter. In all cases, the sensor noise noticeably reduces the retrieval accuracy. Additional errors due to atmospheric interference are analyzed, and possible ways to increase the accuracy of retrieval are suggested, such as changing sensor parameters and including a priori information about observation conditions.  相似文献   

Albert A  Gege P 《Applied optics》2006,45(10):2331-2343
What we believe to be a new inversion procedure for multi- and hyperspectral data in shallow water, represented by the subsurface irradiance and remote sensing reflectance spectra, was developed based on analytical equations by using the method of nonlinear curve fitting. The iteration starts using an automatic determination of the initial values of the fit parameters: concentration of phytoplankton and suspended matter, absorption of gelbstoff, bottom depth, and the fractions of up to six bottom types. Initial values of the bottom depth and suspended matter concentration are estimated analytically. Phytoplankton concentration and gelbstoff absorption are initially calculated by the method of nested intervals. A sensitivity analysis was made to estimate the accuracy of the entire inversion procedure including model error, error propagation, and influence of instrument characteristics such as noise, and radiometric and spectral resolution. The entire inversion technique is included in a public-domain software (WASI) to provide a fast and user-friendly tool of forward and inverse modeling.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于矢量图进行遥感影像的区域变化检测的方法,该方法通过将历史矢量图与当前影像进行匹配后叠加、设定全局变化系数与局部变化系数等步骤,对各矢量图斑区域内的影像DN值做统计分析,达到检测区域变化的目的.试算分析表明,全局变化系数比局部变化系数表现得更加敏感,更易对错判数目造成影响.利用历史矢量图做变化检测,不仅可以避免复杂的影像辐射校正工作,还可以充分利用历史形成的矢量库资料,实现数据复用,同时也便于矢量库的历史继承与发展.  相似文献   

Rapidly available and accurate information about the location and extent of avalanche events is important for avalanche forecasting, safety assessments for roads and ski resorts, verification of warning products, as well as for hazard mapping and avalanche model calibration/validation. Today, observations from individual experts in the field provide isolated information with very limited coverage. This study presents a methodology for an automated, systematic and wide-area detection and mapping of avalanche deposits using optical remote sensing data of high spatial and radiometric resolution. A processing chain, integrating directional, textural and spectral information, is developed using ADS40 airborne digital scanner data acquired over a test site near Davos, Switzerland. Though certain limitations exist, encouraging detection and mapping accuracies can be reported. The presented approach is a promising addition to existing field observation methods for remote regions, and can be applied in otherwise inaccessible areas.  相似文献   

Tyo JS  Turner TS 《Applied optics》2001,40(9):1450-1458
An imaging, variable-retardance, Fourier-transform spectropolarimeter is presented that is capable of creating spectropolarimetric images of scenes with independent characterization of spatial, spectral, and polarimetric information. The device has a spectral resolution of ~225 cm(-1), making it truly hyperspectral in nature. Images of canonical targets such as spheres and cylinders obtained in a laboratory setup are presented. The results demonstrate the capability of developing systems to collect spectropolarimetric data of field images by use of the concept of pushbroom scanning and serial collection of polarimetric information. Further development of a parallelized collection strategy would allow the collection of near-real-time images of real-world targets.  相似文献   

This paper examines an approach to the remote sensing of explosion-safe methane concentrations using optical fiber and demonstrates that considerable potential is offered by a system for the remote sensing of methane using a laser diode emitting at 1655 nm. We describe a novel procedure for the growth of epitaxial buried InGaAsP/InP heterostructures for 1655-nm lasers. Single-mode 1655-nm laser diodes have been produced and their parameters have been studied. It is shown that the diodes can be employed in real systems for remote monitoring of methane.  相似文献   

A new UV-visible spectrometer system that measures the absorption of light from stars and planets by constituents in the Earth's atmosphere is described. Because it can be used to make measurements at night, the system has a significant advantage for measuring polar constituents in winter, when conditions that might give rise to ozone loss are initiated. Other advantages arise from the use of a cooled two-dimensional CCD array as the detector: an array detector avoids spectral noise resulting from scintillation of stars or from clouds passing overhead and allows for the possibility of measuring several constituents simultaneously; its second dimension permits auroral light from the atmosphere adjacent to the star to be measured simultaneously and subtracted from the stellar light, and a modern low-noise CCD allows us to use a telescope of modest diameter. The few previous measurements of constituents made by the use of stellar absorption did not have these advantages. The instrument was configured for simplicity and ease of use in field measurements and was deployed outside in winter in Northern Sweden in 1991. Examples of ozone measurements are shown.  相似文献   

McGrath AJ  Munch J  Smith G  Veitch P 《Applied optics》1998,37(24):5706-5709
We have built and characterized an injection-seeded, Q-switched, flash-lamp-pumped, eye-safe Er:glass laser that is suitable for coherent remote sensing. The output of the device is a 400-ns, single-frequency, transform-limited pulse of 1 mJ at 1.552 mum.  相似文献   

We characterize a visible reflectance hyperspectral imaging system for noninvasive, in vivo, quantitative analysis of human tissue in a clinical environment. The subject area is illuminated with a quartz-tungsten-halogen light source, and the reflected light is spectrally discriminated by a liquid crystal tunable filter (LCTF) and imaged onto a silicon charge-coupled device detector. The LCTF is continuously tunable within its useful visible spectral range (525-725 nm) with an average spectral full width at half-height bandwidth of 0.38 nm and an average transmittance of 10.0%. A standard resolution target placed 5.5 ft from the system results in a field of view with a 17-cm diameter and an optimal spatial resolution of 0.45 mm. The measured reflectance spectra are quantified in terms of apparent absorbance and formatted as a hyperspectral image cube. As a clinical example, we examine a model of vascular dysfunction involving both ischemia and reactive hyperemia during tissue reperfusion. In this model, spectral images, based upon oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoblobin signals in the 525-645-nm region, are deconvoluted using a multivariate least-squares regression analysis to visualize the spatial distribution of the percentages of oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin in specific skin tissue areas.  相似文献   

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