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Ozone and the immune system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review focuses on the effect on health of changes in the immune system secondary to ozone exposure and on various mechanistic hypotheses put forward. Beyond the problems related to the variability of study criteria (e.g. age, sex, concentration and duration of different types of exposure, the slightly volatile nature of ozone and the complexity of the immune system), ozone may induce immunostimulation as shown by intensified allergic phenomena or immunosuppression expressed by increased sensitivity to bacterial infections. Different functions of the immune response (for example macrophage and polynuclear phagocytic and bactericidal activity, NK activity, cytokine and antibody production ...) are affected. In terms of risk, the consequences of these changes depend on their intensity, their perennial nature and their association with particular genetic characteristics or other forms of external aggression, for example infection. The effect of exposure to a mixture of pollutants with unknown interactions should also be taken into consideration. Finally, the problem of normal but possibly exaggerated immune response to a compound whose allergenicity may have been modified by ozone must also be taken into account.  相似文献   

Synthesis of S- and N-arylpiperazinylalkyl derivatives of ethyl 2-thio-4-oxo-3,4-dihydro- and 2,4-dioxo-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrido [2,3-d] pyrimidine-5-carboxylate is described. Some of the obtained compounds are pharmacologically active.  相似文献   

Generally, females have a more active immune response and a concomitantly higher incidence of autoimmune diseases as compared to males. Growing evidence has shown that female sex hormones play a major role in this heightened immune response. However, despite extensive studies, the mechanisms of female sex hormones are not precisely understood. Earlier evidence suggest that female sex hormones acted via the thymus gland. In recent years it has become apparent that female sex hormones have distinct effects on the function of T cells, B cells, or mononuclear phagocytes. The presence of sex hormone receptors on the immune cells indicates the effects of female sex hormones on these cells are mediated by these receptors. The effects of female sex hormones on the immune system and the possible mechanisms are discussed in this review. Female sex hormone modulation of immune responses provides a basis for understanding gender-related differences in certain autoimmune and neoplastic disorders.  相似文献   

First indications that the pineal gland may be involved in endocrine immunomodulation came from early reports on anti-tumor effects of pineal extracts in animals and humans. In the meantime, evidence has accumulated suggesting that melatonin, the major endocrine product of the pineal gland-as a well preserved molecule during evolution-is indeed involved in the feedback between neuroendocrine and immune functions. At present we are beginning to understand the mechanisms of action by which melatonin affects cellular functions, and from the variety of possible direct and indirect interactions it appears that melatonin may play a complex physiological role in neuroimmunomodulation. In this article we present a critical review of the numerous reports on the influence of melatonin on immune functions and discuss the possible underlying molecular pathways. In addition, a short comment is given on the current public discussion as to the clinical value of melatonin.  相似文献   

Studies suggest that the development and expression of the regional immune system in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract is relatively independent of systemic immunity. This is reflected in significant differences in functional response of T cells and B cells and affects cytokine patterns and activation pathways when regional immunity is compared to systemic immunity. Nutrients have fundamental and regulatory influences on the immune response of the GI tract and, therefore, on host defense. In addition to the effect of nutrition during development, the local impact of different dietary and antigenic elements on the regional immune system contributes to potential diversion of the two systems throughout life. The route of exposure during antigenic contact is known to affect host immune response, whether it be a normal process, happening in the context of normal environmental encounter with nonpathogenic microbes or planned immunization, or occurring as a result of resolution of a potentially pathologic process i.e., an infectious encounter. Interactions at the local level profoundly influence systemic immune response, in part because of intrinsic differences in these systems, and also because of different requirements for optimal function. Although inflammatory processes are central to host defense in the periphery, the protective blocking action of the secretory immunoglobulin A immune response is crucial to local host defense, and, therefore, to the integrity of GI tract immune function. For these reasons, interaction with normal bacteria of the GI tract may be seen as the model of how the system has evolved and provide clues to the restoration of balance in the immunocompromised host. Reduction of normal commensal bacteria in the context of infection or after antibiotic treatment may interfere with nutrient availability and impair beneficial stimulation of GI immune response. This impairment may be associated with continued colonization with opportunistic microbes and inflammatory immune response that could lead to malabsorption and malnutrition. Study of the impact of nutrient imbalance on the function of the GI tract has profound implications for clinical medicine and may in the future lead to the rational design of preventive approaches to support immune response and host defense.  相似文献   

Nutrition is a critical determinant of immune responses and malnutrition the most common cause of immunodeficiency worldwide. Protein-energy malnutrition is associated with a significant impairment of cell-mediated immunity, phagocyte function, complement system, secretory immunoglobulin A antibody concentrations, and cytokine production. Deficiency of single nutrients also results in altered immune responses: this is observed even when the deficiency state is relatively mild. Of the micronutrients, zinc; selenium; iron; copper; vitamins A, C, E, and B-6; and folic acid have important influences on immune responses. Overnutrition and obesity also reduce immunity. Low-birth-weight infants have a prolonged impairment of cell-mediated immunity that can be partly restored by providing extra amounts of dietary zinc. In the elderly, impaired immunity can be enhanced by modest amounts of a combination of micronutrients. These findings have considerable practical and public health significance.  相似文献   

We describe a solid-state, silicon integrated, bidirectional flow sensor for respiratory applications. The sensor is a thermal vector sensor. The electronic circuitry for obtaining bidirectional sensitivity is presented together with actual application to a healthy volunteer put on mechanical ventilation. The sensor's input flow range is from -60 to +60 L/min, and its rise-time is < or = 40 ms and fall-time is < or = 60 ms. The effect of changes in gas composition as used in mechanically ventilated patients on the sensor output signal are estimated to be less than 2%. The temperature sensitivity is about -1.5% per degree Celsius.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion molecules have an important role to play in many facets of the immune system. At a recent meeting their role in leukocyte migration, inflammation, cancer metastasis and lymphocyte development was discussed.  相似文献   

CD16, the low affinity receptor for monomeric IgG (Fc gamma RIIIA), is a well characterized activation molecule on NK cells. In this study we investigated the role of CD16 in NK cell-mediated regulation of immunoglobulin production. Cocultures of the CD16+ human NK clone CNK6 and highly purified SAC/IL-2-activated B lymphocytes with various CD16 antibodies showed significantly diminished NK-enhanced immunoglobulin production in a dose-dependent manner, indicating that CD16 is relevant in NK-B cell interaction. Similarly, recombinant soluble CD16 incubated with B cells before cultures, suppressed the NK cell-stimulated B cell antibody response. Enhanced immunoglobulin production was also inhibited by Fc-specific F(ab')2 anti-body fragments. Coculture of NK cells with B lymphocytes resulted in induction of mRNA for IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha. The accumulation of mRNA for these cytokines was prevented by addition of CD16 and Fc-specific antibodies. It is proposed that interaction of CD16 on NK cells with B cell bound immunoglobulin leads to induction of cytokines in NK cells which stimulate immunoglobulin production by B cells.  相似文献   

We found a novel lymphoid cell lineage, V alpha 14 NKT cell, which is characterized by 1) the expression of both NK1.1 (NK receptor) and an invariant TCR encoded by V alpha 14 and J alpha 281 gene segments; 2) the expression of unusual phenotypes, such as NK1.1+, B220+, Mac-1+, HSA+, CD44+, CD45Rlow and MEL-14low; and 3) the extrathymic development: V alpha 14 NKT cells appear at d9.5 of gestation before thymus development. Moreover, the deletion of the invariant V alpha 14 TCR gene expression caused the lack of NKT cells in vivo, while transgene of the invariant V alpha 14 V beta 8 TCR in the RAG-deficient background resulted in the generation of only V alpha 14 NKT cells without other lymphoid cells. These results indicate the essential requirement of invariant V alpha 14 TCR for the development of NKT cells. Recent studies clearly show that V alpha 14 NKT cells, but not NK cells or T cells are the primary target of IL-12 in the IL-12-mediated tumor rejection.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that the first human was in space during 1961 and individuals have existed in a microgravity environment for more than a year, there are limited spaceflight data available on the responses of the neuroendocrine and immune systems. Because of mutual interactions between these respective integrative systems, it is inappropriate to assume that the responses of one have no impact on functions of the other. Blood and plasma volume consistently decrease with spaceflight; hence, blood endocrine and immune constituents will be modified by both gravitational and measurement influences. The majority of the in-flight data relates to endocrine responses that influence fluids and electrolytes during the first month in space. Adrenocorticotropin (ACTH), aldosterone, and anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) appear to be elevated with little change in the atrial natriuretic peptides (ANP). Flight results longer than 60 d show increased ADH variability with elevations in angiotensin and cortisol. Although post-flight results are influenced by reentry and recovery events, ACTH and ADH appear to be consistently elevated with variable results being reported for the other hormones. Limited in-flight data on insulin and growth hormone levels suggest they are not elevated to counteract the loss in muscle mass. Post-flight results from short- and long-term flights indicate that thyroxine and insulin are increased while growth hormone exhibits minimal change. In-flight parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels are variable for several weeks after which they remain elevated. Post-flight PTH was increased on missions that lasted either 7 or 237 d, whereas calcitonin concentrations were increased after 1 wk but decreased after longer flights. Leukocytes are elevated in flights of various durations because of an increase in neutrophils. The majority of post-flights data indicates immunoglobulin concentrations are not significantly changed from pre-flight measurements. However, the numbers of T-lymphocytes and natural killer cells are decreased with post-flight conditions. Of the lymphokines, interleukin-2 production, lymphocyte responsiveness, and the activity of natural killer cells are consistently reduced post-flight. Limited head-down tilt (HDT) data suggest it is an effective simulation model for microgravity investigations. Neuroendocrine and pharmacological countermeasures are virtually nonexistent and should become high priority items for future research. Although exercise has the potential to be an effective countermeasure for various neuroendocrine-immune responses in microgravity, this concept must be tested before flights to Mars are scheduled.  相似文献   

This review describes how exercise and physical training affect the immune system. Although many immune functions are stimulated by moderate physical activity, more vigorous effort and periods of heavy training suppress various immune response parameters. Experimental studies from our own laboratories and elsewhere illustrate that cellular infiltration of the active muscle is accompanied by phagocyte activation, suppressed NK-cell function, impaired lymphocyte proliferation, decreased in-vitro immunoglobulin production, pro-inflammatory eicosanoid release, cytokine cascade activation, and altered expression of cytokine receptors. Examples cover deliberate heavy training; single bouts of fatiguing, submaximal work; repeated bouts of exercise; and ultra-long distance athletic events. In young adults, age, environment, and light physical training do not change immune-response parameters. Parallels between immune impairment after vigorous exercise and reactions to surgical sepsis are noted. Vigorous exercise probably induces subclinical muscle injury and an associated inflammatory response. Heavy exercise may be a useful experimental model for developing more effective treatments for sepsis. For protection average athletes may take the anti-oxidant vitamins C and E and non-steroidal inflammatory drugs, if the muscles show signs of an inflammatory reaction. Top-level athletes have received immunoglobulin preparations.  相似文献   

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