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3G是时下业界和传媒普遍关注的热门话题。作为第三代移动通信的3G,是包括标准的制定、系统网络、终端应用开发等在内的一个整体概念,其鲜明特点是高速度、多媒体、个性化。其广泛的用途和诱人的前景,使得3G一经产生便骤然升温,然而好景不长,被热炒的3G如今已遭遇寒流,全球各地3G牌照价格一跌再跌,芬兰电信更首开先河,把买来的3G牌照又退还给挪威政府;欧洲最大的移动网络运营商沃达丰将3G互联网服务推迟到2003年;阿尔卡特、飞利浦、爱立信等手机厂商正急于从3G业务中抽身而走;诺基亚的股票更是缩水75%;日本的最大手机商NTT… 相似文献
黄顺芳 《通信业与经济市场》2004,(5):7-9
“就目前来说,3G存在的风险要大于机遇。”在“2004第三代移动通信应用峰会”上,王学庆对3G热的冷思考,引起了不小的反响。用陈如明的话来说就是:“3G带来的前景让厂商们兴奋不已。但其所存在的风险,也确实让大家打了一个寒颤。” 相似文献
5月15日,中国信息协会第三代移动通信技术赴欧交流考察团(简称3G技术考察团)写出了《欧洲3G技术研发商用情况考察报告》。对于近期极受困扰的中国移动通信市场而言,何时发放3G牌照,以及发放何种牌照,在这份报告面前都显得清晰了起来。 相似文献
目前对于3G的未来及前景存在着种种看法,业界都在关注3G市场到底何时能够真正展开,规模会是多大,持续期会是多长,与2.5G及4G是什么关系。在结合国内外信息和电信产业环境及中国国情的前提下,本首先分析了如何看待3G、3G标准及3G演进,然后重点论述中国3G演进市场前景及相关发展策略。 相似文献
1 目前我国2G移动通信管制中存在的问题 1.1 不均衡的市场格局 从市场结构看,目前我国移动市场只有两家移动运营 商,其中,中国移动占据了近75%的市场价值份额和66% 的用户市场份额,拥有很强的市场主导能力,因此,它与联 通并非势均力敌,所以并不是双寡头格局。突出表现在市场 相似文献
移动电话电源管理系统3G手机与以往移动电话产品的最大不同在于它支持高速的移动传输.网络供应商与运营商的主要收入来源也由语音业务转向数据业务.变换的商业需求对终端提出了更高要求.如用于视频播放的更大显示屏及具有更高速率的数据处理器等。而功能的增强意味着更高的功耗.如何在实现多功能的 相似文献
阐述了软件无线电的发展动态、基本结构,分析了其关键技术,并对第三代移动通信系统中软件无线电技术的应用和发展作了初步的探讨。 相似文献
关于我国发展第三代移动通信(3G)的需求、体制选择、自主知识产权和民族产业等,议论颇多。2000年12月中旬由国家信息协会主办的新一代移动通信国际研讨会上有集中反映,本文拟作概略介绍。 相似文献
Thomas Toftegaard Nielsen Rune Hylsberg Jacobsen 《Wireless Personal Communications》2005,33(3-4):243-259
Future communication will be based on TCP/IP as common network and transport layers to provide global connectivity to users and applications. IP is used to provide ubiquitous access across different access networks and exploits the benefits of a common connectivity layer while reducing the cost of operation and maintenance of the network. This paper discusses the opportunities for IP in the evolution towards a future broadband, all-IP mobile communication network. In particular, we argue for three opportunities for the future: Interworking access technologies over IP, IP layer transparency, and the ability to manage complexity.Thomas Toftegaard Nielsen was born on September 26th 1970 in Århus, Denmark. He holds a M.Sc.E.E. (‘95) and a Ph.D. (‘99) degree in mobile radio communications from Aalborg University, Center for PersonKommunikation, Denmark. In 1996, he joined the Danish mobile operator Sonofon, where he was involved in capacity and performance evaluations and enhancements of the frequency hopping GSM BSS system as well as advanced wireless network planning. In 1999 he was appointed senior radio project manager, where he became technically responsible for the GPRS mobile data dimensioning/planning. In 2000 he joined Ericsson Telebit A/S as wireless IP software development manager. Currently he is responsible for Ericsson’s IPv6/IPv4 termination dual-stack used in the Ericsson 2G, 2.5G and 3G terminal platforms, in parts of the Ericsson 2G and 3G access network as well as in the Ericsson MSC and MGW of the 3G core network.Rune Hylsberg Jacobsen was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, on October 12th, 1970. He holds a M.Sc. degree in physics and chemistry (1995) and a Ph.D. degree in physics (1997) from University of Aarhus. In 1996 he guested Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, USA. During this period he conducted research in optoelectronic, terahertz-bandwidth radiation applied to material characterization. In 1997 he joined the R&D unit of the Danish telecommunication operator TDC where he worked on fixed broadband access, with emphasis on ADSL deployment and the characterization of transmission properties of the local loop. In 1999 he joined Ericsson Telebit A/S and started to work on European research projects in the 4th and 5th EU framework programs. He was appointed department manager for a software development unit in year 2000. In this position he was in charge of an IP router development for the radio access network and has since worked with aspects of using IP for wireless communication systems. 相似文献
本文主要讨论了当前发展中的3G高频自适应网络通信协议与技术,重点包括有30ALE概念与协议族、数据协议单元(PDU)、3G网络组成与技术性能等。 相似文献
第三代移动通信(3G)的网络建设和初期业务提供已经开始,3G业务中的数据应用将超过话音业务。具体介绍了3G提供的典型数据应用,包括:音频业务、VoIP、静止图像传送、活动图像传送、虚拟归属环境、电子代理、下载软件等。 相似文献
本文对当前第二代移动通信系统的两种主要发展趋势作了简要介绍,并详细分析了向第三代移动通信系统演进的三种网络过渡方案。 相似文献