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Losses of nitrogen were investigated after applications of ammonium bicarbonate and urea to flooded rice at transplanting. Ammonia (NH3) volatilization was determined by direct micrometeorological methods, and total loss of fertilizer nitrogen (N) was measured by15N balance. All the loss appeared to be in gaseous forms, since there was no evidence of leaching and runoff was prevented. The difference between N loss and NH3 loss was thus assumed to be denitrification loss.Both NH3 volatilization and denitrification losses were large, being 39% and 33%, respectively, of the ammonium bicarbonate N, and 30% and 33%, respectively, of the urea N applied by farmers' methods.Ammonia fluxes from the field fertilized with ammonium bicarbonate were very high for two days, and then declined rapidly as the NH3 source in the floodwater diminished. Moderate fluxes from the field fertilized with urea continued over 6 days, but calculations showed that NH3 transfer from floodwater to atmosphere was retarded during the middle period of the experiment, particularly on day 2 when a thick algal scum appeared on the water surface. The results indicate that this algal mass obstructed the transport of NH3 across the water-air interface until the scum was dispersed by wind action. Nevertheless, the prolonged NH3 losses on the urea treatment were due primarily to high floodwater pH values promoted by the strong algal growth during the daylight hours.Nitrogen-15 balance studies showed that incorporation of fertilizer into drained soil substantially increased recoveries of fertilizer N in rice plants and soil compared with incorporation of fertilizer in the presence of standing floodwater. Ammonia loss measurements on these treatments when urea was applied suggested that the improvement in fertilizer N efficiency was due mainly to reductions in NH3 loss.  相似文献   

Control of gaseous nitrogen losses from urea applied to flooded rice soils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper reports field experiments designed to determine whether the two main processes responsible for nitrogen (N) loss from flooded rice (ammonia volatilization and denitrification) are independent or interdependent, and glasshouse studies which investigated the effect of soil characteristics on gaseous nitrogen loss.In the first field experiment ammonia (NH3) loss from the floodwater was controlled using algicides, biocides, frequent pH adjustment, shade or cetyl alcohol, and the effect of these treatments on total N loss and denitrification was determined. Most treatments reduced NH3 loss through their effects on algal growth and floodwater pH. Total gaseous N loss (54% to 35%) and NH3 loss (20% to 1.2%) were affected similarly by individual treatments, indicating that the amount lost by denitrification was not substantially changed by any of the treatments.In a subsequent field experiment NH3 and total N loss were again affected similarly by the treatments, but denitrification losses were very low. In control treatments with different rates of urea application, NH3 and total N loss were each a constant proportion of the urea applied (NH3 loss was 17% and total N loss was 24%). These results indicate that techniques which reduce NH3 loss can be expected to reduce total gaseous N loss.The glasshouse experiment showed that gaseous N losses could be reduced by draining off the floodwater, and incorporating the urea into the 0–0.05 m soil layer before reflooding. Even with this method, losses varied widely (6–27%); losses were least from a cracking clay and greatest from a coarse sand which allowed the greatest mobility of the applied N. Incorporation of applied urea can therefore be expected to prevent losses more successfully from clay soils with high ammonium retention capacity.  相似文献   

Poor N fertilizer use efficiency by flooded rice is caused by gaseous losses of N. Improved fertilizer management and use of nitrification inhibitors may reduce N losses. A microplot study using15N-labelled urea was conducted to investigate the effects of fertilizer application method (urea broadcast, incorporated, deep-placed) and nitrification inhibitor [encapsulated calcium carbide (ECC)] treatments on emission of N2+N20 and total loss of applied N on a grey clay near Griffith, NSW, Australia. Both incorporation and deep placement of urea decreased N2+N2O emission compared to urea broadcast into the floodwater. Addition of ECC significantly (P < 0.05) reduced emission of N2+N20 from incorporated or deep-placed urea and resulted in increased exchangeable ammonium concentrations in the soil in both treatments. Fifty percent of the applied N was lost when urea was broadcast into the floodwater. Total N loss from the applied N was significantly (P < 0.05) reduced when urea was either incorporated or deep placed. In the presence of ECC the losses were reduced further and the lowest loss (34.2% of the applied N) was noted when urea was deep-placed with ECC.  相似文献   

Ammonia volatilization, denitrification loss and total nitrogen (N) loss (unaccounted-for N) have been investigated from N fertilizer applied to a calcareous sandy loam fluvo-aquic soil at Fengqiu in the North China Plain. Ammonia volatilization was measured by the micrometeorological mass balance method, denitrification by the acetylene inhibition – soil core incubation technique, and total N loss by 15N-balance technique. Ammonia loss was an important pathway of N loss from N fertilizer applied to rice (30–39% of the applied N) and maize (11–48%), but less so for wheat (1–20%). The amounts of unaccounted-for fertilizer N were in the order of rice > maize > wheat. Deep placement greatly reduced ammonia volatilization and total N loss. Temperature, wind speed, and solar radiation (particular for rice), and source of N fertilizer also affect extent and pattern of ammonia loss. Denitrification (its major gas products are N2 and N2O) usually was not a significant pathway of N loss from N fertilizer applied to maize and wheat. The amount of N2O emission (N2O is an intermediate product from both nitrification and denitrification) was comparable to denitrification loss for maize and wheat, and it was not significant in the economy of fertilizer N in agronomical terms, but it is of great concern for the environment.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study on the effects of water depth in modifying rates of ammonia emission and total nitrogen loss from flooded rice fields after fertilization with urea. Ammonia loss was determined by the mass balance micrometeorological method and total nitrogen loss by15N balance.Initially ammonia was lost at a faster rate from the shallow (0.05 m) than from the deep (0.14 m) floodwater; this was due to higher ammoniacal nitrogen concentrations and higher temperatures in the shallow water. Emission rates were more nearly comparable later in the experiment, but overall, 26% of the applied nitrogen was lost as ammonia from the shallow pond and only 18% from the deep pond.Even though changes in water depth markedly affected ammonia emission rates and the amounts of ammonia lost, they did not significantly affect total nitrogen loss. The results suggest that management practices based only on changes in water depth may not result in increased efficiency of fertilizer nitrogen for flooded rice.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study in the wet tropics of Queensland on the fate of urea applied to a dry or wet soil surface under banana plants. The transformations of urea were followed in cylindrical microplots (10.3 cm diameter × 23 cm long), a nitrogen (N) balance was conducted in macroplots (3.85 m × 2.0 m) with 15N labelled urea, and ammonia volatilization was determined with a mass balance micrometeorological method. Most of the urea was hydrolysed within 4 days irrespective of whether the urea was applied onto dry or wet soil. The nitrification rate was slow at the beginning when the soil was dry, but increased greatly after small amounts of rain; in the 9 days after rain 20% of the N applied was converted to nitrate. In the 40 days between urea application and harvesting, the macroplots the banana plants absorbed only 15% of the applied N; at harvest the largest amounts were found in the leaves (3.4%), pseudostem (3.3%) and fruit (2.8%). Only 1% of the applied N was present in the roots. Sixty percent of the applied N was recovered in the soil and 25% was lost from the plant-soil system by either ammonia volatilization, leaching or denitrification. Direct measurements of ammonia volatilization showed that when urea was applied to dry soil, and only small amounts of rain were received, little ammonia was lost (3.2% of applied N). In contrast, when urea was applied onto wet soil, urea hydrolysis occurred immediately, ammonia was volatilized on day zero, and 17.2% of the applied N was lost by the ninth day after that application. In the latter study, although rain fell every day, the extensive canopy of banana plants reduced the rainfall reaching the fertilized area under the bananas to less than half. Thus even though 90 mm of rain fell during the volatilization study, the fertilized area did not receive sufficient water to wash the urea into the soil and prevent ammonia loss. Losses by leaching and denitrification combined amounted to 5% of the applied N.  相似文献   

Ammonia (NH3) volatilization is an important mechanism for nitrogen (N) loss from flooded rice fields following the application of urea into the floodwater. One method of reducing losses is to use a urease inhibitor that retards the hydrolysis of urea by soil urease and allows the urea to diffuse deeper into the soil. The two chemicals that have shown most promise in laboratory and greenhouse studies are phenylphosphorodiamidate [PPD] and N-(n-butyl)thiophosphorictriamide [NBPT], but they seldom work effectively in the field. PPD decomposes rapidly when the pH departs from neutrality, and NBPT must be converted to the oxygen analogue [N-(n-butyl)phosphorictriamide, NBPTO] for it to be effective. Our field studies in Thailand showed that NH3 loss is markedly reduced when PPD is added with the algicide terbutryn. The studies also showed that a mixture of PPD and NBPT was even more effective than either PPD or NBPT alone. It appears that initially PPD inhibited urease activity, and during this time at least part of the NBPT was converted to NBPTO; then as the activity of PPD declined, NBPTO inhibited the hydrolysis of urea. The combined urease inhibitor treatment reduced NH3 loss from 15 to 3% of the applied N, and increased grain yield from 3.6 to 4.1 t ha–1.  相似文献   

An indirect method for evaluating the emission of ammonia from urea-fertilized upland crops or urine-affected pastures, without affecting the plant's environment, was evaluated at Yanco, N.S.W., Australia and near Lincoln University, New Zealand. The parameters measured were the ammoniacal nitrogen concentration, pH and temperature in the aqueous phase at the soil's surface, and windspeed at a reference height. The combined effect of these influences on volatilization rate were incorporated into a linear relationship of the form F =k u z 0, where F is the vertical flux of ammonia, determined by a micrometeorological method,u z is the wind speed at some reference height above the soil,0 is the ammonia concentration in equilibrium with the liquid phase (calculated from the ammoniacal nitrogen concentration, pH and temperature) andk is a proportionality constant. Strong linear relationships of this kind were found for the data sets from both experiments. The respective correlation coefficients for the relationships at the two sites were 0.870 and 0.879, and the respective k values were 6.3 × 10–5 and 7.5 × 10–5. The field measurements require little in the way of specialized equipment (e.g. flat - surface pH electrode, ammonia electrode, anemometer) and are comparatively easy to carry out. The results suggest that with some further refinement, this technique could achieve application in the calculation of ammonia losses from small plots in the field.  相似文献   

A field study was carried out to estimate volatilization and denitrification losses of15N applied as urea of ammonium sulphate to a wet land rice soil. Nitrapyrin (a nitrification inhibitor) was also applied to some treatments along with the two N sources.The N level in floodwater increased rapidly, soon after applying fertilizer N, but decreased to lower values within a few days. At 1 week after applying urea and ammonium sulphate, N losses were 37.6% and 60.6% respectively. The corresponding figures after 4 weeks were 55.7% and 61.9% while with nitrapyrin added the corresponding values were 37.2% and 57.2% after 1 week and 52.7 and 65.0% after 4 weeks respectively indicating that losses due to dentrification are negligible.  相似文献   

Ammonia loss from urea applied to dry-seeded rice, determined using a micrometeorological technique, varied considerably depending on the time of application. Ammonia volatilization was negligible, before and after flooding, when urea was applied to the dry soil surface two days before permanent flood. Before flooding, the urea prills remained undissolved and urea hydrolysis could not proceed. Thus there was no source of fertilizerderived ammonia for volatilization to occur. Upon flooding, the urea prills were washed into cracks in the soil which subsequently closed. Therefore the movement of soluble nitrogen into the floodwater was prevented, and again there was no ammonia source for the volatilization process.When urea was broadcast into the floodwater a few days after permanent flood, ammonia losses were high and varied from 11–21% of the nitrogen applied. These losses were associated with high floodwater pHs and high wind speeds near the water surface.However, when urea was applied into the floodwater at panicle initiation, ammonia losses were low (3–8% of the applied nitrogen). At this stage of growth the plant canopy shaded the floodwater, inhibiting algal photosynthesis and consequent pH elevation, thus resulting in low ammonia gas concentrations at the floodwater surface. In addition, the plant canopy restricted air movement at the water surface, thereby reducing ammonia transport away from the air-water interface.These findings provide basic information required for improving current fertilizer management practices.  相似文献   

The extent of ammonia volatilization from prilled urea, urea supergranule and urea amended with neem seed cake, shell-lac and dicyandiamide was studied in a field experiment on flooded rice. The ammonia loss was measured by the closed acid trap method. The collected ammonia was highest from unamended prilled urea, accounting for 19 to 20 per cent of the applied N in 1983 and 20 to 24 per cent of the applied N in 1984. Coating of urea prills was either coaltar soaked neem seed cake or shell-lac was more effective than coating with dicyandiamide in reducing ammonia loss. Deep placement of urea as a supergranule was the most effective method of reducing ammonia volatilization. A diurnal variation in the pH and temperature of floodwater was observed. The quantity of ammonia collected in the acid trap was closely related to ammoniacal-N concentration and pH of the floodwater.  相似文献   

Fertilizer N losses on waterlogged texture-contrast soils (sand over clay) are usually attributed to denitrification and leaching. In this experiment, waterlogging events were imposed on 25-cm-diameter, 75-cm-long columns of texture-contrast soil planted to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Treatments included 6, 12, and 18 d of aerobic conditions between fertilization using 15N-labelled urea (5.0 g m-2) and 3-d waterlogging events. Denitrification, measured by 15N-chamber methods, was the largest loss mechanism identified during waterlogging. Dinitrogen was the main product of denitrification. Longer aerobic periods prior to waterlogging increased denitrification losses from 3.1 to 9.4% of the urea-N added. Leaching losses of 15NO3 (3.1 – 5.3%) between 20 and 70 cm were less than denitrification fluxes. Total15 N recovery in the wheat plants and soil was 87.9% before waterlogging and decreased to 72.3% after waterlogging. The balance of added fertilizer N was reasonably well reconstructed if it is assumed that NH3 volatilization accounted for the early loss of 12% of the urea-N, and that in addition to the measured surface fluxes of N2 + N2O, some of these gases remained entrapped in the soil. This study confirms that texture-contrast soils cropped to wheat have a high potential for N losses through denitrification and leaching during waterlogging events.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study, in a flooded rice field in Thailand, on the effects of two urease inhibitors, cyclohexylphosphorictriamide (CHPT) and N-(n-butyl)phosphorictriamide (NBPTO), the nitrification inhibitor phenylacetylene and an algicide treatment, consisting of alternate additions of copper sulfate and terbutryn at ~3 day intervals, on nitrogen (N) transformations and transfers, and grain yield. The addition of algicide reduced the growth of algae and maintained the pH of the floodwater below that of the control for 11 days. Judging from the ammoniacal N concentrations of the floodwater, phenylacetylene inhibited nitrification. The two urease inhibitors markedly reduced urea hydrolysis and CHPT was more effective than NBPTO. Addition of CHPT maintained the ammoniacal N concentration of the floodwater below 2 g m–3 for 11 days and reduced ammonia loss by ~90%. All urease inhibitor treatments in combination with algicide and / or nitrification inhibitor significantly (p < 0.05) increased the recovery of applied N by the plant. Addition of NBPTO or CHPT in combination with phenylacetylene and algicide resulted in a 2 or 3 fold increase of applied N in the grain, and significantly (p < 0.05) increased grain yield.  相似文献   

Nitrogen losses from irrigated wheat (cv. Matong) grown on a heavy clay in the Goulburn-Murray Irrigation Region following foliar applications of urea at heading were investigated. Ammonia (NH3) volatilization was determined by a micrometeorological method and total nitrogen (N) loss was determined by a15N balance technique. The effects of the foliar application on grain N concentration and grain yield were determined also.Little nitrogen was lost by NH3 volatilization following the foliar application. The rate of NH3 loss increased briefly from <11 g N ha–1 hr–1 to >19 g N ha–1 hr–1 following rainfalls of 3 and 2 mm which washed 34% of the applied N from the plant onto the soil and increased the pH of the surface soil. The pH effect was short lived and total NH3 loss amounted to only 2.13 kg N ha–1 or 4.3% of the applied N.The15N balance study also showed that little N was lost from the plant-soil system until rain had washed the fertilizer from the plant onto the soil. In the period 152 to 206 DAS, the soil component of the applied N decreased from 34% to 9%. This fraction then increased slightly to 12% of the applied N at harvest. At that time, 69% of the applied N was recovered in the plants indicating that 19% of the applied N had been lost from the plant-soil system. As there was no evidence for leaching of N, the difference between total N loss as measured by15N balance (19%) and NH3 loss (4%) is considered to be loss by denitrification (15%).The fertilizer N assimilated by the plant was efficiently remobilised from the leaves and stems to the head; 78% of the fertilizer N assimilated by the plant tops had been translocated to the head by the time of harvest. Grain N concentration responded to the foliar N application. The fitted response function had significant linear (P = 0.004) and quadratic (P = 0.10) trends to N rate, whereas there was no significant effect on grain yield.  相似文献   

Ammonia losses following surface applications of urea to trash covered sugar cane fields were investigated in four climatic zones of tropical Queensland. Volatilization of ammonia and evaporation of water were determined by micrometeorological techniques. The results showed that the pattern, rate and extent of ammonia loss were controlled by the availability of water in the trash and its evaporation. Water added by dewfall, rainfall or condensation of evaporated soil moisture dissolved some of the urea and allowed it to be hydrolyzed to ammonia by the urease enzyme in the sugarcane residues; when the water evaporated, ammonia was lost to the atmosphere.In the dry climatic zone, where no rain or dew fell, water addition to the trash by condensation of evaporated soil moisture was not sufficient to dissolve much urea so very little ammonia was lost. In the cool and warm moist zones, small additions of water to the trash from dew, light rain and condensation maintained a slow but steady pattern of ammonia loss over a period of six weeks and resulted in losses of 32% and 39% of the applied nitrogen. At the site in the wet zone, heavy rainfall apparently washed the urea from the trash layer into the soil and limited ammonia loss to 17% of the applied nitrogen.Substitution of ammonium sulfate for urea reduced ammonia loss to less than 1.8% of the applied nitrogen.  相似文献   

Theoretical considerations for the development of a simplified model for predicting volatilization losses of ammonia gas (NH3(g)) from the urine patches of grazing herbivores in a pasture ecosystem are presented. The volatilization of NH3(g) is treated as a physico-chemical phenomenon based on the soil solution chemistry of urine patches to develop a general equation to describe the rate of volatilization from a pasture surface. A semi-empirical approach was then used in which published data define typical limits for the parameters appearing in the volatilization equation. This led to the simplification of the general volatilization equation into a more useable and more readily verifiable form.The dominant factor in determining the rate of volatilization of NH3(g) was shown to be the soil surface pH. To better understand the dynamics of pH changes within urine patches, the more extensive literature dealing with volatilization losses from flooded soils was reviewed. From the apparent similarities between the two systems a procedure was described by which a careful monitoring of soil surface pH as a function of time could be used to solve the simplified equation.To calculate NH3(g) fluxes this model requires the following as input data: a knowledge of the disposition of the applied-N within the soil profile; the rate of urea hydrolysis in the topsoil; and soil surface pH and temperature measurements throughout the duration of a volatilization event.  相似文献   

Relative ammonia volatilization loss from prilled urea, urea supergranule (USG), neem cake-coated urea (NCU), rock phosphate-coated urea (RPCU), gypsum-coated urea (GCU), and prilled urea supplemented with dhaincha (Sesbania aculeata) green manure (Dh + PU) was measured in the fields under different hydrological situations of rice growing. Ammoniacal-N and pH of flood water were less with point placement of USG and Dh + PU treatments than with single basal broadcast applications of urea-based fertilizers. Ammonia collected with an acid trap in an enclosed chamber ranged from 1.47–3.07, 0.24–3.74, 0.80–3.50 and 0.50–1.20% of the applied N in upland, alternate wetting and drying, shallow submergence and intermediate deep water situations, respectively. The collected ammonia was less with point placement of USG at 5 cm depth in all situations and with Dh + PU treatment in shallow submergence than with other sources of N. Single basal broadcast applications of RPCU or NCU resulted in relatively higher loss. The loss from top-dressed urea was less than that from basally applied urea because of larger crop canopy at later stages of crop growth.  相似文献   

The acidifying effect of fertilizers applied to agricultural soils can be estimated from their chemical composition and a quantification of the nitrogen cycle in the agricultural system under consideration. In The Netherlands, the acidifying effect of fertilizers is estimated from an ionic-balance equation, referred to as the Pierre-Sluijsmans equation. This equation estimates the amounts of lime required to neutralize the acidifying effect of fertilizers applied to agricultural soils. In the present paper this ionic-balance equation is derived from chemical considerations and its theoretical background is discussed. Particular attention is paid to the acidifying effect of the nitrogen component of fertilizers applied to agricultural soils.  相似文献   

The compound N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (nBTPT) was tested for its ability to reduce the rate of urea hydrolysis in applications of urea at 10 d after transplanting flooded rice. The rates of urea hydrolysis were relatively slow, and nBTPT caused a 1-d reduction in the rate of disappearance of urea from the floodwater. Despite this, the vapor pressures of ammonia in the floodwater were significantly lower in the plots with nBTPT than without for the first 5 d following the N application. The vapor pressures of ammonia measured in the afternoons indicate that ammonia volatilization losses were considerable from the treatments without nBTPT and low from the treatments with nBTPT. There was no nitrogen response in this wet-season crop, apparently because of the high availability of N in the soil. N conserved from ammonia volatilization losses by use of the inhibitor was apparently susceptible to denitrification loss, and 50% of the fertilizer was lost in the 37 d following the application of15N-labeled urea both with and without the inhibitor.  相似文献   

The compound N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) was found to be a more effective ureas inhibitor than phenyl phosphorodiamidate (PPDA) in flooded soils when compared at concentrations of from 0.5 to 5% of the weight of urea. It allowed essentially no ammoniacal-N to acumulate in the floodwater when added at 0.5% of the weight of urea. The fate of urea was also determined in a flooded, unplanted soil with NBPT used as an inhibitor at a rate of 2% by weight of urea. At 41 days, fertilizer-N loss without the inhibitor was 73.4%, whereas with NBPT, 34.7% of the fertilizer was lost, presumably all by denitrification. With NBPT, urea hydrolysis was not inhibited below a 1 cm depth in the soil and most of the N (35.0%) accumulated as exchangeable NH 4 + -N. Except for 15.0% of the fertilized accumulated as organic-N on the soil surface layer, immobilized N accounted for only an additional 7.0% in the soil at 22 days. Although the N saved from NH3 volatilization loss obviously is eligible for denitrification losses, denitrification apparently was not enhanced to an appreciable extent by use of the inhibitor in that total losses were 15.7% at 22 days.  相似文献   

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